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Chapter 2

Review of Literature

This chapter presents the review of literature and studies on Production and

Sensory Evaluation of Jackfruit (Atrocarpus Heterophyllus) as a Nutritional Snack Bar.

The source of information and ideas used in this chapter were gathered through the

internet, research studies, articles, and relevant mediums that would provide extensive

background about the topic.

Conceptual Literature

Sensory Evaluation

O'Mahony (2017) claims in sensory analysis, judges are used to assess the flavor

of a food per se, and consumer testing selects samples of consumers from the marketplace

to find out whether they like or will buy the food. For consumer testing, the people must

be as representative as possible of the potential buying population so that they do not give

a misleading indication of potential sales. To perform consumer tests on members of a

panel used for sensory analysis would be to use a sample that was not representative of

the potential buying public. The panel would be comprised of a few people who had been

specially selected for their skill in sensory evaluation and who may also have been made

atypical as a result of their training.

Sharif et. al, (2017) claims that sensory evaluation encompasses of a set of

techniques required for the precise measurements of human reactions to foodstuff

ultimately persuading the consumer perceptions. It also encompasses a set of test methods

and recognized techniques for product presentation, statistical methods and strategies for

elucidation of results. In former method, hedonic response of a product is determined by

skilled evaluators whereas in second method, consumers are involved in the evaluation

process. Hedonic assessment is the economical and ideal method to find out the influence

of variations in ingredients, manufacturing, wrapping, or shelf life. Accurate application

of sensory technique involves correct corresponding method to the objectives of the tests

are to be followed by good communication between sensory experts and end-users of the

test results.

Sirangelo (2019) claims that food sensory analysis is gaining importance for

testing the quality of products but above all for evaluating new healthy foods for

consumers. The new vocabulary is an effective means of communication in the product

development process, in quality control stage, and for monitoring changes during the

shelf life of the product it-self, as well as being useful to objectively describe features.

When applied correctly, sensory evaluation allows understanding and control of the key

attributes for the success of food products and beverages in the marketplace, providing

data about consumers' attitudes and perceptions to food industry.

Torrico et. al, (2023) claims that traditional sensory evaluation is broadly divided

into three main applications, including discrimination tests, which deal with

understanding whether products are different or similar in terms of general or specific

attributes, descriptive analysis, which provides a detailed qualitative and quantitative

picture of the sensory characteristics of products and their sensory intensities, and

consumer tests, which focus on understanding the hedonic and emotional responses of

consumers toward products. The techniques used in these categories are considered
standard sensory methods/protocols, which are employed in the industry and/or

academia for testing a wide variety of stimuli, including foods and beverages.

The literature conducted by O’Mahony (2017), Sharif et. al, (2017), Sirangelo

(2019), and Torrino, (2023) all relates to the sensory evaluation process that’s to be

applied to the current research study. Moreover, these literatures provides methods on

how to improve the sensory satisfaction and what to avoid when sensory evaluation is

applied to the product that’s to be produced for the current study.

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