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Click on create
Go to type description tab

Go to control data tab

Select only Balance in local currency

Select line item display
Sort key 001 (posting date)
Go to create/Bank/Interest Tab


4) Interest Income Account

Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Call: +91-7337376600
Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Click on create
Go to Type/description/ Tab

Go to control data tab

Select only balance in local currency

Select line item display
Sort Key 001
Go to create/Bank/Interest Tab


Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line
item. The posting keys control how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key you define among other things

Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Call: +91-7337376600
Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

*Which side of an accounts can be posted in (Debit or Credit)

*Which type of account can be posted to (Customer, Vendors, G/L Accounts, Assets
or Material
* Which fields the system display on the entry screens and whether as entry must be made

T Code : OB41

SAP has given following standard posting keys

Posting keys in General Ledger components

Posting Keys in Account payable

Posting Keys in Accounts Receivable

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Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Posting Keys in Asset Accounting

General Postings
1) General
postings T Code :
FB50 Execute
Give Company code

Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Call: +91-7337376600
Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Post (Cntr+S)
Go to menu bar
Document Display
We can see enter

Document Date : The document is the date on which the original document was issued.

Posting Date : Date which is used when entering the document in financial Accounting
or Controlling

Currency : in which currency you are posting document in system is call Document currency

Reference : The reference document number can contain the document number of the
customer/Vendor However it may contain a different value. The reference document
number is used as a search criterion when display or changing document. In
correspondence the reference document number is sometimes printed in the place of the
document number. Enter the number specified by the business partner. If the document is
created in house and you do not know the business partner document number you can copy
the document number into the reference number field by entering “*”.
Doc Doc Header text : The document header text contain the explanation or notes
which apply to the document as a whole that is not only for the certain line item

2) Document Display
T Code : FB03
Double click on FB50 - Display
Click on document list
(shift+F8) Company Code
Document type SA (G/L Account Document)

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Call: +91-7337376600
Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Execute (F8)
Double click on document no.

3) Display ledger

balance T Code : FS10N

We can see balance carry forward to this year and each period wise,Debit, Credit,
balance and cumulative balance.

Foreign Currency
1) Maintain exchange rates
Path : Accounting - Financial Accounting - General ledger - Environment - current setting
- S_BCE_68000174 - Enter translation rates

T Code : S_BCE_68000174

Double click on S_BCE_68000174 - Enter Translation rates

Click on New Entries (F5)

Ex Rt Valid from From Dir Quote To

M 03.11.2017 USD 70 INR
M 03.11.2017 EUR 95 INR
M 03.11.2017 AUD 45 INR
M 03.11.2017 GBP 90 INR

Save and Enter

2) post with foreign currency

T Code : FB50

Click on Company code

Company code
Document date
Currency : USD(USA Dollar)

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Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Go to details tab
Observe Exchange rate which is proposed by the system.

G/L Account D/C Amount in Doc cur Value date

290100 S Debit 1000
100000 H Credit 1000

Post (Cntrl+ S)
Go to menu bar
Document - Display

Hold Document
Definition : When you are entering the data you may be interrupted or you may not have
all the data you need for entering a document
In this case you may temporarily save the data you have entered and then continue with
the document enter at a latter time. If you want the system to hold a document it does not
have to completed. Account balance are not updated and the document data is not
available for evaluation A document number is not assigned.

1) Create Hold document

T Code FB50
Click on company code
Company code Enter

G/L Account D/C Amount in doc Value date

290100 S Debit 25000 11.10.2017
100000 H Credit 25000

Click on hold (F5)

Temporary Document number

3) post hold
document FB50
Click on company code
Company code Enter

Click on tree pane

Open hold document
Choose held document (Which document you want to post)
Click on item not checked (Red color cross button before line item)
Information dialog box will come
*No error exist for this
item* Enter
Click on refresh tree

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Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Parking Document
Definition : You can use document parking to enter and store (park)
incomplete documents in the SAP system without performing extensive entry checks. For
more information, see Document Parking . You - or other users - can subsequently add
data to parked documents

1) Create three parked document

Click on company code
Company code Enter

2) Post delete parked

document FV50
Click on company code
Document number
Click on Tree on Now
opens Tree pane
Open parked document tree
Choose parked document
If you want to post parked
document Go to menu bar
Document - Post
If you want to delete parked document
Go to menu bar
Document - Delete parked
document Click on yes
If you want to park document to his superior
Go to Menu bar
Document - Park

Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Call: +91-7337376600
Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Screen variant
Screen variant is use to post transaction while posting transaction what are fields
to entering based on client requirement we can develop our own fields.

1) Create screen
variant T Code : FB50
Double click on FB50. Enter the GL accounting
Document Go to Menu Bar
Edit - Screen variant - Create screen variant

Transaction Code - FB50

Go to screen variants tab
Screen Variant
Screen 0100

Click on create
Document date
Select all fields invisible except following fields
G/L Account
Amount in doc Curr
Value date
Business area
Click on exit and save
Click on local object

2) Add screen
variant FB50
Click on tree
Now open tree pane
Choose screen variant for
items Mouse right click
Screen variants - Add screen
variant Variant
Choose your variant and post transactions

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Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Reference Document
Account Assignment Models
Account assignment model are templates to post transaction

1) Create Accounts Assignments

Models T Code : FB50
Company Code

Go to Menu Bar

Edit : Acct Assignment Template - Save Account Assignment Template


2) Post Account Assignation

Models T Code FB50
Click on Tree
Now open tree pane
Open Account Assignment Template tree
Choose your template and post transaction

Global Coach SAP Training Academy Hyderabad

Call: +91-7337376600

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