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Cambridge University Press

978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
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Your Learner’s Book: Structure and features

Here is a guide to your OWOP Learner’s Book

The Content
Standard box
states the pre-
determined level
of knowledge a Keywords list
learner attains by helps you to learn
a said stage. important or new
words during a
The Indicator
box states
the expected
outcome for the
sub-strand. Use the
to answer
questions about
the things you
have learnt.

The Activity help you practise what

you have learnt. You can work alone, in
pairs, in groups and as a class for these
Strand opener activities.
There are five
“strands” in your
Learner’s Book The ICT boxes
– one for each gives you
strand of the Our direction on how
World Our People to study on the
curriculum. internet.

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Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Strand: 1
All about us

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Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Strand 1: All about us

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

Content Standard
Demonstrate understanding of the uniqueness of human beings
among God’s creation.

By the end of this indicator, you would be able to
explain that human beings are unique compared to
other creatures.

The uniqueness of human beings

In our lesson today, we will invite Enyonam,
Abiba and Kwei to stand in front of the class.

What can you say about these three learners?

Are they the same in physical appearance?
Do they do the same activities in school
and at home?
Do they get the same marks in examinations? We are all unique

We can see that non of them is the same as the other. Even our thumb prints
are not the same. Twins are also not the same. This is how God created us.
We are created differently. Each one of us is unique.

Stories about creation Keywords

God is the creator of all things including human beings
and animals. He is the all-knowing, powerful and creator appearance
of all things. He is also the almighty. unique

When God created the world, and the Garden of Eden, He realised that He
needed to create human beings, animals and the rest. He then created Adam
and later Eve. God breathed air into human beings so we can breathe. He
also used His powers to give us the sun, moon and stars. He causes rain to
also fall in seasons.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

He provides us food to keep

us alive or sustain our lives. He also
knows everything on the minds of
every one of us. If you think evil or
good towards your fellow being or any
of His creatures, He knows. He even
knew us before we were born.
This is great. God deserves to be
worshipped all the time.
Different animals
Unique characteristics of humans and animals
Do you know you are special?
Mention some attributes you have that
make you different from others.

Now look at pictures of the following

animals: cows, sheeps, pigs, goats
and fowls. Look at Dede and Atsu.
Compare these children to the animals
in the picture above.

Are they the same in appearance?

What do the animals have that the Dede and Atsu
human beings do not have or vice versa?
Do we do the same things?
What can we do that animals cannot do? Do we stay with all these animals
at home? What again can you see or say about these two categories of

You see that we can continue to ask many questions that give us differences
and similarities between animals and human beings.
Things or characteristics of human beings that
make us different from other creatures are include: rationally
a. we have a unique personality. communicate
b. ability to be creative and think rationally . creatures
c. ability to communicate and collaborate.
d. ability to exercise judgment and make choices between right and wrong.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

e. ability to walk upright throughout life.

f. ability to learn.

Other unique qualities

Other attributes that make man different from other creatures are that
humankind has emotions:
a. kindness
b. taking care
c. companionship
d. holiness
e. faithfulness
f. love
g. merciful
h. compassion.

Humans have compassion

Activity 1
In groups of four or five:

a. Each group brings to class pictures of a number of animals. You can

print more of these pictures on the internet.
b. Write all the things human beings do and animals also do (similarities).
c. Write all the things human beings do and animals cannot do or vice
versa (differences).
d. Read out your answers to the class group by group.
e. Compare your answers with other groups.
f. What have you observed generally?

Learners display their posters for class discussion and peer-review.

Your teacher or facilitator will guide you as to how to go about this activity.

You will notice that, though human beings and animals do some things
in the same way, there are many differences between man and animal.
We will discuss some of them.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

Uniqueness of human beings compared to other creatures

Ability to create complex things
Human beings have the ability to
make things from the natural things
God creates. For example, human
beings are able to make furniture,
build houses, build boats and canoes
from trees and other natural things.
Animals cannot do that.

