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Eddy Eduardo Pasos Ballesteros

Maykelin Michell Obregón Condega
Farm business planning resources and information
The following resources and information will support you with farm business planning.

Climate Services for

Farm Fitness Checklist Agriculture
The Farm Fitness Checklist helps farmers assess The Climate Services for Agriculture (CSA) tool helps
where their business is at currently, and to farmers understand the historical, seasonal and
identify areas and opportunities to strengthen future climate at their location to help them make
their farm business. informed decisions for their farm business.

It covers subjects including people management, skills It provides farmers with historical data
and training, business planning and financial (1961-2021), seasonal forecasts (1-3 months) as
performance, emergency management, infrastructure, well as future climate projections based on the 15
water supply, natural resource management, risk years before and after 2030, 2050 and 2070, for a
management, succession planning, off-farm activities given location.
and more. The CSA tool can also be accessed on the
Completing the Checklist helps farmers identify areas to Farm Business Resilience Program webpage:
prioritise in their farm business plan.

The Checklist can be accessed on the Farm Business

Resilience Program webpage:

SWOT Analysis Goal Setting

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, A key benefit of setting goals is to describe what
Opportunities and Threats) analysis can be used to you want to achieve. Once a goal is set, the
assess and plan for your short, medium or longer resources and skills required can be identified.
term goals for your farm business. Importantly, priorities can also be set.

It can assist with decision making in a wide variety To make sure your goals are clear and achievable, each
of circumstances, such as climate risks (e.g. one should be S.M.A.R.T:
drought, fire, flood, frost), holding or selling stock, • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
farm finances, managing people on farm, and
• Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
pasture / crop management practices.
• Achievable (agreed, attainable).
• Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced,
• Time bound (time-based, time limited, time / cost
limited, timely, time-sensitive).


Producer name: Eddy Pasos & Maykelin Obregon

Business farm details

Business / Property name: Tonantzin private wildlife reserve

Farm address: La Trinidad community, Diriamba-La Boquita highway, 18 kilometers from downtown Diriamba.

Town: Diriamba, Carazo

Enterprise(s): Sheep Mixed Horticulture

Beef Dairy Grains


Farm size (Ha): 170 HECTARES

Farm business mission statement

We are dedicated to being a business with high quality service, safety and

responsibility that provides unique and unforgettable experiences to our

visitors, through the planning of activities that combine responsible

agricultural production with conscious tourism, promoting environmental

education and the importance of sustainable agriculture. We strive to create

an atmosphere of relaxation and well-being in a natural environment, away
from the daily life of the city.

Farm business vission statement

We seek to be a renowned agro-ecotourism destination where people find

satisfaction, inspiration and enriching experiences, showing sustainable
agricultural practices and methods for the preservation of the environment,
through dynamic tourism leaving a positive impact on society. We also wish
to be a positive resource for the local community by creating jobs, supporting
local farmers and collaborating with community projects.

[EXAMPLE my business finances or climate risk]

An analysis of your current enterprise(s) in comparison with other enterprise possibilities. The analysis of your Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) can be a useful decision making tool for both small and large scale

Strengths Weaknesses
 Diversification of activities  Short-staffed
 Location  Lack of trail infrastructure
 Personalized attention  Poor signage

Opportunities Threats
 Economic and employment growth  Limited site information
 Expanding the demand market through advertising  Lack of promotion

Strategies to build on
We intend to take advantage of the variety in flora and fauna to make different tours for all audiences,
Ways to build with activities ranging from contact with animals to interpretive hiking, maintaining a quality and
on personalized attention to meet the needs of tourists

Through the economic advancement of tourism we will seek to have infrastructure improvements to seek
Ways to take more comfort for visitors, we will use social networks and website to have greater reach in the population
advantage of and that there is better demand for promotions, offers and special discounts.

To reduce our weaknesses we will seek to put signage on each trail with visible lettering, the roads will be
Ways to reduce the cleaned to make it easier to travel, there will also be some wooden seats to rest.
effects of

The Internet will be our main tool to promote and publicize even more the farm, its location and services
offered, triptychs and posters will be developed where all the information of the place will be.
Ways to reduce the
effects of THREATS

[EXAMPLE my business finances or climate risk]

To make sure your goals are clear and achievable, each one should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant, Time bound.) S.M.A.R.T. goals are also easy to use by anyone, anywhere, without the need for specialist tools or

Goal 1: To develop the farm in a sustainable agro-ecotourism manner.


To transform the farm into an exemplary agro-ecotourism destination that promotes the conservation
of the natural environment, environmental education and the well-being of the local community.

1 Year -Implement sustainable agricultural practices, such as organic agriculture and permaculture.

-Create interpretive nature trails for visitors.

-Establish a visitor center with information on local ecology.

-Initiate educational programs for local schools.

5 Years -Build eco-lodges, such as sustainable cabins and campsites.

-Expand the variety of agro-ecological crops and products.

-Offer adventure activities, such as hiking and biking.

-Collaborate with local organizations for biodiversity conservation.

10 years -To convert the farm into a model of agrotourism at national and international level.

-Generate income to reinvest in conservation and community development projects.

-To preserve and restore natural ecosystems on the farm.

-Encourage the active participation of the community in the management and operation of the

agroecotourism farm.

Diversification of Experiences at the Farm

Goal 2:

Expand and diversify the experiences offered at the farm to attract a wide range of visitors and
increase economic sustainability.

-Identify opportunities for thematic experiences, such as workshops on agriculture, regional cuisine and

-Initiate volunteer programs on the farm to involve the local community.

1 year
-Organize cultural events and local fairs.

-Establish partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators.

-Develop educational tourism programs and permaculture workshops.

5 years -Offer outdoor recreation activities, such as yoga in nature and bird watching.
-Strengthen the farm's brand as a wellness and sustainability destination.

-Improve the farm's infrastructure to accommodate a greater number of visitors.

-To convert the farm into a reference destination for visitors in search of diverse and sustainable

-Generate sustainable income through the sale of local experiences and products.
10 years
-Contribute to the economic development of the local community through job creation and the promotion
of regional culture.

-Maintain a constant focus on sustainability and conservation of the natural environment.

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