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proper handwashing and AC

donning-doffing of personal 1
protective equipment (ppe)

Proper hand hygiene is a simple but effective way to prevent infections.

Clean hands can stop the spread of germs from one person to another, and
throughout an entire community-from your home and workplace, to childcare
facilities and hospitals

The personal protective equipment (PPE) is kept clean and is worn to

protect the healthcare worker from splashes of blood and specimen during
the patient-care activities. It is removed at the ante room or before leaving
the room of the patient in an aseptic, sterile, and pathogenic-free way to
avoid contamination. The proper sequence of doffing the PPE should be
strictly observed to prevent the spread of infection. Gloves must be removed
first since these are used to directly handle the specimen and most likely
contaminated with pathogens, followed by the mask and the gown.

At the end of this activity, the students should be able to follow the proper
procedure in handwashing, and in donning and doffing of personal protective
equipment (PPE).


Soap Gown
Paper towel Masks
Trash can Gloves


U N P - B M L S

1. Stand a few inches from the sink to avoid contamination.

2. Turn of the faucet and place hands under the running water.
3. Use soap and work up lather to ensure that hand surfaces are reached.
4. Scrub hand surfaces for at least 15 seconds. (Make sure to scrub all surfaces
especially between the fingers and knuckles).
5. Apply a little friction and rub hands together for another 15 seconds. 6
6. Rinse the hands from the wrist to the fingertips using a downward motion.
7. Dry hands using a clean paper towel.
8. Use the paper towel to close the faucet except when the latter is foot-/motion-

1. Put on the gown. (If the gown is disposable, make sure that it is fastened, and
the belt is tied).
2. Put on the face mask. It should cover both the nose and mouth.
3. Put on the gloves. They should be pulled over the gown cuff.

1. Remove gloves. Do not touch contaminated areas with ungloved hands.
2. Remove gown. It should be pulled from the shoulders toward the hand so it is
turned inside out.
3. Remove mask by touching the string only.

Illustrate the procedure on hand washing, donning and doffing of PPE. (Refer
from the procedures above.)
Different hazard warning symbols inside the laboratory


U N P - B M L S
1. Differentiate standard and universal precaution.
2. Discuss the proper way of donning the personal protective equipment.
3. Discuss the proper way of doffing the personal protective equipment.
4. List different PPE used in the laboratory and their functions.
5. What to do in cases of accidental needle prick injury.
6. List different blood-borne pathogens encountered in the laboratory.


U N P - B M L S

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