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1 Banishment or Control 8

2 Bringing Forth Monsters and Gods 7

2 Combat 6

3 Communication G

4 Dreamlands H

5 Enchantments M

6 Environmental b

7 Extending Life q

8 Folk 0

9 Harmful (for use outside of combat) C

10 Influencing Others B

11 Making Monsters

12 Other Spells (usually helpful) O

13 Protection 2

14 Relating to Time e

15 Transformation n

16 Travel and Transportation


1. Bait Humans,
2. Banish Apep,
3. Banish Byatis,
4. Banishment of Yde Etad,
5. Bind Byakhee,
6. Bind Child of The Sphinx
7. , Bind Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath,
8. Bind Deep One,
9. Bind Dimensional Shambler,
10. Bind Enemy,
11. Bind Fire Vampire,
12. Bind Hunting Horror
13. , Bind Nightgaunt,
14. Bind Servitor of The Outer Gods,
15. Bind Shoggoth,
16. Bind Star Vampire,
17. Bind Were-Creature,
18. Cast Out Shan
19. , Cast Out The Devil,
20. Cleansing Flame of Vorvadoss,
21. Command Plants,
22. Command Shoggoth,
23. Curse of Darkness
24. , Dismiss Deity
25. , Dismiss Spirit,
26. Dust of Suleiman,
27. Elysian Grace,
28. Enthrall Victim,
29. Exile Eihort,
30. Flash of Ra,
31. Identify Spirit
32. , Imprison Mind,
33. Indent Liche,
34. Nyhargo Dirge,
35. Oscillating Expanse,
36. Powder of Ibn-Ghazi,
37. Prinn’s Crux Ansata,
38. Remortification,
39. Removal of Favor,
40. Repel Shan,
41. Return Servitor,
42. Seal Pit,
43. Snare Dreamer,
44. Soul-Trap,
45. Unmask Demon,
46. Voorish Sign.


1. Awake Abhoth,
2. Awaken Chuma,
3. Balk Brood,
4. Beseech Charon,
5. Build Carcosa,
6. Call Ahtu,
7. Call Aku-Shin Kage,
8. Call Arwassa,
9. Call Avatar of the Skinless One,
10. Call Azathoth,
11. Call Bugg-Shash,
12. Call Cthugha,
13. Call Cyaegha,
14. Call Daoloth,
15. Call El Negro,
16. Call Forth The Worm,
17. Call Ghatanothoa,
18. Call Gla’aki,
19. Call Gol-Goroth,
20. Call Hastur,
21. Call Horned Man,
22. Call Iod,
23. Call Ithaqua,
24. Call Keeper of the Moonlens,
25. Call La Llorona,
26. Call Lightning,
27. Call M’nagalah,
28. Call Mappo No Ryu^jin,
29. Call Nyogtha,
30. Call Ossadogowah,
31. Call Rlim Shaikorth,
32. Call Saaitii,
33. Call Shub-Niggurath,
34. Call Skinless One,
35. Call The Beast
36. , Call Yibb-Tstll,
37. Call Yig,
38. Call Yog-Sothoth,
39. Call Zombie,
40. Call Zu-Che-Quon,
41. Channelling God,
42. Chasm to Hell,
43. Conjuration of The Turua,
44. Contact Abhoth,
45. Contact AkuShin Kage,
46. Contact Azathoth,
47. Contact Bokrug,
48. Contact Byatis,
49. Contact Chaugnar Faugn,
50. Contact Child of The Sphinx,
51. Contact Chthonian,
52. Contact Cthulhu,
53. Contact Deep One,
54. Contact Eihort,
55. Contact Elder Thing,
56. Contact Emerald Lama,
57. Contact Flying Polyp,
58. Contact Formless Spawn,
59. Contact Ghoul,
60. Contact Ghroth,
61. Contact Gla’aki,
62. Contact Gnoph-Keh,
63. Contact Hound of Tindalos,
64. Contact Human,
65. Contact Iod,
66. Contact Koth,
67. Contact Lloigor,
68. Contact Masters,
69. Contact Mi-Go,
70. Contact Moonbeast,
71. Contact Nodens,
72. Contact Nyarlathotep,
73. Contact Nyarlatophis,
74. Contact Othuyeg,
75. Contact Pazzuzu,
76. Contact Rat-Thing,
77. Contact Sand-Dweller
78. , Contact Servitor of The Outer Gods,
79. Contact Shub-Niggurtah,
80. Contact Spirits of the Dead,
81. Contact Star-Spawn of Cthulhu,
82. Contact TombHerd,
83. Contact Tsathoggua,
84. Contact Y’golonac,
85. Contact Yig,
86. Contact Yithian,
87. Contact Yog-Sothoth,
88. Contact Zhar and Lloigor,
89. Contact Zoth-Ommog,
90. Crystal Call,
91. Free Hastur,
92. Incantation of The Sixth Sathlatta,
93. Light of Sacred Truth,
94. Reversed Angles of Tagh-Clatur,
95. Speak with The Waiting Dark
96. , Spirit Summoning,
97. Summon Baka,
98. Summon Brother of Chaugnar Faugn,
99. Summon Byakhee
100. Summon Dark Young,
101. Summon Deep One,
102. Summon Dhole,
103. Summon Dimensional Shambler
104. , Summon Fire Vampire,
105. Summon Greater Desh,
106. Summon Hunting Horror,
107. Summon Nightgaunt,
108. Summon Servitor of The Outer Gods,
109. Summon Shoggoth,
110. Summon Star Vampire,
111. Summoning Spells,
112. Unspeakable Promise

