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‫خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬

‫ألي استفسار قم بارسال استفسارك بقروب تيليجرام المخصص للمادة‬

‫(‪ )1‬مالحظة مهمة جدا‪:‬‬

‫مواد ‪ MGT – MKT – BUC‬نقدم لكم ملخصات وشرح المادة كاملة مجانا لتتعرفوا‬
‫على خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬

‫(‪ )2‬لمعرفة طريقة االستفادة من خدمات نابستر المتاحة لك‪ ,‬توجه للصفحة الرئيسية‬

‫خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫أ‪.‬جابر الشمري – مؤسس خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫بكالوريوس إدارة أعمال ‪AOU‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ماجستير إدارة أعمال ‪GUST‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫طالب دكتوراه ‪USM‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
MKT112 – Chapter3
➢ Describe the 4E framework of digital marketing.
Social media refers to online and mobile technologies that create and distribute content
and it is part of digital marketing.

First, Excite the Customer; Offer must be relevant to its targeted customer and providing
personalized offers.

Second, Educate the Customer; marketers have opportunity to educate about the product’s
value and communicate benefits as customers require.

Third, Experience the Product or Service; Provide information about a firm’s goods and
services. And give real experiences. how they work, how to use them, and where they can
be obtained such as YouTube channels to find how to use the product.

Fourth, Engage the Customer; Action, loyalty, and commitment. Positively engaged
consumers lead to more profitability by encouraging the use of social media tools such as
blogging and microblogging.

➢ What social media elements work best for each of the 4 Es?
a) Excite the Customer—social networks like Facebook and Google+
b) Educate the Customer—like Twitter and YouTube
c) Experience the Product or Service—YouTube, blogs, and retailer’s website
d) Engage the Customer—blogging and microblogging

➢ Examine the seven critical elements of online marketing. – 7C

This framework includes seven elements that marketers must consider when making an
online marketing strategy and designing websites and blogs to target both potential and
current customers.

1) Core Goals: the basis of any marketing strategy is its goals. Such as determining specific
2) Context Elements: includes design and navigation must be in alignment with the target
market(s). Such as design of website.
3) Content: monitor the content they share digitally to ensure that the information is
relevant to their target market(s). Such as sure all contents relate to the firm’s products.
4) Community: allow their customers to interact, share information, and create community
by posting comments, reviews, and suggestions for products or services. Such as rating.
5) Communication: Digital communities rely on clear, helpful, meaningful content.
6) Commerce: based on actual purchases, consumers varying preferences for the types of
digital marketing tools they want to use. Most loyal customers may use multiple
7) Connection: get customers to interact and engage with the firm continuously and in a
positive manner. Such as Call-to-action buttons like Buy Now

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
➢ Differentiate between organic and paid search
Organic search is the process of listing web page results based on the key terms.
Paid search is where company pay to appear higher up in the search results of a search
engine by paying a fee to the search engine. Also additional fees charged every time a user
clicks on the entry.

➢ What are the five drivers of social media engagement described in the
Wheel of Social Media Engagement.

First, The Information Effect; Outcome in which relevant information is spread by firms or
individuals to other members of the social network. It depends on its context and the

Second, The Connected Effect; Outcome that satisfies humans’ need to connect with other
people. People learn what their friends are interested in, but they also broadcast their own
interests and opinions to those friends

Third, The Network Effect; Outcome in which every post is spread across social media. One
way that companies can extend their network effects is by paying to followers to write posts
about or upload pictures with their products.

Fourth, The Dynamic Effect; It has two impacts. First it describes how information is
exchanged to network participants through back-and-forth communications in an active and
effective way. Second, the dynamic effect expands the impact of the network effect by
examining how people flow in and out of networked communities as their interests change.

Fifth, The Timeliness Effect; Firms must engage with the customer at the right place and

➢ What are the seven types of customer motivations for using mobile apps?
Need for me time, need to socialize, need to shop, need to accomplish, need to prepare,
need to discover, and need to self-express

➢ What are the four options for pricing mobile apps?

