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7.2 Where has the time gone?

(Grammar extension)

Spending leisure time in front of

a screen (TV, Computer)

10.5 YEARS
Working 6 YEARS
Doing chores

Eating and drinking






Looking after children


Sleeping Other


GRAMMAR Present perfect continuous 2 Read two people’s comments. How is their experience
different from the average experience shown in the
1 Work in pairs. Look at the infographic which shows how
we spend our time during our lives (typically from 0–78
years). Answer the questions.
‘The statistics separate looking after children from working.
1 What three things do we spend most of our lives doing? I’ve been looking after children for the last fifteen years and
2 What activities do you think make up the ‘other’ nine I can tell you it’s been very hard work. How much cleaning
years? and housework have I done in that time? I hate to think.’
3 Do any of the figures surprise you? Why? / Why not? Sonia, 44 years

Unit 7 Experience
Conversation 4
‘I’m a trainee doctor and I think I’ve probably been in
A: You’re home late.
education for longer than most people. In fact, I’ve been
B: Yes, sorry, 1 I’ve worked / I’ve been working. 2 I’ve tried /
studying since I was six. I’ve attended four different schools
I’ve been trying to finish a proposal for a big contract.
and two universities. And in the last four years, I haven’t
A: 3 Have you eaten / Have you been eating yet? I left some
slept more than five hours a night.’ Greg, 27 years
supper for you in the oven.

3 Read the sentences (1–5) in the Grammar box. Answer 5 Complete the sentences with for or since.
the questions (a–d).
1 I’ve been sitting here waiting three hours.
2 He’s been working at General Electric 2012.
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 3 I’ve been travelling early this morning.
4 We’ve known each other we were children.
1 I’ve been looking after children for the last fifteen years. 5 They’ve been going to the same place on holiday
2 How much cleaning and housework have I done in about six years.
that time? 6 She’s been looking for a new flat over a year.
3 I’ve been studying since I was six.
4 I’ve attended four different schools and two universities. 6 Complete the questions with the most natural form.
5 In the last four years, I haven’t slept more than five Use the present perfect simple and present perfect
hours a night. continuous.

1 Hello. I haven’t seen you for a long time. What

a Which sentences use the present perfect simple?
(you / do)?
Which sentences use the present perfect continuous?
2 (you / work) hard lately?
b Which tense focuses on the result of an action or the 3 (you / see) any good films
amount achieved? recently?
c Which tense focuses on how someone has spent their 4 How many days off (you / have)
time or for how long, rather than the result? this year?
d What words after the present perfect continuous 5 (you / be) in your current job for a
introduce a) the duration of an action b) the time the long time?
action began? 6 How long (you / study) English?

Check your answers on Student’s Book page 152 and do 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 7. Exercise 6.

4 Choose the correct options to complete the SPEAKING Effort and achievement
Conversation 1
Think of things in the areas below that you have been
A: Do you know, Chris commutes two hours to work every
doing recently. What have the results of these actions
day and two hours back?
been? Make notes if you need to.
B: That’s terrible. How long 1 has he done / has he been
doing that? Me My partner
A: For about five years. But he told me that 2 he’s had / he’s
been having enough. He wants to find a job closer to home. Sport / Exercise

Conversation 2 Work / Study

A: Do you watch a lot of TV? Hobbies
B: Not really, but 1 I’ve watched / I’ve been watching the
Olympic Games, which are on at the moment. Are you 9 Work in pairs. Discuss your efforts and achievements
watching them? with your partner. What have you made most progress
A: No, 2 I’ve sold / I’ve been selling my TV, actually. with? Which things will you continue to work on?
Conversation 3 A: Have you been doing any sport or exercise recently?
A: Have you had a good day? B: Yes, I’ve been going to yoga classes.
B: Not really. 1 I’ve cleaned / I’ve been cleaning the house all A: Do you feel better for it?
day. Can you tell? B: Yes, I’ve become much fitter in just a few weeks.
A: Yes, 2 you’ve done / you’ve been doing a great job. I see
you’ve cleaned / you’ve been cleaning all the windows

21st CENTURY OUTCOMES CRITICAL THINKING Evaluating achievements and drawing conclusions 2

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