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Hello, everyone.

Even today, there are many traditional foods that come down in Korea. Among them, there is
one of the king's favorite foods, and the most popular food is Braised Galbi jjim. Nowadays,
people of all ages like Braised Short Ribs, eating them on special days such as holidays and
birthdays. Galbi jjim is rich in minerals such as essential amino acids, vitamins and iron that
replenish tile blood and strengthen bones and muscles. But do you know how to make delicious
braised short ribs with beef and vegetables?

Today I will explain how to make Galbi jjim. Let me explain what to do at each stage and some
important points to consider. To begin, there are six stages of making Galbi jjim.

The first stage is called preparing. This is when you should prepare all the ingredients and
equipment that you need. The next stage is known as draining. At this stage, soak the beef ribs in
water for one day to drain the blood. The third stage is called trimming. At this time, slice the
vegetables such as radish, carrot, and onion. Step 4 is to make the sauce. Mix soy sauce, chopped
green onion and sesame oil well. The following stage is called Blood removal. This is when
seasoned cabbage with fish sauce, red pepper powder, and fruit. The final stage is called Boiling.
Now, ferment the seasoned cabbage until it is well cooked.

So, that completes the how to make Galbi jjim. Through the six stages Preparing, Draining,
Trimming, Make Seasoning, Blood removal, Boiling. It’s really a simple process that easy to make
at home. Thank you for listening my Presentation

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