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Elementary Department
English 4, SY 2019-2020
Reading Assignment 1.1: Using Online Dictionary and Thesaurus
Name: ___________________________________CN: _____ Date: ___________ Score: ____/25
Section: __________________________________________ Teacher: Ms. Christalyn Seminiano
I. Read the selection carefully. Then, shade the letter of the best answer.

Golden Windows
Little Molly lived in a small beautiful town. Her tiny house is constructed on the banks of a
beautiful river, near the mountain. She was the only daughter of her parents. Although they
weren’t very rich, they lived happily.

Her house was surrounded by huge trees and beautiful plants. It was a single-bed house,
made of woods. Molly did not like her house very much. She felt that the house was too small
and not very neat. Little Molly was very fond of the mountain. The steep and sloppy mountain
had a beautiful but abandoned castle like home with golden windows.

Yes, she liked the home on top of the mountain because of the glittering golden windows.
The windows sparkled and glazed so beautifully that little Molly was completely mesmerized.

She went crazy for that the glittering golden windows and she started to hate her home

However, little Molly was so sweet and she understood the struggles her family was
undergoing. So, she accepted everything silently. Still her desire went on growing.

Years passed by and she grew up quickly. She became 12 years and looked very
beautifully like a golden princess. She believed that she is supposed to live in a house with
golden windows, not in an old wood house.

As she grew older, her mom allowed her to move around her house. It was holidays for
Molly and she requested her mom that she wanted to wander in the garden near the river. Her
mom also agreed and told her not to go so far.
Molly decided to climb the mountain and peek into the house with the golden windows.
She took her bicycle and started her journey towards reaching the top of mountain. She
found a narrow road towards the abandoned home in the mountain. With so many struggles,
she reached the top of the mountain.
She was so shocked to see the dirtiest house, in fact, the damaged castle with dark
windows. What she used to see from her home wasn’t there in the mountain. Yes, the golden
windows she saw from the lap of the mountain were in fact the reflection of the dark and dirty
She was very upset and sat quietly for some time as she lost words. Her desire got
vanished. Suddenly, she looked
1. What at herdream
was Molly’s home.home?
A window in her house was shining like gold. She
A B CthatD the suna.rays
windowsin the water makes thec.window
b. glass windows
d. wooden windows
2. What did Molly find out about the house at the top of the mountain?
A B C D a. It had metal doors. c. It had wooden floors.
b. It had gold statues. d. It had dusty windows.

3. What did Molly soon realize in the end of the story?

A B C D a. She wanted to live in a castle.
b. She wanted to take home the golden window.
c. She wanted to build a house at the top of the hill.
d. She wanted to stay in their wooden but clean home.
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II. Using the online dictionary ( as a reference. Define the given word
by matching it to its correct definition. Write the letter of the best answer. (7pts.)
Column A Column B
________1. banks a. a longing or craving, as for something
________2. peek that brings satisfaction or enjoyment
________3. lap b. an elevated section, rising to near the
________4. desire surface, of the bed of a sea, lake, or river
________5. struggles c. to shine or glisten with little gleams of
________6. sloppy light, as a brilliant gem
________7. sparkled d. a hollow place, as a hollow among hills
e. muddy, slushy, or very wet
f. to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting
g. a war, fight, conflict, or contest of any
h. to look or glance quickly or furtively,
especially through a small opening or
from a concealed location

III. Using the online thesaurus ( as a reference, choose from the
options below each given word its synonym and antonym. Write the letter of the answer in its
correct column. (5 pts.)

Given Word Synonym Antonym

A. vast B. minuscule
A. dirty B. tidy
A. deserted B. maintained
A. disgusted B. fascinated
A. appeared B. faded

IV. Fill in the needed information for each given entry word. Base your answers according to how
each word was used in the story. (10 pts.)


Pronunciation: Pronunciation:

Part of Speech: Part of Speech:

Meaning: Meaning:

Synonym: Synonym:

Antonym: Antonym:

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