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Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice who lived in a small village.

Alice was a brave

and adventurous child. One day, Alice was playing in the forest when she saw a white rabbit wearing
a waistcoat and a pocket watch. The rabbit was running in a hurry, and Alice was curious to know
where he was going. Alice followed the white rabbit down a hole, and she found herself in a strange
and wonderful world.

The main character in this story is...

(A) The white rabbit

(B) Alice

(C) The villagers

(D) The Red Queen

The problem that Alice faces in this story is...

(A) She gets lost in the forest

(B) She is chased by the Red Queen

(C) She has to follow the white rabbit

(D) She has to find a way out of the Wonderland

Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 3 dan 4!

Once upon a time, there was a king who had two daughters. The older daughter was beautiful and
kind, while the younger daughter was selfish and cruel. One day, a wizard came to the kingdom and
offered to change the fate of the daughters. The wizard gave the older daughter a magic apple that
would make her even more beautiful, and he gave the younger daughter a magic apple that would
make her even more cruel. The older daughter ate her apple and became increasingly beautiful, but
the younger daughter ate her apple and turned into a hideous monster.

The conflict in this story occurs between...

(A) The king and the wizard

(B) The older daughter and the younger daughter

(C) The wizard and the monster

(D) The king and the monster

The resolution in this story is...

(A) The younger daughter is defeated by the king

(B) The younger daughter is turned back into a human

(C) The wizard is defeated by the king

(D) The older daughter becomes the queen

Soal nomor 5 - 20:

5. What is the setting of the story "Alice in Wonderland"?

(A) A small village

(B) A forest

(C) A hole

(D) Wonderland

6. What is the genre of the story "The Two Daughters"?

(A) Fairy tale

(B) Fable

(C) Myth

(D) Legend

7. What is the theme of the story "The Two Daughters"?

(A) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

(B) Be careful what you wish for

(C) Love conquers all

(D) Good always triumphs over evil

8. What is the moral of the story "The Two Daughters"?

(A) It is important to be kind and compassionate

(B) It is important to be beautiful

(C) It is important to be wealthy

(D) It is important to be powerful

9. What is the point of view of the story "Alice in Wonderland"?

(A) First person

(B) Third person limited

(C) Third person omniscient

(D) Omniscient

10. What is the tone of the story "The Two Daughters"?

(A) Serious

(B) Humorous

(C) Sad

(D) Happy

11. What is the mood of the story "Alice in Wonderland"?

(A) Curious

(B) Adventurous

(C) Frightening

(D) Exciting

12. What is the plot of the story "The Two Daughters"?

(A) The king has two daughters.

(B) The wizard offers to change the fate of the daughters.

(C) The daughters eat the magic apples.

(D) The older daughter becomes beautiful, and the younger daughter becomes a monster.

13. What is the climax of the story "Alice in Wonderland"?

(A) Alice meets the Mad Hatter.

(B) Alice meets the Cheshire Cat.

(C) Alice meets the Queen of Hearts.

(D) Alice plays croquet with the Queen of Hearts.

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, there was a little red hen who lived on a farm. One day, the hen found some
wheat grains in the yard. She called to the other animals, "Who will help me plant these grains?"

"Not I," said the cat. "I am too busy chasing mice."

"Not I," said the duck. "I am too busy swimming in the pond."

"Not I," said the pig. "I am too busy playing in the mud."

So the little red hen planted the grains herself. She watered them and weeded them every day. When
the wheat grew tall, she harvested it. She threshed the wheat and ground it into flour. Then she
baked a delicious loaf of bread.

"Who will help me eat this bread?" asked the little red hen.

"I will," said the cat.

"I will," said the duck.

"I will," said the pig.

But the little red hen said, "No. You did not help me plant the grains, so you cannot help me eat the

And so the little red hen ate the bread all by herself.

14. What is the main character of the story?

(A) The cat

(B) The duck

(C) The pig

(D) The little red hen

15. What is the moral of the story?

(A) It is important to be helpful.

(B) It is important to be lazy.

(C) It is important to be selfish.

(D) It is important to be greedy.

Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 3 dan 4!

The Tortoise and the Hare

One day, a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was very confident that he would win, because
he was much faster than the tortoise. The tortoise, however, was very determined to win.

The race began, and the hare quickly took the lead. He was so far ahead of the tortoise that he
decided to take a nap under a tree. The tortoise, meanwhile, kept plodding along, slowly but surely.

When the hare woke up, he was surprised to see that the tortoise was almost at the finish line. He
started to run as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise crossed the finish line first, and the
hare lost the race.

16. What is the theme of the story?

(A) Slow and steady wins the race.

(B) It is important to be confident.

(C) It is important to be fast.

(D) It is important to be clever.

17. What is the point of view of the story?

(A) First person

(B) Third person limited

(C) Third person omniscient

(D) Omniscient
Soal nomor 5 - 7:

18. What is the setting of the story "The Little Red Hen"?

(A) A forest

(B) A city

(C) A farm

(D) A school

19. What is the genre of the story "The Tortoise and the Hare"?

(A) Fairy tale

(B) Fable

(C) Myth

(D) Legend

20. What is the tone of the story "The Little Red Hen"?

(A) Serious

(B) Humorous

(C) Sad

(D) Happy

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