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NOVEMBER 9, 2011

Section 1: Readying for War - The Unions preparations and resources (Pg.1) Section 2:Commanders and Conflict - The leaders, engagements, and minority groups (Pg.2) Section 3: Americans During the Civil War - Life in camp and on the home front (Pg.3) Section 4: The Aftermath of the Civil War - The effects of the war and reconstruction (Pg.4) Section 5: Bibliography (Pg.5) csk6701/3616

In order to prepare for the During the Civil War the Union upcoming Civil War, the Union army had better resources and needed enough men to create a man power compared to the large army. In order to have this Confederates. Because of all their advantage they eventually offered industries and factories it was a black slaves the option of joining in great to help the economy by on the ghting as an escape route hiring workers to produce guns, from working on their plantations. bullets, and other weapons. As for Also, they offered many different man power, the North outdid the immigrants the chance to join their South by almost double. The North army force and eventually formed had a bigger advantage over the an army that just about doubled South in almost every aspect the size of the South. To gain more except one, which was cotton. As money for the war, the North a result of being ahead in supplies, passed the Enrollment Act, which men, and money they assumed the stated that the soldiers could pay war would be easy and so they did $300 in place of them going to very little training and depended ght in the war. However, many of more on the actual materials than them joined anyways because they the strength and perseverance of considered a great honor and the men. privilege to serve their country.

Resources for the Union during the Civil War



Joshua Chamberlain
Joshua Chamberlain, unlike the other two generals, did not go to a military academy, but began his career as a professor in Maine. When the Civil War began, however, he offered himself as an able body to help fight for the Union army. When he first applied for the army he was offered the position of colonelcy, a huge step for anyone in the war. Having not enough experience for this position he rejected and became a lieutenant colonel instead, still a huge honor. A very brave soldier, he was wounded six times throughout the entire war but recovered from all of them healthy and happy. His most famous battle is little round top, where he won the medal of honor.

Irvin McDowell
Irvin McDowell, born in 1818, similar so Ulysses Grant was also born in Ohio and attended West Point military academy. Before he graduated from West Point, however, he was educated and went to school in France. Abraham Lincoln decided to give him his first assignment in Richmond, he overestimated the young generals skills and he was brought to a harsh defeat at the battle of Bull Run. His loss at this battle was a devastating blow and he was reassigned to Washington to block the Confederate army from coming in. Many of his battles failed to be successful and his over all career in the military was the opposite of a success. However he retired a war general non the less and maintained a happy life.

Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant, also known as Hiram Ulysses Grant, was born in Ohio on April 27, 1822. He was forced to attend West Point military academy and graduated as the top half in his class of 39 students. He was engaged to a woman named Julia Dent, however, before they got married he left for war and they were not married until it had ended. In 1864, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln appointed Grant as General Lieutenant, a rank that hadnt been occupied since George Washington. Lincoln had chosen the right man for the job, and thanks to Grants cunning mind, he brought the Civl War to an end and became a national hero. Pg.2

Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Shiloh 1st Battle of Bull Run

Thure de Thulstrup.

The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the most important and inuential battles throughout the entire four year long war. It began in July 1, 1863 and lasted three days long. General Robert E. Lee was ghting for the North against General George G. Meade who was leading the South. This was the bloodiest battle in the whole war. There were over 51,000 casualties, 569 tons of ammunition had been used, and 5,000 dead horses and other such weapons were found. Not only was this the bloodiest battle however, but it was known as the turning point for the Union soldiers, because they defeated the Confederates by such large amounts. Before, the Union was not doing so hot and had many failing battle plans, however after the win at this battle everything only went up because so many soldiers and much ammunition was lost for the Confederates and they didnt have the means to replace it, while the South had more than enough money and soldiers to go around.

The Battle of Shiloh was a two day battle on April 6 -7, 1862 that took place in the southwestern part of Tennessee. Led by General Ulysses S. Grant, the Union army were defeated on the rst day by a surprise attack from the Confederates led by General Albert Sydney Johnston. With a positive outlook, the Confederates were positive they had won the battle. However, what they werent expecting was that the Union would gain strength the following day and they began to hold their defensive line and perhaps the most inuential event that affected the turnout of this war was the death of General Johnston. This was a huge blow to the Confederates pride and determination. Also, in the middle of the night the Union gained over 22,000 fresh troops, with new life and strength, something the Confederates greatly lacked. In the end, the Union won but both sides went home with an immense number of casualties and deaths. Pg. 3

The rst Battle of Bull Run, or the First Manassas, depending on wether you were Confederate or Union. Abraham Lincoln sent General Irvin McDowell in the hopes that he would overcome Manasses, Virginia and open a clear route to Richmond, the capital of the Confederates and take over all the soldiers there. In the beginning, this was a clever and well thought out plan and any normal militia would complete the mission well. However, the Union army was not a trained army and they took their time walking to Virginia, picking berries, and stopping to rest one to many times and the Confederates beat them to the punch. Many people gathered at the battle ground and picnicked there to watch the Union army defeated. Though the Confederates nearly won, it was a very close battle which they North was not expecting, and they won on very short terms.


