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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

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Air pollution terrain nexus: A review considering energy generation and T


Xue-Chao Wanga, , Jiří Jaromír Klemeša, Xiaobin Dongb, Weiguo Fanb, Zihan Xub, Yutao Wangc,
Petar Sabev Varbanova
Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2,
616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Particle Pollution and Prevention (LAP3) and Tyndall Centre, Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Fudan
University, Shanghai 200438, China


Keywords: Air pollution caused by energy generation and consumption is both a global as well as localised issue. It con-
Air pollution terrain nexus tributes to global warming along with degradation in human health, ecosystem health, local and global sus-
Air pollutants tainable development. About 75% of the global GHG emissions, 66% of NOx emissions and most of the PM
Terrain emissions are from energy sectors. Energy sectors have also been reported as the main contributors (90%) of SO2
Energy generation
emission in China. Among various influential factors (like energy utilisation, the intensity of economic activities,
Energy consumption
Air pollutants modelling
climatic conditions), the terrain is one of the key elements for the formation and dispersion of air pollution. The
Air pollutants sampling relationship between air pollution and terrain requires to be more deeply studied. The main contributions of this
review include: 1) Summarising the main sources and types of air pollutants as well as the emission char-
acteristics of different sector groups; 2) Proposing the mechanism of air pollution terrain nexus; 3) Reviewing
modelling and experiments approaches for air pollution terrain nexus simulation; 4) Highlighting the existing
limitations and challenges. This review provides a better understanding of the air pollution terrain nexus. It can
contribute to mitigating the air pollution problems.

1. Background pollutant emissions like greenhouse gas (GHG) including nitrous oxides
(NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), dust and particulate matters (PMs). The
Air pollution reduction plays a significant role in supporting sus- energy needed for manufacturing, processing and transporting, mate-
tainable development. Air pollution, mainly caused by energy genera- rials mining, maintenance, cleaning, construction and dealing with it at
tion and consumption, is one of the global as well as localised specific the end of the life, relates to the formation and emission of air pollu-
issues. It has accumulated continuous contribution to global warming tants. For example, from the perspective of the life cycle GHG emissions
[1], becoming a big threat to the stability of global climate [2], eco- assessment, various energies result in GHG emissions during the pro-
system services [3], human well-being [4], plants living [5], economic cesses of electricity generation, see Fig. 1.
development [6], etc. Energy generation and consumption related According to a study conducted by Amponsah et al. [7], the gen-
human activities are key contributors to air pollutant emissions. The eration of heat and electricity is the key contributor to GHG emissions
generation and consumption of energy by fossil fuels however as well as worldwide. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
biomass and some other renewable energies is resulting in the air [8] reported that most GHG and haze/smog emissions worldwide come

Abbreviations: GHG, Greenhouse Gases; NOx, Nitrous Oxides; PMs, Particulate Matters; SOx, Sulphur Oxides; EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency;
WHO, World Health Organization; EEA, European Environment Agency; COx, Carbon Oxides; PFCs, Perfluorocarbons; CH4, Methane; HFCs, Hydrofluorocarbons;
NF3, Natrium Trifluoride; SF6, Sulphur Hexafluoride; NAAQS, National Ambient Air Quality Standards of Us.; NMVOC, Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds;
APTN, Air Pollution Terrain Nexus; MM5, Fifth-Generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center For Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Mode; TAPM, The Air
Pollution Model; WRF, Weather Research and Forecasting Model; OSPM, Operational Street Pollution Model; ANN, Artificial Neural Network; LULUCF, Land Use,
Land-Use Change and Forestry; CMAQ, Community Multiscale Air Quality Model; BNN, Biological Neural Network; ARMA, Autoregressive Moving Average; SVR,
Support Vector Regression; RS, Remote Sensing; AMS, Air Monitoring Site; MOS, Metal Oxide Semiconductor; RH, Relative Humidity

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X.-C. Wang).
Received 9 December 2018; Received in revised form 23 January 2019; Accepted 24 January 2019
1364-0321/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 1. Life cycle GHG emission estimates of electricity generation methods [7].

