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● Question 1: Under the given assumption, have you correctly calculated to at least four
decimal places the probability that a student scores 70 or less in component 1? (5 points)
● Question 2: For the given data set, have you correctly calculated to at least four decimal
places the fraction of students with an engineering background who have scored 70 or
less in component 1? (5 points)
● Question 3: For the given distributions, have you calculated the expected value of the
class score in component 1? (5 points)
● Question 4: For the given data set, have you correctly calculated to at least four decimal
places the average scored by students in component 1? (5 points)
● Question 5: Under the given assumption, have you correctly calculated to at least four
decimal places the probability that the student is neither from an engineering background
nor from a commerce background? (10 points)
● Question 6: Have you correctly calculated the percentage of the students, neither from
engineering nor a commerce background, who have scored over 80 in component 1? (5
● Question 7: Have you calculated the point estimate and constructed the 95% confidence
interval of the mean score of students rounded off to four decimal places? (15 points)
● Question 8: Under the given assumption, have you concluded with proper reasoning
whether the students with engineering backgrounds have an average score of 75 in
component 1 or not? (15 points)
● Question 9: Have you compared the performance of the students from the commerce and
engineering backgrounds and given appropriate reasons while drawing the comparisons?
(15 points)
● Question 10: Have you correctly calculated to five decimal places the respective values in
each of the four given categories? (20 points)

Question 1
Answer -
It is said that students who received engineering education received the following scores.
Component 1 is (approximately) distributed as a normal random variable with mean.
It's 75 and the standard deviation is 3. We want to find the probability that they will score below
Component 1.
We can standardize the score distribution using the formula z = (x - µ)/σ. where x is
Estimates, µ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation. In this case we have:
z = (70 – 75)/3 = -1.67
We want to find the probability that a student's score is 70 or less.
Probability that the standardized score is less than or equal to -1.67. we can see this
Calculate the probability from a standard normal table or use a calculator to find it.
P(Z ≤ -1.67) ≒ 0.0475
Therefore, the probability that a student with an engineering background will score below 70 is
The ratio of component 1 is approximately 0.0475, or approximately 4.75%.

Question 2 -
Answer -

We can use the normal distribution to calculate the probability of a student

scoring 70 or less in component 1, given that they have an engineering background.
Let X be the random variable representing the component 1 score of a student with an
engineering background. We know that X follows a normal distribution with mean 75
and standard deviation 3. We can standardize X as follows:
Z = (X - 75) / 3

The probability that a student scores 70 or less is equivalent to the probability that Z is
less than or equal to (70-75)/3 = -5/3. We can find this probability using a standard
normal distribution table or a calculator:
P(Z ≤ -5/3) ≈ 0.0918

Therefore, about 9.18% of students with an engineering background scored 70 or

less in component 1.
You can use the normal distribution to calculate the probability that a student will succeed. If you
have an engineering background, you must score 70 or lower on Component 1. Let X be a
random variable representing the student's score on Component 1. Engineering education. We
know that X follows a normal distribution with mean 75. The standard deviation is 3. We can
normalize X as follows: Z = (X - 75)/3 The probability that a student's score is 70 or less is the
same as the probability that Z is 70 or less. (70-75)/3 = Less than or equal to -5/3. We can find
this probability using the standard: Normal distribution table or calculator: P(Z ≤ -5/3) ≒ 0.0918
Therefore, approximately 9.18% of engineering students received a score of 70 or higher. In
component 1 it is less.

Question 3-

Answer -

To calculate the expected value of the class score in component 1, we need to use: The law of
perfect probability. E, C, and O represent events that students experience. Engineering,
commercial or other training respectively. Then we have: P(E) = 0.6, P(C) = 0.3 and P(O) = 0.1.
Let X be the Component 1 score of a randomly selected student. Then you can write: E[X] = E[X |
E]P(E) E[X | C]P(C) E[X | O]P(O) Here E[X | E], E[X | C] and E[X | O] is the conditional expected
value of Each student has engineering, commerce, or other training. From the problem statement
we know: - E[X | E] = 75 - E[X | C] = 76 - E[X | Oh] = 85 Substituting these values and
probabilities into the equation above, we get: E[X] = 75(0.6) 76(0.3) 85(0.1) = 74.4 22.8 8.5 =
105.7 Therefore, the expected class score for component 1 is 105.7.