1. Baneful Dust of Hermes Trismegistus
2. , Bestow Glimpse of Truth,
3. Blunt the Weapon,
4. Breath of Pazzuzu,
5. Breath of the Deep,
6. Cloak of Fire,
7. Clutch of Nyogtha,
8. Command of The Bloody Tongue,
9. Create Mist of R’lyeh,
10. Curse of the Stone,
11. Death Spell,
12. Deflect Harm,
13. Destroy Spawn of Yig,
14. Detransference,
15. Dominate,
16. Drain Youth,
17. Dread Curse of Azathoth,
18. Drown Mind,
19. Dust of Suleiman,
20. Enthrall Victim,
21. Eyes of a Stranger,
22. Fire Dance,
23. Fist of Yog-Sothoth,
24. Flash of Ra,
25. Grasp of Cthulhu,
26. Hands of Colubra,
27. Implant Fear,
28. Incinerate,
29. Knot Flesh,
30. Liquid Death,
31. Liquidity,
32. Mental Suggestion,
33. Mind Cloud,
34. Mindblast,
35. Numantina,
36. Nyhargo Dirge,
37. Petrify Nether Limbs,
38. Powder of Ibn-Ghazi,
39. Power Drain,
40. Quicken,
41. Red Sign,
42. Shadow Void,
43. Shrivelling,
44. Solar Gaze,
45. Song of Hastur,
46. Spectral Razor,
47. Strike Blind,
48. Swelling Torment,
49. Temporal Rip,
50. Touch of Decay,
51. Trance,
52. Utterance of Bile,
53. Vanish,
54. Wither Limb,
55. Worms,
56. Wrack,
57. Wrath of Ages,
58. Wrath of Pazzuzu.


1. Accursed Eye,
2. Candle Communication,
3. Ineffable Comprehension,
4. Mirror of Tarkhun Atep,
5. Send Dream,
6. Telepathy,
7. Voice Thoughts,
8. Words of Power


1. Anathema,
2. Awful Doom of Cerrit,
3. Black Box,
4. Bloat,
5. Cascades of Florin,
6. Bolonath’s Furnace,
7. Brew SpaceMead (II),
8. Bring Pestilence (II),
9. Concentric Rings of the Worm,
10. Creation of Venerability,
11. Crystal World,
12. Deflection, Devolution,
13. Dissolve Skeleton,
14. Emerald Darts of Ptath,
15. Equilateral Screen,
16. Eviscerator,
17. Explode Heart,
18. Flameshield,
19. Halt of Eanora,
20. Ironmind,
21. Katarien’s Heat Wave,
22. Lace Curtains of Hish,
23. Lambent Flame,
24. Lassitude of Phein,
25. Lavender Spheres of Ptath,
26. Living Clothes,
27. Living X,
28. Malenkamon’s Impressive Bolt,
29. Mandrake,
30. Maws of Pandemonium,
31. Minim,
32. Mnomquah’s Serpent,
33. Oblong Barrier,
34. Oneiro-Dismissal,
35. Opaque Wall,
36. Passing Unseen,
37. Raise Corpses,
38. Raise Ghost of Ib,
39. Ravening Madness,
40. Seraph’s Glory,
41. Serviceable Villein,
42. Silver Spray,
43. Song of Glissande,
44. Soul Stealer,
45. Spell That Was Lost With Ib,
46. Spiral of Suth,
47. Stability,
48. Stupefying Blast,
49. Summon Plague,
50. Sundering Hurler,
51. Throth’s Stalwart,
52. Viridian Wind,
53. Vortex of Far Journeying,
54. Whirligig,
55. White Web of Soren,
56. Woeful Itch


