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Government Medical College & Super Facility Hospital Azamgarh.

No. 10S6 /GMC/Azam/Sch-Is/2023

Date: 26/08/2023
Schedule of Orientation Programme for -1 week, MBBS Phase 1
Day-1 Time Activity (Batch-2023-24)
Faculty Designation & Deptt.
Welcome spcech by Principal, All Faculty, Hospital Staff and
9-10am CMS & HOD ) Other members
10-|lam Hostcl Allotmcnt Wardcn & Asstt. Warden of
Boys & Girls Hostcl
11-12am Departmental visit-Anatomy All Faculty and
12-lpm Dcpartmental visit-Physiology
All Faculty and Tutors
2-3pm Departmcntal visit-Biochemistry All Faculty and Tutors
3-4pm Departmcntal visit- of
Community Medicinc AIl Faculty and Tutors
9-1 lam Introduction of M.B.B.S
Program Dr. Amzarul,
Introduction to health carc Asso. Prof. Dcptt. Of Mcdicinc
02-09 1|-12am
delivery system in India Dr. Ram Milan Prasot Asso. Prof. Deptt. Of Community
2023 Day Gender scnsitivity in mcdical
2 12-1pm Mcdicine
profcssion Dr. Ishrat Fatima
1-2pm Asso. Prof. Deptt. Of FMT
Importancc of Mental hcalth in Lunch
2-4pm DR. M.P. Sharma
Medical profcssion Asst. Prof. Dcptt. Of Psychiatry
9-1lam Medical Ethics & Ettiqucte Dr. Amrendra
Role play on Integrity, Asst. Prof. Dcptt. Of FMT
|1-Ipm Professional compctencec, Dr. Pawan Vishwakarma
04-09 Honcsty with paticnts Asso. Prof. Deptt. Of Mcdicinc
2023 Day 1-2pm Lunch
2-3pm Expcctations of physician from
Dr. Amit Patel
SOCicty Asso. Prof. Deptt. Of Mcdicinc
3-4pm Physician's role and
Dr. Anand Yadav
responsibilitics towards socicty Asst Prof. Deptt. Of Surgery

05-09 9-1 pm Hospital visit in small groups Faculty of Clinical

2023 Day 1-2pm Departmcnt
2-4pm Importance of Rescarch in
Medical Ficld Dr. Kumud Ranjan Asso. Prof. Deptt. Of Anatomy
Lamp lighting, Saraswati Organised by
vandana & White coat ccremony Dr. Manisha Upadhyay,
06-09 9-1pm Dr. Ezmat Jalil &
|2023 Day Dr. Satya Prakash
Lpm-2pm Lunch
2-4pm Introduction of Charak Shapath All Faculty

Govt. Medical College

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