Question 4-

Answer -To find the average score of students in Component 1, you need to consider the
following: The percentage of students from each background and their corresponding GPA and
Standard deviation for each background. E, C, and O represent the student's engineering,
commerce, or other college experience. Background accordingly. Then we have: P(E) = 0.6 P(C)
= 0.3 P(O) = 0.1 Let X denote the score of a randomly selected student in component 1. Then the
overall average The ratings are as follows: µ = E(X) = E(X | E)P(E) E(X | C)P(C) E(X | O)P(O) where
E(X | E), E(X | C), and E(X | O) represent the average scores of engineering students; commercial
and other occupations respectively. Using the information provided, we did the following: E(X | E)
= 75 E(X | C) = 76 E(X | O) = 85 Substituting these values and probabilities, we get: c = (75)(0.6)
(76)(0.3) (85)(0.1) ≒ 75.7 Therefore, the average student score for Component 1 is approximately

Question 5-

Answer -Let A be the event where the student has an engineering background, and let B be the
event. The student has received commercial training and C is an event in which the student
participated. There is no engineering or business training. We are given: P(A) = 0.6 P(B) = 0.3
P(C) = 0.1 Additionally, the following conditional score distribution for component 1 is given: If the
student has engineering training (A): X ~ N(75, 3^2) If the student has received commercial
training (B): D ~ N(76.5^2) If the student does not have an engineering or commercial
background (C): Z ~ N(85, 4^2) We want to find P(C | component score 1 ≥ 80). Using Bayes'
theorem, we get: P(C | Score of Component 1 ≥ 80) = P(Score of Component 1 ≥ 80 | C) * P(C) /
P(Score of Component 1 score ≥ 80) You can find each of these probabilities individually. P(score
of component 1 ≥ 80 | C) = P(Z ≥ 80) = 1 - P(Z < 80) = 1 - Φ((80-85)/4) ≒ 0.2119 where Φ is the
cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution. P(component score 1 ≥ 80)
= P(component score 1 ≥ 80 | A) * P(A) P(component score 1 ≥ 80 | B) * P(B) P(Score of
Component 1 ≥ 80 | C) * P(C) Because there are no exact values for P(Component 1 Score ≥ 80 |
A) and P(Component 1 Score) Score ≥ 80 | B) Approximations can be used. Because the average
scores of A and B are lower If it is higher than 80, it is highly unlikely that many students in Group
A or B will score above 80. On the other hand, the average C score is above 80, so it is likely to
be significant. Some Category C students score above 80. So we can roughly determine:
P(component score 1 ≥ 80 | A) ≒ 0.05 P(component score 1 ≥ 80 | B) ≒ 0.15 Then, P(component
score 1 ≥ 80) ≒ 0.05 * 0.6 0.15 * 0.3 0.2119 * 0.1 ≒ 0.105 finally we P(C | Score of Component 1 ≥
80) ≒ P(Score of Component 1 ≥ 80 | C) * P(C) / P(Component 1 Score ≥ 80) ≒ 0.2119 * 0.1/0.105
≒ 0.2019 So, if a student scores 80 or more in Component 1, the probability of getting: The
student does not have an engineering degree or business background. Approximately 0.2019.
Question 6-

Answer -To find the percentage of students who scored 80 or higher in Component 1: Since I
don't have an engineering or business background, I have to use Bayes' theorem. And the law of
perfect probability. Let E be the event when the student has an engineering background, and C
be the next event. Student has commercial training, may be O if student has other training.
background. Let S be the event when the student scores 80 or more points in Component 1. We
want to find P(O|S), which is the probability that students from different backgrounds will have
Scored 80 or higher in Component 1. Using Bayes' theorem, we get the following result: P(O|S) =
P(S|O) * P(O) / P(S) We can find P(S|O), which is the probability that students from different
backgrounds will score higher. Component 1 is 80, using a normal distribution with mean 85 and
standard deviation 4. P(S|O) = P(X > 80), where Using a standard general table or calculator you
can find: P(Z > (80-85)/4) = P(Z > -1.25) = 0.8944 where Z is a standard normal random
variable. Therefore, P(S|O) = 0.8944. We can use the law of total probability to find P(S). P(S) =
P(S|E) * P(E) P(S|C) * P(C) P(S|O) * P(O) To find P(S|E), this is the probability that a student with
an engineering background will score higher. If component 1 has a value of 80, it uses a normal
distribution with mean 75 and standard deviation 3. P(S|E) = P(X > 80), where Using a standard
general table or calculator you can find: P(Z > (80-75)/3) = P(Z > 1.67) = 0.0475 Therefore, P(S|
E) = 0.0475. To find P(S|C), this is the probability that a student with trade experience will score
80 or higher. Component 1 uses a normal distribution with mean 76 and standard deviation 5.
P(S|C) = P(X > 80), where Using a standard general table or calculator you can find: P(Z >
(80-76)/5) = P(Z > 0.8) = 0.2119 Therefore, P(S|C) = 0.2119. Assume P(E) = 0.6, P(C) = 0.3, and
P(O) = 0.1. That is why, P(S) = 0.0475 * 0.6 0.2119 * 0.3 0.8944 * 0.1 = 0.19154 Now we can use
Bayes' theorem to find P(O|S). P(O|S) = P(S|O) * P(O) / P(S) = 0.8944 * 0.1/0.19154 = 0.467
Therefore, approximately 46.7% of students who scored 80 or higher in Component 1 I have no
engineering or commercial training.

