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Unit 3- Input 1 and Input 2 Vocabulary Recycling

A. Fill in the blanks with a word from the box. There are more words than you
decay motion massive gravity observe orbit

properties bend counteract rotates horizon

1. You can _________________ the metal pipe easily, if you heat it.
2. When leaves fall, they are mixed with soil and start to __________________ . The
soil then becomes richer in minerals.
3. The amount of ___________________ between two objects is proportional to their
masses and the distance between them. Mass is the amount of matter that an object
contains. Mass is not necessarily related to an object's size.
4. The Hubble Telescope was sent to sky to ____________________ celestial bodies and
collect data about the formation of the universe.
5. Like all planets in our solar system, the Earth is in an elliptical __________________
around our Sun.
6. Eating a healthy diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables and taking regular exercise can
_________________ the effects of stress and tension in your life. They can help you
reduce your chances of developing a cancer.

7. The ____________________ (from Greek orizein, to limit) is

the line that separates earth from sky.
8. Moon rocks are composed of minerals including aluminum, calcium, magnesium,
oxygen, silicon, and titanium. Some gases are also trapped in these rocks, such as
hydrogen and helium. These are some of the geographical _________________ of the
Earth’s moon.
9. The Earth ___________________ around an axis once in 24 hours. That is a rate pf
1000 miles per hour. It gives us the night and day.

C. (Word Formation) Find the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. Many species died out as a result of a meteor _______________________ (collide).

The impact was so disastrous that dinosaurs couldn’t survive the climate change that
occurred afterwards.
2. Most scientists believe that the ____________________ (expand) of the Universe is
3. Thanks to the advances in genetic testing, early ____________________ (detect) of
some hereditary diseases are possible.
4. The _____________________ (emit) of CO2 has increased dramatically since the
second half of the 20th century due to industrialization.
5. Two young people were rescued under the debris of the ___________________
(collapse) building yesterday.

Adapted by R. Ok 1

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