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Software Requirements


Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by <AYUSH KUMAR>

Department of Computer Systems Engineering


Copyright © 2024 by AYUSH KUMAR. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute
this document. Software Requirements Specification for <Smart Recycling Bin Network>
Table of contents.

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Revision History………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
1.1Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.2Document Conventions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
1.3Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………………… 2-3
1.4Project Scope …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.5References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2.Overall Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1Product Perspective ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.2Product Features ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.3User Classes and Characteristics …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.4Operating Environment2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
2.5Design and Implementation Constraints ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8
2.6User Documentation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.7Assumptions and Dependencies ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
3.System Features ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
3.1System Feature …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.2System Feature. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.External Interface Requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.1User Interfaces ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.2Hardware Interfaces …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.3Software Interfaces …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.4Communications Interfaces ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.Other Non-functional Requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.1Performance Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.2Safety Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.3Security Requirements …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.4Software Quality Attributes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6.Other Requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix A: Glossary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix B: Analysis Models ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix C: Issues List …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document outlines the requirements for the software system
designed for the Smart Recycling Bin Network. This document pertains to version 1.0 of the software system.

The purpose of this SRS is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the functional and non-functional
requirements of the software system governing the operation of the Smart Recycling Bin Network. It defines
the scope of the software system, including its features, capabilities, and limitations.

The scope of this SRS encompasses the entire software system responsible for managing the Smart Recycling
Bin Network, including user interfaces, backend servers, data management, and communication protocols. It
outlines the requirements for the software system's development, testing, deployment, and maintenance

1.2 Document Conventions

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) follows the following conventions:

 Priority: Each requirement statement is assigned its own priority level, indicating the importance of
that specific requirement. Priority levels are denoted using standard terms such as "High,"
"Medium," and "Low."

 Font Style: Requirement statements are written in regular font style.

 Highlighting: Key terms or phrases may be highlighted using bold or italic font styles for emphasis.

 Cross-referencing: Where applicable, requirements may reference other sections or documents

using standard cross-referencing techniques.

 Versioning: Revision history is maintained to track changes made to the document over time. Each
version is identified by a version number and a date.

These conventions aim to ensure clarity, consistency, and readability throughout the SRS, facilitating
understanding and interpretation by stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of the
Smart Recycling Bin Network software system.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audience for this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) includes:

1. Developers: Those responsible for designing, implementing, and testing the Smart Recycling Bin
Network software system.

2. Project Managers: Individuals overseeing the planning, execution, and monitoring of the software
development project.

3. Testers: Professionals responsible for verifying and validating the functionality, performance, and
quality of the software system.

4. Documentation Writers: Individuals tasked with creating user manuals, guides, and other
documentation related to the software system.
5. Stakeholders: Any individuals or groups with a vested interest in the development and deployment
of the Smart Recycling Bin Network, including investors, government agencies, and environmental

The SRS provides a comprehensive overview of the functional and non-functional requirements of the
software system. It outlines the features, capabilities, and constraints of the Smart Recycling Bin Network,
guiding the development process and ensuring alignment with stakeholder expectations .

The document is organized as follows:

1. Introduction: Provides an overview of the document, including its purpose and scope.

2. Document Conventions: Describes the conventions followed in the SRS, such as formatting and

3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions: Describes the intended readership of the document
and suggests a sequence for reading based on reader type.

4. Scope: Defines the scope of the Smart Recycling Bin Network software system, including its features
and functionalities.

5. Functional Requirements: Details the functional requirements of the software system, specifying
the behaviours and capabilities it must exhibit.

6. Non-Functional Requirements: Specifies the non-functional requirements of the software system,

including performance, security, and usability considerations.

7. Glossary: Provides definitions of key terms and acronyms used throughout the document.

8. Appendices: Includes additional information such as glossaries, conceptual models, and analysis

For readers, it is recommended to start with the overview sections (Introduction, Document Conventions,
and Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions) to gain a general understanding of the document's
purpose and organization. Subsequently, readers can focus on sections most pertinent to their roles and
responsibilities, such as Functional Requirements for developers and Testers, Non-Functional Requirements
for Project Managers and Testers, and Glossary for all stakeholders to ensure a shared understanding of
terminology used in the document.