worldwide, especially in developing countries [14]. Air pollution has

been generating very widespread negative influences, especially, but
not only, on human health [15]. Following the latest report of World
Health Organization (WHO) [16], the very air we breathe has been
increasingly polluted: nine out of ten people now are breathing the
polluted air, resulting in 7 M people are killed by polluted air every
year. One-third of deaths from stroke, lung cancer and heart disease are
caused by air pollution. Another latest report from WHO [17] showed
that more than 90% of the children under the age of 15 y (1.8 × 109
children) worldwide are breathing the polluted air, which brings ser-
ious risk to their health and development. In developing countries, al-
most all children under the age of 5 are exposed to higher concentra-
tions of PM2.5. The studies conducted by European Environment Agency
(EEA) [18] showed that, although the air quality in Europe has been
slowly improving, a significant proportion of urban population in the
Fig. 2. Global GHG emissions by economic sector, data extracted from EPA [8].
GHG emissions from industry sector mainly include the burning of fossil fuels EU-28 was exposed to concentrations of certain air pollutants above the
for energy. It also involves chemical, metallurgical, etc.; GHG emissions from EU limit or target values between 2013 and 2015. According to the EEA
transportation sector include burning of fossil fuels for various transportations; air quality report [19], fine PMs concentrations resulted in about
GHG emissions from building sector involves the generation of outside energy 428,000 premature deaths in 2014 in 41 European countries, around
and inside burning for heat and cooking. 399,000 of which were in the EU-28. Many regions have been facing
particulate pollution, like haze, especially in the central eastern region
from energy production and consumption. As shown in Fig. 2, the lar- of China. There were about 800 M people affected by the extremely
gest single contributor (25%) to GHG emissions is the utilisation of coal, severe and persistent haze pollution in 2013 in China [14]. Especially
followed by the production of heat and electricity from oil and natural since autumn–winter 2016, severe weather-related pollution events
gas, trailed by energy-related industries (21%), transportation (14%), have occurred repeatedly in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region and
other energy-consuming sectors (10%) and buildings (6%). Energy surrounding areas. These events have become known as the “pain of the
generation and consumption related human activities contribute about hearts and lungs” of the Chinese [20]. Air pollution is one of the key
three-quarters of GHG emissions, which are the main driving forces of factors that should be responsible for climate change [21]. GHG emis-
the global climate change. sions, such as carbon oxides (COx), NOx, perfluorocarbons (PFCs),
Yang et al. [9] also pointed out that the causes resulting in air methane (CH4), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), natrium trifluoride (NaF3)
pollutant emissions can be divided into two types, direct and indirect and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), are known to contribute to global
causes, although they have not yet been distinguished very well. Both warming and consequently to the climate change [22]. Poor air quality
direct and indirect causes include energy-related factors. Direct energy or air pollution also have significant increasing medical cost, economic
consumption greatly contributes to the air pollutant emissions. The impacts, reducing the productivity of workers, damaging soil, crops,
indirect factors (like socioeconomic factors [10]) can affect the energy forests, lakes and rivers [19]. Acid rain is another serious problem
utilisation methods, consequently influent the air pollutant emissions caused by air pollution that human beings have been facing worldwide
[9]. For example, NOx, including NO2 and NO from transportation fuels [23]. Regional air pollution is also a potential problem in many parts of
consumption (15–25%), power plants burned fossil fuels (30–50%), the globe. A study conducted by Huang et al. [14] stated that, on a
along with industrial facilities (25–35%) [11]. Energy-related factors longer timescale, North America, Arctic and Pacific may be influenced
contribute to more than two-thirds of NOx emissions. Table 1 shows the by the air pollutants from China after long-range transmission, which
NOx emission factors. results in the Chinese air problems become truly global air problems.
Regarding the SO2 emission, China is the largest SO2 emitter The acid rain in Scandinavian countries has been caused by air pollu-
worldwide. The coal utilisation in both industrial facilities and power tion in some regions of Europe like the UK. In Canada, part of air
plants has contributed to around 90% of total SO2 emission in China pollution is caused by the air pollutants blow by winds from USA [23].
[12]. The sources of NO2 and SO2, mainly from fossil fuels burning, are Improvements in air quality would benefit our health and economic
also the sources of PM emissions, like PM0.5, PM2.5, PM10 [13]. How- development, help tackle climate change, etc. [19].
ever, the PM sources are relatively diffuse because secondary PMs In the past 70 y, a lot of progress has been achieved in under-
generate from other air pollutants like NO2 or SO2 [13]. standing the sources and characteristics of air pollution and its trans-
Energy sectors have been playing a key role in air pollutant emis- mission [5]. Especially since the air pollution episodes that happened in
sions, in the context of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation Donora, PA in 1948 and in London in 1952. Table 2 shows some
milestones in air pollution legislation history in USA and China, as well

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

Table 1
NOx emission factors (kg NO2 /t) [11].
Fuel type NOx Emissions

Transportation Domestic use Electricity Industry Others

Coal 7.5 1.19–2.24 4.00–11.80 2.38–7.50 3.75

Gasoline 15.00–58.20 16.7 2.10–16.70 16.7 16.70
Crude Oil 5.09 1.7 2.10–10.60 3.35–7.26 3.05
Coke 9 2.25 9 4.50
Residual oil 27.40–54.10 1.95 2.10–10.06 5.84 3.50
Diesel 13.24–58.20 3.21 2.10–8.54 9.62 5.77
Kerosene 27.4 2.49 21.2 7.46 4.48
Natural gas (10−4kg NO2/m3) 20.85 14.62 17.27–55.67 20.85–27.14 14.62

as some serious air pollution events in different areas worldwide. detailed mechanisms need to be depended. The research conducted by
Many factors can influence the formation, transmission and dis- Palau et al. [39] showed that complex terrain can be a key contributor
persion of air pollution, such as intensity of economic activities [31], to the air convection, proposing that the valley/ridge circulations
energy utilisation, bushfire smoke, humidity, society, weather, land- generate a significant influence on the regional air pollution transmis-
scape [32]. Among them, the terrain and the air masses movement sion. It is a significant driving force for the settlement and dispersion of
caused by the terrain are the most significant impact factors [33]. air pollutants. Sun et al. [40] proposed that the stagnant meteorological
Different types of terrain and geographical features have been sig- condition is an important factor for the periodic cycle haze generation
nificantly influencing the concentrations of air pollutants, as well as the of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the capital region of China. The me-
atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere [34]. The most teorological condition of this area, to a considerable degree, is con-
concerned types of pollution, like air pollution, water pollution and trolled by the terrain conditions of this region. Because the mountains,
land pollution, are all affected by the terrain [35]. In the context of laying at the northwest of Beijing, hinder the airflow from the north-
serious air pollution worldwide, especially in developing countries, the west, which should serve as the driving factor for dispersing the air
relationship between air pollution and terrain has received increasing pollution. The similar conclusion was also drawn by Guo et al. [41],
attention from social and environmental groups [36]. The terrain in- elucidating the severe urban haze formation in China.
fluences the formation, transmission and dispersion of air pollution The relationship between air pollution and the terrain is highly
mainly through localised airflow and temperature patterns, humidity, variable over spatial and temporal conditions and consequently difficult
boundary layer, especially in complex terrain areas, like a basin, valley, to simulate or model accurately, especially in the regions with complex
mountain area [35]. Airflow is well known to affect air pollution conditions [42]. It is a pivotal element for comprehensive analysis of
transmission. Air pollutants can either spread out or settle based on environmentally sustainable development. As far as authors knowledge,
airflow impacted by terrain shape differences. It is not an easy task to current researches mainly focus on case studies of certain regions. They
make the mechanism clear or model all processes [33]. monitor the air pollutants or analysing the terrain's influences on the
Some related studies have been conducted focusing on this topic. main air pollutants, based on certain models or experiments. There are
Terrain can affect airflow and even the atmospheric circulation, con- not many systematic studies or reviews of the air pollution terrain
sequently affecting the flow and dispersion of air pollutants. Nyeki et al. nexus. To narrow this gap, this study aims at reviewing the relationship
[37] measured the vertical mixing by using LIDAR and resulted that between air pollution and terrain, clearing the mechanism of the
daytime convective boundary layer processes are significant deriving driving forces, highlighting the monitoring methods, discussing the
forces for air pollutants transmission. Dommen et al. [38] studied the limitations and challenges. It can be a stepping stone to understand the
existence of forced transmission of air pollutants over the Alps but the air pollution nexus, supporting and directing future studies.

