Grunau Resus 2018 - Trends and Survival OOHCA BCAS 2006-16

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Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

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Clinical paper

Trends in care processes and survival following prehospital resuscitation T

improvement initiatives for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in British
Columbia, 2006–2016

Brian Grunaua,b,c, , Takahisa Kawanob,d, William Dicka,e, Ronald Straighte, Helen Connollyc,
Robert Schlampe, Frank X. Scheuermeyera,b, Christopher B. Fordycef,g, David Barbica,b,
John Tallona,e,f, Jim Christensona,b
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada
St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Providence Healthcare Research Institute, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
The Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Fukui Hospital, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
BC Emergency Health Services, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Division of Cardiology, University of British Columbia, Canada


Background: British Columbia (BC) Emergency Health Services implemented a strategy to improve outcomes for
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), focusing on paramedic-led high-quality on-scene resuscitation. We
measured changes in care metrics and survival trends.
Methods: This was a post-hoc study of prospectively identified consecutive non-traumatic ambulance-treated
adult OHCAs from 2006 to 2016 within BC’s four metropolitan areas. The primary outcome was survival to
hospital discharge; we also described available favourable neurological outcomes (mRS ≤3). We tested the
significance of year-by-year trends in baseline characteristics, and calculated risk-adjusted survival rates using
multivariable Poisson regression.
Results: We included 15 145 patients. In univariate analyses there were significant increases in bystander CPR,
chest compression fraction, advanced life support attendance, duration of resuscitation until advanced airway
placement, duration of resuscitation until termination, and overall scene time. There was a significant decrease
in initial shockable rhythms, bystander witnessed arrests, and transports initiated prior to ROSC. Survival and
the proportion of survivors with favourable neurological outcomes increased significantly. In adjusted analyses,
there was an improvement in return of spontaneous circulation (risk-adjusted rate 41% in 2006 to 51% in 2016;
adjusted rate ratio per year 1.02, 95% CI 1.01–1.02, p < 0.01 for trend) and survival at hospital discharge (risk-
adjusted rate 8.6% in 2006 to 16% in 2016; adjusted rate ratio per year 1.05, 95% CI 1.04–1.06, p < 0.01 for
Conclusion: From 2006 to 2016 BC’s provincial ambulance system prioritized paramedic-led on-scene re-
suscitation, during which time there were significant improvements in patient outcomes. Our data may assist
other systems, providing a model for prehospital resuscitation quality improvement.

Introduction broader US registry study of approximately 250,000 OHCAs between

1995 and 2013 demonstrated no survival improvements [4].
North American emergency medical services (EMS) assess 111 out- Although the basic framework for OHCA management has remained
of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) per 100 000 citizens annually [1]. largely unchanged over the past decades [5–8], research has provided
Survival of EMS-treated OHCA varies from 8 to 12% in large registries insights into optimizing care including the role of bystander efforts [9],
[2,3]. In regions participating in cardiac arrest surveillance, improve- the importance of early defibrillation [10], and chest compression
ments in survival over time have been demonstrated [2,3], however a quality [11]. The optimal overall strategy however, in regards to

Corresponding author at: Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Paul’s Hospital, 1081 Burrard St., Vancouver BC, V6Z 1Y6, Canada.
E-mail address: (B. Grunau).
Received 22 September 2017; Received in revised form 23 January 2018; Accepted 29 January 2018
0300-9572/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Grunau et al. Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