A key decision for firms producing apps is what to charge for them. Ad-supported apps are
free to download, but ads appear on the screen. Freemium apps are apps that are free to
download but include in-app purchases . Paid apps charge the customer to download the
app ($0.99 is the most common), but offer full functionality once downloaded.

➢ What are some of the most popular types of mobile applications?

Navigation, productivity, books, education, news, entertainment, music, newsstand, social
networking, and games

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
➢ What are the components of a digital marketing strategy?
First, Listen; Listening helps determine digital marketing objectives and strategies.
Analysis allows marketers to analyze and determine consumers attitudes and preferences.

Second, Analyze; based on six elements;

1) Hit; A request for a file made by web browsers and search engines. Hits are metric for
website success; however, the number of hits typically is much larger than the number
of people visiting a website.

2) Page view; The number of times an Internet page gets viewed by any visitor.

3) Bounce rate; The percentage of times a visitor leaves the website almost immediately,
such as after viewing only one page.

4) Click path; Shows how users proceed through the information on a website.

5) Conversion rate; A measure that indicates what percentage of visitors or potential

customers click, buy, or donate at the site.

6) Keyword analysis; An evaluation of what keywords people use to search on the Internet
for their products and services.

Third, Doing; Develop and implement campaigns using social media. Effective
implementation based on social and mobile media activity.

➢ How should firms choose and assess the efficacy of influencers?

Influencer marketing is a strategy that uses these well-known names, popular on social
media, to drive marketing messages to a targeted audience by hire or encourage them.

Firms should consider the 4Rs, relevance, reach, response, and return, when choosing and
assessing the efficacy of influencers;

1) First, Relevance – refers to both the influencer and his followers (i.e., targeted audience)
and how they link with the brand and its message.

2) Second, Reach - refers to the percentage of a target population who get to a specific
marketing communication at least once.

3) Third, Response - Once followers engage with the message, the brand also needs them
to go further and respond in ways that benefit it.

4) Fourth, Return - While financial returns can be measured using different techniques,80
return on investment (ROI) is often used.

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
MKT112 – Chapter4
➢ What are the criteria for being a conscious marketer?
Conscious marketing sense of purpose for the firm that is higher than just make profit for
the firm.
It follows the following Four Principles: recognition of marketing’s greater purpose,
consideration of stakeholders, the presence of conscious leadership, creating a corporate
culture, and the understanding that decisions are ethically.

➢ What is the difference between conscious marketing, corporate social

responsibility and TBL?
Conscious marketing sense of purpose for the firm that is higher than just make profit for
the firm.

Corporate social responsibility describes the voluntary actions taken by a company to

address the ethical, social, and environmental impacts of its business operations and the
concerns of its stakeholders. These responsibilities are not law but associated with the
expectations and desires of stakeholders.

Triple bottom line refers to actions and policies to achieve economic, social, and
environmental performance.

‫تابع ر‬
How Conscious Marketing Differs from CSR ‫الشح‬

➢ Is Walmart a conscious marketer or is it a practitioner of CSR?

Walmart has been widely criticized as the worst-paying company in the United States. Yet it
also engages in extensive CSR programs across the triple bottom line. It has committed to
reducing its carbon footprint (environmental performance), donates more than $1 billion in
cash and in-kind items to charitable causes per year (social performance), and still earns
strong profits (economic performance). Most students will consider Walmart a practitioner
of CSR and not a conscious marketer.

➢ Provide a specific example of a conscious marketing firm that considers

the needs of each of its stakeholders.
Examples include employees, customers, the marketplace, society and environment.

First, Employees. Firm’s basic responsibility is to Ensure a safe and healthy working
environment for staff. For example, happy employee families make happy and productive
employees, as giving employees offday in holiday to enjoy with their family.

Second, Customers. firms must consider the effects on their current customers as well as
future customers they have targeted. For example; develop products for the future.

