Lesson 1

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1. What is your name?
=> My name is Thịnh
2. Are you working or studying?
=> Currently, I am a sophomore at Viet Nam Aviation Academy. It’s actually a renowned
Aviation university in Vietnam. Besides that, I am also work a job part time as English Tutor, and I really
enjoys this job.

3. What do you like about your job/ major?

=> Well, I have to say that I love the study conditions my university provides me, especially the
professional lecturer. Most of them are from VATM and they always help me gain a deeper
understanding about my major. They’re so dedicated that they are always willing to help me in or outside
the classes.

4. Who was your childhood actor/ actress crush?

=> Honestly, when was born and raise in a countryside where didn’t have a lot of chances come into
contact with internet, I just wacthed TV with my parents, I remember Quyen Linh – MC really famous in
Viet Nam. He is a kind person, always willing to help people in the rural area, it was touch my heart until

5. If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

=> If I would be famous, I want to be an inspirational person. It’s probably because I want to raise my
voices to the society: pay more attention about attitude in communications. Many young people are
listless and verbal violence. I would inspire them by my actions, we must be kind, move forwards, stay
together and unite everyone.

6. If a movie was made of your life, what genre would it be?

7. If you have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?
=> To be honest, I don’t have a beautyful voice, but I always try to improve it every single day. Let’s me
recall, I used to be under pressure, my close friend sent me a EDM song “Unstopabble” by Sia. Can be
said that boost my mood, reduce the stress, I think stress is a common part of each people, So I open my
mind to manage it by a perfectly way.
8. If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
1. Which sports do you enjoy watching on TV?
=> Well, I’m a bit of a football enthusiast, so as you can guess I spend a lot of times for watching
football on TV. I can hardly survive without watching football on TV.
2. Do you prefer to watch or play sports?
=> To be honest, I’m a big fan of sports so I always watch it on TV. The moment that I kept in
mind was when Vietnam’s football ese team was in the final to figure out who would be an Asian winner.

3.What kind of physical activities did you do when you were at school?
4. What are the most popular sports in your country? Has this changed in recent years?
5. What do you do to keep fit?
=> When I was young, I really like eat sweets, then I very fat. I must spend a lot of times to lose weight ,
and the reason that I afraid being obesity. These days, I don’t have times for hit at the gym, I’d rather
studying and reading. But I always learn about nutrition and control energy, avoid junk foods, eat more
vegetables, healthy food and so on.

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