LegRes Lesson1-Alcos

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Cagayan State University



Overview of the Government Structure • The lifeblood theory constitutes the theory
of taxation, which provides that the
Fundamental Powers of the State
existence of government is a necessity;
1. Police Power of the State – the power that government cannot continue without
of the state to regulate liberty and means to pay its expenses; and that for
property for the promotion of general these means it has a right to compel its
welfare of the people1. citizens and property within its limits to
2. Power of Eminent Domain – it enable
the state to acquire private property, upon BRANCHES OF THE PHILIPPINE
payment of just compensation2. GOVERNMENT

Recognized elements of the valid exercise Executive Department (power of the

of eminent domain, namely: sword)

1. the property taken must be private The executive power shall be vested in the
property; president of the Philippines (Section 1 Article VII,
2. there must be genuine necessity to take 1987 Constitution).
the private property;
• Power of control over the executive
3. the taking must be for public use;
4. there must be payment of just
compensation; and • Power ordinance power2 (Administrative
5. the taking must comply with due process Code of 1987: issuances that President
of law. can issue)
3. Power of Taxation – power of the state to
demand from the members of the society • Executive orders — Acts of the
their proportionate share or contribution President providing for rules of a
in the maintenance of the government1. general or permanent character in
implementation or execution of
Taxation vs Taxes constitutional or statutory powers
shall be promulgated in executive
• Taxation is the inherent power of the
sovereign, exercised through the
legislature, to impose burdens upon • Administrative orders — Acts of
subjects and objects within its jurisdiction the President which relate to
for the purpose of raising revenues to particular aspects of governmental
carry out the legitimate objects of operations in pursuance of his
government. duties as the administrative head
shall be promulgated in
• Taxes are the enforced proportional
administrative orders.
contributions from persons and property
levied by the law-making body of the • Proclamations — Acts of the
State by virtue of its sovereignty for the President fixing a date or declaring
support of the government and all public a status or condition of public
needs, [Cooley] moment or interest, upon the
existence of which the operation of
• Taxes are enforced contributions1
a specific law or regulation is made
• Taxes are proportional in character, since
to depend, shall be promulgated in
taxes are based on one’s ability to pay.
proclamations which shall have the
• Taxes are levied by authority of law.2
force of an executive order.
• Taxes are for the support of the
government and all its public needs.

Alcos, Kenht Justine P. 1

Cagayan State University

• Memorandum orders — Acts of • 40 years of age at the day of the election;

the President on matters of and
administrative detail, or of • must have resided in the Philippines ten
subordinate or temporary interest years before the election is held.
which only concern a particular
officer or government office shall
be embodied in memorandum
orders. • The constitution provides for a line of
succession in the event that the elected
• Memorandum circulars — Acts
President of the Philippines is not able to
of the President on matters
discharge the duties of his office due to
relating to internal administration,
death, disability, or resignation.
which the President desires to
bring to the attention of all or • Vice President — in cases of the
some of the departments, death, disability, or resignation of
agencies, bureaus, or offices of the the President
government, for information or
compliance, shall be embodied in • Senate President — in cases of the
memorandum circulars. death, disability, or resignation of
the President and Vice President
• General or special orders —
Acts and commands of the • Speaker of the House of
President in his capacity as Representatives — in cases of the
commander-in-chief of the Armed death, disability, or resignation of
Forces of the Philippines shall be the President, Vice President, and
issued as general or special orders. Senate President

• Power over aliens3 Legislative Branch (power of the purse)

• Powers of eminent domain, escheat, land • The legislative power shall be vested in
reservation and recovery of ill-gotten the Congress of the Philippines, which
wealth.4 shall consist of a Senate and a House of
• Power of appointment Representatives, except to the extent
reserved to the people by provision of
• The President may appoint initiative or referendum. (Section 1, Article
officials of the Philippine VI, 1987 Constitution)
government as provided by the
constitution and laws of the • It is authorized to make laws, alter, and
Philippines. Some of these repeal them through the power vested in
appointments, however, may need the Philippine Congress.
the approval of the Committee on • The Legislative Branch enacts legislation,
Appointments (a committee confirms or rejects Presidential
composed of members from the appointments, and has the authority to
House of Representatives and the declare war.
Senate of the Philippines).
• The Senate is composed of 24 Senators
• Power of general supervision over local who are elected at large by the qualified
governments1 voters of the Philippines.

• natural born Filipino;

• a registered voter;
• must be able to read and write;

Alcos, Kenht Justine P. 2

Cagayan State University

• The House of Representatives is According to the 1987 Constitution, Article

composed of about 250 members elected VIII, Section 5, the Supreme Court
from legislative districts in the provinces, exercises the following powers:
cities, and municipalities, and
• Exercise jurisdiction over cases affecting
representatives elected through a party-
ambassadors, other public ministers and
list system.1
consuls, and over petitions for certiorari,
POWER OF THE LEGISLATURE prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto,
and habeas corpus.
• Make laws
• Amend laws • Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm,
• Repeal laws on appeal or certiorari, as the law or the
• Alter laws Rules of Court may provide, final
judgments and orders of the lower courts
The qualifications to become a senator, as
• Assign temporarily judges of lower courts
stipulated in the constitution, are:
to other stations as public interest may
• a natural-born citizen of the Philippines; require. Such temporary assignments shall
• at least thirty-five years old; not exceed six months without the
• is able to read and write consent of the judge concerned.
• a registered voter; and
• Order a change of venue or place of trial
• a resident of the Philippines for not less
to avoid a miscarriage of justice.
than two years before election day.
The constitution provides for the following criteria In addition; The Constitution expressly
to become a member of the House of grants the Supreme Court the power of
Representatives: Judicial Review
• a natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
• at least twenty-five years old; • the power to declare a treaty
• is able to read and write; and • International or executive agreement
• except the party-list representatives, a • law
registered voter and a resident for at least • presidential decree
one year in the district where s/he shall be • proclamation
elected. • order
Judicial Branch (bastion of rights and • instruction
liberties of the people) (Scale of Justice) • ordinance or regulation unconstitutional.
• The judicial power shall be vested in one Each branch of government can change
Supreme Court and in such lower courts acts of the other branches as follows:
as may be established by law. (Section 1, • The President can veto1 laws passed by
Article VIII, 1987 Constitution) Congress.
• Congress confirms or rejects the
• This branch holds the power to settle President's appointments and can remove
controversies involving rights that are the President from office in exceptional
legally demandable and enforceable. circumstances.
• The Justices of the Supreme Court, who
• determines whether or not there has been
can overturn unconstitutional laws, are
a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
appointed by the President.
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part
Sources of Law - The main sources of
and instrumentality of the government.
Philippine law are:
• The judicial branch interprets the meaning
of laws, applies laws to individual cases, The Philippine Constitution
and decides if laws violate the Every state has had a constitution of some kind
Constitution.1 whether it be an elaborate document or just a
collection of rules. It is inconceivable how a state

Alcos, Kenht Justine P. 3

Cagayan State University

could exist or survive without a constitution of

some form.
The foundation of the system of government of
the Philippines is the constitution.

Alcos, Kenht Justine P. 4

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