professional resuscitation location and provider, remains unclear with

significant variation in practice [10,12]. Prehospital providers range
from emergency medical technicians to critical care trained physicians,
and protocols range between “scoop and run” (short scene time and
transport to hospital) and “stay and play” (long scene time until either
termination or delayed transport to hospital) strategies [12–15]. There
is few data providing evidence for overall resuscitation practices, as
most prehospital studies attempt to isolate the effect of individual in-
In 2005 the British Columbia (BC) EMS identified improving OHCA
survival as a strategic priority and as part of the Resuscitation
Outcomes Consortium (ROC) we established a cardiac arrest registry
[16]. Based on the belief that high-quality paramedic-led on-scene re-
Fig. 1. Study Flow.
suscitation optimized OHCA survival, we designed and implemented an
initiative to improve the quality of prehospital resuscitation. The aim of
this analysis was to (1) measure the temporal changes in prehospital processes and survival rates.
care processes since the implementation of this initiative; and (2) The strategy for improving resuscitation was of team-based training
quantify trends in survival. and emphasis of four targets. First, the importance of maximizing chest
compression fraction was taught [11], and the CPR policy was changed
Methods from 30:2 to continuous compressions without interruption for venti-
lations (given at 10 breaths per minute). Second, the prehospital setting
Study setting and design was taught as the optimal place for OHCA resuscitation; transport of
those in refractory arrest was recommended only if an obvious non-
This was a secondary analysis of the British Columbia (BC) ROC cardiac cause was identified that could be amenable to hospital-specific
OHCA registry, including BC’s four metropolitan regions: Greater treatment (for example hemorrhage). Third, early placement of ad-
Victoria and Nanaimo, Greater Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, and vanced airways was de-emphasized. Fourth, resuscitation efforts were
Kelowna/Kamloops; collectively containing 3.3 million citizens (three required for at least 30 min unless contrary to family wishes or a “do
quarters of the province’s population) [17,18]. BC was a member of the not resuscitate” order was identified [20]. In 2006/2007 all paramedics
10-site North American ROC from 2005 to 2015 [16]. This study was and FD first responders underwent a one-day training course in high
reported in accordance with STROBE guidelines [19]. quality CPR and team-based resuscitation; training continued over the
subsequent decade (yearly training in resuscitation in addition to
EMS medical care training specific to ROC clinical trials), continually emphasizing the
importance of high quality CPR quality through advocacy, commu-
The EMS in BC is a coordinated effort between the provincial BC nication, and skill sessions. Physician approval for field termination was
Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) and municipal fire departments required during the study period—historically provided by the closest
(FD), triggered by a provincial 9-1-1 service (since 1981). Dispatch- hospital, however in 2013 a BCEHS live medical oversight program
assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external assumed this role.
defibrillator (AED) instruction for bystanders has been provided since Concurrent to these BCHES policy changes, a public access defi-
2004. FD responders are trained in basic cardiopulmonary life-support brillator (PAD) program was ongoing, which began in 2000 with the
[8] including the use of AED’s (Appendix A). Paramedics have either PAD trial in Vancouver (Appendix B) [21]. An additional 797 PADs
ALS [5] or BLS [8] certification and work in pairs, typically with the were placed between 2013 and 2017, and in 2015 a BC AED Registry
same designation. BLS-certified paramedics provide basic cardio- was created. Regional standardized post-cardiac arrest protocols, based
pulmonary life-support [8], including chest compressions, AED man- on AHA guidelines [22], were implemented in the study regions in
agement, bag-mask ventilation, and the insertion of supraglottic air- 2011–12. Medical care previous to this time period has been previously
ways. ALS-certified paramedics provide full advanced cardiopulmonary described [23].
life-support [5] including orotracheal intubation, rhythm analysis and
defibrillation, intravenous or intraosseus vascular access and medica-
tion administration. In the ROC geographical catchment approximately Data collection
17% of paramedics are ALS-trained. All categories of responders are
dispatched to OHCAs, typically arriving in the following order: FD, BLS, Through a data-sharing agreement with BCEHS and FDs, the BC
ALS. A BCEHS policy (enacted prior to 2006) dictates which patients ROC group prospectively identified consecutive EMS-treated non-trau-
must be provided resuscitation (Appendix A) [20]. Mechanical CPR matic OHCAs, defined as those with EMS-performed chest compressions
devices were not used in any prehospital setting in BC during the study or defibrillation by a professional or lay rescuer. Cases were identified
period. by: (1) email alerts from dispatch sent to the registry staff; (2) CPR
The institutional ethical review boards of Providence Health Care process data downloaded from the monitor/defibrillator by paramedics
and the University of British Columbia approved this study. (Code-Stat, Physio-Control, Inc.); and, (3) weekly surveillance reports,
using an algorithm based on dispatch and diagnosis codes, run by
British Columbia OHCA quality improvement strategy BCEHS with case reviews by ROC registry staff. BCEHS utilizes stan-
dardized template charting with fields based on Utstein variables [24].
In 2005 the BC Emergency Health Services Commission enacted a BC ROC staff abstracted data to a structured electronic case record,
provincial OHCA improvement strategy, focused on measuring and stored at the University of Washington. Pre-hospital data collection
improving prehospital resuscitation and monitoring outcomes. A ROC- included clinical providers, patient characteristics, and time-based
funded research unit partnered with BCEHS and municipal FDs, col- treatments administered. Chest compression fraction (CCF) was calcu-
lecting care process data (including defibrillator impedance tracings lated from the first 5 or 10 min of process data (the duration of data
detailing chest compressions) and hospital discharge outcomes into a used varied depending on trial-specific ROC requirements). Hospital
registry. The research unit provided BCEHS reports detailing care charts were manually examined for discharge outcomes.