1.4 Project Scope

The software being specified in this document is the Smart Recycling Bin Network, a system designed to
enhance waste management practices by incorporating IoT technology into the recycling process. The
primary purpose of the software system is to facilitate the efficient sorting, collection, and processing of
recyclable materials through a network of smart recycling bins.

Key objectives and goals of the Smart Recycling Bin Network include:

1. Promoting Sustainable Waste Management: The software system aims to encourage recycling
behaviours among users by providing convenient access to smart recycling bins and incentivizing
participation through rewards and gamification elements.

2. Optimizing Resource Utilization: By implementing sensors and compaction mechanisms in smart

recycling bins, the system seeks to optimize the utilization of bin capacity and reduce the frequency
of waste collection, thereby minimizing resource consumption and carbon emissions associated
with transportation.
3. Enhancing Data-driven Decision Making: The software system collects and analyses data on
recycling patterns, bin fill levels, and waste composition, enabling informed decision-making by
waste management authorities and policymakers to improve recycling infrastructure and strategies.

4. Fostering Environmental Awareness: Through educational initiatives and user engagement features,
the system aims to raise awareness about the environmental impacts of waste accumulation and
the importance of recycling in mitigating these effects.

The Smart Recycling Bin Network aligns with corporate goals and business strategies focused on
sustainability, environmental responsibility, and social impact. By providing an innovative solution to
address the growing challenge of waste management, the software system contributes to corporate
objectives of reducing ecological footprints, promoting corporate social responsibility, and enhancing
community well-being.

While a separate vision and scope document may be available, this SRS serves as a subset of the long-term
strategic product vision, specifying the requirements for the next release of the evolving Smart Recycling Bin
Network software system. It outlines the scope of the software system in terms of its features,
functionalities, and intended outcomes, guiding the development process and ensuring alignment with the
overarching product vision and corporate objectives.

1.5 References
 Vision and Scope Document for Smart Recycling Bin Network

 Author: GreenTech Solutions Inc.

 Version: 1.0

 Date: March 1, 2024

 Source: [Internal Document Repository]

 User Interface Style Guide for Smart Recycling Bin Network

 Author: Greg Lettierei

 Date: February 10, 2024

 Source: [

 Research Gate:


1. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The Smart Recycling Bin Network software specified in this SRS is a new, self-contained product
developed by GreenTech Solutions Inc. It is designed to address the growing challenge of waste
management by leveraging IoT technology to enhance recycling practices.
Origin and Context:
 The Smart Recycling Bin Network is not a member of a product family but rather a
standalone solution developed to revolutionize waste management practices.
 It is not a replacement for existing systems but aims to complement traditional waste
collection methods by introducing smart recycling bins equipped with advanced sensors
and connectivity features.
Relation to Larger System:
 While the Smart Recycling Bin Network operates independently as a standalone product, it
can interface with larger waste management systems or municipal infrastructure to
exchange data and enhance overall efficiency.
 Major components of the overall system include:
 Smart Recycling Bins: Equipped with sensors for waste detection, compaction mechanisms,
and communication modules.
 Backend Servers: Responsible for data processing, storage, and management, as well as
interfacing with external systems.
 User Interfaces: Web-based dashboards, mobile applications, or kiosks for user
 External Interfaces: Integration points with municipal waste management systems,
environmental monitoring platforms, and user reward systems.
Subsystem Interconnections:
 The Smart Recycling Bin Network interacts with external systems and components through
standardized interfaces, enabling seamless data exchange and interoperability.
 Interfaces may include APIs for data integration, communication protocols for IoT devices,
and authentication mechanisms for user access.

Function of Smart Bin DIAGRAM:

| Smart Recycling Bin |
| Detect Waste |
| Sort Recyclable Materials |
| Compact Waste |
| Update Bin Status |
| Transmit Data to Backend |

2.2 Product Features

The Smart Recycling Bin Network offers the following major features:
1. Smart Recycling Bins:
 Equipped with sensors for waste detection and sorting.
 Utilize compaction mechanisms to optimize bin capacity.
 Communicate with backend servers to transmit data and receive instructions.
2. User Interfaces:
 Web-based dashboards for monitoring bin status and managing user accounts.
 Mobile applications for remote access to recycling features and rewards.
 Kiosks for on-site interactions and information dissemination.
3. Backend Servers:
 Data processing capabilities for analysing recycling patterns and optimizing bin utilization.
 Storage of user data, recycling statistics, and operational logs.
 Communication with external systems for data exchange and integration.
2. Reward System:
 Incentivizes recycling behaviours through reward points and gamification elements.
 Tracks user participation and rewards earned for recycling activities.
3. Reporting and Analytics:
 Generates reports on recycling trends, bin fill levels, and user engagement.
 Provides insights for waste management authorities and policymakers to optimize recycling
3. System Administration:
 Administer user accounts, privileges, and access control.
 Monitor system health, perform maintenance tasks, and apply updates as needed