Table 2
Some milestones in air pollution History, information extracted and extended from Seinfeld [5].
1948 20 deaths and 40% of 14,000 inhabitants of the town were killed because of the Air pollution episode in Donora, Pennsylvania [24].
1952 4000 deaths over a two-week period were caused by the Sulphur and soot-laden smog in London [25].
1955 Air pollution Control Act firstly identified air pollution as a US national problem [26].
1963 Emissions standards for stationary sources was set by the Clean Air Act of 1963. Amendments were passed in 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1969, authorizing the Secretary
of Health, Education, and Welfare to set standards for motor vehicle emissions [27].
1970 The US Congress passes the Clean Air Act of 1970, the first substantive environmental statute enacted by Congress. The law established National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS) and set new limits on emissions from stationary and mobile sources. Also allowed states to establish their own stricter standards, which
California did [5].
1977 Revised US Clean Air Act Amendments passed by Congress, providing more time for areas with more serious air quality problems to comply with standards [28].
1988 EPA establishes the Indoor Air Division of the Office of Air and Radiation to address indoor air quality issues.
1990 The US Congress passes Clean Air Act of 1990, tightening automobile emissions standards, encouraging the use of low-sulphur fuels, and mandating instalment of
Best Available Control Technology [28].
1997 EPA strengthens the standard for the airborne PMs.
2000 Tier 2 program should be phased in starting in 2004 when refiners had to produce low-sulphur fuel for passenger vehicles. Tier 2 also sets tailpipe emission
standards for all classes of passenger vehicles, including sport utility vehicles and light-duty trucks [5].
2001 US Supreme Court supports health-based air pollution standards when it rejects challenges to the new standard for PMs.
2001 The Heavy-Duty Diesel Rule will require significant future reductions in highway diesel engine PMs emissions. It will also require diesel oil refiners to reduce most
sulphur from diesel fuel by 2006 in preparation for new engines in 2007.
2013 In China, in response to the extremely severe and persistent haze pollution experienced by about 800 M people during the first quarter of 2013. Several policies
aimed at reducing air pollution were released by the Chinese government [14].
2015–2017 Indonesia fire season. 2.6 Mha of land in burned between June and October 2015, resulting in US$ 16 × 109 of estimated economic damage and the generation of
the worst haze on record [29]. Smoke from the fires sickened 500,000 people, drifted into neighbouring countries. At the height of the disaster, the daily CO2
emissions exceeded those from all US economic activity. A series of fire-prevention policies have been established by Indonesia government, including the
establishment of Peatland Restoration Agency [30].

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

The next part of this review is organised as follows. Section 2 for- strategies, with higher efficiency, sustainable concept and lower air
mulates the sources and types of air pollutants. Characteristics of the pollutant emissions, are crucial for air pollutants emissions reduction.
main air pollutants from different sector groups have been reviewed. Fig. 4 shows emission sources of different air pollutants by sector
Section 3 illustrates the mechanism of air pollution terrain nexus, groups. In general, air pollutant sources are with a big difference.
mainly by taking the forms of 1) terrain forced vertical and horizontal Commercial, Institutional and Households (47.74%) and Road Trans-
transmission of air pollutants and 2) terrain forced concentration of air port (20.29%) are the main contributors to CO. Agriculture (93.88%) is
pollutants. Main methods, as modelling and experiments, of monitoring in a dominant position for NH3 emission in the EU. More recent data
air pollution terrain nexus are analysed in Section 4, including analysis from Xu et al. [46] indicated that many large agricultural counties, like
of the merits and demerits of different approaches. Section 5 discussed China, India, are the main sources of NH3 emission because of the
the limitation and challenges. Section 6 is the conclusion section of this utilisation of agricultural fertilizers. Up to 46.79% emission of Non-
review. methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) are from Industrial
Processes and Product Use. Regarding the NOx, the main contributors
2. The sources and types of air pollutants are Road Transport (37.93%) and Energy Production and Distribution
(20.83%). This is consistent with the contribution of Miyazaki et al.
There are many types of air pollutants, mainly by taking the forms [47]. Over 35% of PM10 and 57% of PM2.5 in the EU are from Com-
of gas, dust and PMs, such as PM10, PM2.5, PM1, GHG (COx, CH4, NOx, mercial, Institutional and Households. This is different from that in
etc.) and SOx [43]. These air pollutants can directly or indirectly impair China, which is mainly from coal combustion, vehicle emissions, and
the air visibility, transmit the virus, produce acidification, etc., which industrial [48]. Because China is the largest steel producer worldwide
brings serious negative influence worldwide, especially on the stability and iron industry has been contributing a lot to China's economic de-
of global climate, quality of human daily life, etc. It is significant to velopment. Energy Production and Distribution contribute most
clarify the sources and main types of air pollutants for their analysis and (60.08%) to SOx emissions. Based on Fig. 5, the emissions of different
assessment. As shown in Fig. 3, the sources, types and characteristics of sector groups are also different, SOx has a major role in the overall
air pollution the population are reviewed. In general, air pollutants sector emissions of both Energy Production and Distribution as well as
mainly come from three sources, see Table 3. Energy Use in Industry. NOx is the main emission of the sectors like
Air pollutants can be primary and secondary air pollutants, many of Energy Production and Distribution, Energy Use in Industry, Non-Road
them can cling to the dust, haze and smog. It also shows that energy Transport and Road Transport. NMVOC and NH3 are the main emis-
utilisation (plants emissions, municipal emissions, mobile transporta- sions of the sectors of Industrial Processes and Product Use as well as
tion, etc.) is one of the most significant contributors to air pollutant Agriculture separately. Energy generation and consumption along with
emissions [44]. For example, as emphasised by Lelieveld et al. [1], one- related human activities (like Energy Production and Distribution, En-
third of total energy consumption worldwide comes from commercial ergy Use, Road Transport, Industrial Processes and Product Use) have
and residential energy utilisation, which is the main contributor to the been significantly contributing to the air pollutant emissions. The sus-
particle emissions and premature mortality globally. Jaramillo and tainable and efficient energy utilisation strategies and policies can be
Muller [45] also said that the SO2 emission from power generation positively effective on the air pollution reduction [49].
contributes most to social monetary damages. The energy utilisation