Third, Marketplace. When one firm in the industry leads the way toward conscious
marketing, its partners and competitors often have no choice but to follow. Or run the risk
of not doing business.
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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬

Fourth, Society. A firm that fails to act responsibly causes damage to all stakeholders,
instead company must engage in activities to develop the society.

Fifth, Environment is part of society and refers to Sustainability is a special category that
combines considerations of all stakeholders. Such as taking care of natural environment.

➢ What ethical questions should a marketing manager consider at each

stage of the marketing plan?
Firms can address relevant questions at each stage of the strategic marketing planning

First, Planning Phase. The mission or vision statements set the overall tone for Conscious
Marketing. For example: General Electric made booklet includes policies.

Second, Implementation Phase. when firms are identifying markets and ways to deliver the
four Ps to them. For example; TOMS shoes company offer pair of shoes to poor for each
pair it sells.

Third, Control Phase. Any plan requires evaluation and revision. During the control phase,
managers must be evaluated on their actions from a conscious marketing perspective.

The emergence of new technologies and new markets ensures that new issues continually
arise. For example; marketers collect data on people’s location through purchase
transactions and posts on social and mobile sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Conscious Marketing Principle - Ethics versus Social Responsibility

‫تابع ر‬

➢ Identify the stages in the ethical decision-making framework.

Step 1: Identify Issues. In a marketing research firm, ethical issues might include:
1) Data collection methods—not informing respondents that they are being observed
2) Hiding the true purpose of a study from respondents—telling them they are an
independent research company.
3) Using results to mislead or even harm the public—results of a pharmaceutical study.

Step 2: Gather Information and Identify Stakeholders. In this step, the firm focuses on
gathering facts that are important to the ethical issue, including all about individuals and

Step 3: Brainstorm and Evaluate Alternatives. All parties should come together to
brainstorm any alternative action. The company leaders and managers review and select the
alternatives, leading to the final step.

Step 4: Choose a Course of Action. Pick the alternatives and take a course of action.

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
MKT112 – Chapter6

First, Need Recognition. Recognize that customers have unsatisfied need or wants. Needs
can be functional or Psychological. Wants are goods or services that are not necessarily
needed but are desired.

Second, Search for Information. Make internal and external search about options to
satisfy customers needs. Internal search includes own knowledge, skills and past
experience. External search includes information from outside like survey to customers.

Third, Evaluation of Alternatives. Research has shown that a consumer’s mind organizes
‫تابع ر‬
and categorizes alternatives to aid his or her decision process. ‫الشح‬

Fourth, Purchase and Consumption. Retailers use the conversion rate to measure how
well they have converted purchase intentions into purchases.

Fifth, Post Purchase

➢ Name the five stages in the consumer decision process.

Need Recognition, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchase and Consumption,

➢ What is the difference between a need and a want?

Wants are goods or services that are not necessarily needed but are desired

➢ Distinguish between functional and psychological needs.

Need Recognition means customers have unsatisfied need and wants to make purchase to
satisfy it. There are two types of needs. Functional needs which relates to performance of a
product or service, such as BMW car. Psychological needs which relates to personal
gratification with product, such as valet parking.

Factors Affecting Consumers’ Search Processes is locus of control. locus of control means
how much control people think they have over the outcomes of various activities, such as
purchasing a product or service. There are two types;
Internal locus of control which means people think they have more control over
outcomes. External locus of control which means people think that fate or external
factors control all outcomes

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
➢ What are the various types of perceived risk? (types of risks)
• Performance risk involves poorly performing product or service.
• Financial risk is associated with a monetary outlay and includes the cost of the purchase
as well as the costs of using the item or service.
• Social risk involves the fears that consumers may face negative feelings from other’s.
• Physiological (or safety) risk refers to the fear of an actual harm should if the product
not perform properly.
• Psychological risks are those risks associated with the way people will feel if the product
or service does not convey the right image.

