Third Quarter Test in Science 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Bonifacio St., Dagupan City


S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________

Teacher: _________________________________________________ Grade & Section:___________________
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter
that corresponds to your answer in the blank.

______1. What force occurs when one object rubs against another object?
A. Bouyant B. Gravity C. Friction D. Magnetic

______2. Which picture shows a static type of friction?



______3. Which surface provides the LEAST friction?

A. Tiled floor B. Sandy Road
C. Grassland D. Wood floor

______4. How are we going to stop a moving vehicle?

A. Release the brake pedal to increase friction.
B. Look at the brake pedal to increase friction.
C. Press the brake pedal to increase friction.
D. Do nothing to increase friction.

______5. Which bike will run faster?

A. Mountain bike because it has no brake.

B. Mountain bike because it is heavy and durable.
C. Road bike because it has a wide tire and lots of grips
D. Road bike because it has lightweight, has small thin tires, and is more aerodynamic.

______6. The gravity between two objects increases as the distance between them ___.
A. decreases B. neutralizes C. increases D. stabilizes

______7. Without air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate.
A. true B. maybe C. false D. neither true nor false

______8. Which of these will have the strongest gravitational pull on Earth?
A. a baby B. a drinking glass
C. a half sack of rice D. an elephant

______9. Why is it more difficult for us to go up a mountain than go down?

A. We are moving against gravity.
B. We are pulled by the wind.
C. We are moving towards gravity.
D. None of the above
______10. Which of the following statements does NOT tell about the effects of gravitational force
on objects?
A. The more distant the body from the Earth, the lesser is the gravitational force of
B. Gravitational force pushes the objects upward.
C. Gravitational force is greater when the objects are closer together.
D. The farther you are from Earth, the lesser your weight.

______11. Why does a ball thrown into the air tend to fall back to the ground?
A. Gravity causes the ball to fall.
B. The air pulls the ball to the ground.
C. Acceleration causes the ball to move faster.
D. The mass of the ball causes the ball to drop.

______12. Imagine the Earth lost its gravity. What will happen to objects on it?
A. All objects will float in the air.
B. All objects will fall on the ground.
C. Everything will just stay in place.
D. Only the lighter objects will float in the air.

_____13. Which of the following is an example of resisting gravity?

A. a rock rolling down a hill
B. a coconut falling from a tree
C. pouring water into the glass
D. an airplane taking off from the ground

______14. The following are uses of mechanical energy except_____.

A. It can make our work easier.
B. It generates electricity.
C. It is used to locate exact locations.
D. It makes our work faster.

______15. Which of the following is a source of chemical energy?

A. Pencil B. Chalk
C. Bicycle D. Firewood

______16. Which of the following sentences describes sound energy?

A. It is an energy produced by vibrating bodies or objects.
B. It is a form of energy possessed by a moving object
C. It’s a form of energy produced by moving electrons.
D. It’s a form of energy present in everybody due to the motion of molecules.

______17. Which of the following sentences describes light energy?

A. It is energy stored in plants.
B. It is a form of energy possessed by a moving object
C. It’s a form of energy produced by moving electrons.
D. It’s a form of energy that travels through space.

______18. Sun is the main source of light or radiant energy. It keeps the_________.
A. earth frozen B. earth cold
C. earth dark D. Earth visible

______19. Which of the following sentences does NOT describe heat energy?
A. It’s a form of energy present in everybody due to the motion of molecules.
B. It’s a form of energy produced by moving electrons.
C. It is an energy an object has because of the movement of its molecules.
D. It keeps the surroundings warm.

______20. It is an energy produced by moving electrons.

A. electrical B. chemical
C. sound D. Heat

______21. Energy transformation or energy conversion is the process of _____________.

A. Changing of energy from one form to another.
B. Changing of energy to heat energy alone.
C. Changing of energy to thermal energy alone.
D. Changing energy into different sizes.
______22. Energy transformation also occurs in some objects that we use. When you lighted a
candle, the chemical energy of the candle is changed into_____________.
A. heat and light energy B. nuclear energy
C. mechanical energy D. sound energy

______23. As our body performs processes like digestion, respiration, and circulation. Our
processes are powered by chemical energy stored in our body, which is then transformed
A. heat energy B. mechanical energy
C. light energy D. sound energy

