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Topic: Channels of advertising

Group :4
Class : 232_ENTI1012_72
Teacher : Phạm Thị Phương Liên

Hà Nội – 2024

Presentation assessment: List of students (in the order of presenting)

No. Name (for students) Student ID Responsibility Mark

19 Nguyễn Thu Hòa 21D210169 Introduction + Conclusion

23 Vũ Thị Thanh Huyền 21D140114 1.1. Print Media

Dương Thị Thu Hương

24 21D210278 1.2. Television and Radio Media

21 Bùi Thị Ngọc Huyền 21D210170 1.3. Outdoor Advertising

Vũ Thị Huế 2.1. Advertising on Social

20 21D210329
Networks + Word

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền

22 21D210119 2.2. Influencer Marketing

Table of contents

I. Introduction..............................................................................................................4
II. Main Contents.........................................................................................................5
1. Traditional Advertising Channels.......................................................................................5
1.1. Print Media (Newspapers, magazines).....................................................................5
1.2. Television and Radio Media......................................................................................6
1.3. Outdoor Advertising (Billboards, Posters)...............................................................7
2. Digital Advertising Channels..............................................................................................9
2.1. Advertising on Social Networks................................................................................9
2.2. Influencer Marketing...............................................................................................11
III. Conclusion............................................................................................................13

I. Introduction

Advertising is the cornerstone of any marketing strategy, serving as a vital tool to

communicate with target audiences and promote products or services. Defined as the process
of creating persuasive messages to promote goods, services, or ideas, advertising plays a
pivotal role in shaping consumer perceptions and driving purchasing decisions.
Choosing the right advertising channel is paramount for success, as it ensures that the
message reaches the intended audience effectively. For instance, the case of Nike's "Just Do
It" campaign exemplifies the importance of selecting the appropriate advertising channel. By
leveraging a mix of traditional platforms like television commercials and print ads alongside
digital channels such as social media and influencer partnerships, Nike successfully reached
diverse demographics, reinforcing its brand identity and driving sales.
In essence, effective advertising not only captures attention but also resonates with
consumers, influencing their perceptions and behaviors. Therefore, strategic selection of
advertising channels is crucial for maximizing the impact of marketing efforts and achieving
business objectives.

II. Main Contents

1. Traditional Advertising Channels

1.1. Print Media (Newspapers, magazines)
Print media marketing comprises advertising products and services through newspapers,
magazines, and other print media mediums such as books and journals. As a mass-marketing
approach, printed advertisements allow firms to reach significant individuals, irrespective of
how keen they are on the product or service. It is also used to target specific groups of
people, such as magazines for women or fashion.
Print media, such as newspapers, have been a popular advertising channel for centuries,
with newspaper advertisements predating brands. As literacy rates increased in the 16th
century, advertisers in Italy, Germany, and Holland began publishing print advertisements in
weekly gazettes. Even today, newspapers remain an effective channel for reaching millions
of people and are considered one of the most trusted mediums, with 82 percent of customers
trusting them when making a purchase decision.
One of the advantages of newspaper advertising is its ability to target specific
geographic areas and audiences through the use of specific sections. Additionally,
newspaper readers tend to be well-educated and higher earners. When combined with other
advertising channels, such as radio, newspapers can make marketing efforts more profitable.
Despite a decline in readership, 7 out of 10 readers still trust news brands over social media
for accurate information. However, there are also drawbacks to newspaper advertising, such
as the continued decline in viewership, particularly among young people. Additionally,
newspapers often have editorial guidelines that limit intrusive ads, which can compromise
branding efforts. Measuring the effectiveness of newspaper advertisements can also be
challenging, especially when compared to digital mediums. Furthermore, newspapers have a
short lifespan and are often discarded at the end of the day. Many newspapers are also
transitioning to digital, but banner ads may not always be effective in grabbing an audience's
Magazines, on the other hand, have a longer history, with the first publications emerging
in the late 1600s as a form of entertainment for the upper class. By the 19th century, the
middle class began to desire magazines, leading publishers to sell ad space to offset printing
costs and expand readership. Today, magazine advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry,
with highly targeted audiences and the option to purchase full-color ads. One of the