➢ What are the differences between compensatory and noncompensatory

decision rules?
• A compensatory decision rule assumes that the consumer, when evaluating
alternatives, trades off one characteristic against another. such that good characteristics
compensate for bad characteristics. For example, car has multiple features
• A noncompensatory decision rule, the consumer chooses a product or service based on
one or a subset of its characteristics, regardless of the values of its other attributes. For
example; Phone screen protection

Retailers use the conversion rate to measure how well they have converted purchase
intentions into purchases.

➢ How do firms enhance post purchase satisfaction and reduce cognitive

Increase satisfaction, Marketers can take several steps to ensure postpurchase satisfaction:
Build realistic expectations, Demonstrate correct product use, Stand behind the product or
service, Encourage customer feedback, and Periodically make contact with customers and
thank them for their support

Reduce cognitive dissonance, Return policies, Thank-you letters, Congratulations letters,

Tags on garments

➢ What are some examples of specific needs suggested by Maslow’s

hierarchy of needs?

A motive is a need or want that is strong enough to cause the person to seek satisfaction.
there are several types of motives as per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

First, Physiological needs deal with the basic biological necessities of life such as food.
Second, Safety needs deal with protection and physical well-being as insurance.
Third, Love needs deal with being accepted by other staff.
Fourth, Esteem needs deal with satisfy the inner desires as being respected from others.
Fifth, Self-actualization occurs when you feel completely satisfied with your life and how
you live as personal growth.

‫ الرسمة ر‬+ ‫الشح مهم‬

‫بالشح مهمة‬ ‫تابع ر‬

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
➢ Which social factors likely have the most influence on (a) the purchase of a
new outfit for a job interview and (b) the choice of a college to attend?
First, Family. Firms must consider how families make purchase decisions and understand
what influence these decisions.

Second, Reference Groups which is one or more persons whom an individual uses as a basis
for comparison regarding beliefs, feelings, and behaviors. A consumer might have various
reference groups, including friends or coworkers that influnce decisions.

Third, Culture which is the shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values, and customs of a group
of people. Like cultures influence consumer behavior

➢ What situational factors do firms use to influence consumer purchase

Situational factors are three factors specific to the situation that override, or at least
influence, psychological and social issues.

First, Consumers might be ready to purchase but change their mind when they arrive in the
store. Marketers try to influence consumers at this stage of the decision process.

Second, Customers may be prefer to purchase certain products or services because of some
psychological or social factor, but these factors may change in certain purchase situations.

Third, Temporal State. Our state of mind at any particular time can alter our preconceived
notions of what we are going to purchase.

➢ How do low- versus high-involvement consumers process the information

in an advertisement?
The high-involvement; consumer will check all the information deeply, then consumer gets
postive impression, strong attitudes, and high purchase intentions.
The low-involvement consumer will check all information in general, then consumer gets
negative impression, weak attitudes, and low purchase intentions.

➢ What is the difference between extended versus limited problem solving?

Limited problem solving occurs during a purchase decision that includes amount of effort
and time. Customers have past experience with the product or service and the perceived
risk is moderate. Limited problem solving usually relies on past-experience more than on
external information. Extended problem solving, which is common when the customer
perceives that the purchase decision has a lot of risk, needs external information.

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
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MKT112 – Chapter8
Globalization refers to processes by which goods, services, capital, people, information, and
ideas flow across national borders.

➢ What metrics can help analyze the economic environment of a country?

Metrics are based on three factors; general economic environment, the market size and
population growth rate, and real income.

The general economic environment which are four factors;

1) First, gross national income (GNI) which includes the economic impact of firms that
earn income from their global operations
2) Second, gross domestic product (GDP) which includes the economic impact of firms that
earn income from their local operations
3) Third, purchasing power parity (PPP) is a theory that states that if the exchange rates of
two countries are in equilibrium, a product purchased in one will cost the same in the
other if expressed in the same currency.
4) Fourth, Trade deficit or surplus

Analyzing Infrastructure and Technological Capabilities. Infrastructure is defined as the

basic facilities, services, and installations needed for a community or society to function
which are: Transportation. Distribution Channels. Communications. Commerce

➢ What types of governmental actions should we be concerned about as we

evaluate a country?
There are three governmental actions which are Tariffs, quotas, boycotts, exchange
controls, and trade agreements.