Fig. 3. Sources and types of air pollutants. Developed and extended from Fan [22].

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

Table 3
Air pollutants sources.
Sources Details

Stationary Mostly related to energy generation and usage, including plants emissions, municipal emissions, chemical product emissions, etc.
Mobile Mainly energy-related, including trains, cars, lorries, ships, motorbikes, etc.
Nature Wildfire, sea spray, volcano, geotherm, etc.

Fig. 4. Emissions of the main air pollutants by sector groups in EU, data extracted from EEA [18].

3. Mechanism of air pollution terrain nexus (APTN) 1) Airflow over mountainous regions forced by terrain difference.
2) Factors caused by weather system changes, such as wind, rain, low-
To clearly describe and analyse the mechanism of air pollution pressure [52].
terrain nexus, the schematic diagrams focusing on different situations 3) Boundary layer processes, troposphere and stratosphere [50].
are established. This section outlines two basic types of APTN: (i) ter- 4) Orographic injection of air pollutants [53].
rain forced vertical and horizontal transmission of air pollutants; (ii) 5) Atmospheric convection caused by radiative heating, such as that
terrain forced concentration of air pollutants. produced by thunderstorms [54].

3.2. Terrain forced concentration of air pollutants

3.1. Terrain forced vertical and horizontal transmission of air pollutants
The stable synoptic condition is one of the key factors that should be
Fig. 6 shows the first schematic diagram of air pollution terrain
responsible for the formation and evolution of air pollution under cold
nexus. This is based on the mechanism of terrain forced vertical and
weather condition, especially in basin or valley areas (or half mountain
horizontal transmission of air pollutants [50]. Air pollutants can be
surrounded areas). It contributes to the accumulation of air pollutants
transmitted from sources to the mountain areas by horizontal airflow
and imprisons the horizontal dilution, resulting in a high concentration
and then upward by the vertical airflow.
of air pollutants [55]. The terrain is one of the important factors of
In the complex terrain, airflow contributes to the vertical compo-
stable synoptic. As shown in Fig. 7, developed by the authors, there is
nent of the wind fields. Air pollutants are transferred directly upward to
not enough strong upward airflow in the basin or valley. Air pollutants
the middle and upper of the troposphere from the surface. The air
cannot be transferred vertically and horizontally like that shown in
pollutants transmitted to a higher altitude are much more stable be-
Fig. 6. The airflow outside of the basin or valley cannot be blown into
cause of colder temperature [50]. There are much fewer reactions and
the basin. Air circulation between inside and outside of the basin or
the reaction rate is much lower. Air pollutants can be transmitted far
valley is weak. Air pollutants generated in the basin or valley would be
and widely by the horizontal airflow, in the form of both parcel and
imprisoned and increasingly concentrated.
plume in troposphere and stratosphere. This is one of the most sig-
Several air pollution events can be classified into this mechanism.
nificant reasons that result in air pollution diffusion, especially in
For example, the haze pollution in the capital region of China. In recent
complex terrain areas. For example, haze pollution in the capital region
years, haze is a considerably serious environmental problem in China
of China can be transferred to the downwind area by the enhanced
that influences air quality, regional and global climates as well as
northwest wind, resulting in the expansion of polluted regional scope
human health [56]. In the first quarter of 2013, an extremely severe and
persistent haze pollution outbreak in East of China, about 800 M people
In this scenario, the transmission and mixing of air pollutants from
and 1.3 Mkm2 were exposed in it [14]. Especially in a densely popu-
the ground layer into free troposphere are influenced by several factors.
lated and industrialised Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the haze is mainly
They include:
caused by PM2.5 [57]. This has been drawing increasing regional and

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 5. Emissions of different sector groups in EU, data extracted from EEA [18].

Fig. 6. Terrain forced vertical and horizontal transmission of air pollutants, Fig. 7. Terrain forced concentration of air pollutants.
developed from Kim and Stockwell [50].

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

worldwide attention. There are many driving forces for the formation, more complex than the schematic diagrams. It very much depends on
evolution and transmission of the haze in China, which can be divided the existing terrain conditions, air pollutants properties, hydrothermal
into internal and external causes. Terrain related causes belong to the conditions, atmosphere conditions, etc. It also depends on geographic
external causes: scales and the influences of human beings.
Internal causes mainly include:
4. Methods of monitoring air pollution terrain nexus
1) PM2.5 emissions from energy sectors, like transportation, industry
[55]; From Section 3, the relationship between air pollution and terrain
2) VOC and NOx emissions from transportation and SOx emissions from can be very complex, depending on various influences factors. Mon-
regional industry [58]; itoring, modelling and forecasting their nexus efficiently and precisely
3) The formation of secondary aerosols [59]. The secondary aerosols are also difficult. For addressing these challenges, modelling and ex-
drive the formation of severe haze pollution to a large extent. Or- periments (including sampling methods) have been studied or con-
ganic aerosols and PM2.5 contribute 44–71% and 30–77% of haze ducted during the last years. Verified and effective models are sig-
pollution separately (average data from Beijing, Shanghai, nificant for the simulating and predicting of air pollution terrain nexus
Guangzhou and Xi’an) [14]. and providing strategies for regional air pollution reduction decisions
making. Experiments are crucial for obtaining and processing data of
External causes mainly include: air pollution.