advantages of advertising in magazines is the ability to target relevant consumers without
wasting budget. Readers also tend to be more interested in advertisements and may even
expect them. Additionally, magazines often have a strong brand associated with them, which
can add credibility to advertisements. Studies have also shown that readers recall print ads
better than digital ads. Despite the growth of digital media, many Americans still prefer the
hard copies of magazines, with 70 percent saying they prefer printed formats. Magazines
also have a longer shelf life compared to other print media, and their secondary audience,
such as those who read them in waiting rooms or share them with friends, can further
increase marketing ROI. However, it is important to get a firm estimate of a magazine's
primary readership when negotiating ad space, as the secondary audience can only be
estimated and may not be guaranteed.
1.2. Television and Radio Media
Television and radio, the established giants of advertising, retain a significant presence
even as digital media burgeons. These traditional channels offer distinct advantages and
disadvantages, and the optimal choice hinges on factors like advertising goals, budgetary
constraints, and brand positioning.
Television advertising boasts the undeniable advantage of immense reach. A
strategically placed commercial during a popular program can expose a brand to millions of
viewers in a single airing. This mass exposure is particularly effective for building brand
awareness and creating a national buzz. Imagine the impact of a visually stunning Super
Bowl ad showcasing a new car's sleek design and exhilarating performance. Television
commercials leverage the power of sight and sound, allowing for impactful storytelling that
evokes emotions and fosters brand recognition.
However, television advertising comes with a hefty price tag. Production costs can be
substantial, especially for high-concept commercials with elaborate sets and special effects.
Prime-time slots on popular channels can be exorbitantly expensive. Additionally, with the
rise of streaming services and on-demand content, traditional television viewership patterns
are shifting. Reaching a targeted audience can be challenging, as viewers often switch
channels or fast-forward through commercials during breaks.
Radio advertising, on the other hand, offers a more cost-effective approach. Production
costs are typically lower, making it a viable option for businesses with smaller budgets.
Radio excels at reaching local audiences. Local businesses can leverage radio ads to target
specific demographics during their commutes or leisure listening hours. The intimacy of the

medium also plays a role. Listeners develop relationships with familiar voices and
personalities on their favorite stations, fostering a sense of trust that can translate positively
to the advertised products. A local bakery's ad featuring the owner's friendly voice
discussing their fresh-baked bread can be highly effective.
However, radio advertising lacks the visual element that television offers. Conveying
complex information or showcasing products can be challenging solely through sound.
Additionally, the fleeting nature of radio ads makes it difficult to leave a lasting impression
compared to television commercials. With the growing popularity of online music platforms
and podcasts, listener habits are also evolving, potentially impacting reach.
A typical example of a television advertising channel is Apple. Apple is known for its
beautiful and minimalist television ads. Their "Shot on iPhone" campaign showcases the
iPhone's impressive photography capabilities through stunning images captured entirely on
the device. These ads are visually appealing and highlight the product's functionality.
Ultimately, the choice of advertising channel depends on several factors. Businesses
with brand awareness goals and large budgets might find television a compelling option.
Conversely, for businesses on a tighter budget seeking to target local audiences, radio
advertising could be a more strategic choice. Brand positioning also plays a role. Luxury
brands might favor the prestige associated with television commercials, while a local coffee
shop might find radio a more suitable fit for its down-to-earth image.
1.3. Outdoor Advertising (Billboards, Posters)
Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home advertising, is advertising that reaches
consumers when they are outside their homes. This can be anything from billboards, street
furniture and transit advertising to exterior signage and point of sale displays. Outdoor
advertising remains a very common way for businesses to advertise to the public However,
this form of advertising also has some advantages and disadvantages.
 Advantages of outdoor advertising:
 Cost-effective:
Outdoor advertising is one of the most affordable forms of advertising in the industry.
Advertising on a billboard, a bench or within a store can create customer impressions for a
very low cost. Even in high exposure areas, outdoor advertising can still be cheaper than the
cost of digital marketing. For a small business who is looking to advertise to a local
community, outdoor advertising is a cost effective way to do it.

 Immediate impact:
If someone is currently in the market for what the business or brand is offering and
they see the advertisement, it can create an immediate impact on them. The prospective
customer who sees the outdoor advertisement, whether it be on a billboard or a transit bus,
may decide to stop and contact the business via phone number, email or website located on
the advertisement thereby helping to increase the awareness of the business.

 Flexible creativity:
Outdoor advertising allows for creative and engaging designs, including large-scale
billboards, interactive installations and innovative digital displays, that can capture people's
attention consumers effectively, helping to increase brand awareness and message recall.
 Disadvantages of outdoor advertising:
 Limit on message length:
Outdoor advertising often has limited space for communication, making it difficult to
convey complex or detailed information about a product or service. Short messages can
make it difficult for customers to grasp information about products and services, create trust
and excitement about the business, and it greatly affects their purchasing decisions.

