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Introduction to Western Literature Honors — Ms.


Act III Annotating Guide
**At this point, your texts should be completely annotated with a combination of notes from class and your own annotations.
Make sure to check over your notes and the text in addition to this Annotation Guide**

You should have several examples in your notes of the following primary themes and archetypes. You should also have examples of the
literary terms that were noted from class:

Key themes:
● Tragedy & the tragic hero ● Corruption/Betrayal & revenge
● Freud’s psyche—Id, Ego, and Super-ego ● Appearance vs. reality
● Women

Key archetypes:
● Mother goddess Gertrude ● Light what claudiusas

Water (rain/snow) at tiredoutduringtheplay
● Betrayal/deception/the mask/“seems” ●
● Benevolent guide ● Serpent/snake a
● Circle thewedding ● Garden denmark

Notes: Id, Ego, Super-ego (Google Classroom)

Scene 1:
They couldntfigureoutthereasoningtoHamlet'smadness
1. What message do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern carry to the King? What is the King's response? toputHamletOph
2. What does Gertrude hope is the reason for Hamlet’s madness?

3. Describe Polonius’ “set up” of Ophelia and Hamlet. nai
4. What prompts Claudius to make a confession aside to the audience?
5. Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be" makes an appearance in this scene. Paraphrase his main points.
6. Describe Hamlet’s tone when he speaks to Ophelia. What does he accuse her of?
7. What does Hamlet mean when he says, “Get thee to a nunnery”? itmeans
8. What does Hamlet do directly before exiting the stage from his interaction with Ophelia?
9. How does Ophelia feel after Hamlet leaves her? Why? feels necklace
athappening her
guiltythinks father
10. What do the King and Polonius decide about Hamlet's condition after eavesdropping on Hamlet and Ophelia?
What do they decide to do with Hamlet? gagging
11. What is Polonius’ “final plan” in this scene? Jeff faithm determineifhessaneornot
Scene 2:
1. Why does Hamlet give instructions to the players?
2. What is Horatio’s role during “The Murder of Gonzago”? hey
a ae
3. What do the Player Queen’s lines in “The Murder of Gonzago” infer about Gertrude? that she ascompassionate sy
4. What does the Player King accuse the Player Queen of? Cheating
5. What does Hamlet tell Claudius is the name of the play? How does Hamlet attempt to console Claudius?
6. What was the King's reaction to the play,
wHe ran
screaming It and Igged
ftp.t what did Hamlet and Horatio decide his reaction meant?
forthe to
l ights be on
7. What message do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern deliver from the Queen? tosendnametonerso
8. What does Hamlet mean when he says he “lacks advancement”?
9. Describe the significance of “the recorders” metaphor. ifthe
kinds etaliin
itstheeasiest madesoifyou
instrument you
say cantpayityourago
Scene 3:
1. The King has Rosencrantz and Guildenstern prepare to do what? Why?
the am
tangeff 99lettoEngland Bctheybelievehes
2. What Biblical allusion does Claudius make when he is alone after Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave? Explain
the significance. Hemadeanallusion CainAbelitssignificant
to sinceitsabout2brothersthatkilleachother
Introduction to Western Literature Honors — Ms. Laucella

3. Why doesn't Hamlet kill the King when the King is kneeling? BcheswithGodsohesafraidhe'llgo
4. Does Claudius truly repent of his sins? Why or why not? No hedoesntfeel
bc forhisacts

Scene 4: the
killing kingmarryinghisbrother
1. What does Hamlet accuse his mother of? How does Gertrude react? sheactsignorant guilty trys tocoverit
2. How does Polonius die? Who
is responsible? How do they feel about his death? it Believed deserved

3. What does Hamlet Hamletstabshim

claim curtains
is the real reason Gertrude decided to marry Claudius? What does he show his mother to
illustrate this point? Photosofkingcame Forfatigue
4. What does Hamlet reveal to his mother?
5. What confirms for Gertrude that Hamlet has that Claudius the
gone insane? Why? S onlyHamlet
Bc cansee theghost
6. What are two potential reasons for Gertrude’s inability to see the Ghost as discussed in class? 2 9,95 doe
7. How does Hamlet feel toward God/Heaven? Hefeelsasifthey'retrying punishhim ignoring
to hisprayers he
10. What two main things (numbered notes) would Hamlet have his mother do to begin cleansing herself of
corruption? tonotsleepwithClaudiusanymore
11. How does this Act conclude?
By Hamletsayinggoodnight

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