Mr. Angel

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MR. ANGEL with a madre vice and Gl joe body has aA Joeween hi lage—and was known ae Suan Buck ‘Angelis an international adit entertainer better known around the word a “The Man With o Pus I is hard to mage that ths tou tattooed man His pom carer began in the early 2000 when the sax business id not have expanded its boundaries to transom performers ‘Agel is considered a pioneer in many aspects be featured in an able fm produces by an cexchsiey ery pom compny and performed in the frst pornogrghe scene ever fied between 3 rane woman and a rans man in the mavie Alana Sts Big Boob Aderes Before Cahn Jenner and Laveme Cox got the spotight and the attenton ofthe media the name Buck Angel was akendy breaking taboos in Europe Unted States and beyond-—awakening. people's sexual emotions perhaps never explored before. However his career has nt been easy He had to cvercome many diferent obstaces imposed not ony by the society of the 90s and the LGBT lesbian py tise! ac transgender) comunity bt ako by his Conn demons and vp acd downs In 2013, rector Dan Hint fled the documentary, Mr Angel, 2c the weld saw a sersive man who continues dealing with the harsh memories hor the past [Now his career has taken another dection 23y from the porn industry. and despite going through 2 divorce with is 1 years partner: layne Ange famous for practicing a genital perng on Lenny Kravta—he continues attending conferences even at Harvard Univers. Fusion Magasin ha the opportrity to tak with Me “Angel to know more about his career fe and the "WT JORGEA HERNANOEZ | PHOTO: BUCKANGEL Pros and cons ofthe gay pom industry. When did you decide to transition into o ‘man? Did you elready have in mind to start ‘doing porn? [No.1 not. My trarson was over 20 years ago. vas nat very comfortable with my body 20 years a. I it even the my saga, soit was hard for me to ‘even hve Sex So pornography realy ait come to A thougt my head until became very comfortable seoualy with my body hich took me 10 years of my What was the harder situation you had to ‘experience when you started doing porn? "Myharder experience forme was my oun comerniy The LGBTQ. mostly trans man were very negate toward me, and said very ely mean things 10 me. ‘They sid tat | coud not be a man because | have {saga that Iwas not rey 2 transom what you tre doing shomble or the tran men commun Ws ‘ute faxrating to me thit you move now to ody 2 ears liter that | started my work there ae now many men cag themes men with vaginas. But they didnt do it before me, Why do you think many gay porn performers ‘commit suicide? Is the Industry really hard to deol with? Wow thats avery tough question to answer: Ain. isis my own thought dont know why that happens bt es porography avery fi thing, (Once youge nto pornography you can't never leave. ‘And what mean by thai’ otal do anymore | do way mare ting more thin pornography sesk a over the word 'do acter, | do all kinds of ‘things but myname is pow atached to pornography forever Even fl wane to 34 don't do por. doesn't rater thie wat happens that maybe they get epresed because they cart see people lok at them in a diferent light. I the United States and many parts ofthe werd people who do sex work ‘pornography ae looked down upon a a neat thing There salt of prcholoial stu that happens wth doing publ sex and dong pornography tht ple dont understand tat we need to del wih hy. Yes, some poeography gay men have leled themsches and ifs sper sad and we ned to figure ‘ut wy ths happening ‘What were the main reazons you moved out of the United States? How has being away {from the country effected your career? ‘One reason that | moved out of the United Sates is because the government Dring tht tie, president Bush vas in ofce and he was not dong paste thing for our country He was going 10 war the ceconomy—people were saflerng Alea, | was living in New Orleans, Lous and hurricane Katrina It and nobody gets anything | was dacouraged by iy courtry because | am a proud American love beng Amerian but | was very dScouraged by the ‘way people were being trested That why chose to ‘move to Mexico for 10 years Mesica i a beaut affected anyway. became beter when | moved there because | could concentrate more on my career ded not have to wony about making 100 ‘much maney to ve or heath cre You know ts very expensive to ie nthe Unted States, and our ‘economy 20 bad Sq,moving 0 Meco was actualy 8 poste thing in many ways for me, ‘How have you been treated in @ country were mony would say Is ruled by the ‘machista beliefs ond with violence ogoinst say people? Those sae tig tht you a akg about Mico happenin the Unted States, and I ne %0 537 10 Jou | ink that this happens more the United States tan they do in Mexico: there isa lot of misconception in the Unites States about Mexia. ved thee fo 10 years and never had one se problem with anody in fact they welcomed me ‘nth open ar Rad made so many amazing lng beast relaionsips with Mexican people spoke ae page 34) [Cont fom 32) a over the country 9 universes yn Mesa. s0 tof ‘many laws have changed in Mexico There are some There are poor anc rch people, and that cauted same in the United Sates In Mexico can go tothe octr for 2 doar! You cago to the Unite States forks tan 5CO dolars (ahs). My © about Mexico. Why ore transsexuals like Caitlyn Jenner oF Laverne Cox celebrated and recognized While other transsexuals ‘re rejected by society? very spect way. Bit bs There many people that mean things about them They ee a transenual person, people lar from that and Now that you are a successful educat lecturer, writer and motivational speaker for LGBTQ rights, how do you feel about this new part of your life? (Oh, gosh. fel very besod fel alot of grattude znd fel alot of ove Sometimes cant believe tat shen wae younger | ted to commit side and ¥ people hive toy many of our you have, safel etm jt suppoted to be doing this fee happy tht my place tight row Som What do you feel when people and media refer to you as @ gay leon? ortho fel Honore Monty at people thik of mm a anion bt ar ut ‘everybody ele. | dont feel any cere than you o anybody fel tthe same level as everybody ee. dont fel that | am mere important than anybody pe famous but ft doesnt matter for me. The The life-size sculpture that artist Mere ‘Quinn made of your body is really amazing. What was your frst reaction when you saw we cried sculpture of ny Qn believe i have 3: wll becauze ite very surreal to goto a fimour woud be there forever—100 years, when | ce, that sculpture tl be there, 20 te an hover ‘When Buck Angel looks back to the post ‘and then to the present, what are your thoughts about your life and career? nom as everybody ees presence whatever tat means. S, when I loka back tink hen wa te kid I wanted to bea bo. didn ie boy 1s there onything you would say, Kt if was possible, to your 15 year youre beens What has been the best advise Mr. Angel hor received during his lifetime that could share with young gay people? The best advice that | hve and people and even with th sof grate weg a home, here worse x you But be gael fr in your le toda That what | want to tall young peopl. Have ratte, and hae ‘gttude for everthing that you hve because when that his 11 year marrage had ended Inthe process his separation Mr Anges excl betrayed ti by taking away his money and denying hi gender court Wile dealing with the divorce and the mess that ena he has decided to remain postive about the upcoming projec. © buckonelcom

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