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+ At the clinic/ health center/ hospital

- Hospitalize: nhập viện

You must be hospitalized right now.
- What’s wrong with you?
- I hurt my stomach
- I have a stomach-ache
- I have ear-ache
- My left/right shoulder hurts.
- My right knee hurts
- I have a pain in my back/arm
- I have a toothache.
- I have sneeze/runny nose (sổ mũi) and cough (ho) and
sore throat (đau họng).
- How long does it last?
- Did you cough all time?
- Sometimes, I cough much at night.
- I’ve got a terrible (kinh Khủng) headache and a pain in
my chest ( long ngực).
- terrible weather/ dishes (món ăn)
- Have you had a fever? = Have you got a temperature?
: bị sốt?
2 days ago.
Have you used any medicines before?
I have taken some aspirin, but I don’t feel better.
Aspirin: thuốc giảm đau.
I used to smoke ( used to : đã từng). I don’t smoke now.
I used some aspirin, but I don’t feel better.
I used to work in Japan about 3 years.
Symptom: triệu chứng.
I have a flu/ cold : cảm cúm
When you go to the pharmacy, I need a prescription ( toa
Otc medicine: thuốc không cần toa.
How can I use this medicine?
You should take it after eating and take 2 pills every/ each
time. Use it 3 times a day.
Don’t drink alcohol while taking medicine.
* while
While I was very busy, he didn’t care (quan tâm) and
support/ help/assist me.
- My daughter is sick. May I ask for tomorrow off?
I have to stay at home to take care of her. (chăm sóc)
- I feel tired. My eye hurt. May I ask for tmr off?
I need to see a doctor.
- I feel not good. I want to see a doctor. May I ask for tmr
afternoon off?-
_ Here is the instruction (sự chỉ dẫn). Please read carefully
before you use it.
- You should drink more water and eat enough fruit and
* Take- away.
- can I help you?
- I want a cup of coffee.
- A regular or a large.
- A regular, please.
- Ice coffee or hot coffee?
- Hot coffee, please.
- anything else?
_ Please add/ put a little sugar in it.
- I need a burger/ a sandwich/ a hotdog.
- Would you like to take away or eat in?
- Take away, please.
- Your total is 15 dollar.
- here is 20 dollar.
- here is you change.
- cash
- note: tiền giấy
- coin: tiền xu.
- credit card
+ Apply for a new job
- Let introduce about yourself.
- Do you live near here?
- yes, It’s quite near here
_ no, it’s quite far from here.
- you drive here or take the public transports?
- I drive here.
- How long does it take you to get here?
- When are you available?
- Next Monday.
- Here is a checklist, please submit personal documents
listed here.
- How much will I get per month?
- include the insurance or not?
- yes, it includes your insurance.
- what time does the work start?
_ when does it finish?
- Do you pay extra money for me when I work overtime?
- Do you pay salary in cash or by credit card?
- I’ll pay by credit card every the 10th of month.
- I’ll pay by credit card by the 10th of month.
- How many days off can I get every month?
- How many seats do you need?
- Every Sunday you don’t have to go to work and you’ll get
one day off every month.
Must = have to
Mustn’t : cấm/ không được phép.
Don’t have to: không cần phải.
You’ll get 2 free meals every working day.
How much time do I have for a break?
I’ll have 2 hours from 11 am to 1 pm for a break.
What are the special rules here?
You mustn’t go to work late 3 times per month.
You must ask for my permission ( sự cho phép) if you want
to be off.
You mustn’t come in without the permission.
Here is the appointment note.
Please bring it when you come next Monday.
Any questions?
Please contact me by this phone number if you have any
How much will I get per month?
How many days off can I have per month?
Do you pay in cash or credit card?
Did you open this bank account?
- May I ask for tmr morning off?
- give me the reasons?
- I’ll move to new house/ flat tmr.
Horse: ngựa
- How much time can I have for a break?
- How much time for a break?
- When/ what time do we take a break?
- take a rest: nghỉ ngơi
- area: khu vực
- smoking area
- rest area.

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