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My bucket list

Life is too short for us to dwell on the every little small matter concerning each person. Yet, it
goes without saying that we needn't to have aims and goals in life as simple as they maybe. We
each have our biggest goal we aim to achieve and many small actions we wish to fulfill before
our light burns out.

Personally, I wish to visit Japan and experience many new things. For instance, I'd like to go to
a cosplay event as anime and video games have been a part of my life. As someone who
enjoys collecting things, I'd also like to collect figures and mangas. Furthermore, visiting
Japanese shrines has been on my wishlist for sometime now. I want to learn more about their
religion, beliefs and architectures. Hopefully, I'd also get to experience their festivals once in my
life. I heard how delicious the food are in the foodstalls, plus the small games we can
participate. The prize wouldn't be that rewarding yet the fun is in trying hard to obtain it. My tiny
bucket list does not only has simple activities such as these aforementioned pleasures of
course. Some can be challenging like Sky diving and bungee jumping. As I said earlier life is too
short so might as well enjoy to the fullest in this little time we have, is it not? It is not only thrill
and the excitement I can get from sky diving, but also the scenery plays a great deal for me. I
love beautiful sceneries and would do anything to experience them. As such, flying over New
York City in a helicopter at night time is one of my dreams. I also wanna travel around Europe
because their history, food, architecture and languages has pique my interest. I'd like to eat
delicious food and enjoy different music around the Europe.

There are endless things I'd like to see, my aims, my ambitions and I sincerely hope I can fulfill
all of them.

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