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EEEN2040 Building Service Engineering and Green Building

Assignment 1 (Due on Jan 31, 2018, In-class submission)

Problem 1. The air temperature is 25 oC, and the relative humidity is 50%. The pressure is 1 atm.
Find the enthalpy, humidity ratio, wet bulb temperature, and dew point temperature using the
psychrometric chart. Please show your work on the chart.
h=50.4 kJ/kg, ω=0.0099 kg/kg, Twb=17.9 oC, Tdp=13.9 oC.

Problem 2. The air enthalpy is 85 kJ/kg, and the relative humidity is 50%. The pressure is 1 atm.
Find the air temperature, humidity ratio, wet bulb temperature, and dew point temperature using
the psychrometric chart. Please show your work on the chart.
Tdb=36.1 oC, ω=0.0190 kg/kg, Twb=27.0 oC, Tdp=24.0 oC.

Problem 3. First, room air (24 oC, 60%, 0.8 kg/s) mixes with outdoor air (35 oC, 70%, 0.2 kg/s).
Then, the total air goes through a cooling coil and is cooled down to 7 oC. The pressure is a constant
at 101.3 kPa. The pyschrometric chart is attached.
(1) Draw air handling processes with numbers on a pyschrometric chart;
(2) Determine the temperature and relative humidity of point 3;
(3) Calculate the heat transfer rate at the cooling coil.

(1) 1, 2 → 3: mixing process; 3 → 4: wet cooling coil (cooling+dehumidification):

f = 1.0 1

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(2) Mixing process
L1 ma,2 1
First, find points 1 and 2 on pyschrometric chart. Then, determine point 3 by  
L2 ma,1 4
Read data from chart: T3  26.2o C, f3  65%

(3) Energy balance (wet cooling coil):

Q  ma h3  ma h 4  mw h w  0  Q  ma (h 4  h 3 )  mw h w
Since m w h w is very small, Q  ma (h 4  h 3 )
Dry air mass balance:
ma =ma,1  ma,2  (0.8  0.2)kg/s=1 kg/s
Read data from pyschrometric chart:
T3  26.2o C, f3  65% → h 3  62 kJ / kg
Note that, after a wet cooling coil, relative humidity is 100% (point 4).
Read data from pyschrometric chart:
T4  7o C, f4  100% → h 4  23 kJ / kg

Insert values: Q  ma (h 4  h3 )  1kg / s  (23  62)kJ / kg  39 kW

Problem 4. A refrigerator is used to cool water from 23 to 5 oC in a continuous manner. The heat
rejected in the condenser is 570 kJ/min and the power is 2.65 kW. Determine the rate at which
water is cooled, in L/min, and the COP of the refrigerator. The specific heat of water is 4.18
kJ/kgoC and its density is 1 kg/L.

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Problem 5. A heat engine receives heat from a heat source at 1200 oC and has a thermal efficiency
of 40%. The heat engine generates maximum possible work equal to 500 kJ. Determine the heat
supplied to the heat engine by the heat source, the heat rejected to the heat sink, and the temperature
of the heat sink.

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