LEVEL-0 DFD FOR Smart recycling bin network

| Smart Recycling |
| Bin Network |
| User Interface |
| Backend |
| Processing |
| Database |
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
The Smart Recycling Bin Network is designed to serve various user classes with different
characteristics and needs. These user classes include:
1. Regular Users
 Characteristics:
 Individuals or households who utilize the smart recycling bins for waste disposal.
 May have varying levels of technical expertise and familiarity with recycling
 Usage Frequency:
 Regularly interact with the system to dispose of recyclable materials.
 Functionality:
 Access user interfaces to check bin status, earn rewards, and track recycling
2. Administrators
 Characteristics:
 Personnel responsible for managing and overseeing the Smart Recycling Bin
 Possess advanced technical skills and knowledge of system administration.
 Usage Frequency:
 Access the system intermittently for system maintenance, user management, and
 Functionality:
 Perform administrative tasks such as user account management, system
configuration, and monitoring.

3. System Operators
 Characteristics:
 Employees or contractors tasked with operating and maintaining the smart
recycling bins and backend infrastructure.
 Require technical training and expertise in system operation and maintenance.
 Usage Frequency:
 Interact with the system regularly to ensure proper functioning and address
operational issues.
 Functionality:
 Conduct routine maintenance tasks, troubleshoot technical issues, and coordinate
with support teams as needed.

4. Data Analysts
 Characteristics:
 Analysts or researchers responsible for analysing data collected by the Smart
Recycling Bin Network.
 Possess advanced analytical skills and knowledge of data analysis techniques.
 Usage Frequency:
 Access the system periodically to extract and analyse data for insights and
 Functionality:
 Use analytical tools and reporting features to generate insights on recycling trends,
user behaviour, and system performance.
5. Stakeholders
 Characteristics:
 Individuals or organizations with a vested interest in the success and impact of the
Smart Recycling Bin Network.
 Include government agencies, environmental organizations, and community
 Usage Frequency:
 May access the system periodically to review reports, provide feedback, and make
strategic decisions.
 Functionality:
 Review system performance metrics, evaluate the effectiveness of recycling
initiatives, and collaborate with system administrators on policy decisions.

These user classes may have different levels of importance in terms of system requirements and
priorities. Regular Users are typically the primary focus, as they drive system usage and
engagement. Administrators, System Operators, and Data Analysts play critical roles in system
management and optimization. Stakeholders provide valuable input and support for the broader
goals of sustainable waste management.

2.4 Operating Environment

The Smart Recycling Bin Network operates within a specified environment, including hardware
platforms, operating systems, and software components, to ensure optimal performance and
compatibility. The operating environment for the software system encompasses the following
1. Hardware Platform:
 Smart Recycling Bins: Embedded systems equipped with sensors for waste detection and
sorting, communication modules for data transmission, and power management
 Backend Servers: High-performance servers or cloud infrastructure for data processing,
storage, and communication.
2. Operating System and Versions:
 Smart Recycling Bins: Customized firmware or embedded operating systems optimized for
resource-constrained environments.
 Backend Servers: Linux-based operating systems (e.g., Ubuntu Server, CentOS) or cloud
platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure) with support for containerization (e.g., Docker) and
orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes).
3. Software Components:
 Database Management System: Relational database management system (e.g., PostgreSQL,
MySQL) or NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB) for storing user data, recycling statistics, and
system logs.
 Web Servers: Apache HTTP Server or Nginx for hosting web applications and APIs.
 Programming Languages and Frameworks: Python, JavaScript (Node.js), and frameworks
such as Django, Flask, and Express.js for application development.
 Communication Protocols: HTTP/HTTPS for web-based communication, MQTT for machine-
to-machine communication between smart recycling bins and backend servers.
 Geographic Information System (GIS): Integration with GIS platforms (e.g., ArcGIS,
OpenStreetMap) for geolocation and spatial analysis of recycling data.
4. Integration with External Systems:
 Municipal Waste Management Systems: Integration with existing waste management
databases and systems for data exchange and collaboration.
 Environmental Monitoring Platforms: Integration with environmental monitoring platforms
for accessing weather data, air quality information, and other environmental parameters.
The Smart Recycling Bin Network is designed to operate seamlessly within this environment,
leveraging the specified hardware platforms, operating systems, and software components to
deliver robust functionality and performance. Compatibility with external systems and adherence to
industry standards ensure interoperability and scalability of the software system. Ongoing
monitoring and maintenance of the operating environment are essential to ensure the continued
reliability and efficiency of the Smart Recycling Bin Network.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The design and implementation of the Smart Recycling Bin Network are subject to several constraints, which
may limit the options available to developers. These constraints include:

