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yang ot, Desir CONTEMPORARY PERIOD CONSUMPTION OF POPULAR CULTURE itt Examine the popular culture in the Philippines during the contemporary period including the influx of social media, branded clothing, fitness, travels, food, fashion, and international entertainment. : ipinos’ lives, how has it affected Filipino culture? It is essential to note Social media - Given how social media has become a massive part of Z c ‘ A just how much time Filipinos spend on social media to understand the | gravity of social media’s effects on Filipino culture. Filipinos use their social ff media platforms for various reasons. Many Filipinos utilize social media for © breaking news on international events and local news. While some people ©, still watch television and read newspapers for information, many Filipino }) readers prefer social media because of its convenience. Most Philippine publications publish their stories online, so it’s easy to access the latest © >" stories. Another reason Filipinos are on their social media accounts is the Dy networking possibilities. Facebook connects distant relatives easier and = makes it possible for people to keep in touch with other friends no matter "| where they are in the world. Now that it’s discouraged to travel and have big gatherings in real life, social media allows people to spend quality time ' safely and securely. Another popular reason Filipinos use social media is to } share their daily lives and views. Young people, in particular, like to share , ) ® ia 4 4 eae their opinion and give the world a glimpse of what's happening in their lives. Social media also provides an opportunity to make new friends and learn new life skills. Food - Filipinos do not consider it a meal if rice is not served. Plain steamed rice is the basis of the diet. Three crops a year are harvested to provide enough rice for the population, and the government keeps surpluses stored for times of drought. Salt water and freshwater of fish and shellfish are eaten daily, served either fresh or salted. Fish, chicken and pork are usually © fried, although people are becoming more health-conscious and often © choose alternative methods of cooking. Garlic is added to food because it is Py considered healthful. Filipino food is not spicy. All food is cooked on gas Fs burners or wood or charcoal fires and is allowed to get cold before it is © eaten. Rice is cooked first, since it takes longer. When it is ready, rice will be » placed on the table while the next items of the meal are prepared and served. Fast food has become part of the culture, with national and international chains in many towns. All meals at fast-food restaurant include rice, although French fries also tend to be on the menu. Banana ketchup is preferred, although the international chains serve tomato ketchup. A national chain, Jollibee, has entered the U.S. market with a restaurant in California, where many Filipino immigrants live. The =. plans to expand to Re with Filipino ak, Fitness - A rise in the opening of gym franchises over the country can point to the awareness that, apart from taking one’s health into one’s own hands, needing a guide and a venue for activities like exercising is desirable, too. Corporate partnerships with gyms, such as discounted membership rates, have allowed company employees for access to better healthcare in the form of physical activity. Gyms, for their part, have offered an assortment of services, taking into consideration the varying needs of their patrons. Evolving from the then notion of gyms as simply having weight-lifting and treadmill machines, classes in Zumba, Pilates and Yoga are now offered, as well. Travels - The Philippines is widely known for its rich history and culture. Since then, we, Filipinos have embraced what has been passed down to us by our ancestors as we keep them alive in every way possible. One of those things is the Philippines’ rich transportation heritage that has become a part of the country’s trademark here and abroad. When it comes to the mode of transportation in the Philippines, presently, it has been a mix of both old and new. Philippine transportation today of course has made several improvements which have now become more and more adaptable to modern infrastructures and technical innovations, thus, this allows daily travelers or commuters to weigh in modes of transportation that will suit either their needs for convenience, comfort, or affordability. Fashion - . At present, Filipinos conform their way of dressing based on classic fashion or prevailing fashion trends. 1990s fashion remained popular during the early years of the first decade of the 21st century. 2000s fashion was considered a mash up of different styles. In the first part of the decade, the concept of innerwear as an outerwear was popularized resulting in the popularity of spaghetti strap clothes. Men still followed the 1990s fashion with hip-hop inspired of clothing, wearing cargo pants and oversized T-shirts. By the mid 2000s, colorful clothes began to rise again. Men started wearing flannel and checkered polos. At the end of the decade, people saw the mixture of clothing from uggboots worn with short shorts and t-shirts to dresses worn over with leggings. It was characterized by bright colorsyey textures, pattern. Fe Anse aes ee en rs Fe _ zz oe 2. Assess the Filipino culture as influenced by the ideologies, politics, language, education, and arts from the contemporary period. The eriod has significantly es the Filipino culture in various aspects leologies, politics, language, education, and arts. The following are the assessments of how these factors have shaped the Filipino culture: Ideologies - The contemporary period has brought about significant changes in the ideologies of the Filipino people. The influence of Western ideas and values has led to the adoption of individualism, rationalism, and secularism, However, the traditional Filipino values such as respect for the elderly, family-orientedness, and religiosity still remain deeply ingrained in the Filipino culture. Politics - The political landscape of the Philippines has been shaped by the contemporary period. The country has experienced various political upheavals and changes in government, which have greatly affected the Filipino culture. The struggle for democracy and human rights has become deeply ingrained in the Filipino psyche, and this has led to a more politically conscious and engaged population. Language - The