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MedHerb: A Federated Learning based Mobile

Application for Medicinal Herbal Plant

AU− Nan Mudhalvan Niral Thiruvizha Project Proposal

1. Major Area: Agritech  Food Technoogy

2. Problem statement: How might we deveop image processing software

using machine earning to identify medicina pants
enhancing authenticity and ensuring integrity in the
medicina pant suppy chain?

3. Total Cost: Rs. 10000/-

4. College Code & College Name: 2116  Rajaakshmi Engineering Coege

5. Guide Name, Designation, Dr. Sekar K Professor  Head 9994563476

Mobile No. & Email id: sekar.karaja

6. Student Team details:

Sl.No Student Name of the Branch Mobile Email−ID

Reg. No Student Number
1. 201501502 Samuel Joseph AIML 82T9598383

2. 201501043 Santhosh Hu− AIML 934454T195

maran M
3. 201501035 Poorvaja R AIML T598461354

4. 201001045 Lahshmi S IT 6385288113

T. Project Summary:

machine earning agorithms have faciitated the deveopment of automated systems for herba pant
detection via image anaysis. However conventiona centraized approaches to data coection and
mode training pose chaenges reated to data privacy accessibiity and transfer costs. Addressing
these chaenges federated earning emerges as a promising soution.
n our project we aim to expore a federated earning-based mobie appication for herba pant

mode. nitiay the oca mode is responsibe for training on smaer image datasets and transmitting
the trained parameters to the goba server. The goba server then consoidates the parameters

received from various oca modes to update the goba mode. This updated goba mode is
subsequenty distributed to a oca servers (mobie devices). Finay the oca servers empoy the

8. Proposed solution mith methodology:

The federated earning-based mobie appication is impacted by severa factors incuding the
quantity of participants the frequency of communication rounds the number of oca
iterations and the data quaity. Through the proposed method diverse mobie users can identify
herba pants by cassifying images. This wi improve the enhancing authenticity and ensuring
integrity in the medicina herba pant suppy chain

Federated earning (FL) is a decentraized and coaborative approach which does not need the
oca data to be shared. nstead it is used to train a mode ocay with ony the mode
parameters shared with a centra server as shown in Figure 1. The concept of FL is based on FedAvg
agorithm was proposed for training the centra server with the mobie phone data. The FedAvg
agorithm unike a centraized DNN mode made it possibe to train the mode without sharing
the data.

Our proposed method taiored to each mobie device comprises two key steps: bag preparation
and Mutipe-nstance Learning (ML). nitiay we extract various patterns from the herba pant

these patterns as a set earning probem by empoying a Memory-based Exchangeabe Mode (MEM)

privacy bounds. The oca MEM modes are then centray aggregated through FedAvg.

Bag preparation:

A patch seection method is used to extract representative patterns from each image. The steps
invoves to create the patterns are: (1) remova of unwanted regions using coour threshoding; (2)
grouping the remaining patterns into a pre-set number of categories through a custering agorithm;
and (3) randomy seecting a portion of a custered patterns within each custer yieding a pattern.
The pattern is transformed into a bag X  x1 ... xn for ML where xi is the feature vector of the
ith patch obtained through a pre-trained feature extractor network.

MIL method:

The MEM mode is used to get a singe vector representation of a feature vectors of image
patterns of an image. MEM consists of memory units composed within a memory bock. A
memory bock is the main component of MEM and produces a permutation invariant
representation from a input sequence. Mutipe memory bocks can be stacked together for modeing
compex reationships and dependencies in set data. A memory unit transforms an input sequence
into an attention vector. A higher attention vaue represents a higher importance of the

corresponding eement of the input

Global Server
Initial Global Wodel

WEW Local Wodel Updates

Central WIL
Central Test Data

Image Image Image

Local Test Data Local Test Data Local Test Data

Feature Feature Feature
Extraction Extraction Extraction

Local WIL Local WIL Local WIL


Wobile User (1) Wobile User (2) Wobile User (n)

Figure 1: proposed Mode

memory units enabe the memory bock to capture many compex dependencies and reationships
among the eements.

n summary a memory bock is a sequence-to-sequence mode i.e. it transforms a given input

sequence X  x1 ... xn to another representative sequence  x1 . . .xm. A memory bock
contains m memory units each of which takes sequentia data as an input and generates an attention

design the output sequence is invariant to eement-wise permutations of the input sequence as
needed for ML.
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
wP1 (model development)

wP2 (Federated learning based model design)

ibrary generation  sequencing

mode  pipeine evauation
simuation based
rea data based
wP3 (Prototype Design)
AApp Testing

Figure 2: Work Pan

9. worhplan / time schedule indicating the project mile stone

1. worh Plan 1:

2. worh Plan 2:
methodoogy and pipeine the impementation in the next four weeks.

3. worh Plan 3: Deveop the prototype and test is in the next four

weeks. Figure 2 iustrates the work pan of the project.

10. Plan of action of implementation


2. est the oca image data using the updated goba mode and identify medicina
images directy on individua mobie devices.
3. Deveop a mobie appication that integrates the federated earning deep mode.


11. List of facilities available in the college to develop the prototype of the project

1. PowerEdge T550 Tower Server with 64GB RAM 16GM Quadro RTX 4000 GPU for
image processing appications.

12. Nature of Industry support for the project, (if any)


13. Details of Financial assistance required

Detais Amount (Rs)

Software toos usage from coud services 8000

Data Coection  Trave

14. Expected outcomes / results

2. The centraized server trained the proposed mode and provides the training mode to
the individua users.

3. The individua mobie users test the sampe images and cassify them at their ocations.


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