B. Grunau et al. Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

Table 1
Patient Characteristics and Outcomes.

Year Group

2006–2009 2010–2013 2014–2016 P value for trend

(n = 5142) (n = 5902) (n = 4101)
Variable n or Median Mis. (%) n or Median Mis. (%) n or Median Mis. (%)

Non-modifiable characteristics
Age (IQR), years 68 (54–79) 97 (1.9) 68 (55–79) 37 (0.6) 67 (54–79) 68 (1.7) 0.16
Male sex (%) 3431 (67.1) 26 (0.5) 4036 (68.6) 18 (0.3) 2815 (68.9) 17 (0.4) 0.02
Initial rhythm (%) 265 (5.2) 111 (1.9) 131 (3.2)
shockable VF/pVT (%) 1351 (27.7) 1463 (25.3) 923 (23.3) < 0.01
Non-shockable Total (%) 3526 (72.3) 4328 (25.3) 3047 (76.8) –
-Asystole (%) 881 (18.1) 1115 (19.3) 771 (19.4) –
-PEA (%) 1689 (34.6) 2383 (41.2) 1705 (43.0) –
-AED no-shock (%) 835 (17.1) 809 (13.97) 564 (14.2) –
-Unclassifiable (%) 121 (2.5) 21 (0.4) 7 (0.2) –
Bystander witness (%) 2116 (41.2) – 2313 (39.2) – 1.601 (39.2) 13 (0.3) < 0.01
EMS witness (%) 481 (9.4) 2 (< 0.1) 590 (10.0) 1 (< 0.1) 405 (9.9) 14 (0.3) 0.26
Location (%) 10 (0.2) 10 (0.2) 14 (0.3)
Public location (%) 1007 (19.6) 1064 (18.1) 750 (81.7) 0.16
Non-public location (%) 4125 (80.4) 4828 (81.9) 3337 (81.2) –

Modifiable characteristics
Bystander CPR (%) 2023 (39.4) 3 (< 0.1) 2668 (45.2) 2 (< 0.1) 1999 (48.9) 13 (0.3) < 0.01
Bystander AED (%) 73 (1.4) 2 (< 0.1) 147 (2.5) 2 (< 0.1) 146 (3.6) – < 0.01
911 Call to EMS arrival (IQR), min 6.6 (5.1–8.6) 13 (0.3) 6.6 (5.3–8.3) 91 (1.5) 6.5 (5.2–8.3) 133 (3.2) 0.43
ALS involvement (%) 4439 (86.3) – 5551 (94.1) – 3964 (96.7) – < 0.01
Advanced Airway (%) 3513 (76.6) 554 (10.8) 4260 (81.0) 642 (10.9) 3050 (83.2) 435 (10.6) < 0.01
Time to Advanced Airway (IQR),1 min 12.9 (8.6–17.9) 2223 (36.7) 14.1 (10.6–19.1) 1492 (35.0) 14.9 (11.1–19.7) 381 (12.5) < 0.01
Time to TOR (IQR),1 min 27.3 (20.0–35.0) 726 (25.2) 29.0 (20.0–37.0) 502 (16.9) 31.9 (23.0–40.0) 299 (14.1) < 0.01
Scene time (IQR),2 min 27.0 (19.0–35.7) 48 (0.9) 29.7 (21.3–38.0) 117 (2.0) 32.0 (24.0–40.6) 172 (4.1) < 0.01
Transported to ED (%) 2800 (54.5) 2 (< 0.1) 2990 (50.7) – 2043 (49.9) 6 (0.1) < 0.01
Transported Prior to ROSC (%) 866 (16.9) 3 (< 0.1) 535 (9.1) – 266 (6.5) 6 (0.1) < 0.01
Time to Transport if Transported Prior to ROSC (IQR), 17.9 (13.1–25.4) – 22.0 (13.9 – 32.3) – 28.1 (14.5–39.0) – < 0.01
CC Fraction (IQR) 81.0 (69.6–87.0) 1874 (36.4) 85.0 (78.2–89.9) 1335 (22.6) 87.0 (71.9–91.7) 1626 < 0.01
Chest Compression rate per min (IQR) 114 (103–123) 1907 (37.1) 111 (104–118) 1104 (18.7) 110 (104–116) 646 (15.8) < 0.01

