WTWC2307 When The Wolf Comes TMS5 Horror of Fangstone Mine OEF2023

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Horror of Fangstone Mine is an adventure for expert characters.


SUMMARY themselves fully—the miners dropped everything

and fled in terror. The town they left behind is an ee-
rie monument to the empire at war. Clean dishes are
While searching for imperial records in the former stacked on the cafeteria shelves, neatly folded sheets
capital, the player characters encounter an enclave rest on the former residents’ beds and mining equip-
of dökkálfar. If they successfully negotiate with the ment lies where it was abandoned.
steam devils, they learn of an even greater threat: Many of Kóngssteinn’s buildings were construct-
a troop of orcneas has descended on Heimsslit and ed during the war, designed with rounded edges to
is planning a bloody assault. The player characters deflect the winter winds. Now, they are entirely de-
complete this adventure when they uncover this serted. Each time the players force open a rusted or
threat and return to Hjálpmakaar to raise the alarm. frozen door roll on the following table. Each of these
encounters is designed to heighten suspense and give
the impression that there is someone watching them.
THE SEASON In fact, the dökkálfar are watching the player char-
acters very closely using Black Sight. The only other
recent visitor—an orcneas scout—passed through the
This adventure is set in the last days of autumn, when town three weeks ago and met a violent end.
the darkness is broken by a shimmer of pastel pink,
gold and silver in the southern skies. As the charac-
ters explore, the landscape is bathed in a subtle, yet D6 RESULT
mesmerising twilight, deep shades of blue seeping An ísbjörn pursues a reindeer into the sea be-
across snow-covered mountains and fjords. Crea- fore killing it, dragging it ashore and eating
tures are partially obscured, but the crimson scar in 1
it. The bear only attacks if disturbed, or if the
the sky is clearer than ever. players need a short sharp shock.

A distant, discordant piano note echoes out
2 of the Urðr palace (the result of the drone
Look After losing power momentarily).
Following the event’s of Finnbogi’s Wake, Krapti will
offer to organise passage to Kóngssteinn. The aban- A pale blue fox watches the players, then
doned town is best reached by boat. 3
quickly darts out of sight.
The lawspeaker will make introductions to a local
pilot, Bytta, who knows the churning waters of the
Helsund well. Bytta is a taciturn mann, who grunts A scratched cross, with the words aos sí un-
his acceptance. Thankfully, he has another passenger 4 derneath (a warning sign left by the orcneas
today, an Institute geologist named Villiblóm, who is scout, meaning álf in Jötnar Brogue).
to be dropped across the fjord at a distant field sta-
tion. If questioned, the researcher is a good source A shadowy figure stands motionless at the
of background on the destination and the diamonds end of the adjoining room. On seeing the
that lie beneath. Otherwise, the geologist alights on 5 players, it immediately drops through the
the far shore, scans the dimming horizon for ísbjörn floor with a hiss (the figure is not an actual
and then waves farewell. By the time the player char- ghost, but a dökkálfar using Stone Walk)
acters round the next headland, all is silent.
After a journey of three hours, the players spy
Kóngssteinn across the ice-bound waters. A flock of white rock rjupa fly out of a broken
window, excreting on players as they escape.
Forty years ago, Kóngssteinn was the main city of the
World’s End archipelago, with more people living
there than live in Hjálpmakaar today. It was a major The dökkálfar who dwell under Kóngssteinn are
diamond production centre during the Jötunn War, keen to capture the players alive, so they can find out
with miles of rich, profitable mining shafts. But then, more about the unusual events on the surface. The
the miners stumbled across something in the dark- dökkálfar stalk the players from the get-go. If the par-
ness: an underground knot, a direct portal to Niðavel- ty split up, they might decide to pick them off one
lir, through which they spied legions of steam devils. by one. If the players avoid the mine, the dökkálfar
Barely comprehending what they saw—it would instead capture the pilot and use him as bait.
be twenty more years before the dökkálfar revealed

1. Wharf
2. Farm
3. Sickhouse
4. Square
5. Urðr Palace
6. Swimming Pool
7. Mess Hall
6 8. Apartment Block
9. Diamond Mines

