CP Assignment

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Page No. Comumer. Protection Assiqnment T Oo Expo Onvumen Protection ynove ment in Tdi The _consumex protection ropvemertt_fn India has. evolve cl significantly over the y driven by the vee to inte against unfair ond unethica | practices. The movement originated as _0 Sco dial force" 10 ofe ck consumet bom —w Mispsactices ike, false deticievie h black. coayvike- ting ‘and adutterati on. ei Initial\y . Lonsumes organizolinw. Wahtiqht unese sued. Ancough ausiclen Onl exhibitions j but iwe || steal rnomentum Came. _Witn—fh enactment of the roncument Protection 4+ in 1936 o The Consume: ProtecHion Act 1986 , marked a. o : pivotal moment in India’s consumer Movem- -Ocldress consumes grievances esgic ——Y_||This degislatian empouesed Col panethd ek ie S \ e es eR Lede. Q\ for vinaues velater| to product unity, | deuce d 4 Ptic iy Ud ished) A _plaiform for consume, to file Cormplainly Ond _rereBe compensciitan for nt vat cn or Wro Wwe Nience sect by def chive Gancls | On Sevvicey . Se —» Concu rey, “Orgarizctian ike the Consomes Guida | Ce octely of Indid COmst) and ihe eoncuyip | Eel weet iow and Research Centye CCERC) plowed trucia! role In advocating fay-foncumen vights and vafluencing ne canwumex |e fnocment of CP Ack PSE. erqaniactTinvs along With others \ nave ‘been inctrumental Wm _fnising Avonveness + Plescur ing buinesses And Goveun yer to _vecHty wocthiray brarsices fod pre foot vio Consuiir ll FAauca Tw. i The Modern consume movement in India Uk noted Sa th Pocinc?p.ber Of consurnose Lactivicns 5 which cam be tacked back to the Inclinn indepence nee movement o lofiuenctial Figuines Like Mahatma Gande CunOhasiged fy iu portance «sf com umou, -ethical busines porhic ed » cuncl tno whi i a. s t Garscl ik plilosophy of consumon edisca= tion tid adinea Ly Wr ctf = Rogutation KQitainesor aid the teundatr br t for comsumou. aoPiuian Sn dyool fae JWhat (ie the recent development in Consumo Par ntecIton 2 = ° LO Consumes movement tnolicn is CU ota ll Lu fous uy 0 © More than 30% ofthe peapts live below) | the i Ss ‘ poverty sme o O They do net have lhe necesito tne __| = {oy tne. ipfor mation nd the ipfor® in Fravty. webuse Concerning consunne profechion | prouicl ed buy vio government Hence, ste Consumed movement incthclia tis An he Gevelapecl i CL _—_P pect ve. | | | + eyiat Appxonch cli phate te puoi Ane pe dhe Ceurtonment courrtyies. | Recent Development In Consumer PeotectioN | — eS - (1) Development of meus Consumer _Cuitore lle \n onder sorieticn inday one can say vial — Awe Qainci pal ynace * = “ deen cons meu. thor —— e “Consumen Soverela nitys i t ® i i Eeduration of the maw Now 407} yy and what i vo to by wo, tert kere —_—}— 20 —— omsumin _Soviielgnity sere “put ram Ake —-— Naim avi nes: & pstind Al AN f OV SUN OH OF Pons Date: / / © A Contument who tant Claim hax ne sight to Cons platials « © The Mare Act 1969. and the Consumon Protection det 1986 fovicle, co olivect smecha nian whyeby ol tomer Coun psorect hima (hin the wenmbex market place © Consume woust be rau Of the exi Hing Comins protection aw (CO) Consumes Amare ness | © |n face ,the Jaudable, eblectives of tho Legislation. itt How fou onde Ou A heron {refs s (duciots Of ethoby ph cho ap Oud opoedy yemedlicx uudis ithe Abe S) Self” help by , Consume . f nights Oud ato Cuderre, Of. a 8 Lov aie es © while haabi ng a puuchelse xead thy product label, cohich’ cui Any You son) CAkeutial infor obec produit [ a © tno dott ok moniactuaen wa nicl d —~ The potency oe Waveevicl clonem et Ou tho package : 1 | (4) Comume Edina tion | © Covmumey educ Plays di pmpor- bout pote. ie _pctteoklag tho ciaateseat | et tena wake _|e Uv @ In judi. to Union qoruwun mud has bor woking the beat t} Losi fo ede | Cot the Consus, on ko Hos % = =? veri cation ‘ LJ National Awaros fe = AvO1o- ViDED MEAS te ~ Comsumer DAY — _STAPAROSATION 4 QUALITY Con TROL f Mme. Of (5) Development of New Business Coe e 4 - © Business to chompion the consume c light Wo bay” cleaign ancl noF by Meglucte © Business have respon tity to the. Lomunus of dh — proeluct nok ENDABLE PACKAGING 3) TRetheut Aovertisine (6) Consumerism 4 Gust Ness © slouse husinesx Organisodt on hove wie Lome ponsuncenisr and teartod it Os OA Opprecliae ty paths than & Ela 6eo Ot | 2 udig Lp _ AGIs VY bo ond elu va tionos Cone cl qua > Advesthismeny eu nok Contaiy Pn te ox G leading starermenty Ss Pubtio Relation i

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