1) Depression of strong cold air activities, unusual atmospheric circu- 4.1. Modelling of air pollution terrain nexus
lation, and unfavourable dispersion caused by meteorological and
geographical conditions [58]. Many models have been developed or improved for monitoring the
2) Air pollutants accumulation in the shallow layer caused by a tem- air pollution, for example, ACCMIP model [62], WRF–Chem Model
perature inversion and descending air motions in the planetary [63], Fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center
boundary layer [60]. for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) [64]. However, not
3) High air pollutants concentration within source regions caused by all of them can reflect, simulate or predict the relationship between air
weak surface air circulation or wind speed. The accumulation of air pollution and terrain. This section focuses on the modelling methods for
pollutants is one of the most significant driving forces responsible studying the air pollution nexus. Several models are illustrated and
for the haze formation [51]. their merits and demerits have been analysed.
Several models can achieve the goal that predicting the air pollution
As is shown in external causes, the terrain is an important con- terrain nexus, which is highly important for the complex terrain. Those
tributor to haze formation, evolution and transportation, or even can be models are based on the measured parameters, such as terrain (slope,
extended to all types of air pollution. As is shown in Fig. 8, developed altitude, angle, etc.), pollutants (PMs, SO2, NOx, etc.), wind speed/di-
by the authors, the capital region of China is surrounded by the Taihang rection, temperature, hydrothermal condition, rain. These models can
Mountains and Yanshan Mountains [61]. Northwest winds prevail in also predict the air pollution episodes in the future based on different
winter in the region. If the wind is not strong enough, it would be scenarios. As is shown in Table 4, these models are reviewed and
blocked by Taihang Mountains and Yanshan Mountains. Weakened summarised from other scholars’ study results. They have been verified
surface winds in this region are favourable for the formation and con- for modelling and predicting air pollution terrain nexus.
centration of haze pollution [60]. Although this is a case from China, From Table 4, the most concerned air pollutants by these models
there are other examples that can be treated the same way, for example, have been PMs (PM2.5, PM10, RSPM, SPM, etc.), CO, SO2, NOx, etc.
the smog which occurred in London in the early fifties [25]. These air pollutants are corresponding with the regional and global
The detailed mechanism of air pollution terrain nexus can be much environmental issues. PMs are both the key elements of smog and haze

Fig. 8. Terrain promotes the formation of haze in the capital region, China.

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

[71] and the dangerous factors/mediums of many diseases, like cardi-

Weak wind and low planetary boundary layer (PBL) height played important roles for the formation of the
ovascular disease [72]. CO2 is one of the key contributors to GHG,

The low-level flow field is highly influenced by the topography and widely varies in different seasons.
Maximum pollutant mixing ratios follow the confluence line, crosses over the most populated areas in
accounting for around two-thirds of all GHG emissions as shown in
Fig. 9. Over emitted CO2 has been drawing increasing attention from

Good at estimating ground pollution concentrations in a stable atmosphere over rough terrain.
human beings worldwide, especially in the context of global warming.
N2O is a typical atmospheric pollutant. It can both destroy ozonosphere
and contribute to the atmospheric greenhouse effect. Although N2O is
trace gas, its global warming potential is 298 times more than CO2 for a
Complex terrain features have an influence on air pollutants concentration levels.

100 y timescale [73]. SO2 is the key element of acid rain, which is a
huge threat to the human respiratory tract, plants, buildings, etc.
Based on the most concerned models listed in Table 4, their merits
and demerits are analysed as follows:
Reliable for air pollution modelling in complex topography.

4.1.1. TAPM model

TAPM is a three-dimensional prognostic model that solves the fun-
damental fluid dynamics and scalar transport equations to predict both
air pollution concentrations and prognostic meteorological data [75].
Regarding the air pollutants, TAPM can consider the emissions from
both the activities on the premises of main industrial platform and the
other pollution sources, such as residential heating, other industries,
(Verify the accuracy of the model)

(Verify the accuracy of the model)

traffic, dump heaps. TAPM can avoid site-specific meteorological ob-

servations. The flows, which are significant for local-scale air pollution,
can be predicted by the TAPM model, for example, terrain-induced
flows, sea breezes [65]. TAPM solves the momentum equations for
horizontal wind components. It also achieves the scalar equations of
complex terrain.

specific humidity of water vapours, potential virtual temperature, cloud

Main results

water and rainwater. The incompressible continuity equation for ver-

heavy haze.

tical velocity in a terrain-following coordinate system is also solved by

TAPM. Gas-phase and aqueous-phase reactions for SO2 and particles
and dust mode for total suspended particles (PM30, PM20, PM10, PM2.5
VOC: volatile organic compounds; RSPM: respirable suspended particulate matter; SPM: suspended particulate matter.

and even lower, like PM1 and PM0.5 have been seriously considered).

For this reason, they have been integrated into the TAPM. This model

also covers the gas phase photochemical reactions and the wet and dry

deposition effects. TAPM is a very strong model for this area, which is

an available tool for year-long modelling [76]. The datasets have em-

bedded in TAPM, which include the crucial input data needed for me-

teorological simulations, like terrain features, land use/cover data. It is


very convenient for a quick configuration for many regions. TAPM has

been used for the year-long air condition simulating of Australia, two

other experiment points were put in US (Kincaid and Indianapolis) [77]

PSU–NCAR: Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Monitored/simulated air pollutants


and New Zealand [78]. The results showed that TAPM performed well

even in complex terrain like coastal, inland, from sub-tropical to mid-


latitude conditions. It is very good for the prediction of extreme pol-

lution statistics, which is significant for environmental influence si-


mulation, for both reactive (like NO2, O3 and PMs) and non-reactive

pollutants from various air pollutants sources.