0 miles 0.25 0.5

4 2
5 1


On the far end of Kóngssteinn is a bust of the previ-
The town nestles under bleak outcrops that rise from ous emperor, Dietbald, who watches over a parade
the fjord beaches, stony and deserted. The streets ground overgrown with weeds. The main square is
are littered with mining detritus—steel girders and grassy and brown, which is not what you’d expect in
rusted ironworks lurch at odd angles among build- the middle of the polar circle (as the natural soil can’t
ings that are half-collapsed into rubble. As far as the support much vegetation, the empire imported soil
players can tell, the only inhabitants are a few hun- from the fertile south).
gry guillemots tussling for food, their high-pitched,
whistles heard all around the abandoned town. UROR PALACE
WHARF Behind Dietbald is the Urðr Palace. With no power to
light the interior rooms and corridors, the building is
The chartered vessel remains docked here. Bytta especially dark and eerie. The palace includes a re-
agrees to wait for 4 hours. He makes a fire near some cords library, full of card catalogues, and an auditori-
of the outbuildings and recommends the characters um. There is also a glíma court with antique posters
avoid the mine. The pilot has never set foot in the calling on athletes to run faster and jump higher.
town and doesn’t intend to.
Clue: A character who investigates the records library
FARM can make a Wits challenge roll. On a success, they
discover marriage records that show Bjarnie’s wife,
The farm consists of a few dilapidated barns, rusted Fenja, was originally from Kóngssteinn. There is no
wire and animal pens. It once held dairy cattle, pigs, corresponding birth record for Daniel, even under his
hens and horses but is empty now. real name Bjarki.

SICKHOUSE The large auditorium has a grand piano on the stage.

The hospital building is well-preserved, with twenty In the projector room above, alongside the two old
beds lining the ward. The pharmacy has been thor- projectors, hundreds of old propaganda film reels lie
oughly ransacked. strewn across the floor. If the characters watch any of
the films or play the piano, they draw the attention of
an old Urðr drone, Look After (see Treasure below).
The drone is a Bound Object and can be programmed
to accompany the one of the players, hovering at


the needs of up to a thousand people, lies abandoned.

Just off the main square is an apartment block where
families were accommodated. The floorboards sag
and creak along corridors of sad, monochrome rooms
with worn, brown carpet. Bedroom walls are still cov-
ered with maps, travel magazine clippings of trips to
Morguneyjar, pin-ups of Frigga, posters of verulí-
ki games and I love Nyja Jórvík stickers. Next to the
abandoned apartment block is a playground, looking
rather incongruous in the desolate landscape.

Clue: A success on an Awareness challenge roll re-

veals a photo of a young Bjarnie pinned to one of walls.
He is standing next to a pregnant woman.

After the war, the Empire didn’t have the resources
to contest Kóngssteinn, and the intervening years ha-
ven’t changed that. The town’s riches are now owned
by the dökkálfar.

Most natural diamonds are formed as crystals

shoulder height. If the players think to check its sur- some 90 to 120 miles beneath the earth’s surface,
veillance footage, they find recordings of a heavy set in the intensely high pressures and temperatures
orcneas walking through the auditorium. The time found in the earth’s mantle. But they only become
stamp shows there were recorded twenty days ago. accessible when thrust up close to the earth’s sur-
face through volcanic activity, when the magma
SWIMMING POOL is allowed to cool into diamond bearing pipes.

On the other side of the town square is an empty

swimming pool, named after Vilhelm Bjarnarðr (the
first mann to discover the World’s End archipelago). THE MINE ENTRANCE
The heated indoor pool was quite impressive in its Derelict mine railways scar the steep hillside away
day, the mosaic floor tiles detailing the nine daugh- to the north. When a light is shone in their direc-
ters of Ægir and Rán. If the characters wander inside, tion, scattered diamonds (worth 500 crowns) sparkle
they see a half-eaten reindeer (the remnants of the on the tracks. Wary player characters may suspect a
orcneas scout’s meal, treat as gallows corpse). The trap…and they would be quite right!
carcass staggers to its feet, little more than a bag of
skin and bones, before lurching toward the nearest
player character. THE FANGSTONES
Fangstones are a form of sentient quartz that have
MESS HALL been transported to Midgard from the depths of
Niðavellir to act as guards. The creatures begin emit-
This canteen and dining hall is near the centre of ting their hypersonic song as soon as any creature
town. An enormous mosaic depicting the death of the approaches the diamonds at the mine entrance. Char-
jötunn Geirröd forms the backdrop to the large din- acters must make a Will challenge roll with 3 woes, or
ing room on the second story. On the bottom floor, be compelled to rush into the mine.
the industrial cooking equipment capable of meeting



