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Fourier Series

A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function in terms of an infinite sum of sines

and cosines.

Let be a periodic function of period defined on the interval that is


Then, the corresponding Fourier series is written as:

Fourier series of periodic function defined on the interval is:

Problem 1. Find the Fourier series expansion of the function:

Solution. Here
The required Fourier series is:

Polling Quiz
Which of the following is the correct value of coefficients for the
function over the interval




(D) All are correct.

Problem 2. Find the Fourier series expansion of the function:

Solution. Here
The required Fourier series is:

must be single valued and absolutely integrable over a period.

must have a finite number of extrema in any given interval, i.e.

there must be a finite number of maxima and minima in the interval.

must have a finite number of discontinues in any given interval,

however the discontinuity cannot be infinite.

must be bounded.
Polling Quiz

In the Fourier series expansion of a periodic function in

the interval , the value of is given by:




Fourier Series at a Point of Discontinuity

Let and be piecewise continuous on the interval

Then, Fourier series of on this interval converges to at a

point of continuity.

At a point of discontinuity, the Fourier series converges to:

where and are the right and left hand limits respectively.
Problem 1. Find the Fourier series expansion of the function if:

Solution. Here
The required Fourier series is:

Which is the required Fourier series.

Polling Quiz
The Fourier coefficient of in the interval is:



Problem 2. Find the Fourier series expansion of the function if:

Solution. Try it yourself.

Even functions:

Let be a function defined on .

Then is said to be an even function if

For example, are all

even functions as:
Odd functions:

Let be a function defined on .

Then is said to be an odd function if

For example, are all

odd functions as:
Polling Quiz

The function is:

(A) An even function
(B) An odd function
(C) Neither even nor odd
(D) I Know.
Change of interval:

Let periodic function be defined on the interval

If then interval becomes

Two Important Definite integrals

If is an odd function, then:

If is an even function, then:

Fourier series of an Even function

If is an even function on , then:

Required Fourier series is:

Fourier series of an Odd function

If is an odd function on , then:

Required Fourier series is:

Problem 1. Find the Fourier series expansion of the function:

Solution. Here


So, is an odd function.

{ is an even function}
The required Fourier series is:

Polling Quiz
If is an odd function, which of the following is true:
(D) (A) and (B)
Problem 2. Find the Fourier series expansion of the function:

Solution. Here


So, is an even function.

is an even function
The required Fourier series is:

Fourier Half-Range Series

If a function is defined only on half interval , the it is possible

to obtain a Fourier cosine or a Fourier sine series.
Fourier cosine series:

Fourier sine series:

Polling Quiz

For half-range Fourier sine series:

(D) (A) and (B)
Problem 1. Find the Fourier cosine series expansion of the function:

Solution. Here
The required Fourier cosine series is:

Polling Quiz

For half-range Fourier cosine series:

(D) (A) and (B)
Problem 2. Find the Fourier sine series expansion of the function:

Solution. Here
The required Fourier sine series is:

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