However, when focusing on one specific air pollutant, PM10 and its

dispersion, the performance of TAPM in meteorology simulation is


eroded somewhat, comparing to other modelling results have published

using the same model [78]. For the complex terrain, the TAPM model
sometimes underestimates the frequencies magnitude of lake flows,
Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (FLEXPART) [69]
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model [64]

Fifth-generation PSU–NCAR Mesoscale Mode (MM5)

Models examples for air pollution terrain nexus.

local mountain flows, development of mountain flows in the lower al-

Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) [66]

titudes, low temperatures in summer and extremely low temperatures

in winter. On the contrary, TAPM also overestimates the westerlies in
the center of the simulation domain [79]. It can be concluded that
The Air Pollution Model (TAPM) [65]

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) [68]

TAPM can be implemented for year-long simulations without data as-

similation for saving time. However, the output location should be
carefully chosen by users because they are more sensitive in the
boundaries of the simulated domain.
WRF–Chem Model [63]

4.1.2. WRF–Chem model

K–ε Model [70]

WRF-Chem model, extended version of the WRF model, is a coupled


online community model. It has been widely used three-dimensional


atmospheric and air pollutant simulation model [80], serving both at-
Table 4

mospheric researches and operational forecasting [81]. The WRF-Chem

model is with functions of simulating atmospheric chemistry and

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 9. Global GHG emissions, per type of gas and source, including LULUCF, adopted from Olivier et al. [74].

aerosols. It can provide the interactive simulation for particles and trace modelling of air pollution characteristics, mass, transmission, etc.,
gases, receiving feedback from the radiatively active gases and particles especially in complex terrain regions.
and meteorology [82]. The air quality, weather, regional climate, dis- One of the main strengths of MM5 model is can be integrated with
persion etc. can be well predicted and simulated by the WRF-Chem other models, like the CMAQ model (Community Multiscale Air Quality
model [83]. To be more specific, the functions including: Model) [92]. Deng et al. [93] conducted a very interesting study,
coupling the CMAQ model with other two meteorological models,
1) Calculating the dynamical parameter inputs, like the parameters of namely, MM5 and GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and Predic-
wind, boundary layer, temperature, clouds [84]. tion System) and comparing their performance of air pollution model-
2) Modelling of dry deposition [85]. ling and forecasting. In this study, the Pearl River Delta, China, was as
3) Surface modelling, like surface ozone mixing ratios [86] and Ha- the case study area and SO2, CO, NO, O3, NO2, PM2.5 were main targets.
logen species (chlorine, bromine and iodine) in the marine boundary Deng et al. [93] discussed the influence of meteorological factors and
layer [87]. physicochemical processes on the simulation results. Results showed
4) Calculating gas-phase chemistry, photolysis and radiation rates that both coupled models had similar good performance.
[88]. However, there are still some demerits with the MM5 model:
5) Transmission simulating of airflow (advective, convective, and dif-
fusive flows) [89]. 1) The simulation and modelling about near-surface processes are in-
sufficient, which results in errors exist in the intermediate process
WRF-Chem model is a suitable and powerful method in this field. results and the final results [94].
However, there are also some demerits with it. Regarding one of its 2) It is sometimes difficult for MM5 to precisely distinguish the phe-
main function, surface modelling, the study focusing on East Asia nomena of canopy layer and boundary layer, for example, for the
conducted by Zhang et al. [90] showed that the column abundances of heat island, etc. This results in narrowing the methods choices for
gases can be simulated closely enough for most months, guaranteeing some specific problems, like the only way to calculate the influence
the normalised mean biases within 30%. However, it has shown ob- of complex terrain surface (for example, urban surface) on energy
vious biases for the simulation of wind parameters, temperature and balance is indirect parameterisation [94].
some other chemical related predictions. Results indicated that at 3) Regarding the complex terrain regions, like the Alpine region, al-
nearly all experiment sites in almost all months during the experiment, though the performance of MM5 is sensitive to the physical para-
the surface concentrations of major gas species were underpredicted meters, MM5 is worse than WRF model [95].
moderately or even significantly. For example, the normalised mean 4) Although the MM5 performs are sensitive to season and tempera-
biases 61.7% to 99.4% for NOx, 53.8% to 72% for CO, 33.3% to 68.9% ture, it insufficient during winter period than in summer [95].
for PM10, 25.2% to 63.9% for PM2.5, 44.5% to 84.2% for SO2. This may
result in significant errors. Regarding air quality forecast and opera- 4.1.4. Artificial neural network based method
tional predictions, the WRF-Chem model did not show an advantage Artificial neural network (ANN) is a commonly applied method for
and is less rigorously than MM5-CMAQ. estimating and forecasting air pollutants/pollution characteristics,
mass, etc. [96]. It can efficiently assess the concentrations of air pol-
4.1.3. MM5 model lutants in the atmosphere, such as NO2, SO2, CO, O3, PM2.5, PM10. ANN
The first generation of PSU–NCAR Mesoscale model, a mesoscale comes from the formulation of mathematical models, which is based on
model, was developed by the Penn State University and National Center the biological neural network (BNN) [97]. The human brain is a highly
for Atmospheric Research in the 1970s. The latest version is MM5, complex information processing system. Its features include the func-
which has been widely used for the simulation of meteorology, air tion of processing the external information stimuli in both parallel and
condition, etc. [91]. It is usually applied on the regional scale, model- non-linear ways. The biological nervous system has its own funda-
ling and predicting the circulation and transmission of mesoscale at- mental structural element, which is called biological neuron. In analogy
mosphere, which can be significant support for the simulation and with the BNN, ANN is defined as an architectural structure system that

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 10. An artificial neuron model for forecasting the PM2.5 pollution [100].