An aeroplane Pencil and books Vehicles

Ability to communicate meaningfully

Human beings are the only creatures that
can speak meaningfully with one another.
They have the skill to develop their language
and learn the languages of other people.

Human beings are social beings

Humans communicating among
Human beings easily make friends with
other humans. They live together in large
groups or communities and share resources Keywords
among themselves. They have the ability to
train animals to live with them at home (domesticate) resource
and also engage in farming and trade. trade
Human beings are creative
Human beings develop through designing and creating things using their
hands and brain. They use creative arts to entertain themselves and develop
technology to produce things in large quantities.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

Humankind’s eating habit differs

Humankind is omnivore; that means
we eat both flesh and plants. Most
animals are either herbivores; that is
they eat only plants, or carnivores;
that is they eat flesh only.

Ability to be curious
The nature of the human brain is
complex. This has made humans
curious to understand their environment. Humans way of eating
This curiosity has led man to develop
tools and machines to make life simple to live.

Different stages of walking Keywords

Human beings have different stages of learning omnivore
how to walk upright. They learn to sit, crawl,
stand up, take a few steps, before they walk about.
Most animals that have four feet walk within one curious
hour after they are born.

Walking upright is a challenge for animals


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

Ability to be creative and change the environment

Human beings have the ability to change their environment through
technology to survive and live meaningful lives. Animals cannot change
their environment. They can only adapt to the environment to survive. God
has given humans the ability to think in the right manner, in order to live
meaningful lives.

Through science and technology they have made fantastic discoveries and
inventions to make work easier and increase productivity.
They have built houses to live in, vehicles and judgement
aeroplanes for easy and fast movement. They made
telephones for easy and quick communication and
many other things which animals and other creatures
cannot do.

Humankind used science and technology

An aeroplane
to build factories for production of goods

Ability to exercise judgement and choose between right and wrong

Humans are the only creation of God that have the ability to exercise
judgement and make choices. These qualities in us help mankind
distinguish between right and wrong.

The qualities also enable mankind to know the will of God and stay away
from evil deeds.God did not give these qualities of exercising judgement to
animals. That is one major difference between humans and other creatures.


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

Human beings have the ability to learn

Humankind has the ability to learn and get skills and knowledge. Humankind
applies these skills and knowledge in their lives to live a better life. Learning
has helped human beings to improve in all spheres of life. Animals on the
other hand live by instinct to survive.

Humans learning in school Humans learning a trade

Other unique qualities

Humans have emotions: They express joy, anger, sadness, fear of
punishment when they do wrong, and happiness for doing the right thing.

Record History
Another difference is that humans can record and determine history.
From the beginning of time, humans has recorded past events for the
benefit of future generations. There is no example of any animal recording
their history for future generations.

Worship Keywords
Only humans can experience faith
and closeness of God in life. emotions
Humans alone of all earthly creation can history
worship the Creator in an organised generations
way. Humans alone can put their trust in the judgement
guidance and leadership of God.
Humans alone have the sense of judgement that there is life after
death and so they must be upright.


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-9-988-89744-4 — Essential Our World and Our People Primary 5 Learner's Book
Series: Ghana Local Education
More Information

Sub-strand 1: Nature of God

Activity 2

In your groups you will do the following:
a. Think carefully about the things we mentioned about man.
b. Among yourselves find out why you think God created man to be
different from other creatures.
c. You should have at least two points.
d. Read out what you have to the class.
e. Compare your answers.

Reasons God created human beings

God wants humankind to worship Him. Keywords
He wanted to have fellowship with man through
worship. He wanted us to show all the attributes attributes
He God has, which He also gave humans: love, fellowship
gentleness, humility, patience, tolerance and all the rest fruitful
we learn about, through our fellowship with him. stewards
God wants humankind to be fruitful. He wants us to bring forth children to fill
the earth.

God wants humans to rule and protect; all the water bodies, the beasts
on land, the birds that fly in the sky and creatures in the sea were to be
controlled by man. He wants us to be stewards of his creation.


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