______24. Energy transformation starts when ____________energy strikes the earth’s surface of
which some of this energy is transformed by photosynthesis into chemical energy stored
in the carbohydrate molecules of the plant.
A. heat energy B. mechanical energy
C. radiant energy D. sound energy

______25. When you switched on a flashlight, the chemical energy stored in batteries is converted
A. chemical energy B. mechanical energy
C. light energy D. sound energy

______26. Anie’s family bought a new electric stove. The stovetop had several large circles on it.
When Anie’s father turned on the stove, the circles glowed with a red color. What can
Do you infer about these circles?
A. The circles gave off both heat and light.
B. The circles gave off only light.
C. The circles gave off light but not heat.
D. The circles gave off the light to help the cook see the stove.

______27. ____________transformation is the change from one form to another.

A. energy B. heat
C. radiant D. sound

______28. When you pluck the string of a guitar, it possessed ___________ energy as it vibrates
and then transforms into sound energy.
A. Electrical energy B. Light energy
C. Heat energy D. Mechanical energy

______29. Energy transformation is important in our daily living because___________________.

A. It created useful and not-so-important energies.
B. It gives different forms of energy that help our work to become easier and faster.
C. It helps us to be in another place faster.
D. It provides high consumption of electricity.

______30 . What energy transformation occurs when you rub your hands together?
A. Chemical energy to Heat energy
B. Heat energy to Mechanical energy
C. Mechanical energy to Chemical energy
D. Mechanical energy to Heat energy

______31. Transformation of energy occurs when __________.

A. energy is wasted
B. energy is created
C. there is electricity
D. energy is transformed from one form to another

______32. Maria used her cell phone to call her mother. After a few minutes, she felt the phone
getting warm. Which diagram correctly shows the energy transformation that took
A. chemical light and sound
B. chemical electrical and heat
C. chemical light sound
D. chemical electrical sound and heat

______33. Which shows the transformation of energy in a television?

______34. When you light the wood to burn, what kind of energy transformation occurs?
A. transformation through heat
B. transformation through light
C. transformation through work
D. transformation through vacuum

______35. What is the proper sequence for the transformation of the energy of a car?

______36. Which is true about the Law of Conservation of Energy?

A. Energy can be created.
B. Energy can be destroyed.
C. Energy can repeat itself and create.
D. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one
form to another.

Directions: Choose the type of simple machine that is appropriate for each task. Write the letter of
your answer on the blank.

______37. Changing flat tire.

A. Pulley B. Screw C. Inclined plane D. Wheel and axle

______38. Beating fifty eggs in baking bread.

A. Pulley B. Screw C. Wheel and axle D. Both A and B

______39. Getting water from a ground well

A. Pulley B. Screw C. Wheel and axle D. Wedge

______40. Bringing heavy metals to the third floor of the house being constructed.
A. Pulley B. Screw C. Wedge D. Wheel and axle

______41. What kind of simple machine has a sharp edge and helps spread or cut something?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Inclined plane D. Wedge

______42. The staircase is an example of what simple machine?

A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Inclined plane

______43. What type of simple machine multiplies effort force using a straight or curved rigid
bar that is free to turn about a fixed point?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Screw D. Wedge

______44. Wheelchair ramps allow people in wheelchairs to get over obstacles without much
the effort, what type of simple machine are these ramps?
A. Wedge B. Lever C. Inclined plane D. Screw

______45. Why are simple machines important to people?

A. They can create products easily.
B. They can cause damage to the environment.
C. They can produce energy and movement to create work.
D. They can transform and transfer energy, multiply speed and force, and make
work faster and easier.

______46. A can opener is a combination of which simple machines?

A. inclined plane and wedge B. lever and wedge
C. wedge and pulley D. lever and pulley

______47. The following are examples of wedge EXCEPT __________.

A. cutter B. nail C. saw D. Stairs

______48. Which part of the tong is the fulcrum?

______49. What simple machine is shown in the picture?

A. first class lever B. second class lever

C. third class lever D. fourth class level

______50. Which of these should be done with a sharp tool to prevent injuries to children?
A. The children can be allowed to use knives.
B. Sharp tools should be put out of reach of the children.
C. The knife should be placed under the sofas and chairs.
D. Sharp tools and equipment should be kept inside the cabinets.

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