consists of many parallels, interconnected set of adaptive processing in mesoscale scale to calculate the long-term dispersion of air pollution,
units [98], which is a repository that stores experiential knowledge and focusing on the point sources, such as power-generating utilities, waste
makes it available for use, aiming at interacting with the environment combustors, industrial plants, etc. [105]. During the past decade's de-
[68]. Compared with the traditional air pollution models, such as the velopment, the FLEXPART model has been improved and extended with
autoregressive moving average (ARMA), support vector regression more functions and more widespread use, focusing on various scales
(SVR), etc., the ANN model has a better prediction performance [99]. and many different targets. Especially in the field of modelling and
There is an example of an artificial neuron model for forecasting the analysis of atmospheric transport and air pollution simulation, it has
PM2.5 pollution shown in Fig. 10. been evolved into a comprehensive tool [106]. Its application fields
In recent years, especially during the past decades, ANN has been have been significantly extended, including GHG emissions, short-lived
successfully developed and widely used in the field of air pollution si- climate forces like volcanic ash and gases, black carbon (BC) as well as
mulating and modelling [101]. ANN is also a very good method for the water cycle [107]. The development of the FLEXPART model has
modelling air quality related problems [102]. It has many advantages been significantly encouraged by the need for further multi-scale and
comparing other methods: multi-demand simulation, modelling and analysis. FLEXPART model
can also be used in more wild fields, like moisture sources. The study
1) ANN can be well applied in the field of time-series-forecasting. conducted by Sun and Wang [108] in 2014 showed that FLIXPART
ANNA has the ability of nonlinear mapping for atmospheric mod- performed well in the analysing processes of moisture resources of
elling. It is a robust and self-adaptive method which can provide semiarid grassland in China, especially on precipitation days.
significant and sufficient simulation performance [99]. FLEXPART model is good at accurately simulating the emissions air
2) There is no prior assumption about the data distribution when using pollutants from both point and line sources, as it does not influence by
the ANN method. ANN is capable of modelling highly non-linear the numerical diffusion. One other benefit of the FLEXPART model
relationships and can be trained to accurately generalize when [105] is its flexibility and relatively smaller computational cost. It
presented with a new data set [103]. usually can be coupled with other tools or models in order to improve
3) It is demonstrated that ANN can provide an accurate prediction of the efficiency, accuracy and precision of simulation, for example,
the hourly concentration of air pollutants more than 10 h in ad- FLEXPART-WRF model [109], FLEXPART-AROME model flow [110].
vance. In this field, A comparison study conducted by Cai et al. Verreyken [110] coupled FLEXPART model and AROME model for si-
showed that the ANN is better than the MLR model (Multiple Linear mulation the atmospheric circulation, which is one of the main air
Regression Model) and the CLSD model (California Line Source pollution transmission driving forces and influenced by canyons, land
Dispersion Model) [68]. and sea breezes and upslope transport airflow.
The FLEXPART model [105] is also with some demerits. It suffers
On the contrary, ANN is also with some demerits. Even though the from some numerical errors because of the interpolation in space and
levels of air pollution can be accurately simulated by ANN, the simu- time when focuses on the meteorological fields.
lation results are just numerical enigmas. It cannot provide further in- The models analysed in this section can reflect the air pollution
formation about how air pollution is influenced by different factors, nexus. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses. The TAPM
such as those factors from traffic, industrial, meteorological [96]. The Model, WRF-Chem model and MM5 model are comprehensive models
simulation and forecast accuracy of ANN can be improved by the for simulating air emissions and meteorological data under various
method of K-means clustering, which means some of the simulation and terrain conditions. The ANN model is widely applied with relative
forecast results from ANN are not precise enough [104]. flexibility. However, it is not the best for evaluating the relationship
amongst different parameters. The FLEXPART model mainly focuses on
4.1.5. Lagrangian particle dispersion model (FLEXPART) the point and line air emission sources. When focusing on the local-
The FLEXPART model was originally developed in 1998 and applied scale or mesoscale scale, the TAPM, MM5 and FLEXPART models are

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

suitable candidates. The MM5 and FLEXPART models can be well in-

Air pollutants in the lower valley can remain trapped within the convective boundary layer rather than
Specific terrain results in the generation of main flow fields, temperature change, the concentrate or
tegrated with other models for better simulation results. Several models

Terrain complexity has a significant influence on the dispersion and observation of air pollutants.
can provide time-series-forecasting, especially the TAPM and FLEXP-
ART models. The reality conditions are complex, like terrain, atmo-
sphere, temperature, humidity, etc. It is better to choose the most sui-
table model according to reality demands.

Elevated concentrations of multiple pollutants are identified at lower-elevation sites.

4.2. Experiments for monitoring air pollution

Experiments or sampling are the main sources of data used in

modelling for the simulation, prediction of the air pollution terrain
PBLH is the major factor for the variability of PM2.5 concentration.
Cloud and temperature have an influence on air pollutants flow.

nexus [111]. Experiments data can be used to verify the correction/

accuracy of models and can be the initial data for the prediction of air
pollution terrain nexus. Various methods based on a variety of sensors
can be implemented for monitoring air pollutants. Table 5 shows sev-
eral experiments or sampling methods for air pollutants monitoring
under the complex terrain.
Based on the review of studies in Table 5, during the air pollution
being vented into the free atmosphere.

monitoring process, it is significant to thoroughly monitor the experi-

ments sites allocation, which should fully uniform cover of the region
and all situations [113]. The most concerned methods for air pollution
transmission of air pollutants.

monitoring experiments include two types:

1) Remote Sensing (RS) instruments, like radar, sonar, lidar. This type
of instruments can provide remote sensing of air pollutants without
field monitoring [111], especially for the complex terrain, which
Main results

can guarantee the safety of experimenter and minimise the cost of

experiments [111].
2) Air Monitoring Site (AMS), like Spatial Saturation Monitoring Study.
It uses the field monitoring sensors, based on interactions between

the sensing material and air pollutants. The AMS is with good re-

liability and accuracy. However, it is relatively restricted by ter-


rains, especially in a complex landscape, it is more difficult to ar-

WP: Wind Parameters; T: Temperature; PBL: Planetary Boundary Layer Height; AC: Aerosol Concentration.

range test sites and equipment [115]. Take the experiment of


Shmool et al. as an example to show the spatial distribution of sites,


in their study, authors proposed a spatial saturation monitoring

study for targeting the sources of air pollution (PM2.5, NOx, O3, SOx,
Monitored/simulated air pollutants

black carbon, etc.), understanding the influence of topography and

temperature on air pollutants variation [115].