The dökkálfar have dug a deep pit twenty yards from
the mine entrance to pen intruders. The pit has a false
floor that collapses when a Size ½ or larger creature
steps on it or when a Size ½ or larger object is placed
on it. A character that gets a success on a Sleight chal- During the battle with the fangstones, a dökkálfar
lenge roll does not fall into the pit. Anything that falls band led by Heidrek Rauðgulur (a devil priest) ar-
takes 2d6 damage on landing at the bottom. The false rives. They aim to take the intruders alive, dragging
floor cannot be disarmed but can be safely triggered. unconscious combatants out of danger and forcing
Five fangstones wait on the other side of the pit, forty the surrender of others. There are ten Dólgr in total,
yards from the entrance. They eagerly descend into with dozens more living in the underground maze of
the pit to pick off prey. mineshafts. Once captured, the player characters will
be bound and interrogated.
Rauðgulur is an especially vain dökkálf. Their
CAVE INS headdress drips with diamonds from the mine, sway-
ing like a chandelier as they talk. Clever players who
The well-constructed mineshafts are at no risk of flatter the dökkálf can make all further social rolls
collapse unless the characters detonate a bomb, de- against the devil priest with 1 weal.
stroy the supports, or do something similarly foolish. Like many cunning interrogators, Rauðgulur asks
In such an event, debris falls in a 2d6-yard radius a series of questions to which he already knows the
around the damage. Any creature in the area takes answers, primarily to test his captives. The comments
damage equal to its Health and dies. in parentheses explain his reasoning.
Characters can try to bargain for their freedom by
making a Will attack roll against Rauðgulur’s Will
with 3 woes. For each question characters answer
well, reduce the number of woes by 1. For each ques-
tion they answer poorly, increase the number of woes
by one.

Who sent you?

(The dökkálfar haven’t seen mennfólk for years and

3 want to understand why they have returned.)

Why is the Evergreen signal fluctuating?

(The dökkálfar are connected to the Evergreen and

are keenly aware of the interruptions.)
2 What do you know about frequency 1111?
(The dökkálfar monitored the transmissions from the
Ghost Signal but don’t understand “the noise”.)

What did the Shipwise find in the Nailfarer?

1 (The dökkálfar know Nóatún Gapmenn have sent

bots to the crash site of the orcneas ship—although
because the clouds are uniquely thick and the weath-
er deeply capricious, they have found only the im-
pact site and not the wreck itself. Players are unaware
of this, of course, which is an answer in itself as far as
THE DIAMOND MINES the devil priest is concerned.)
1. Mine Entrance
2. Trapping Pit What has the empire hidden away in Sökkvabekkr?
3. Fangstones
(Rauðgulur is especially hungry to find out more
about Sökkvabekkr and the secrets inside. The player
characters should have no idea that the Data Archive
exists, let alone what is contained therein, but might


be able to secure their freedom by volunteering to have had other captives who fared less well. Three
find out.) weeks ago, an orcneas scout entered the mine and
was ensnared by the fangstones. The corpse-devil
didn’t answer any of the riddles correctly, and so was
decapitated, his body fed to a passing ísbjörn. How-
Secret: The dökkálfar know nothing about Daniel or ever, before it was killed, the orcneas spoke of its di-
Bjarnie but are quick to recognise the land deed’s age vine purpose. If the dökkálfar intelligence is correct,
and value if it is revealed. Handing over the docu- an orcneas troop is planning a full-scale assault on
ment to the dökkálfar ensures freedom—and befriends a location known as the Sökkvabekkr Data Archive.
Rauðgulur. Rauðgulur is quite convinced the orcneas are only
waiting for the sun to vanish for the long winter be-
fore attacking.
If the characters don’t bargain for their release, A player character with fluency in True Norse
Rauðgulur offers them a contest of wits. If the play- knows that Sökkvabekkr translates as “sunken
ers can answer four riddles correctly, they will be set bank”. A character with the Sagas and Eddas
free. profession recognizes the word refers to a place
where Óðinn and Sága daily drink from cups of
gold, one of the abodes of the Æsir. A character
“What is that lamp who has the spy or analyst profession recognis-
which lights up men, es the name from redacted top-secret documents
but flame engulfs it, but knows nothing substantive.
and wargs grasp after it always?”

The answer is the Sun.

