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20\ 2010 -\} —= ee ~ GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM yy AORICULTURE__DEPARTMENT fi 2 No.nGA+367/2010 /67, Dated Dispur, the 2204 Desamber, 2010. Frou + Shek My Hararthay Under Secy. to the Govt. of Assam, Agriculture Department ,Dispur,Ghy-s. ) ref ~The Director of Agriculture, Assam Khanapara, Guvahati-22. sub : Scheme under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RvY) 21011 + sanction tharect. Ree, Your letter No. (13 Agri /Rievy /4/2010-11 (196, dated 06-12-2010, (2) Agrt/RKVY /20 /2010"11 dat@d 20.10.30. ste, + With reference to above, T am directed to convey the sanction of the Governor of Assam for an anowt of &.83.20 crore (Rupees eighty three crore twenty lakh) only as sancticied by the Gove. of India vide their letter No, 1-4/2010-Rvy, Gated 15.9. 2010 being Let tnatalment and m.55.47 crore (Rupees fifty five crore forty seven lakh) only 4s sanctimed by Govt. of India vide their Leteer Pe No, 8-1/2010-REvY, dated 30.4.2010 am stream IT of RKVY during. 2010-11 subject to strict compliance /obeervation of all Einanctal rules, procedures, formalities and provieten of AFREM Act 2005 and guidelines of RKVY as per detail break ups below and subject to submission of utilization certificate and audited expenditure statement within the menth of March, 2011. Department Amount (ta crore) 1. Assam Agril. University.Jorhat a. 13,00 2. Agriculture - &. 86,90 (7031643 crore + 8.55.47 crore) 3. Horticulture - “+ ie 12.07 4, Animal Hushanary & Vety. B. 8,00. Ss Fishery = - Be 14,007 $+ Dairy - - Re 44007 138.67 (Rupees one hundred thicty eight crore sixty seven Lakh) caly. ‘The expenditure {s debitable to the head of accom, 2401- cop Husbandry, It-othar state plan achemes= 800~ other exren- ate central earmarked scheme spectal central Agalstance for Rashtriya Krish{ Vékae Yojana (RKVY) (plan) GA. 09-Grante-in-Aid" during 2010-2011, ‘The relevant rules for drawing of fund and incurring expenditure and all financial provisions of APREM Act, 2005 shoula strictly be adhered to. CME eee, 2/~ GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM AGRICDLTURE DEPARTMENT::DISPUR, GUWAIATI-G No.AGA-367/2010/85, Dated Dispur, the 30” March, 2011 Shri N. Hazarilca,” 4 Cah Under Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, youl Atvetieepuimen Depo Giré. eee ‘ Oya" : wx sh Sanction of 2" instalment of Rs, 60.70 crore of Additional Central Assistance under stream-I of the RKWY during 2010-11 Ww “The Diteetorof Agriculture, Asam, VY Konamapara, Guwahati 22 yee Ref Your letter No. Agri/RKVY/ 4/2010-11/ 228, did. 22.03.2011 sit, . With reference to above, Iam directed 10 convey the sanction of the Governor fof Assam (0 an amount of Rs, 60.70 crore (Rupees sixty crore and seventy Iakh) only as rwicased by the Government of India vide their leitr_ no. 1-8/2010-RKVY dated 21" March, 2011 as stream-1 of RKVY during 2070-11 subject to following conditions:- 1) Observance of all rules, procedures, formalities ete., compliance with reference 10 Mode) Code of Conduct 2) Availability of fund in relevant head of account and submission of all U.C.’s in time. 3) The entire ainount will be drawn by department and kept in Revenue Deposit. The Department wili move Finance (Budget) Deptt, for release from Revenue Deposit tll the amount is credited in State Govt, Account Further, subject to strict compliance! observation of aif financial rules, procedures, formalities and provision of AFRBM Act 2005 and guidelines of RKVY as per detail break ups below Se Department Arnount (Rs. in Lakh) Tigation 454600 | 2. W oF power line a seed farm * 3. | lrrigation at Departmental fan I [7 [Seal testing Tabratory 5. | Administrative expenditure 170.00 6.) Green manuring for "450.00 Jimpravemext of soil 7 | Marketing suppor to 600.00 farmors through Awo van | i Tolal 6070 The expenditure is debitable to the Head of Account-2401-Crop Hushendry-It othr Plan Schemes- B00- otber expenditure- Central Earmarked Seheme (Special Cesta! Assistance for RKVY) Plan. GA.09 Grants in Aid during 2010-1! The relevant rules for deawing of fund and incurring of