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PRESIDENT’S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT - RALG. COAST REGION REGIONAL FORM FOUR SECONDARY EDUCATION MOCK EXAMINATION 2021 BIOLOGY 1 MARKING SCHEME SECTION A (15 Marks) 1. (@ 01 = 10 Marks) i ii ii | iv v vi | vii ix x Gi B i Cc E is A D B D 2. (@ 01 = 05 Marks) i it ili iv Vv A E B H SECTION B (60 Marks) 3. a) The name of the process done by students is called resuscitation/ artificial ventilation (01 marks) b) Qualities of first aid provider (any 2 points @1) i. Skillful and tactful ii, Calm and controlled iii, Prompt and quick iv. Wise and intelligent v. Confidence and perseverance ©) Advantages of first aid to the victim (any 3points @1) i, Itbrings hope to the victim ii, Prevents victim from permanent disability iii, It saves life (any 3 points) 5) Comtosive hydrochloric acid does not corrode the stomach because the stomach walls Contain mucus secreted by mucus secreting membrane, This mucus Prevents corrosion. (02 marks) ©) This is due to peristalsis which cannot be affected by gravity. (02 marks) 5. a), Producers — microscopie plants (01 mark) ii, Primary consumers-small fish (01 mark) iii, Consumers of the last order ~ crocodiles (01 mark) >) The organisms which are likely to be finished first in the dam is small fish because they are eaten by more than one consumer (01 mark) ©) Food web eae ’ Mesquth lavas, Small Fe, \ Ca mnets Muomscopie platy a) The amount of food reabsorbed * Total = 100 Litres * Urine=1.5 Litres © 100-1.5=98.5 Litres The amount of reabsorbed fluid is 98.5 Litres (02 marks) ») The functions of kidney indicated are; - i, Urine formation (Excretion) (01 mark) il, Reabsorption (Osmoregulation) (01 mark) he disease is diabetes mellitus (01 mark) il, The cause of this disease is defective pancreas (failure of production of insulin) (01 mark) 21 Page a) Embryo may not be fully developed b) Impermeable seed coat to air and water ©) Lack of enough oxygen 4) Freezing of seeds ©) Lack of moisture (water) 8. The Nile perch from Lake Victoria has hypotonic solution and Indian Ocean is hypertonic solution. When the Nile perch placed in Indian Ocean its cells will Jose water by osmosis. Then the cells will shrink and become crenated. This will result to dehydration and hence the fish will die. (Underlined words @ I-mark total 06 marks) 9. a) Blood- is a fluid tissue consist of cells suspended in a fluid called plasma (02 mark) b) Functions of blood i, Red blood cells- to transport oxygen and small qualities of carbon dioxide (01 mark) ii, White blood cells- to make antibodies and engulf foreign particles including bacteria (01 mark) iii, Platelets- involved in the coating of blood (01 mark) ©) Blood is a red in color because of the presence of red pigments called haemoglobin which gives its color (01 mark) 10, a) Paleontology is the study of remains of organisms The study of fossils shows that organisms existed in many years ago had fewer complex fossils compared to recent fossils. This shows evolution took place. Example of radioactive carbon 14 (Cis) which is presented in both plants and animals (02 marks) b) Comparative embryology Embryology is the study of embryos and their development Ata certain stage of development, the embryo of all vertebrates likely by having gills slits and tail. But later after growing the organism looks different. This indicates that these organisms arose from common ancestor (02 marks) ©) Biochemistry is the study of basic chemistry and processes that occur in the cells Process that occur in the cells The biochemistry of all living things is incredibly similar. This proves that organisms share ‘common ancestors’ example, the present function of DNA is the same in most organisms. Also the process of respiration which takes place in mitochondria is the same to all species (02 marks) 1.a) i, Ovulation is the release of ovum (egg) from the ovary Implantation is the process by which the zygote is attached to the uterine wall after fertilization (01 mark) 3|Page b) Roles of placenta i, Exchange of material (glucose, water and mineral salts) ii, _ Removal of excretory products from fetus to the mother iii, Provide antibodies that prevent infections iv, Acts as endocrine organ by producing Lactogen (any 4 points @ 01 mark total 4 marks) 12. a) The phenotype of Fi generation ‘© Let Y-represents the gene for smooth seeds © Let y-represent the gene for wrinkled seeds (01 mark) Pareto phenotype — Smootkcvedh % Wetabled ca: parental guoctys® 77 x ay Meren's Gamses 4 Fadlirckon Se ee Planctypie Ho | At here smooth coed cont trerotytle Ho \ Ail ack Leteroaiqeur cmoeth Yy) b) To get F2 generation self Fi parental genods ee aes Martosis Goenedes ® (Cd mane Fer tizalon Ta Offering oe 4|Page i, Genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 (01 mark) ii, Phenotypic ratio is 3:1 (01 mark) iii, Total number of smooth seed coats Phenotype 3 smooth I wrinkled 3/4 x1200=900 (01 mark) The total number of seeds with smooth coats is 900 SECTION C (25 Marks) 13. Temperature regulation (or thermoregulation) is the process by which body temperature of an organism is kept constant even when surrounding temperature vaties (0.5 marks) ii, iii ‘The four physiological means are;- Vasodilatation of arterioles; - the diameter of arteries near the surface of the skin becomes wider; this makes the blood flow near the surface of the skin. Relaxation of hair erector muscle; - when the hair erector muscle relax, the hair lies flat this allows heat to escape from the skin Sweating; - it occurs when blood flows near the skin surface, the latent heat of vaporization causes sweat to evaporate bringing cooling effect of the body Decrease in metabolic activities in the body; - decrease in metabolic reactions in the body makes the body produce less heat through the process of thermo genesis (4 points @ 02 marks) Behavior means; - i ii iii iv. v Moving to shaded places ‘Wearing light clothes Taking cold beverage Using air conditioners Artificial ventilation (3 points @ 02 marks) Conclusion (0.5 marks) 14, The relationship between biology and other fields i Introduetion (01 mark) Conclusion (01 mark) Biology and agriculture The knowledge of biology helps in the improvement of crops. Example through genetic engineering scientists have developed breeds of crops and animals that produces high yields Biology and forestry Ina study of biology, we learn how to plant trees the importance of planting trees and the dangers of cutting down trees Biology and nutrition In biology we understand the composition and value of different types of foods. This knowledge is also used by dieticians to determine the kind of foods for people with different health problems 5|Page iv. Medicine and pharmacy The study of anatomy helps doctors to learn the structure of the body how it functions, this helps the doctor to know when something is wrong in the body and how its treated. Biology and vertenary science The study of biology gives foundation for knowing the animal’s life processes behavior diseases that attack them, their treatment and prevention measures. Raw materials i, Water (01 mark) ii, Carbon dioxide (01 mark) Conditions necessary i. Chlorophyll (01 mark) ii, Sunlight (01 mark) Four factors affecting photosynthesis (any 4 points total 6 marks) i. , Light intensity (0.5-mark, explanation 1 mark) i. "Carbon dioxide concentration (0.5-mark, explanation 1 mark) ‘Temperature (0.5-mark, explanation 1 mark) Water (0.5-mark explanation 1 mark,) Presence of mineral ions (0.5-mark, explanation 1 mark) Leaf age (0.5-mark, explanation 1 mark) Best wishes 6IPage

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