1. Regulatory Compliance:

 The software system must adhere to relevant regulatory policies and standards governing
waste management, data privacy, and environmental protection.

 Compliance with local, national, and international regulations is imperative to ensure legal
operation and acceptance by stakeholders.

2. Hardware Limitations:

 Smart recycling bins may have hardware limitations, such as constraints on processing power,
memory capacity, and battery life.

 Developers must optimize software functionality and resource utilization to operate within
these hardware constraints effectively.

3. Interfaces to Other Applications:

 The Smart Recycling Bin Network may need to interface with existing waste management
systems, environmental monitoring platforms, and user reward systems.

 Compatibility and interoperability with these external applications must be ensured through
standardized interfaces and protocols.

4. Technology and Tool Selection:

 The selection of technologies, tools, and databases used in the development process may be
constrained by organizational preferences, existing infrastructure, or contractual obligations.

 Developers must work within the framework of approved technologies and tools to maintain
compatibility and supportability.

5. Security Considerations:

 Security is a critical concern, given the sensitive nature of user data and the potential impact
of security breaches.

 The software system must implement robust security measures, including encryption, access
controls, and authentication mechanisms, to protect against unauthorized access and data

6. Communication Protocols:

 Communication protocols between smart recycling bins, backend servers, and user interfaces
must be standardized to ensure reliable data transmission and interoperability.

 Developers must adhere to established communication protocols to facilitate seamless

integration and operation of the system components.

7. Design Conventions and Programming Standards:

 The Smart Recycling Bin Network may need to comply with design conventions and
programming standards established by the customer's organization or industry best practices.

 Consistent adherence to design conventions and programming standards is essential for

maintainability, scalability, and ease of future enhancements.

Addressing these constraints requires careful planning, collaboration with stakeholders, and adherence to best
practices in software development and project management. By proactively addressing these constraints,
developers can ensure the successful implementation and operation of the Smart Recycling Bin Network while
meeting the needs of users and stakeholders.

2.6 User Documentation

The Smart Recycling Bin Network will be accompanied by comprehensive user documentation to assist users in
effectively utilizing the software system. The user documentation components that will be delivered along with
the software include:
1. User Manuals: Detailed guides providing step-by-step instructions on using the smart recycling bins,
accessing user interfaces, and participating in recycling activities. User manuals will cover topics such
as bin usage, account management, reward redemption, and troubleshooting.

2. Online Help: Interactive online help resources accessible through the web-based dashboards and
mobile applications. Online help will offer contextual guidance and support, including FAQs, how-to
articles, and troubleshooting tips.

3. Tutorials: Interactive tutorials and walkthroughs designed to help users quickly familiarize themselves
with the features and functionalities of the Smart Recycling Bin Network. Tutorials will cover common
tasks, such as registering an account, depositing recyclables, and tracking rewards.

4. Training Materials: Training materials for system administrators, operators, and stakeholders to
facilitate effective system management, maintenance, and decision-making. Training materials may
include presentations, videos, and hands-on exercises.

5. Quick Start Guides: Concise guides providing quick reference information on essential tasks and
functionalities. Quick start guides will offer abbreviated instructions for users who prefer a
streamlined approach.

The user documentation will be delivered in various formats, including digital and print, to accommodate
diverse user preferences and accessibility needs. Online documentation will be available through the Smart
Recycling Bin Network's web portals and mobile applications, while printed materials may be distributed at
community events, educational workshops, and customer service centers.