First, Trade negotiations try to reduce or eliminate tarrifs such as tax and quotas such as
availability of imported goods.

Second, Exchange Control which means measure of how much one currency is worth in
relation to another. Many countries use exchange control try to keep their markets
attractive to foreign investors.

Third, trade agreement is an intergovernmental agreement to manage trade activities, and

a trading bloc consists of those countries that have signed a particular trade agreement.

Culture, or the shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values, and customs of a group of
people, exists on two: visible artifacts (e.g., behavior, dress, symbols, physical settings,
ceremonies) and underlying values (thought processes, beliefs, and assumptions).

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
➢ What are some important cultural dimensions?
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions offer an effective understanding of the subtle elements of a
1. Power distance: willingness to accept social inequality as natural.
2. Uncertainty avoidance: the extent to which the society relies on orderliness,
consistency, structure, and formalized procedures to address situations that arise in
daily life.
3. Individualism: perceived obligation to and dependence on groups.
4. Masculinity: the extent to which dominant values are male oriented. A lower
masculinity ranking indicates that men and women are treated equally in all aspects
of society;
5. Time orientation: short- versus long-term orientation. A country that tends to havea
long-term orientation values long-term commitments and is willing to accept a
longer time horizon for, say, the success of a new product introduction.
6. Indulgence: the extent to which society allows for the gratification of fun and
enjoyment needs or else suppresses and regulates such pursuits.

➢ Why are each of the BRIC countries viewed as potential candidates for
global expansion?
Brazil’s ability to weather, and even thrive during, the most recent economic storm, has
transformed it into a global contender. Russia has undergone multiple up- and downturns
in its economy. However, its overall growth prospects appear promising, especially as a
consumer market. With more than 1.2 billion people, or approximately 15 percent of the
world’s population, together with expanding middle and upper classes, India is one of the
world’s fastest growing markets. China’s leadership, while maintaining communist
political ideals, has embraced market-oriented economic development, which has led to
startlingly rapid gains.

➢ Which global entry strategy has the least risk and why?
• Exporting includes the least financial risk but has limited financial return. As company
sells products to other countries, it faces little risk because it has no resources
investment. For example; Amazon.

• Franchising is a contractual agreement between a firm, the franchisor, and another

firm or individual, the franchisee. A franchising allows the franchisee to operate a
business using the name and business format developed and supported by the
franchisor. For example; Honda ALGhanim

• Strategic alliances refer to collaborative relationships between two firms to get more
benefits, but do not create an equity partnership. For example; Spotify with
headquarters in Sweden.

• Joint Venture when foreign company enter local market and deal with local firm.
Ownership, control and profits are shared. Local company offer great understanding
of the market and state for the foreign country. For example; Sony Erricson

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬
➢ Which global entry strategy has the most risk and why?
• Direct investment requires a firm to maintain 100 percent ownership of its plants,
operation facilities, and offices in a foreign country. This entry strategy requires the
highest level of investment and risks.

‫تابع رشح الفيديو‬

➢ What are the components of a global marketing strategy?
Determining the target markets to developing a marketing mix that will sustain a
competitive advantage over time

➢ What are the three global product strategies?

Global product strategies:
1) Sell the same product or service in both the home country market and the host country.
2) Sell a product or service similar to that sold in home country but include minor
3) Sell totally new products or services

‫تابع رشح الفيديو‬

========================= Dr.Napester =========================

MKT112 – Chapter10
Marketing research refers to collecting, recoding, analyzing, and interpreting data that
help decision makers who are involved in marketing goods, services, or ideas. The
marketing research function links firms and organizations to their customers through
data. By collecting data from customers, firms can better deliver products and services
designed to meet their needs.

➢ What are the steps in the marketing research process?

