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National sovereignty, before the french revolution the sovereignty was only in the king, after it
power was divided and a new system ensured representation of more part of the country in
the government.

Equality, everybody is equal regarding the law, before the French revolution most people
didn’t have any rights, clergy and nobility had privileges as exception from most taxes but that
didn’t necessarily mean they were rich. Their lands were protected, they couldn’t be sold or
bought, those land were amortized. Peasants had to pay rent and noblemen didn’t have to
work. Peasants were serves but not slaves they couldn’t be sold or bought just tied to the land.
All power was concentrated in the first statement. Another privilege was the right to bear
arms. The first 2 states had total control of political power either by excluding the 3 rd state or
outvoting them 2 to 1. Almost all of them knew how to write and read. If executed nobles
were beheaded and mostly in private and they couldn’t be tortured in most cases with a few
exceptions like being a heretic, by falsifying money, homosexuality and going in against the

Individual freedom

The percentage of nobles in the basquelands was astonishingly high mostly in the northern
provinces but this didn’t mean they were particularly rich.

Doctrine liberals are right winged liberals

Before the revolution the 3 provinces were the same that are nowadays, the Spanish state
respected it but it wasn’t the same in the French basque country. The standard measurement
of meters, kilometes was invented after the revolution because the previous system was a
mess with as many as 250.000 different measures. In the same way the revolutionaries
decided they needed common measurements they selected French as the common language
because it was only spoke by around 20% as a first and 50% as a second language. Nationalism
and liberalism were very similar and the national identity needed the all Frenchmen to have
things in common.

In the basque countries of both spain and france they paid less taxes as they had the duty to
defend the border. With the liberalism the idea of equality was also extended from people to
territories, the Catalonians lost it after their revolt at the beginning of the 18 th century.

One of the main ideas of liberalism is equality before the law, but this excluded blacks as they
weren’t considered people. A slave is an individual subjected to slavery but this is different
from the concept of the atlantic triangular trade, slavery was abolished in 1886 in cuba, but
the atlantic slave trade was abolished in 1820 (theoretically) UK, France and the US abolished
the trade earlier and they respected it but Spain kept trading slaves for 50 years after
abolishing it. Some people that enriched with the illegal triangular trade were names as Joan
Güel, Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies, Julián de Zulueta Marquess of Álava and Antonio
López, Marquess of las Comillas.
Triangular trade

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John Locke the main defendant of liberalism invested a lot of money in a slave Company,
similarly Washington had around 200 slaves, in the beginning all US states had slaves but in the
northern ones it was abolished overtime, Lincoln wanted to expel blacks from the US and he
was against slavery not for moral reasons but to unify the country and for economic reasons.
Frederick Douglass had a huge influence on him, he spent his whole life fighting slavery and he
convinced Lincoln that blacks were human beings and they should have at least some rights. A
similar story happened with Lyndon B Johnson and Martin Luther King, it was with Lyndon
when blacks were taken into account by the government.

Equality before the law would apparently mean that all people (men) should have the right to
vote but in reality most people weren’t allowed as vote was restricted to rich white Christian
men. In England by the end of the 19th century most men were allowed to vote, that meant
that political representation was more accurate than Spain, that’s why in Spain there were so
many revolts and civil conflicts, because there wasn’t a peaceful way to change things. This
restrictive system was the census suffrage.

In spain there was an Indirect election system as of the constitution of 1812 that granted
universal suffrage for men. But this had a trick, since peasants didn’t knew how to write or
read and didn’t understand nor care anything about politics noblemen represented peasants
the representants had the practical control of political power of the lower classes so deputies
in Madrid defended the interests of the nobles who were the ones actually voting. Universal
suffrage for men was stablished in 1870 in USA, except for Chinese and native americans but
including blacks in theory but the reality was that in the southern states radical groups were
persecuted for exerting their right until 1965, in france by 1848.


Marx and Engels thought that capitalism made the poor poorer and the rich richer, they
thought that revolution was inevitable because they knew a capitalism pre ww1 that only
invested money in repression (army, police, administration…) But post ww1 the states invested
more in the social expending to avoid a communist revolution. This lead to a social capitalism
that made the gap smaller. Now this social capitalism is disappearing as a result of the soviet

Parlamentarism is the legislative power in hands of a parlament, mostesquie was one of the
most important defendants of parlamentarism as he wanted to diminish the power of the king
in favor of the nobility who usually controlled parlaments.

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