 Influenced by weather conditions:

Outdoor advertising is subject to weather factors and may be less effective in poor
weather conditions, such as rain, snow or extreme temperatures, which cause obscuration or
material damage.

 Environmental impact:
Outdoor advertising can contribute to visual pollution and environmental problems,
such as overuse of materials, energy consumption for lighting and disposal of non-recyclable
 Factors affecting the choice of outdoor advertising form:
 Customer target:
Customer characteristics are a key factor affecting the choice of outdoor advertising.
For example, if a business wants to reach younger age groups, they may choose to use
interactive or creative outdoor advertising, such as installing wall advertisements or using
virtual reality techniques.

 Marketing goals:

The specific goals of the outdoor advertising campaign will also affect the choice of
advertising format. For example, if the goal is to increase sales in a specific area, placing
billboards at major traffic points may be the right choice.

 Time and location:

The time and location of the advertising campaign will also affect the choice of
advertising format. For example, during the summer, the use of artistic and creatively
colored billboards can attract the attention of visitors. For event advertising, the use of
interactive billboards can generate active participation from the community.
 Examples of businesses that successfully apply outdoor advertising:
Many businesses have successfully applied this form of advertising, typically Coca
Cola. Businesses use large billboards with eye-catching, attractive images in prime locations
to increase brand awareness and create a strong impression. Not only that, Coca-Cola also
takes advantage of major sporting events to advertise products through advertising hoardings
and giant LED screens and uses advertising buses with creative images to attract customers'
attention. This campaign helped Coca-Cola increase sales and attract a large number of new
2. Digital Advertising Channels
2.1. Advertising on Social Networks
Advertising on social networks has become increasingly prevalent in today's digital
landscape, offering businesses diverse channels to connect with their target audience.
Advertising on social networks has become an integral part of modern marketing strategies.
With the widespread use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn,
Tiktok, businesses have found new avenues to reach their target audience in a more
personalized and engaging manner.
One of the key advantages of advertising on social networks is the ability to precisely
target specific demographics based on user interests, behaviors, and demographics. This
targeted approach allows businesses to tailor their ads to the preferences of their potential
customers, increasing the likelihood of conversion and maximizing return on investment.
However, one disadvantage of this precise targeting is the potential for ad fatigue among
users who may feel inundated with overly targeted advertisements, leading to negative brand
perception and ad avoidance behaviors.

Moreover, social media advertising offers various ad formats, including image ads,
video ads, carousel ads, and sponsored content, providing businesses with flexibility in their
creative approach. This allows brands to showcase their products or services in a visually
appealing and captivating way, effectively grabbing the attention of users as they scroll
through their feeds. However, creating high-quality content for social media ads can be time-
consuming and resource-intensive, especially for businesses with limited marketing budgets
or in-house creative capabilities.
Another significant benefit of advertising on social networks is the opportunity for
interaction and engagement with the audience. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, social
media ads enable two-way communication between brands and consumers, fostering
relationships and building brand loyalty. Users can like, comment, share, and even directly
message businesses, providing valuable feedback and insights that can inform future
marketing strategies. However, managing customer interactions and responding to
comments and messages in a timely manner can be challenging for businesses, especially
those with limited resources or expertise in social media management.
Furthermore, social media advertising offers robust analytics and tracking tools that
allow businesses to measure the performance of their ads in real-time. From impressions and
clicks to conversions and customer acquisition costs, these metrics provide invaluable data
for optimizing campaigns and improving overall effectiveness. However, interpreting and
analyzing this data accurately requires specialized knowledge and skills, and misinterpreting
analytics can lead to ineffective marketing decisions and wasted resources.
When choosing the appropriate advertising channel on social networks, businesses
must consider several factors, including their target audience's preferences and behaviors,
the budget available for advertising, the desired brand image and positioning, the desired
reach and frequency of exposure, and cultural nuances that may impact the effectiveness of
For instance, Nike, one of the world's leading sports brands, as an example of how
strategic use of social networking platforms can propel advertising campaigns and foster
customer interaction. Nike has proactively used social networking platforms such as
Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to create impressive advertising campaigns and interact
with customers. One of Nike's key strategies is to create inspirational and motivating
content, often high-quality promotional videos featuring famous athletes or success stories
from real users. These videos often convey messages about perseverance, effort, and