The user documentation will adhere to industry standards for clarity, accessibility, and usability, ensuring that
users can easily find and understand the information they need to effectively use the Smart Recycling Bin

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies


1. Third-party Components: The Smart Recycling Bin Network may rely on third-party components or
services for certain functionalities, such as cloud storage, geolocation services, and user
authentication. It is assumed that these third-party components will be available and compatible with
the software system.

2. Operational Environment: The operational environment for the Smart Recycling Bin Network,
including network infrastructure, internet connectivity, and power supply, is assumed to meet
minimum requirements for system operation. Any deviations from these assumptions could impact
system performance and reliability.

3. User Engagement: It is assumed that users will actively participate in the recycling process and engage
with the Smart Recycling Bin Network to earn rewards and contribute to environmental sustainability.
User adoption and engagement are critical factors in the success of the software system.

4. Regulatory Compliance: Assumed that the Smart Recycling Bin Network will comply with relevant
regulatory requirements and standards governing waste management, data privacy, and
environmental protection. Failure to comply with regulatory requirements could result in legal
implications and reputational damage.

1. Hardware Components: The Smart Recycling Bin Network relies on hardware components, including
smart recycling bins, sensors, and communication modules. Any delays or issues related to the
procurement, installation, or maintenance of these hardware components could impact the project
timeline and deliverables.

2. External APIs and Services: Dependencies exist on external APIs and services for functionalities such
as geolocation, weather data, and user authentication. Changes or disruptions to these external APIs
and services could affect system functionality and performance.

3. Data Sources: The accuracy and availability of data sources, such as recycling statistics, waste
composition data, and user information, are crucial for generating insights and reports within the
Smart Recycling Bin Network. Dependence on these data sources requires ongoing collaboration and
data sharing agreements with relevant stakeholders.

4. Regulatory Changes: The Smart Recycling Bin Network must adapt to changes in regulatory
requirements and standards governing waste management, data privacy, and environmental
protection. Any changes in regulations could necessitate updates to the software system to ensure
continued compliance.

Ensuring alignment with these assumptions and dependencies is essential for the successful development,
deployment, and operation of the Smart Recycling Bin Network. Proactive management of risks and
contingencies is necessary to mitigate potential impacts on the project.

3. System Features
The system features of the Smart Recycling Bin Network are organized based on the major services provided by
the product. These features encompass the functionalities that enable users to interact with the smart
recycling bins, manage their recycling activities, and optimize waste management processes. The system
features include:

1. Bin Management

 Register new smart recycling bins into the system.

 Update bin information, including location, capacity, and sensor configurations.

 Monitor bin status, including fill level, temperature, and battery status.

 Receive alerts for bin maintenance and servicing needs.

2. User Registration and Authentication

 Allow users to register accounts within the system.

 Authenticate users securely using credentials or biometric data.

 Manage user profiles and preferences.

3. Waste Disposal

 Enable users to deposit recyclable materials into smart recycling bins.

 Validate and process waste deposits using sensor technology.

 Provide feedback to users on successful waste disposal.

4. Reward System

 Track user recycling activities and calculate reward points earned.

 Allow users to redeem reward points for incentives, discounts, or donations.

 Gamify the recycling experience to encourage continued participation.

5. Data Analytics and Reporting

 Collect and analyse data on recycling patterns, bin fill levels, and user engagement.

 Generate reports and visualizations to provide insights into recycling trends and system

 Support decision-making by waste management authorities and stakeholders.

6. System Administration

 Administer user accounts, privileges, and access control settings.

 Configure system parameters, such as reward point thresholds and notification settings.

 Monitor system health, performance, and security status.

7. Integration and Interoperability

 Interface with external systems, such as waste management databases and environmental
monitoring platforms.

 Support data exchange through standardized APIs and communication protocols.

 Ensure compatibility and interoperability with existing infrastructure and technologies.

These system features collectively provide the foundation for the Smart Recycling Bin Network to effectively
manage waste, engage users, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Each feature plays a critical role in
achieving the product's objectives and meeting the needs of various stakeholders involved in the recycling

3.1 Bin Management

3.1.1 Description and Priority

The Bin Management feature enables the registration, monitoring, and maintenance of smart recycling bins
within the system. It is of High priority as it forms the foundation for the proper functioning of the Smart
Recycling Bin Network.