1. Attune Crystal,
2. Bless Blade,
3. Create Amulet,
4. Create Curse Tablet,
5. Create Curse Whistle,
6. Create Fetch Stick,
7. Create Sign of Barzai,
8. Enchant Amulet of The Old Ones,
9. Enchant Animal Effigy,
10. Enchant Bells of Horror,
11. Enchant Book,
12. Enchant Brazier,
13. Enchant Candle,
14. Enchant Cane,
15. Enchant Club,
16. Enchant Dagger of Nyarlathotep,
17. Enchant Doll,
18. Enchant Flesh,
19. Enchant Gris-Gris,
20. Enchant Knife,
21. Enchant Magic Staves,
22. Enchant Painting,
23. Enchant Pipes,
24. Enchant Projectile,
25. Enchant Recording,
26. Enchant Ring,
27. Enchant Serum,
28. Enchant Spear,
29. Enchant Stone Tablet,
30. Enchant Torch,
31. Enchant Whistle
32. ,Enchanted Dust of Anubis,
33. Enchantment of Ill Luck,
34. Enjoin the Sign of Koth,
35. Necklace of Suasion,
36. Nullify Device,
37. Petrify,
38. Waking Slumber


1. Alter Weather,
2. Bring Haboob,
3. Build Carcosa,
4. Control Elements,
5. Create Mist of R’lyeh,
6. Curse of Apophis,
7. Dampen Light,
8. Death’s Breath,
9. Defy Gravity,
10. Freak Weather,
11. Hunger of Kazan,
12. Parting Sands,
13. Raise Night Fog,
14. Solar Gaze,
15. Wave of Oblivion


1. Apportion Ka,
2. Create Self-Ward,
3. Extend Life,
4. Food of Life,
5. Immortality,
6. Koshchey’s Death,
7. Mind Transfer
8. Pact of Quachil Uttaus,
9. Possession,
10. Resurrection,
11. Sacred Molting of the Serpent,
12. Steal Life,
13. Steal Life’s Blood,
14. Transfer Body Part,
15. Transfer Organ,
16. Transfer Soul


1. Augury,
2. Awaken the Beast,
3. Bat Form,
4. Bestow Karma,
5. Bind Animal,
6. Bless,
7. Blight/Bless Crop,
8. Brew Love Philter,
9. Charm Animal,
10. Come and See Me,
11. Command Animal,
12. Command Ghost,
13. Coyote Dust,
14. Create Bulla,
15. Create Charm,
16. Create Storm,
17. Curse, Dowsing,
18. Earthly Serenity,
19. Enchant Ju-Ju,
20. Enchant Paviut,
21. Engender Prosperity,
22. Feast of the Owl,
23. Fury,
24. Good Thief Water,
25. Healing,
26. Ill Luck,
27. Impeccable Throw,
28. Lame/Heal Animal,
29. Paws of the Bear,
30. Poison Blood,
31. Restorative Meditation,
32. Seek the Lost,
33. Siren’s Song,
34. Skin of the Bear,
35. Soul Singing,
36. Winds of Desolation,
37. Yellow Spirit-Leap Seal


1. Accursed Eye,
2. Activation,
3. Awaken The Great Tortoise
4. Banish Thy Name,
5. Barrier of Pain,
6. Bind Soul,
7. Bring Pestilence (I),
8. Call The Black,
9. Casting the Runes,
10. Cause Disease,
11. Cause/Cure Blindness,
12. Chasm to Hell,
13. Corruption of the Sacred,
14. Creeping Loss,
15. Curse of Chaugnar Faugn,
16. Curse of the Putrid Husk,
17. Dionysian Revels,
18. Embrace of Yog-Sothoth,
19. Evil Eye,
20. Green Decay,
21. Human Shrub,
22. Incantation of The Sixth Sathlatta,
23. Instant Enlightenment,
24. Lift Veil,
25. Maggots,
26. Melt Flesh,
27. Necrosis,
28. Nightmare,
29. Nightmares,
30. Petrify,
31. Pipes of Madness,
32. Rend Veil
33. , Send Sacred Snake,
34. Sending of the Dead,
35. Shadow of Nyarlathotep,
36. Steal Life,
37. Stop Heart,
38. Venomous Glance,
39. Wasting Curse,
40. Yellow Sign,
41. Zymoticism

1. Animate Flesh Thing,
2. Animate Mummy,
3. Awaking/ Dispelling the God Within,
4. Become Spectral Hunter,
5. Brew Elixir of Life,
6. Compel Flesh,
7. Create Child of The Sphinx,
8. Create Flesh Creeper,
9. Create Golem,
10. Create Zombi,
11. Create Zombie,
12. Curse of the Rat-Thing,
13. Effigy of Hate,
14. Eyes of the Zombie,
15. Graveyard Kiss,
16. Grey Binding,
17. Quicken Fog-Spawn,
18. Reanimation,
19. Resurrection,
20. Return of the Beloved,
21. Shadow of Nyarlathotep,
22. Skin Walker,
23. Steal Life’s Blood.