“Who is that giant that goes over the earth
who swallows the waters and woods,
who dreads the wind but doesn’t fear men
and fiercely fights the sun?”
A Sense of Urgency
The answer is Fog.
The dökkálfar interrogation reveals that the empire
has a secret facility on Heimsslit that none of the
“What is that wonder player characters had the faintest idea existed! Hope-
I saw outside fully, they decide to investigate further—if not out of
before the Doors of Day? a sense of duty, then because it might explain exact-
White they whirl, strike stone, ly why the land deed is so contentious. If the player
and bury themselves black in the sand.” characters kept Bytta safe, they might hurry back to
Hjálpmakaar to raise the alarm, for which they earn
1 Honour. Conversely, they receive 1 Shame if they
The answer is Hail.
decide to dally or do nothing with the information.
If the player characters ignore the threat entirely,
“I saw a most wondrous tree raised on high, wound they will inevitably encounter the orcneas in Hjálp-
round with light, the brightest of beams. All the englar makaar (see Fleeing into the Wildness in the next
of the Lord looked on; I saw a road under them, and a adventure) and start the time loop at that juncture.
road over them, and a road fair throughout eternity. Of course, if the players fail to extricate themselves
What is this felon’s gallow?” from captivity, they will be treated much like the orc-
neas scout...
The answer is the Cross (as in the scar in the sky—al-
though the dökkálfar won’t discuss it further). Diamonds in the Rough
If the characters are successful at persuading The dökkálfar demand the return of any diamonds
Rauðgulur to let them go, or if they successfully an- the player characters might have collected. It is possi-
swer all four riddles, the dökkálfar send them back to ble to deceive them and hide up to 50 crowns worth
their boat unscathed. of gems. NB: Stealing gemstones is an act worthy of
Before they depart, the devil priest reveals that they Shame!


Dead Ends

The characters might have learned enough to verify

that Bjarnie was married and determined that Fenja
is his next of kin. However, there is not enough evi-
dence for Krapti to make a ruling in favour of Daniel,
at least for now. Enterprising characters might sug-
gest a paternity test, but jötnar DNA is too contami-
nated to prove anything. If the characters persist and
use spácraft or similar divination to help their case,
the lawspeaker reluctantly advises that there are oth-
er parties with deep pockets who’ll contest the docu-
ment. He advises the players to keep the deed secret
and safe until the time is right.

LOOK AFTER (Líta Eftir)
Look After is an antique Urðr surveillance
drone, left behind in the panicked evacuation of
Kóngssteinn. When bound to the imager, the owner
gains the Dream Sight (Follow 1) gift in addition
to the object’s usual abilities.


Size 1 mannkyn
Awareness 10 (+0); Infrared, Black Sight
Defence 11 Health 11
Might 11 (+1) Sleight 11 (+1)
Wits 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1) Speed 10


Seax: (melee) +1 with 1 weal (1d6)

Rifle: (long range) +1 with 1 weal (2d6)


Self-Fortification: The dólgr can use an action, or

a triggered action on its turn, to harden its skin
for up to 1 minute. While the dólgr’s skin is

hardened this way, it takes half damage.
Stone Walk: The dólgr ignores the effects of mov-
ing across difficult terrain made of earth, sand,
Dólgr are dökkálfar miners, creatures who relish the or stone. In addition, they can pass through solid
great wealth hidden in the mountains of the arctic. obstacles made from earth, sand, or stone that
They spend their endless days probing the depths in are no thicker than 1 yard.
search of new riches, hoping to adorn their bodies
with ever greater splendour. CRAFT

Power 1
Runar Fart Runes (2), Victory Runes (1)
Gand Elf Shot (2), Land Wolf (1)




0 yards 10 20


Writing and Design

Ian Stuart Sharpe
Art Direction
Tom Lai

Graphic Design and Layout

Tom Lai

Editing and Development

Robert J. Schwalb

Bill Hopkins

Ger Curti

Viking Ornaments
Jonas Lau Markussen

Published By
Schwalb Entertainment LLC
PO Box #12548
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Horror of Fangstone Mine, Thought & Memory Saga and When the Wolf Comes: A Vikingverse
Roleplaying Game are © 2023 Ian Stuart Sharpe. All rights reserved.
Shadow of the Demon Lord is © 2015 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.

Visit www.schwalbentertainment.com to see more

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Visit www.vikingverse.com for more books and comics by Ian Stuart Sharpe

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