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

 Registration:

 User initiates the registration process for a new smart recycling bin.

 System prompts user to provide bin information, including location, capacity, and sensor
 System validates and registers the new bin into the system.

 Monitoring:

 System continuously monitors bin status, including fill level, temperature, and battery status.

 When a threshold is reached (e.g., bin is full), system triggers an alert for maintenance.

 Maintenance:

 Upon receiving maintenance alert, system notifies appropriate personnel or service


 Service provider performs maintenance tasks, such as emptying the bin or replacing sensors.

 System updates bin status and notifies users of maintenance completion.

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

 REQ-1: The system shall provide a user interface for registering new smart recycling bins, capturing bin
information such as location, capacity, and sensor configurations.

 REQ-2: The system shall continuously monitor the status of registered bins, including fill level,
temperature, and battery status.

 REQ-3: The system shall trigger alerts for maintenance when predefined thresholds for bin fill level or
sensor malfunctions are reached.

 REQ-4: The system shall facilitate communication with service providers or personnel responsible for
bin maintenance, notifying them of maintenance needs and coordinating maintenance tasks.

 REQ-5: The system shall update bin status and notify users of maintenance completion once
maintenance tasks are performed.

These requirements ensure that the Bin Management feature effectively supports the registration, monitoring,
and maintenance of smart recycling bins within the Smart Recycling Bin Network.

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces
 User Dashboard: Users shall access a web-based dashboard or mobile application interface to interact
with the system. The dashboard shall display information such as nearby smart recycling bin locations,
recycling statistics, rewards, and user account management options.

 Bin Status Display: Users shall view real-time information about smart recycling bin locations, fill
levels, and waste composition through the user interface. Visual indicators shall highlight bins that are
near capacity or require attention.

 Reward Redemption: Users shall have the ability to redeem rewards earned through recycling
activities via the user interface. The redemption process shall be intuitive and straightforward.

4.2 Hardware Interfaces

 Smart Recycling Bins: The system shall interface with smart recycling bins equipped with sensors for
detecting and sorting recyclable materials, as well as connectivity modules for data transmission.
Hardware components such as RFID readers, weight sensors, and compaction mechanisms shall be
integrated into the bins.

 Servers: The system shall interface with backend servers for data processing, storage, and
management. Servers shall handle communication with smart recycling bins, user authentication,
reward management, and analytics.

4.3 Software Interfaces

 Database Management System (DBMS): The system shall interface with a DBMS for storing user data,
bin status information, recycling statistics, and reward records. The DBMS shall support efficient data
retrieval, insertion, and querying operations.

 Third-Party APIs: The system may integrate with third-party APIs for geolocation services, payment
processing, and social media platforms. APIs shall facilitate features such as bin location mapping,
reward redemption, and user authentication.

4.4 Communications Interfaces

 Internet Connectivity: The system shall communicate with smart recycling bins, user devices, and
backend servers over the internet. It shall utilize standard communication protocols such as HTTP,
MQTT, or WebSocket for data transmission.

 Wireless Connectivity: Smart recycling bins shall employ wireless connectivity technologies such as
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks to transmit data to backend servers. The system shall support
secure communication channels to protect data integrity and confidentiality.

5. System Features
5.1 24-Hours Availability

 Description: The system ensures round-the-clock availability, allowing users to access

smart recycling bins and interact with the system at any time of the day or night. This
feature is crucial to accommodate users' diverse schedules and encourage recycling
behaviours consistently.

 Priority: High

5.1.1 Description and Priority

 Description: The 24-hour availability feature enables users to access the system and
perform recycling activities at their convenience, without being restricted by time
constraints. It emphasizes accessibility and promotes consistent engagement with
the recycling process.

 Priority: High

5.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

 Stimulus: User initiates an interaction with the system, such as accessing a smart
recycling bin or redeeming rewards.

 Response: The system promptly responds to user requests, providing necessary

information, processing transactions, and updating user accounts in real-time.

5.1.3 Functional Requirements Registration

 Description: Users can register their accounts with the system at any time, enabling
seamless onboarding and access to recycling features.

 Priority: High Deposit Materials

 Description: Users have the flexibility to deposit recyclable materials into smart
recycling bins 24/7, promoting continuous recycling efforts.

 Priority: High Reward Redemption

 Description: Users can redeem rewards earned through recycling activities at any
time, enhancing user engagement and motivation.