1. Ariadne’s Twine,
2. Attract Fish,
3. Awaken the Inner Light,
4. Become Spectral,
5. Blessing of Bast,
6. Brew Paut,
7. Chant of Thoth,
8. Cleansing Ritual,
9. Consume Memories,
10. Detect Enchantment,
11. Dho Formula,
12. Earthly Serenity,
13. Exaltation,
14. Fang of Yig,
15. Find Dreamer,
16. Find Gate,
17. Find Serpent Folk,
18. Gather and Channel Fear,
19. Great Rite of Sacrifice,
20. Keenness of Two Alike,
21. Light of Seker,
22. Milking the Spirit
23. , Mind Dance,
24. Momoy Ritual
25. , Moonlight, Perceive Text,
26. Perfection,
27. Power Chant,
28. Power Drain,
29. Power of Nyambe,
30. Prepare Corpse,
31. Quell Suspicion,
32. Reincarnate,
33. Remortification,
34. Seek the Lost,
35. Sense Life,
36. Unspeakable Promise,
37. View Gate,
38. Voorish Sign,
39. Wandering Soul.


1. Apportion Ka,
2. Bliss,
3. Blunt the Weapon,
4. Cast Circle,
5. Chant of Warding,
6. Chime of Tezchaptl,
7. Circle of Nausea,
8. Circle of Warding,
9. Create Bad-Corpse Dust,
10. Create Barrier of Naach-Tith,
11. Create Self-Ward,
12. Deflect Harm,
13. Earthly Serenity,
14. Eibon’s Wheel of Mist,
15. Einstein Formula,
16. Elder Sign,
17. Empty Mind,
18. Enjoin Pnakotic Pentagram,
19. Enjoin the Sign of Koth,
20. Eye of Light and Darkness,
21. Flesh Ward,
22. Graft Flesh,
23. Heart’s Courage,
24. Oscillating Expanse,
25. Saaamaaa Ritual
26. , Seal of Isis,
27. Seal of Nephren-Ka,
28. Soul Extraction,
29. Ward of Anubis,
30. Warding,
31. Warding Sign,
32. Warding the Eye,
33. Warmth of Mind


1. Bespeak the End of the Day,

2. Brew Liao Drug,
3. Brew ParaKete,
4. Conjure Glass of Mortlan,
5. Create Scrying Window,
6. Divination,
7. Dream Vision,
8. Look to the Future,
9. Temporal Rip,
10. Time Gate,
11. Time Trap,
12. Touch Of Deca


1. Appear Human,
2. Benevolent Influence,
3. Body Warping of Gorgoroth,
4. Breath of the Kappa,
5. Command of The Bloody Tongue,
6. Consume Likeness,
7. Control Skin,
8. Corruption of the Sacred,
9. Demon Senses,
10. Detransference,
11. Disembodiment,
12. Endurance Chant,
13. Eyes of the Zombie,
14. Gift of Inanna,
15. Human Shrub,
16. Look Inward,
17. Mask of Death,
18. Mind Exchange,
19. Mind Transfer,
20. Net Wraith,
21. Pose Mundane,
22. Posses Corpse,
23. Possession,
24. Quell Suspicion,
25. Quicken,
26. Quicken the Voice of the Deep,
27. Reach,
28. Transfer Body Part,
29. Transfer Organ,
30. Transfer Soul,
31. Transformation.


1. Ascend the Stairs of Immortality,

2. Assist Dreamer,
3. Brew Dream Drug,
4. Brew Liao Drug,
5. Brew Para-Kete,
6. Brew Space-Mead (I),
7. Create Gate Window,
8. Flight,
9. Gate,
10. Gate Boxes,
11. Gate of Dreams,
12. Gate of Oneirology,
13. Journey to the Other Side,
14. Levitate,
15. Limbo Gate,
16. Momoy Ritual,
17. Move Gate,
18. Rend Veil,
19. Time Gate,
20. Vanish,
21. View Gate,
22. Wandering Soul.

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