Lista 22 - Série de Fourier Complexa

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SEC. 11.

5 Forced Oscillations 499

1. (Calculus review) Review complex numbers. 10. Convert the series in Prob. 9 to real form.
2. (Even and odd functions) Show that the complex 11. f(x) = x 2 (-7r < X < 7r)
Fourier coefficients of an even function are real and
12. Convert the series in Prob. II to real form.
those of an odd function are pure imaginary.
3. (Fourier coefficients) Show that
13. f(x) = x (0 < x < 27r)
ao = Co, an = C n + C- n , b n = i(c n - c- n )· 14. PROJECT. Complex Fourier Coefficients. It is very
4. Verify the calculations in Example 1. interesting that the Cn in (6) can be derived directly by
S. Find further temlS in (9) and graph partial sums with a method sinlllar to that for an and b n in Sec. 11.1. For
your CAS. this, mUltiply the series in (6) by e- imx with fixed
6. Obtain the real series in Example 1 directly from the integer m, and integrate term wise from -7r to 7r on
Euler formulas in Sec. II. both sides (allowed, for instance, in the case of uniform
convergence) to get
Find the complex Fourier series of the following functions. I7T f(x)e- imx dx = cn I7T ei(n-m)x dx.
(Show the details of your work.) -7r n=-OO-71"

7. f(x) = -1 if - 7r < X < 0, f(x) = 1 if 0 < x < 7r Show that the integral on the right equals 27r when
8. Convert the series in Prob. 7 to real form. n = m and 0 when n =1= m [use (3b)], so that you get
9. f(x) = x (-7r < X < 7r) the coefficient formula in (6).

11.5 Forced Oscillations

Fourier series have important applications in connection with ODEs and PDEs. We show
this for a basic problem modeled by an ODE. Various applications to PDEs will follow
in Chap. 12. This will show the enormous usefulness of Euler's and Fourier's ingenious
idea of splitting up periodic functions into the simplest ones possible.
From Sec. 2.8 we know that forced oscillations of a body of mass m on a spring of
modulus k are governed by the ODE

(1) my" + cy' + f....), = ret)

where y = yet) is the displacement from rest, c the damping constant, k the spring constant
(spring modulus), and r(t) the external force depending on time t. Figure 271 shows the
model and Fig. 272 its electrical analog, an RLC-circuit governed by



Fig.271. Vibrating system under Fig. 272. Electrical analog of the

consideration system in Fig. 271 (RLC-circuit)
SEC. 11.5 Forced Oscillations 499

1. (Calculus review) Review complex numbers. 10. Convert the series in Prob. 9 to real form.
2. (Even and odd functions) Show that the complex 11. f(x) = x 2 (-7r < X < 7r)
Fourier coefficients of an even function are real and
12. Convert the series in Prob. II to real form.
those of an odd function are pure imaginary.
3. (Fourier coefficients) Show that
13. f(x) = x (0 < x < 27r)
ao = Co, an = C n + C- n , b n = i(c n - c- n )· 14. PROJECT. Complex Fourier Coefficients. It is very
4. Verify the calculations in Example 1. interesting that the Cn in (6) can be derived directly by
S. Find further temlS in (9) and graph partial sums with a method sinlllar to that for an and b n in Sec. 11.1. For
your CAS. this, mUltiply the series in (6) by e- imx with fixed
6. Obtain the real series in Example 1 directly from the integer m, and integrate term wise from -7r to 7r on
Euler formulas in Sec. II. both sides (allowed, for instance, in the case of uniform
convergence) to get
Find the complex Fourier series of the following functions. I7T f(x)e- imx dx = cn I7T ei(n-m)x dx.
(Show the details of your work.) -7r n=-OO-71"

7. f(x) = -1 if - 7r < X < 0, f(x) = 1 if 0 < x < 7r Show that the integral on the right equals 27r when
8. Convert the series in Prob. 7 to real form. n = m and 0 when n =1= m [use (3b)], so that you get
9. f(x) = x (-7r < X < 7r) the coefficient formula in (6).

11.5 Forced Oscillations

Fourier series have important applications in connection with ODEs and PDEs. We show
this for a basic problem modeled by an ODE. Various applications to PDEs will follow
in Chap. 12. This will show the enormous usefulness of Euler's and Fourier's ingenious
idea of splitting up periodic functions into the simplest ones possible.
From Sec. 2.8 we know that forced oscillations of a body of mass m on a spring of
modulus k are governed by the ODE

(1) my" + cy' + f....), = ret)

where y = yet) is the displacement from rest, c the damping constant, k the spring constant
(spring modulus), and r(t) the external force depending on time t. Figure 271 shows the
model and Fig. 272 its electrical analog, an RLC-circuit governed by



Fig.271. Vibrating system under Fig. 272. Electrical analog of the

consideration system in Fig. 271 (RLC-circuit)
A30 App. 2 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems

Problem Set 11.3, page 496

1. Even, odd, neither, even, neither, odd
3. Odd
5. Neither
7. Odd
9. Odd

11 7r + (cos x + cos 3x + _1_ cos 5x + ... )

. 2 7r 9

13. (Sin x - sin 3x + _1_ sin 5x - + ... )

7r 9 25
4 ( 71X 57T.X )
15. 1 - --:;; sin ""2 + "31 sin -2-
+ 51 sin -2- + ...
4 ( 71X
17. (a) 1. (b) 7r sin ""2 + "31 sin -2-
+ 51 sin -2-
+ ...

8 ( 7T.X 1 37rx 1 571X )

19. (a) 1 + 7r2 cos ""2 + 9 cos -2- + 25 cos -2- + ...
4 (
(b) - sin -
+ -1 sin 7rX + -1 sin -
37rx I
- + - sin 27rx + ...
7r 2 2 3 2 4
21. (a) "23 - 2 ( 7rX
7r cos ""2
1 371X
- "3 cos -2- + 5 cos 2
- --:;1 cos -2-
+ - ...

6 ( 7H 1 1 37rx 1 57rx I
(b) 7r sin ""2 - "3 sin 71X + "3 sin -2- + 5 sin -2- - "9 sin 371X + ... )

1 3m:- 1 571X )
23. (a) "2L - 4L (
7r2 cos
L + 9 cos L + 25 cos L + ...
2L (
(b) --;; sin L - "21 sin L27rx + "31 sin L37rx - + ... )
25. (a) -7r + -4 ( cos x + -I cos 3x + - I cos 5x + ... )
2 7r 9 25

(b) 2 ( sin x + sin 2x + + sin 3x + . . .)

Problem Set 11.4, page 499

2i _ _ _ e(2n+ 1)ix
3. Use (5). 7.--
7r n=-oo 2n + 1
00 (-1)n 2 1)n00 (

9 .1· "
L... - - einx
' 11. +2 ---- einx
n 3 n=-(X:

13. 7r + i

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