Filipino language has undergone significant changes and development in the contemporary period. The influence of English has led to the adoption of many English words and phrases in the Filipino language, and the development of Taglish (a mix of Tagalog and English) as a common language among Filipinos. However, the preservation of the Filipino language and dialects remains a significant aspect of the Filipino culture. Education - Education has become a crucial aspect of the Filipino culture in the contemporary period. The emphasis on education has led to a more educated population, which has contributed to the country's economic growth and development. However, issues such as the lack of access to education for marginalized sectors of society and the quality of education remain challenges that need to be addressed. Arts - The contemporary period has seen the flourishing of various forms of arts in the Philippines. The country's rich cultural heritage has been preserved and celebrated through various art forms such as music, dance, literature, and visual arts. The emergence of contemporary Filipino artists has also contributed to the country's vibrant arts scene. In conclusion, the contemporary period has greatly influenced the Filipino culture in various aspects. While it has brought about significant changes, the traditional values and practices of the Filipino culture remain deeply ingrained in the Filipino psyche. The nge for the Filipino people is to strike a balance 4 embracing the ea Identify how society interacts with the influences offered by t a oS the digital age. O ai The growth of the Internet has been one te of the fastest in human history. The Internet has “turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. Information technologies have wrought fundamental change throughout society, driving it forward from the industrial age to the networked era. In our world, global information networks are vital infrastructure—but in what ways has this changed human relations? The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution. Communication, transportation, and interactions with others are faster than ever before, with the advent of airplanes, trains, buses, cars, and computer/mobile messaging and social media apps. Not only are such complex tasks faster, they are often more efficient. In antiquity, it would have taken months, if not years, to travel from one end of the globe to another, or to even make contact with someone from the other side of the world Today, those tasks can be completed in a day, or within minutes, making living in the modern world much easier and more efficient. For those with a busy lifestyle and for businesses, “time is money,” so saving time and increasing task efficiency is critical. Yd and resistance The internet has transformed the way people consume and participate in popular culture, giving rise to participant culture. This type of culture is characterized by fans actively engaging with and contributing to popular culture through various forms. of participation, such as fan fiction, fan art, cosplay, and online communities. The internet has made it easier for fans to connect with each other, share their creations, and interact with their favorite artists and celebrities. Social media platforms like Twitter, j Instagram, and TikTok have given fans direct access to celebrities and enabled them to shape the direction of popular culture. ——— The internet has also facilitated cultural jamming and mash- ups, which involve remixing and repurposing popular culture to create new meanings and messages. This type of cultural production challenges dominant cultural narratives and power structures by subverting or recontextualizing them. SS Sa — —_ E Cultural jamming and mash-ups are often created by marginalized groups who use them as a form of resistance against dominant cultural representations of their identities ind experiences. The internet has provided a platform for these groups to share their creations with a wider audience @@and challenge mainstream cultural norms ea The internet has also enabled resistance against dominant © cultural narratives and power structures. Social media platforms | have given a voice to marginalized groups who have traditionally been excluded from mainstream media. They have provided a platform for these groups to share their stories and perspectives with a wider audience, challenging dominant cultural representations of their identities and experiences. Resistance on the internet takes many forms, from online activism to hashtag campaigns to viral videos. These forms of resistance have the potential to create real-world change by pf raising awareness, mobilizing people, and putting pressure on those in power. a In conclusion, the internet has transformed the eoneumpter and production of popular culture, giving rise to participant culture, cultural jamming and mash-ups, and resistance against dominant cultural narratives and power structures. These forms of cultural production have the potential to challenge and transform mainstream culture, creating a more diverse and inclusive cultural landscape. 0 a B. K-fashion is a manifestation of technology-driven globalization. Globalization, or the process of across borders interaction and integration, has been fueled by modern advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Popular culture, of which K-pop would be a good example, is a manifestation of this process, It is likewise fueled by technology, by the internet, by online means of acquiring data. In this globalized age, ICT is an open source of information on the rise and fall of K- pop groups. The access—to these information—that they give also reflects their role in the actual rise and fall of these global groups. In the Philippine setting, technology-driven globalization manifests in popular culture only indirectly. This process of interaction and integration can be visibly seen in the more wearable and more tangible products of K-fashion. With the internet providing means to download free music and videos, Filipinos can instead use their resources to shop for clothes, in both physical stalls and online stores. As a third-world country, the Philippines finds itself not far above the modified poverty-line called the wash-tine. Despite this, however, they manage to innovate and find creative ways to participate—become active receivers—of the process that continuously connects the technological world. ss y

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