expenditure and all financial srovisions of AFREM Act 2005 shovid strictly be adtnered to, ‘iss-issues with the concurrence of Finance (C-1) conveyed vide their U.O. No. Fin (EC) 441/21, dtd. 30.03.2011 ‘Yours faithfully, Under Secretary to the Govt, of Assi ve (Agriculture Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6. =n 8 Oo aes coverniment oF Assam Pp AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT, DISPUR-6 y NO’ AGA 47S/2010p1¢47 Dated, Dispue the 22” Mayet, 2001 Fone ‘Shs. Mahanta, ACS, Deputy Secretary ig the Govt. of Asians Aghcuiture Deparment, Dispur-6 ve The Direeior of Agnculture. Assam, Khianupars, Ghy-22 Sut Sanco of Rs. 17.50 Crores ( Rupees Seventeen crores Hiiy inks) wikher Daa for suhesnes- “Sia Plan for extending yreer revolution Yo Assam” 2010-11 GLA, Iker Yours eterno. Ag/RKVY/24/GR2010-11771 Did 06401/11 sie With eeference wo above, | am directed to convey the sanctionof the ‘Gowesnur of Assart to an amaunt Of Rs. 17.50 Crore( Rupees Seventeen crores and fitly IukbsJonly as reledsed by Government af Assam vide thei letter no, 1-10/210-RXVY elated 6/1720) | subject to the availability of fund under proper head of aecoum daring Finwiia! year 2010-11 under plan for implementing the scheme titled- " Strategic Pls) for sending green cevatution to Assam 2010-1" Gia and alse subject wo observance of conndinions, rules. proceduses and formalities and ¢n condition that entre amount l\ be kept in tevenue Deposit and release from the Revenue Deposit vith |) Approval of Biection Commission or after completion of Hieetiun process 2) Specific approval & sanction of the SLSC of RKVY as reqitired tinder guidelines the expe ire is debitable to the head of account 2401- Crap Husbandry «1 .cme- 800 other expenditure, 3807- Centrally Earmarked Schedie ‘antral Assistant for RRVY- 22-GIA, “The relevant votes for drawing of fund and incuer puosision of AFM Act 2005 should strictly be acliered io. sxpenditureaad all Grusucial Tis issue with the concurrence of Fin (EC-1) conveyed vide their UO No. Fis Sy S750 aie 278/14 Yours faithtytly Moa” Deputy Secretary 0 the Govt, of Assent HY Agriculture Deparimem, Bispurat erm No. AGA 4752010 IpL47-A Dated. Dispur the 22" March, 2011 Copy fir iormation and uscessary action, |) Under Seeretry to the Govt. of lad, Ministry Agriculture & Co-operation REVY. Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi in ref 1 letter no 1IVSOIERKVY did 6712081 2) Diteetor (RKVY) Govt of India, Ministry of Agriculture. Deparment of Agriculture & Co- operation, Rashiriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Division . Krish shavan, New Det f Agriculture, Deptt of 20 Wee — ai —=====— .}' GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT. DISPUR, GUWAHATLS. NO.AGA. reoiz014i399 Dated Dispur, the 17 th March, 2012. From : Shi L, Mainants, ACS. . Under Secretar tothe Governinent of Assion. “Agriculture Department, Dispur. Ghy-6. At ©The Die of Agrcltur Assam, Kinanapey, Guwatat-22 ub : Sanction of Rs. 97.22 ore (Rupecs nlnety seven erore and twenty two takhs) only of 2nd intatiment of RKVY including Sub Schemes of RKVY Guring,2011-12 — Ast. : Your eter No. Ay RKVY/EDM2701-12.26 Dated 25/092012,f ano AgGARYVAPBDNI- 12/176. Dated 1203/2012 sin : wit reference to ubove, } 4m directed to convey the stnction of the Governor of ‘Assaim to-an amount not exceeding RS 97.22 crore (Rupees rinely seven Crore twenty two lakhs) only y BSnused by rhe Govemment of India Vide [eter no. F.No, 16/2011. RKVY dated 28th February. “313 under the appropriate head of account isthe Financial yest 2011-12 and subject co observance of iii conditions, sepet compliance of guidelines of implementation of RKVY scheme as laid by Govt. oF Tada and submission of Uslization Certificate in due course ‘ine expenditure Is debitable to the Head of Account 2401 Crop Husbandry -U- ‘Ooiher State Plan scheme 800- other expendliuce Central Earrasthed scheme 3807 (Special Central Assisance for RKVY(Plan} GA, 32- Grants it Ald -2011-12, “The deiels break-up of fund under normal RKVY and Sub Schemes tre ws below. St. amg ofthe seheme Amount A, Normal REVY (S041 3.6789 cog ~T Normisl RKVY (Siream 1) Rx 22.43 crore 1. Veysuble Castes 6.00 core 4. Nala Mision fr Poca Supplemend(NMPS) Re. 130 ere (opees ninety seven crore twenty two lakhs) only. RS. 97.22 erore The relevant rules for drawing of fund and incurring of expenditure a all Financia) provisions of AFRBM Act, 2005, CVC guidelines & all prescribed rules for procurement of materisls Should sinctly bo ware (0 This uss wih the coneuenee of inane (EC) Deparment sonvsyed vite thei Luo no Fin EE S00 dace 16082012 wed prance fhe Gov of esee wide No-62011S RRVY dus 8th Febroery. 