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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a reflection in the space below underneath the line. Your entire reflection should be a half
page minimum.

Part 1: Who am I?

• Use formal language and write proper sentences and paragraphs to write a detailed
• State the 4 letters of your personality type and explain why or why not it is an accurate
depiction of who you are
• Use details and personal examples to support your response

Part 2: Connection to possible career plan

• Use formal language and write proper sentences and paragraphs to write a detailed
• Explain how the traits and skills relate and connect to your possible career plan.


My four letters for my 16 personalities traits were ESTJ with 60% extraverted, 64% observant,
70% thinking, and 76% judging. I do agree with these personalities as I over think a lot and
always observe the people around me not just in class but also outside in the real world to see
what I am getting myself into. Although I do judge people sometimes, I do value their reasoning
and critical thinking skills because I believe everyone deserves a chance.

After reading the description provided under each of these personality types, I found out that
they were spot on. Although I tend to be shy most of the time, I am in class talking to people or
including myself in class discussions, I always try to challenge myself to participate and actively
try to engage because this has been one of my weaknesses for a long time and am trying to turn
it into a strength. Another weakness that I hope to turn into a strength is not always thinking
about what other people are saying or thinking about me and just trying to relax because once I
over think a thought then it's just like falling into a black whole and it never ends. Some of my
strengths are that I do not abandon tasks just because they are boring, and I am a perfectionist.
Another thing I am grateful for is that I am honest with myself and the people around me
because I believe there is no point in lying, and it just leads to more problems. I am loyal and
trustworthy when it comes to the people that I care about the most because I do not want to ruin
that relationship that I have with them and keep it strong. Another thing which I love is when I
first start a conversation with someone that I have never met before and introduce myself and I
have found out that it is a great way to make friends with someone and you might never know
that they will be your friend until you make a move.

A weakness that I have is that I judge people and am not afraid to tell people that I disagree with
them. I believe this is a strength because I read a book which said, “a real friend is a friend who
isn't afraid to tell their friends about their flaws and give them criticism rather than always giving
them all the positives”, I’ve been trying to forward with this act, however sometimes it is just a
little too much and can hurt others feelings so switch it up and do it my own way.

I am an organized and efficient person with workplace work as I have worked in McDonalds and
IT for the school department over the summer and have gotten outstanding comments and
appreciation from managers. I always try to get to get to know the people around me in jobs
because I believe that communication is key and getting to know other people's values and their
behaviors to work better especially when I was working in McDonalds. In the IT department I got
to learn a lot of cool things such as how to erase computers, how to connect Wi-Fi routers
around all the school departments in Langley, and erasing accounts on iPads. I got to learn how
it is working with other people in the industry that I like and how important it is to report or ask
questions from your managers whenever you have any and use it to your advantage. I value
leadership and motivate others around me to always stay positive and be in a better mood even
if it's a fast-paced job or we have a huge deadline coming up and are behind on work, this is key
to ensuring that the work you put in will not go to waste and is efficient for the company. I plan to
go into the computer programming industry because it has always been a dream of mine to
possibly create a game or very big software where everyone can interact and get useful
information. I have been coding for a very long time and very grateful that the school offered and
took me in the right path with the IT summer job as it opened my eyes and showed me what its
really like.

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