ROSC (%) 2258 (43.9) 3 (< 0.1) 2935 (49.7) – 1984 (48.4) – < 0.01
Survival at hospital discharge (%) 530 (10.4) 42 (0.8) 798 (13.6) 33 (0.6) 596 (14.9) 107 (2.6) < 0.01
Survivors with mRS ≤ 3 (%3) 157 (76.6) 325 (61.3) 516 (87.2) 206 (25.8) 255 (92.1) 319 (53.5) < 0.01

Mis, missing; IQR, inter-quartile range, “shockable” initial cardiac rhythms refer to ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia; EMS, emergency medical system; CPR,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation; AED, automatic external defibrillator; ALS, advanced life support paramedic; TOR, termination of resuscitation; ED, emergency department; CC, chest
compression; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; mRS, modified rankin scale.
Measured from commencement of professional resuscitation.
Measured from commencement of professional resuscitation to either termination of efforts or departure of scene for transport to hospital.
Denominator is the number of survivors.

Selection of participants termination of efforts in those who did not achieve ROSC, and whether
transport to hospital was initiated prior to any episodes of ROSC).
In this analysis we included all EMS-treated adult (age ≥18) pa- “Time to EMS arrival” was defined as the duration between 9-1-1 call
tients from the BC ROC registry between January 2006 and March and first professional rescuer arrival (paramedic or FD first responder).
2016. We excluded patients with a “do not resuscitate” order. We evaluated temporal trends in patient characteristics and out-
comes, using the nonparametric test for trend of categorical variables
Outcome measures and variable definitions (an extension of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test [29]) and single linear
regression for continuous variables with the robust estimator of var-
The primary outcome was survival at hospital discharge [24]. Fa- iance, adjusting for non-normal distribution. As neurological outcome
vourable neurological outcomes were defined as Modified Rankin Score data was only available for approximately half of survivors, we ex-
(mRS) ≤3 [24]. Data for neurologic outcomes at discharge were only amined trends in the proportion of survivors with favourable neurolo-
collected during periods of clinical trial enrolment [25–28]. gical outcomes.
To assess trends in survival, we conducted multivariable Poisson
Data analysis regression with the robust estimator of variance, including cases with
complete data for the outcome and adjustment covariates. As the rate of
We downloaded BC data from the central ROC database, and used survival to discharge was estimated to be higher than 10%, rate ratio
Microsoft Excel 2008 (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA, USA) and STATA instead of odds ratio was calculated to avoid a potential overestimation
version 13.1 (STATA Corp, College Station, TX) for analysis. We cate- [30,31]. We included calendar year (reference 2006) as an independent
gorized variables as either “non-modifiable” (age, sex, whether the variable. Yearly risk-adjusted rates for survival were calculated by
arrest was bystander- or EMS-witnessed, or in a public location, and multiplying the observed survival rate for the reference year by the
initial cardiac rhythm) or “modifiable” (bystander AED and CPR, time adjusted risk ratio of the corresponding year. To assess the chron-
to EMS arrival, chest compression fraction, ALS involvement, time to ological trend of adjusted rate ratio for survival, we conducted the same

B. Grunau et al. Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

Fig. 2. Trends in Non-Modifiable Patient Characteristics.

EMS, emergency medical system; Shockable Initial Rhythm (includes ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia)

model, with calendar year as a continuous variable. By convention, we the proportion transported to the ED in the absence of ROSC
adjusted with Utstein variables [24] age, sex, initial recorded cardiac (p < 0.01). Among those transported to hospital in the absence of
rhythm, location of the event (public or non-public), bystander and/or ROSC, this occurred at a significantly later time in the resuscitation
EMS witnessed, bystander CPR, bystander AED, and time to EMS ar- effort (p < 0.01).
rival. We conducted the same analysis stratified by the initial rhythm There was a significant increase in the proportion with ROSC
(shockable and non-shockable). (p < 0.01), and overall survival (p < 0.01) to hospital discharge
(Table 1, Fig. 4). There was a significant increase in the proportion of
Results favourable neurological outcomes among survivors (p < 0.01).