These instruments or sensors are designed based on the chemical

and/or physical properties of different air pollutants, which can be


concluded into two principles:


1) Measuring the absorption of different light at visible [116] (for CO2,

O3, etc.) or infrared wavelength (for CO2, etc.), or by chemilumi-


nescence (for NO2, etc.) [117].

2) Depending on the interactions between/among sensing materials

Spatial saturation monitoring study

and air pollutants, such as CO, NO2, O3 as well as VOC.

Experiments examples for air pollution terrain nexus.

Air pollution monitoring sensors and instruments can be concluded

Sodar sampling [113]
Sodar sampling [114]

into two main categories:

Radar and lidar [64]
Doppler sodar [111]

Doppler sodar [112]

1) Measuring the concentration of gas phase air pollutants.

2) Measuring either the various properties of different particles or the
contribution of PMs [118].

The characteristics of different air pollution monitoring sensors are

Remote sensing instruments

presented in Table 6, illustrating the characteristics, principle and

strengths of different kinds of sensors, focusing on different air pollu-
Air monitoring site


5. Limitations
Table 5

Simulation or modelling of air pollution terrain nexus is challenging

due to the complex realities. Many limitations, challenges and different

X.-C. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 71–85

uncertainties limit the study of this topic. It is changing, depending on

each specific region and its topography, atmosphere, temperature, the
interaction of different matters in the air. The temperature and hu-
midity can be obvious fluctuation caused by the airflow in the complex

Some single beam devices auto-calibrate as if

terrain areas. The terrain drove atmosphere condition changes, espe-
cially at the edge. The further interaction of different air pollutants will
contribute to the formation of smog, haze, acid rain, etc. Including the
Typically, less sensitive than EC.

meteorological indicators, terrain index with the other critical multi-

background CO2 is 400 ppb

criteria in the developing and selection of model and experiment is very

1) Although many models or tools focus on air pollution or terrain, few

of them can take full consideration of both air pollution and terrain,
Concern 3

especially for simulating the dynamic relationships. Including the

models discussed in 4.1 section, most of them are originally devel-

oped for the meteorology, focusing on meteorological modelling and

forecasting. Although some of them have been improved with
Sensitive to changes in relative humidity
Drift, frequent recalibration needed, 1 y

Likely sensitive to changes in T and RH

functions of simulating air pollution, it is still difficult for these

Power consumption; fragile materials

Calibration may be misinterpreted or

Does not measure ultrafine particles

models to perfectly reflect the relationship between air pollution

and terrain. Especially for the terrain issues, these models are not
strong enough to reflect the geographic index, like the WRF–Chem
Requires changing a filter

Model [63].
2) Most terrain related models focus on geographical issues, without
features or functions for air pollution. The main challenge of these
models is incapable to completely resolve or model the complex
Concern 2

terrain. One of the biggest challenges for terrain related modelling is


the high accuracy topographic inversion [123]. In the field of terrain

analysis, terrain complexity is a crucial feature. However, unlike
slope or aspect, terrain complexity is still an ambiguous concept that
there still has no optimal parameter to quantify it [124]. However,
Sensitive to change of RH, T; cross-

Sensitivity depends on path length

based on these wildly and successfully used models, increasing ex-

Not a direct mass measurement
Still relatively large and costly

tended versions have been conducted well. The ANN model, which
Interferences: CO, VOC, NO2

was extended based on the geographic model and wavelet trans-

In the development stage

formation, has been developed by Feng et al. to forecast the PM2.5

pollution. Results showed that this model can effectively improve
the PM2.5 forecasting accuracy in complex terrain areas [100].
3) The results of modelling and experiments are an inaccuracy or even
Concern 1


incorrect in some conditions like meteorological initial and


boundary. As shown in the study results from Bei [125], the me-
teorological initial and boundary conditions are complex and un-
stable. It is easily influenced and changes frequently, which results
Low cost, low power, small, real-time; more sensitive than Metal-

in the difficulties of monitoring and modelling precisely [126].

4) The long-term and effective simulating, modelling and predicting
needs further improvement, both models and experiments have a
limited range of application. As stated in Sections 3 and 4, me-
teorological and geographical conditions change frequently, which
highly depends on certain terrain conditions. The desirable results
Direct Particle Mass Small, inexpensive, direct mass concentration.
Handheld well established, stable, continuous
Small size; stable, 1–2 y lifetime, inexpensive

Small, inexpensive, commercially available

should include long-term, systematic and precise monitoring data as

well as accuracy simulating result. However, it is still difficult for
Characteristics of air pollution monitoring sensors [118].

Compact, stable to changing RH and T

models and experiments to achieve this goal. Almost all models and
experiments have a limitation in the application range, including
Accuracy, stable to change in P
oxide-semiconductor sensors

Non-dispersive infrared absorption (4.26 µm) [121]

territorial scope (different types of terrain) and studies objects

Characteristics of sensors

(different air pollutants) difference.

5) The accurate monitoring of some air pollution is complex. The
RH: Relative humidity; T: Temperature.
Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) [119]

characteristics of air pollutants are different and some of them are

Ultraviolet absorption (254 nm) [120]

difficult to capture [118]. For example, PM2.5 is a complex mixture,

including nitrogen compound, organic components, heavy metals,
dust particles, etc., each of them is with differing characteristics. As
Electrochemical cell [118]

shown in the study of Tunno et al. [127], the composition of PM2.5

Particle properties [122]

varies substantially across urban areas, and this spatial patterning,

apparent source-concentration relationships, may vary with me-
CO, O3, NOx, etc.

CO, O3, NOx, etc.

Light Absorption
Light Scattering

teorological conditions (e.g., mixing height, wind direction), parti-

Air pollutants

cularly in areas of complex terrain.

Table 6


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