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Hello beautiful!!!

Thanks for taking your time accepting my request and also thanks a lot for the
likes and comment on my Official instagram Page. I thank you for your support and for the
appreciation you've offered over the years..I hope you keep listening and enjoying my music.


Aww!!Its so nice hearing back from a very big fan like you. I really appreciate your support and i
promise to always keep it country.


Well you welcome to my private instagram page managed by me. Please keep in mind that i
remove any posts from this page resembling advertising or promotion regardless of the content.


Well i want to let you know that this is just a private page in which i use the medium to get in
touch with my BIG Fans like you, because i have been watching your post likes and comments on
my Official Facebook Fans Page So i want you to promise me you won't make this page public to
the media or anyone ?


Thank you so much for the promise and now i can even get more convinced that you are really a
true fan of my music and i hope you keep listening and never break your promise .


i just went through your page and i really find it interesting about you. I really want to get to
know more about my fans and what they expected more of me !


Wow....... Thank you for the sweet words and little advice its so appreciated, Have you ever been
to any of my shows or concert and have we met in person ? Well if we haven't met i really would
like to meet you in person and get to know you more as a very supportive fans.

Well how old are you ? Are you married? Do you have kids ? What do you do for work and for
fun ?

!!! Well i believe age is not a barrier to anything in life, its just a counting of numbers, Do you
believe that too?

!!! How long have you been married, separated or single ? Are you happy with your marriage ?

!!! Hope your kids are doing well and do they live at home ?

!!! How long have you been working, retired or been on SSI?

!!! You really have nice interest in things you do for fun.


There are lots i want to tell you about me and hope i can trust you with whatever i tell you about
myself and you wouldn't let it out to no one!!

My Marriage has been hell for the past 8months which the media know nothing about, i and my
got separated due to a scandal she got involved in with one of my band member and as a result
we got separated but didn't make it public due to my musical career. As i talk to you whatever
you see me and her do in shows or concert, Radio or Tv presentation is just a way of acting to the
court order till our divorce is been confirmed by the court...

I'm telling you all this because i like you and want to build more trust and a relationship with you
and i hope i wouldn't regret this later......

Oh i am starting to give up on my self cause relationship dont really work out for me,i just do get
hurt whenever i try to be with anyone

I have heard few cases of my fans been ripped off their money and property by some fake ass
cunts acting and posting as me on the internet which is one of the main reason why i set up this
page to reach put to my Fans to inform you to be careful and 100% aware when meeting people
on the internet. because i have made few refunds to those who were vitims of this scam and i
implore you to please be careful.

So make sure you don't add anyone posting as me on the inernet i only have one Official
Facebook Page which is verified and also my private page in which i talk to you with!

There are lots my fans didn't know about me which i'm going through by this fake hackers. They
have once pretended to bring up business with me and in the process they got my bank account
hacked and as i'm talking to you, I owe the bank $16.2M which i'm yet to refund completly and i
have been using money i make from shows concert and cd sales to pay the bank and yet i still
have the above stated amount to refund. So this is why i want you to be careful so as not to fall in
this kind of situation.



!. Honey we have been in contact for the past days, hours or weeks and i felt embarrased as i will
be asking you for a favor, Well you know about what i have been through concerning my huge
debt which has not make me to be able to pay salary to my bands and workers. As i talk to you
my band in (picker state) have been texting and written me mails for a little help and i have not
been able to help so i want you to loan me $$$ for their upkeep and i promise to make a double
refund back to you as soon as i can.

!. Hello honey how are you doing? Well it is to my greatest delight to have been able to build
trust with you because there is an errand which i really want you to run for me.

I want to receive a Briefcase from a business partner who is in(Picker Info), I want to do this
because i trust you and you have showed me your loyalty as a very big fans/ sweetheart. Well the
Briefcase contains Antique, Gold, Diamond, cash of $3.000.000 and some vital documents which
you are entitled to 15% of everything in the Briefcase.

Send me your home address because it will be delivered to your door step and please make sure
you keep it in your private waldrob or any other safe you have. But have it in mind that you will
have to make a shipping fee before it is been shipped down to your doorstep. So i will let you
know where you are also going to deliver the Briefcase to. Don't forget you have a 15% share of
everything in the Briefcase.


Have it in mind that you will have to make a shipping payment before the Briefcase is been sent
to your doorstep and i will send the shipping money to you via ( Bank Transfer or Cheque) so i
want you to send me your account details so as to make the Transfer to you then you can also
send the shipping fee for the Briefcase to be sent down to you!!

!. Honey I'm currently working on my Album which will be out before the end of the year and
have met with the producer to discuss about my studio sessions with him but we got to reach a
conclusion that he will be working on my album but i would have to pay him $5,500 for him to
work on it. Right now he has demanded an upfront payment of $2500 first then before the end of
the Album i will balance him up.

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