Characteristics of study subjects Adjusted analyses

Between January 1, 2006 and March 31, 2016 there were 26 433 The multivariable Poisson regression model demonstrated sig-
non-traumatic EMS-assessed OHCAs. Pediatric patients, untreated nificant associations between survival and the covariates age, initial
cases, and those with DNR orders (n = 431, the year-by-year trend of shockable rhythm, bystander witnessed and EMS witnessed arrest,
those with DNR orders is shown in Appendix C) were removed, leaving public location, bystander CPR, bystander AED application, and time to
15 145 included cases (Fig. 1). Survival status was ascertained in 99% EMS arrival (Appendix D). Over the study period there was a significant
of subjects. System-based changes with dates are shown in Appendix B. improvement in ROSC (risk-adjusted rate of 41% in 2006–51% in 2016;
adjusted rate ratio per year 1.02, 95% CI 1.01–1.02, p < 0.01 for
Univariate analyses trend) and survival at hospital discharge (risk-adjusted rate 8.6% in
2006–16% in 2016; adjusted rate ratio/year 1.05, 95% CI 1.04–1.06,
Univariate trend analyses of non-modifiable patient characteristics p < 0.01 for trend) (Table 2). Both subgroups of initial shockable and
are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2. There was a significant decrease in the non-shockable cardiac rhythms demonstrated survival improvement.
proportion with initial shockable cardiac rhythms and bystander wit-
nessed arrests. Discussion
Univariate trend analyses of modifiable patient characteristics are
shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3. There were significant increases in by- Over a period from 2006 to 2016, health agencies in British
stander AED (p < 0.01), bystander CPR (p < 0.01), and the propor- Columbia maintained a prospective registry with detailed prehospital
tion treated by ALS (p < 0.01). The median chest compression fraction time-based data of consecutive non-traumatic OHCAs in BC’s me-
increased significantly (p < 0.01); the median chest compression rate tropolitan areas, treated by a single ambulance service. During this time
decreased significantly (p < 0.01) while remaining in the re- a quality improvement initiative was implemented, with the aim of
commended range [8]. There was an increase in the proportion who improving prehospital resuscitation within a model of high-quality
received advanced airways (p < 0.01), but these were placed at sig- paramedic-led on-scene resuscitation for adequate durations. Chest
nificantly later time points in the resuscitation (p < 0.01). compression fraction and the proportion treated by ALS paramedics
The time interval to resuscitation termination among those who increased. Paramedics stayed on scene longer and also continued
never achieved ROSC increased significantly (p < 0.01), as well as the treatment longer until termination of efforts. During this time we ob-
overall scene time (p < 0.01). There was a significant decrease in the served crude and adjusted improvements in patients achieving ROSC.
proportion of patients transported to the ED overall (p < 0.01), and Concurrently, there were ongoing advocacy for improved post

B. Grunau et al. Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

Fig. 3. Trends in Modifiable Patient Treatment Characteristics.

*AED, automated external defifrillator; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; CCF, chest compression fraction; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ALS, advanced life support; EMS,
emergency medical system; TOR, termination of resuscitation (elapsed time from start of professional resuscitation until termination); Advanced Airway is defined as tracheal or
supraglottic airway

resuscitation in-hospital care. Importantly, we found that crude cardiac who were transported to hospital without prior ROSC, this occurred
arrest survival at hospital discharge improved by approximately 40% significantly later in the resuscitation effort. Although our data de-
during this time period; further, the proportion of survivors with fa- monstrates an overall decreasing proportion of patients transported to
vourable neurologic outcomes increased. Although these findings do hospital, we report an overall increasing proportion of patients who
not indicate causality, the trends and biologic plausibility argue for the achieved ROSC, and an increasing proportion who were discharged
likelihood that these changes played a role in the clinical outcome from hospital alive and neurologically intact.
improvements. Our data may assist other systems in providing a model Studies evaluating ALS management have shown conflicting results
for prehospital resuscitation that may lead to improved survival. [26–38]. Our data shows increasing access to ALS care with time.
The BCEHS OHCA resuscitation paradigm is based on high-quality BCEHS utilizes a tiered BLS-ALS system, with only 1/6 of paramedics of
paramedic-delivered on-scene treatments with prehospital cessation of ALS designation. This low ratio may increase the time to ALS arrival in
efforts for the majority unsuccessful resuscitations (after a minimum of comparison to systems with ALS-trained paramedics on each unit,
30 min). This is a controversial strategy with some advocating that all however may increase the experience and skill in this smaller group of
or select OHCAs in refractory arrest should be transported to hospital paramedics. Further research is required to investigate the trade-off
[32–34]. However, as most resuscitative therapies are available in the between paramedic experience and arrival time.
prehospital environment, routine transport of OHCA patients in re- Trends in non-EMS based characteristics may have also had impacts
fractory arrest to be treated with the same algorithms in hospital [5], on the survival trends. Consistent with previous reports [3], we found
may provide dubious benefits while potentially endangering paramedic that there was a declining proportion of patients with initial shockable
and public safety [12,35]. Our data demonstrate a significant decrease rhythms, a covariate highly associated with survival. There was also a
in the proportion of patients transported to hospital in the absence of significant decrease in bystander-witnessed arrests, which in our study
ROSC, however a significant increase in the time afforded to on-scene and others has been shown to have strong negative prognostic im-
efforts among those with prehospital termination. Among the minority plications [3]. Although the relationships were weaker, both bystander

