Ra 1.1

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Elementary Department
English 4, SY 2019-2020
Reading Assignment 1.1: Using Online Dictionary and Thesaurus
Name: ___________________________________CN: _____ Date: ___________ Score: ____/25
Section: __________________________________________ Teacher: Ms. Christalyn Seminiano
I. Read the selection carefully. Then, shade the letter of the best answer.

A Magic Pot and Flooding Porridge

Ria was a 5 years old girl. She was sweet, humble and good. She was raised with all
good deeds by her mother. Her father died in an accident when she was 2 years old. Although
they found it too hard to survive, Ria and her mother continued to battle with life.
Ria’s mom worked as a maid servant in a few houses. They rarely get enough foods
and mostly, they survive on leftovers given by the households. One day, the little girl had
nothing to eat because her mom was severely ill.
She went to a nearby forest to get some food from the woods. She met an old lady who
knows about the little girl’s problem. The old lady gave her a magic pot and told her that the pot
would help overcome all her miseries. The old lady said that the magic pot can provide her
unlimited amount of delicious foods and she should tell, ‘Cook good food little pot’ and when
she wants to stop it, she should say, ‘Stop little pot.’ “You can ask the magic pot to give you
whatever food you want,” told the old lady.
Ria reached home happily and asked the magic pot, “Cook good sweet delicious
porridge little pot!” The pot provided delicious sweet porridge. The mother and daughter ate the
porridge. Ria told the pot, “Stop little pot,” and the pot ceased to cook.
Ria’s mother was surprised as well as happy. Very soon, they got rid of their poverty
and ate tasty varieties of foods whenever they want.
One day, Ria went out with friends. Her mom wanted to eat porridge and asked the pot,
“Cook good porridge little pot.” The pot started to give porridge for the mom. Ria’s mom ate the
porridge until she was full. Unfortunately, she did not know the words to cease the pot cooking.
She tried to say a few words, but magic pot continued to cook.
The porridge rose over the pot, fell on the floor, the kitchen was filled with porridge, the
house was full, and the nearby house, the entire street was filled with porridge. No one had any
idea how to stop the magic pot cooking.
Ria was stunned to see the streets with full of porridge, running down cover the entire
village and told the words, “Stop little pot!” And finally, the pot ceased cooking.
So, whoever wanted to reach their home should eat the porridge and take the way
back! Soon after Ria reached her home, the mom and daughter had a great laugh. And yes, Ria
taught her mom to say important words that makes the magic pot stop cooking!
Source: https://www.kidsworldfun.com/a-magic-pot-and-flooding-porridge.php

1. How do you describe Ria and her mother?

A B C D a. loud and arrogant c. shy and generous
b. friendly and funny d. patient and persistent

2. What was Ria’s reaction when she saw the streets with full of porridge? Ria
A B C D was _________________.
a. irritated c. surprised
b. angry d. humiliated
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3. What lesson can be learned from the story?

A B C D a. Share your blessings.
b. Magic is everywhere.
c. You always get help form strangers.
d. You get rewarded for your good acts.

II. Using the online dictionary ( www.dictionary.reference.com) as a reference, write the

part of
speech of the given word beside the items of column A. Then, define the given word by matching it
to its correct definition. (7pts.)

Column A Column B
________1. humble a. to fight or struggle against
________2. survive b. a person who is hired to do household or
________3. battle personal duties such as cleaning and
________4. servant cooking
________5. porridge c. food that has not been finished at a meal
________6. leftovers d. not thinking of yourself as better than other
________7. households people
e. to remain alive: to continue to live
f. to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting
g. a soft food made by boiling meal of grains or
legumes in milk or water until thick
h. of or relating to a house of to the people
living in a house

III. Using the online thesaurus (www.thesaurus.reference.com) as a reference, choose

from the
options below each given word its synonym and antonym. Write the letter of the answer in its
correct column. (5 pts.)

Given Word Synonym Antonym

A. comfort B. agony
2. RID
A. eliminate B. keep
A. carry on B. discontinue
A. regularly B. seldom
A. oriented B. astonished

IV. Fill in the needed information for each given entry word. Base your answers according
to how
each word was used in the story. (10 pts.)


Pronunciation: Pronunciation:

Part of Speech: Part of Speech:

Meaning: Meaning:

Synonym: Synonym:

Antonym: Antonym:

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