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Academia de San Lorenzo Dema-ala Inc.

Tialo, Sto. Cristo, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Subject: Oral Communication
Name: ________________________________________
Teacher: ______________________________________

LEARNING CONTENT: Functions of Communication

1.1. Define regulation and control as functions of communication through examples.
1.2. Show an understanding of the strategies used by a speaker to convey his or her ideas effectively.
1.3. Evaluate if a communication strategy is effective or not.

I. Regulation and Control
Communication serves a number of functions and two of them are regulation and control.

Regulation – according to Oxford Dictionaries, is a rule or directive made and maintained by an

authority. It is also “the action or process of regulating or being regulated.”

Control – defines as “the power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events”

II. Communication Strategy

It is a well-planned series of actions aimed at achieving certain objectives through the use of
communication methods, techniques, and approaches.

Effective communication strategies

1. Set clear and attainable goals
2. Focus on the issue, if any, not on the people.
3. Be flexible and open-minded.
4. Be a critical listener
5. Demonstrate sensitivity at all times.
6. Allow for give-and-take. Let the other party state what is in his or her mind.
7. Be genuine, honest, and open.
8. Use affirming responses. Acknowledge the good points raised by the other party.
9. Be reasonable. Present only facts and verifiable data, if necessary.

Mrs. Mary Grace A. Castellon

Prepared by

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