2012 ‘The contingency expendituee in respect of th ore fect ofthe construction of Pig Siy., Generator Shed ‘1 Godwon under Nationsl Mission for Protein Supplements (MMPS) Sub-Scherne 1% iy allowed Instead of 3% contingency and the balence amount may be used for other workW schemes Yours fathtulye Byer ne hy” Atrlesltre Departven, spur, Ghys Memo, No, NO. AGA, 160/201K/2 NO. AGA, 160/2011/999-4 Daked Dispur the 17h March. 2012. ° GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM whe Ge AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT, DISPUR, GUWAMATE-6+ a7, ial . “ i 1. AGA160/2010224 Dated Dispur, the 25" October, 2011 ‘The Director of Agriculture, Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 Sub: Swaction of Rs. 22.43 crore under RKVY under steam Hf of RKWY 2011-32. Ref, | Your fewer No. AGRI RKVY/ FIDI42/2011-2012/30 Dated (5/09/2001 Sit With reference co above, 1am directed to convey the sanction of the Governar af ‘Assam to an amount not exceeding RS. 2243.00 lakh (Rupees two thousand two hundred fory three lakh) only as released by the Government of India vide letter no, F. No. 81/2011 RKWY dated 28" April , 2011 under the appropriate head of account in the financial year 2011-12 and. subject to observance of usual conditions, strict compliance of guidelines of implementation of RKVY scheme as laid by Gout. of India and submission of Utilization Cemificate in due course, The expenditure is debitable to the Head of Account 2401 Crop Husbandry -UI- Other State Plan scheme 800+ other expentitture Central Earmarked scheme 3807 (Special Centrai Assistance for RKVY (Plan) GA, 32- Grants in Aid -201 f-12, ‘The relevant rules for drawing of fund and incurring of expenditure and oi} financial provisions of AFRBM Act, 2005, CVC guidelines & al prescribed rules for procurement of materiais should strictly be adheres to. ‘This issues with the concurrence of Finance (EC-1) Department conveyed vide their LO No. Fin (BC-1) 1275/11 dated 20/0/20) and in pursuance of the Govt of tndiats fetter isoued vide F. No, 8-1/2011-RKVY, dated 28/4/20) ) Yours faithfully. Eaclo : Annexure —A ce re) Epeaclie” any Under Secretsry «0 the Government of Assani, 2 } ‘Agrieuiture Department, Dispur. Ory Memo. No. AGA 160/261 1224-4, Dated Dispur, the 2Sthy October.201), Copy 10 = The Ditector (RKWY), Govt. of India, Ministry of fAgriculture, Department of Agricutture & Cooperation, Rashtriya Kristi’ Vikash Yojana Division, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi The Under Secretsaty to the Govt. of india, Ministry of Agriculture, Department & Cooperation, Rasbtriya Krishi Vikaah Yojana Division, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi in reference 1 letter no. F, No, 8-1/2011 ~ REVY, dated 26/04/2611 ihe Senior Consens (Agr , Panning Commission of india, Yojana Bhavan, Sonsad Marg sew Delhi +The Account General (A&E)! (Audit), Assam, Maidamgaon, Beltota, Ghy-25. +The Finance (EC-1) Dept... Ghy-6 in reference 6 their U. 0. No, Fin (EC-1) 1275/11 Dated 24/10/2011 +Plonning & Development Depariment, Dispur, Ghy-6. «The Deputy Director of Agriculture (PRE), Khanapara, Ghy-22 ‘Allied Department concemed, . By order ete. Enclo : Annexure -A - 4 Under Secretary to the Gowernment of Assam, Agriculture Department. Distant, Ghy-6. Mens No. AGA, |60/2011/224-B. Dated Dispur the 25" October. 2017 1 The Account General (A&EY (Audit) Assam, Maidamgoon, Beitola, Giry-29 2. The Treasury Officer Dispur. nck A Sr. Financial Adviser, elo :Amtnexure ~ Agriculture Department, Disp. Chy-6 [ ANNE

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