 Priority: High User Account Management

 Description: The system provides users with access to account management

functionalities, including profile updates, reward tracking, and recycling statistics,
ensuring constant user engagement.

 Priority: High Bin Status Monitoring

 Description: Continuous monitoring of smart recycling bins' fill levels and operational
status allows users to make informed decisions about recycling activities and bin

 Priority: High

5.2 Additional System Features

 Automated Maintenance Alerts: The system generates automated maintenance

alerts to notify administrators of any issues or maintenance requirements with smart
recycling bins, ensuring uninterrupted operation.
 Remote Firmware Updates: Administrators can remotely deploy firmware updates to
smart recycling bins to enhance functionality, address security vulnerabilities, or
introduce new features without disrupting system availability.

 User Support: The system provides 24/7 user support through various channels, such
as chatbots, email, or phone support, to assist users with any inquiries, issues, or
feedback related to the system.

5. Other Non-functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 Response Time: The system must respond to user interactions within 2 seconds to
ensure a seamless user experience and encourage user engagement.

 Scalability: The system architecture should be capable of scaling horizontally and

vertically to accommodate increasing numbers of users and smart recycling bins. It
should handle a growing workload without degradation in performance.

 Throughput: The system must support a minimum of 1000 simultaneous user

requests to ensure efficient handling of user interactions during peak usage periods.

5.2 Safety Requirements

 Bin Safety: Smart recycling bins must be designed and installed following safety
standards to prevent accidents or injuries during usage. Safety features such as
smooth edges, tamper-resistant lids, and stable mounting should be incorporated.

 Data Privacy: The system must comply with data privacy regulations and implement
robust measures to protect user information. This includes encryption of sensitive
data during transmission and storage, as well as access controls to restrict
unauthorized access.

5.3 Security Requirements

 Data Encryption: User data transmitted over the network must be encrypted using
strong encryption algorithms to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data

 Access Control: The system should enforce role-based access control (RBAC) to
restrict access to sensitive functionalities and data. Only authorized users should be
able to perform administrative tasks or access privileged information.

 Audit Logging: The system should maintain detailed audit logs of user activities,
system events, and security-related incidents for monitoring, analysis, and forensic

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

 Reliability: The system must be highly reliable, with minimal downtime and
consistent performance, to instill confidence in users and stakeholders.

 Usability: The user interface should be intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible to users
of all levels of technical proficiency. Clear navigation, informative feedback, and
contextual help should be provided to enhance usability.

 Maintainability: The system should be designed with clean, modular, and well-
documented code to facilitate ease of maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting by

 Portability: The system components should be designed to be platform-independent

and compatible with various operating systems and hardware configurations to
support deployment in diverse environments.

8. Appendix A: Glossary

Bin Status Monitoring: The process of continuously monitoring the fill levels and operational
status of smart recycling bins.

Reward Redemption: The process through which users can redeem rewards earned through
recycling activities.

User Account Management: The functionality allowing users to manage their accounts,
including profile updates and reward tracking.

9. Appendix B: Conceptual Model Of Smart Recycling Bin

The Conceptual Model of the Smart Recycling Bin illustrates its components, interactions,
and functionalities. It includes the following elements:

 Sensors: Represented as components integrated into the smart recycling bin for
detecting and sorting recyclable materials. These sensors may include weight
sensors, RFID readers, and optical sensors.

 Compaction Mechanism: Represents the mechanism within the smart recycling bin
responsible for compacting recyclable materials to optimize bin capacity.

 Connectivity Module: Represents the module enabling communication between the

smart recycling bin and backend servers. This module may utilize wireless
technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks.

 User Interface: Represents any interface provided on the smart recycling bin for user
interactions, such as display screens, touch panels, or buttons.
 Backend Servers: Represented as servers responsible for receiving data from smart
recycling bins, processing it, and providing feedback to users. These servers handle
functions such as data storage, analysis, and reward management.

10. Appendix C: Analysis Models

No specific analysis models were used during the analysis phase of the Smart Recycling Bin
System project. However, various requirements elicitation techniques, such as interviews,
surveys, and brainstorming sessions, were employed to gather and document system

Revision History

Version Date Description Author

1.0 2024-03-10 Initial version of SRS [AYUSH KUMAR]

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