Women in the Civil War

Will Jones

African American, Women, Immigrant, and Spy Inuences on the Union Army
African Americans inuence on the Union Army provided medicine for the wounded. A few even was a pretty powerful impact. They were given the option of leaving their slavery homes and quit working in order to join the Union army and participate in the militia. Eventually, so many Africans had joined the army there were militias and whole camp grounds made just for black soldiers and some even became generals. Women may not have had quite such a big impact in the actual eld of ghting but they did as much as they could from their home towns. Since all the men had left for war the women took it upon themselves to run the factories and other industries that provided tools and other materials that the men needed while on the actual battle eld. Many of them also took over hospitals and had the courage to take part in the actual ghting and were a huge help during the war. Immigrants and spies made an impact because immigrants added to the number of soldiers that the Union had because one of the Norths advantages over the South was their greatness in number, which would not be an option if immigrants didnt participate in the war. Spies, however, though they did not add to greatness in number they most certainly aided the North when it came to information, and having information from the other sides generals gives the Union a slight advantage, hopefully the winning advantage.

Civil War

Pg. 4

Diseases Faced During the War

Typhus, typhoid fever, smallpox, measles, piles, rheumatism, and many other illness were all faced during the Civil War.

Camp Life
Life in the army is just like anyone would imagine, harsh, painful, and cruel. Even when the soldiers were not ghting an actual battle and they rarely gained full rest. Many times when they were not ghting they would take part in drills, plan strategies, or regroup themselves. Daily activities included things like cooking what food they could nd, nding wood for res, cleaning what clothes they had left, and writing letter to their loved ones. When they were not working, many times the soldiers would play a game of cards or make bets, or sleep. Life was very routine and there was no excitement aside from the actual battles. When actually ghting, soldiers had to go through many obstacles such as wire fences, long distances to run or walk, guns, swords, cannons, and rivers to swim across. If that wasnt enough a soldier also had to learn to cope with everything he or sometimes she went through from the trauma of the battle. Many had to recover from illness or disease,


which they gained from living in unclean camp grounds, bullet wounds, post war trauma, malnutrition, and the lack of their families and loved ones.

Pg. 5


Home Life
Life from the homeward point of view is very different than the soldiers, it mostly affected woman, children, and brothers. For women, this was one of the worst times for young women to try and nd husbands because all the men had gone to war. For mothers they missed their sons and prayed that they would be kept safe, while young wives hoped their husbands would return so that they could continue growing their families. For children, young ones especially they often missed their fathers and needed that fatherly gure in their lives. The young boys often tried their best to work around the house and take place of the dad but that manly inuence was still missed within most houses. For brothers, many times this war divided families in half. One brother might agree with the thoughts of the North, while the other agreed with the thoughts of the South and they would often end up ghting against each other in the same war and split their houses. Also, some peoples homes were destroyed in the midst of the ghting and some peoples work, or towns, or livestock may be torn down and they have no money because of the war.

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Pg. 6


The most rewarding part of the end of the war for the Union was that slavery had been abolished, and they had won. Despite the fact that the Northerners were overjoyed with this triumph, there many other important things at hand they now needed to deal with. For instance, since so many soldier had joined the army on the union side and woman had taken over their jobs in factories were in debt that ination, or when prices increase and purchasing rate lowers, became a huge issue. Economics were the biggest results of war. In a more positive tone, however, many families were reunited and the pain, suffering, and death was nally over. The end also eventually brought the rst public schools to the US, spreading education. Also,

April 9, 1865 was the end date of the civil war!

factories, it was quite hard to nd it opened up the rst opportunities work for any man who had been for slaves and whites to live in ghting. Because there was no society together as equals. work space in factories, the spread of farming and mining increased rapidly. So many families and

This time period in the United States is one of the most influential and greatly affected and shaped what the nation is today. Seeing as how the North won the war this era in American History was from 1865 until 1877 and the North was trying to get the south reunited with them once again. The first step Abraham Lincoln took was the Emancipation Proclamation, which ended all slavery. However, when President Lincoln was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth in 1865, soon after the war had ended. This affected the reconstruction of the United States greatly and the vice president, Andrew Johnson, had to take over this enormous duty. Johnsons inexperience was a great problem because Congress disagreed with almost everything he suggested and caused more conflict between them and the president. One of the most important focuses of this era was the debate of wether voting was wrong or right and how many rights African Americans should be given.

Abe Lincoln was shot while attending a theatre show with his wife

Works Cited
"The Battle of Shiloh, 1862." EyeWitness to History - History through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. <http://>. "Economy in The Civil War." Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. <>. "Enrollment Act." Spartacus Educational. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. <http://>. "Ethnic Composition Of Civil War Forces." The American Civil War Home Page. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. <>. "The First Battle of Bull Run, 1861." EyeWitness to History - History through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. <http://>. "Gettysburg Battle American Civil War July 1863." American Civil War History Timelines Battle Map Pictures. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. <http://>.

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