B. Grunau et al. Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

Fig. 4. Trends in overall outcomes, and stratified by rhythm and witnessed status.
*VF, ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia initial rhythms; NS, non-shockable initial rhythms; EMS, emergency medical system; “Survivors with mRS
≤3” = survivors at hospital discharge with MRS ≤3/total survivors at hospital discharge.

Table 2
Yearly Outcome trend analysis.

Outcome Risk-Adjusted Rates Adjusted Rate Ratio per Year (95% CI) P Value for Trend

Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

ROSC 14,214 40.7 45.8 47.3 46.2 45.0 62.5 48.8 49.0 51.3 49.5 51.4 1.02 (1.01–1.02) < 0.01
Survival 14,081 8.6 11.4 11.9 10.8* 13.5 14.0 14.2 13.3 15.2 15.6 16.0 1.05 (1.04–1.06) < 0.01

Stratified by rhythm
ROSC 3632 67.1 70.9* 72.8* 68.4* 72.0* 79.9 71.6* 71.7* 71.6* 75.1 74.6* 1.01 (1.00–1.01) 0.03
Survival 3559 24.6 31.9 33.0 23.3* 35.7 36.8 37.2 34.4 36.5 41.4 44.4 1.04 (1.03–1.06) < 0.01

ROSC 10,582 29.8 35.4 36.7 36.9 34.3 55.0 39.7 39.8 42.5 39.2 41.9 1.03 (1.02–1.03) < 0.01
Survival 10,522 2.2 3.2* 3.5* 5.0 4.7 5.2 5.2 4.9 6.7 5.5 5.2 1.08 (1.05–1.11) < 0.01

ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation.

*no statistical significance.

CPR and bystander AED application (with or without shock) were as- compared the resuscitation practices at different hospitals and reported
sociated with survival, both of which increased during the study period. higher overall survival in centers with longer resuscitation attempts
Increasing bystander efforts may have be related to the local PAD [40]. An alternate strategy is to examine chronical trends of re-
program, efforts to increase bystander CPR training and advocacy, and suscitation practices and survival, as we have done in this analysis.
increased implementation of dispatch-assisted CPR. Further efforts to Our data contrasts with a recent report of 250 000 US OHCAs from
increase the proportion of those undergoing bystander resuscitative 1995 to 2013, that failed to demonstrate survival improvements [4].
efforts are warranted. Similarly, a meta-analysis including 142 740 patients over three dec-
Although we were able to calculate the association of traditional ades reported no changes in survival [41]. A recent study of 38 378
Utstein characteristics [24] with survival, for many care process metrics patients with initial non-shockable rhythms over 10 years found no
this is not feasible. For example, it is not possible to include “time to outcomes improvements [42]. Conversely, ROC sites reported im-
termination of resuscitation” in the model as it is only applicable to proving outcomes between 2006 and 2010, overall and within rhythm-
unsuccessful resuscitations and is a group devoid of survivors. One based subgroups [3]. Whereas ROC clinical trials of specific therapies
could examine “total duration of resuscitation” which is available for all have not demonstrated benefits [25–28], improving overall survival
patients, however this covariate in individual patients would demon- may in part be related to the Hawthorne effect with increased attention
strate association with non-survival (as is a marker of unsuccessful ef- to OHCA resuscitation, especially high quality CPR [11]. Similarly, the
forts) [39]. The critical question is: does an EMS which systematically “Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival” registry sites have de-
provides longer durations of attempted resuscitation improve overall monstrated outcome improvements [2]. Simply monitoring OHCA
outcomes? Using one strategy to evaluate this, Goldberger et al. outcomes, a component of our quality improvement strategy, may have

B. Grunau et al. Resuscitation 125 (2018) 118–125

played a role in the improvements within our system. Regardless, im- Appendix A. Supplementary data
provements in quality were the desired effect of our initiative, the
process and data from which may be used to assist efforts to improve Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
outcomes in other regions. online version, at
Our study is subject to several limitations. It was an observational
analysis performed in metropolitan areas in one province; patient References
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