Question 7


• is the sample mean.

• is the Z-score corresponding to the desired confidence level (e.g., for 95%
confidence, ).
• is the sample standard deviation.
• is the sample size.

Question 8-

Answer -Determine whether students with an engineering background can make the following
conclusions: Since the average score for Component 1 is 75, we need to perform a hypothesis
test. Let's install Present the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. - Null hypothesis H0:
Average score of students who received engineering education Components 1 - 75. - Alternative
Hypothesis Ha: GPA of students with engineering education. The value of component 1 is not 75.
Use a significance level of α = 0.05. That is, we reject the null hypothesis if: The probability of
observing a sample mean as extreme as the one we get (or more) extreme) is less than 5%.
Suppose you have a sample of size n and you want to calculate the sample mean x. Sample
standard deviation s. You can then calculate the test statistic as follows: t = (x̄ - µ) / (s / sqrt(n))
where µ is the estimated population mean (in this case 75 people). The test statistic is t-
distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. From the given data, we can see that the sample size of
engineering students is not given. Test statistic could not be calculated. Therefore, we cannot
test the hypothesis; It is not possible to conclude whether students with engineering
backgrounds have a GPA Whether it's 75 in component 1.

Question 9

Answer -Check whether students with commerce background score better than engineering
student Since I have an engineering background, I need to test hypotheses. Let us do µ1 and µ2
as follows. Actual GPA for commerce and engineering students, respectively. 0 hypothesis There
is no difference in the mean scores of the two groups. The alternative hypothesis is that there is
a difference. H0: q1 - q2 = 0 (commerce average score and engineering student) Ha: µ1 - µ2 > 0
(Commerce students scored higher than Engineering students) Since the population standard
deviation is unknown, we will perform a 2-sample t-test. Sample size is less than 30. You can use
the two sample standard deviations to calculate the pooled variance. Sample: s_p^2 =
((n1-1)s1^2 (n2-1)s2^2) / (n1 n2-2) where n1 = n2 = 30 s_p^2 = ((30-1)(5.7813)^2 (30-1)
(3.4416)^2) / (30 30-2) = 22.2903 The test statistic is calculated as follows: t = (x1 - x2) / (s_p *
sqrt(2/n)) where x1 = 75.8333, x2 = 74.7444, n = 30 t = (75.8333 - 74.7444) / (sqrt(22.2903) *
sqrt(2/30)) = 2.185 The degrees of freedom are (n1 n2 - 2) = 58 and the critical values for a one-
sided t-test are: α = 0.05 is 1.6706. Because the calculated t(2.185) value is greater than the
critical value, (1.6706), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is sufficient
evidence. This supports the claim that students with commerce experience perform better than
undergraduate students. Includes engineering education in Component 1.

Question 10-

Answer -Based on the average of all three components, grades are awarded to students.
rulebook says that no more than 20% of the students can score the highest grade: A, and
together, no more than 60% of the students can score the highest and second highest-grade
i.e., A and B. Students who score neither A nor B get a C grade. Now, the instructor wants to give
as many A and B grades as the rule book permits. In this context, answer the following questions:
a) What is the average score obtained by students with A grades?
Ans. 71
b) What is the average score obtained by students with B grades?
Ans. 76
c) What fraction of students with an engineering background have scored Agrades?
Ans. 5/46
d) Among students who scored A grade, what fraction had engineeringbackgrounds?
Ans. 1/3

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