confidence, thereby stimulating emotions and motivating viewers. Nike also frequently
employs hashtag campaigns and social media challenges to solicit community participation,
promote brand awareness, and foster an active social media community. By leveraging the
power of social media to create quality and inspiring content, Nike has successfully captured
consumer attention, fostered positive engagement, and increased brand awareness. This has
contributed to the expansion of their market and strengthened Nike's position in the sports
and footwear industry.
In short, advertising on social networks presents businesses with a powerful platform
to reach and engage their target audience in today's digital age. With its precise targeting
options, diverse ad formats, interactive features, and comprehensive analytics, social media
advertising offers endless possibilities for brands to connect with consumers and drive
business growth. However, businesses must also be mindful of the potential disadvantages
and challenges associated with social media advertising and develop strategies to mitigate
them effectively.
2.2. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that leverages the influence of
individuals with high engagement on social media to promote products or services.
In the contemporary digital landscape, traditional marketing methodologies have
undergone a transformation, paving the way for influencer marketing as a potent strategy for
brands to engage with their intended audience. Influencer marketing entails collaborating
with individuals who possess a substantial following and credibility on social media
platforms, leveraging their influence to endorse products or services. This marketing
paradigm encompasses both social media influencer partnerships and brand ambassadors,
each playing pivotal roles in amplifying brand messages and fostering consumer
Social media influencer partnerships involve teaming up with influencers across
diverse platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter. These influencers have
cultivated loyal and engaged audiences who trust their opinions and recommendations. By
partnering with influencers whose values resonate with their brand ethos, companies can
effectively target their desired demographic in an authentic and relatable manner. Influencers
create content featuring the brand's products or services, seamlessly integrating them into
their lifestyle or niche content. This approach resonates with audiences as it feels less

intrusive and more akin to a recommendation from a trusted peer rather than a conventional
Brand ambassadors are individuals who maintain an ongoing relationship with a
brand, serving as advocates and representatives. Unlike one-off influencer partnerships,
brand ambassadors uphold a long-term commitment to promoting the brand across various
platforms. They embody the brand's values and identity, actively engaging with their
audience to nurture brand loyalty and awareness. Brand ambassadors frequently participate
in campaigns, events, and product launches, lending their credibility and influence to
authentically endorse the brand's offerings.
The efficacy of influencer marketing lies in its capacity to leverage the trust and
influence that influencers and brand ambassadors have cultivated with their followers. By
harnessing the authenticity and relatability of influencers, brands can forge meaningful
connections with their target audience, resulting in heightened brand awareness,
engagement, and ultimately, conversions.
Furthermore, influencer marketing enables brands to reach niche audiences that may
prove challenging to target through traditional advertising channels. Influencers often
possess dedicated followings within specific interest areas or demographics, enabling brands
to tailor their messaging to resonate effectively with these niche communities. This targeted
approach empowers brands to maximize the impact of their marketing endeavors and attain a
higher return on investment.
In conclusion, influencer marketing, encompassing social media influencer
partnerships and brand ambassadors, has emerged as a potent tool for brands to engage with
consumers in the digital era. By harnessing the trust, credibility, and influence of
influencers, brands can craft authentic and compelling content that resonates with their target
audience. As consumers increasingly seek authenticity and relatability in brand interactions,
influencer marketing offers a compelling solution to meet these evolving expectations and
drive business growth in today's competitive marketplace.

III. Conclusion

Looking forward, the landscape of advertising channels is set to undergo significant

transformation. Digital advertising will continue to dominate, propelled by advancements in
data analytics, AI, and machine learning. Personalization will be paramount, with advertisers
harnessing consumer data to deliver targeted and relevant content across various platforms.
Social media will remain a pivotal player, with a focus on interactive and authentic
engagement through influencer collaborations and user-generated content.
Furthermore, emerging technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality will
offer innovative opportunities for brands to create immersive brand experiences. The
integration of voice search and smart devices will also shape advertising strategies, as
marketers adapt to changing consumer behaviors.
In this evolving landscape, agility and adaptability will be key. Brands that can
effectively leverage new technologies and channels while maintaining a genuine connection
with their audience will thrive. Ultimately, success in advertising will hinge on the ability to
anticipate and embrace these future trends, staying ahead of the curve in a dynamic and
competitive market.



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