There are five step-by-step progressions.
1) Define objectives and research needs; by determine what information is needed and
how to obtain them.
2) Designing the research project; by determine what reaserch and type of data are
3) Deciding on the data collection process and collecting the data, primary and secondary;
- Primary data are Collected to address specific research needs such as survey
- Secondary data are Collected prior to the start of the research project, externally
and internally, such as previous reports
4) Analyze and interpret the data by Converting data into information that is useful in
decision making
5) Developing and Implementing an Action Plan by Prepare the findings for presentation
‫تابع رشح الفيديو‬

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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬

➢ What is the difference between data and information?

Data is raw numbers or face that have limited value to marketers. However, when the data
are interpreted, they become Information, which results from organizing, analyzing, and
interpreting data and putting them into a form that is useful to marketing decision makers.

➢ What is the difference between panel and scanner data?

Secondary data might come from free or very inexpensive external sources such as panel
and scanner data.
Panel data is information collected from a group of consumers, organized into panels,
overtime. Are used in quantitative research obtained from scanner readings of Universal
Product (UPC) labels which are provided and sold by leading research firms.

➢ What are the types of qualitative research?

qualitative research uses open-ended questions to understand the phenomenon of
interest. Qualitative researches can be three types;
Observation by Examining purchase and consumption behaviors such as video camera.
In-Depth and Focus Group Interviews.
- In an in-depth interview, trained researchers ask questions and listen to and record
the answers and then pose additional questions to clarify or expand on a particular
- focus group interviews is unstructured, small group of 8 to 12 people with a trained
person. take place online

➢ What are the types of quantitative research?

quantitative research, which are structured responses that can be statistically tested. There
are different types of quantitative researches;

First, Survey Research which means collecting information using a questionnaire. The most
popular type of quantitative collection method.

Second, Panel and Scanner apprach*

Third, Experiment that manipulates one or more variables to determine which variables
have a causal effect on other variables. For exampele; marketig in social media

➢ What are the 5 Vs of big data?

Big data means large data which firms have access to but cannot handle using data
management and data mining software. the 5 Vs of big data are volume, variety, velocity,
veracity, and value dimensions
1) Volume means big data.
2) Variety means different format of data such as numberes and texts.
3) Velocity means how quickly the data can be gathered
4) Veracity means data offer different levels of accuracy and reliability, so firms need to
determine how trustworthy the collected data might be.
5) Value means data must be helpful to consumer or purchasing decisions.
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‫ للحصول على شرح المادة و االختبارات بالكامل مجانا يمكنك‬- MKT112 ‫ملخصات‬
‫ خدمة نابستر التعليمية‬- Whatsapp: +965-55080885 :‫التواصل واتس اب‬

Changes in marketing research because of:

• Increase in amount of data.
• Ability to collect data from transactions, CRM, social media, websites.
• Ease of collecting and storing data.
• Computing ability to manipulate data.
• Access to software to convert data into decision-making insights (Amazon, SAP,
Splunk, GoodData, Google Analytics.

➢ What decisions can be made using marketing analytics?

Decisions about the marketing mix, which segments to target, understanding those
segments and how to manage them, and creating micro-segmentations strategies at a local
level can be made using marketing analytics

➢ What are the four broad categories of marketing analytics tools and
The four categories of marketing analytics tools and methods include: descriptive analytic
tools, predictive analytics tools, prescriptive analytic tools, and active analytic tools
‫تابع ر‬
➢ Under what circumstances is it ethical to use consumer information in
marketing research?
Many customers demand increasing control over the information that has been collected
about them. Companies must disclose their privacy practices to customers before using

➢ What challenges do technological advances pose for the ethics of

marketing research?
As technology develops, threats to consumers’ personal information grow. Facial
recognition software is used to detect individuals from a video frame or digital images.
Consumers have little control over facial recognition software that allows companies to
detect demographic information based on their appearances.

Going even deeper than using facial recognition software, neuromarketing is the process of
examining consumers’ brain patterns to determine their responses to marketing
communications, products, or services for the purpose of developing marketing tactics or

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