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A road may be constructed of a number of materials the three most common being
1 Asphalt This is very hard wearing but very expensive. Only used in roads which carry a lot
of traffic.
2 Bitumenmacadem also called bitmac. This is the material normally used in most roads.
3 Paviors sometimes called brick sets. These are used in some housing developments and look
like bricks set into the ground.
The following notes are only to be taken as the required D.O.E Road Service for this assignment only.

Longitudinal Fall
The longitudinal fall is the fall along the LENGTH of the road
1 The maximum gradient for the road is 1:30 for the first 15m, the minimum is 1:125 for Asphalt and
Bitumenmacadem, the minimum for paviors is 1:100
2 There after the maximum gradient is 1:10 , the minimum is 1:125 for Asphalt and Bitumenmacadem,
the minimum for paviors is 1:100

The crossfall of a road sheds the water to the edge of the road
1 The normal crossfall would be between 1:36 and 1:40 ,the normal being 1:36. This applies to Asphalt
and Bitumenmacadem and paviors.


A road may also be designed in camber. The criteria are the same as for crossfall.

Gullies should be placed at the start of the radi where the road enters the main road.
The maximum area a gully can drain is

A footpath is normally 2.0m wide (minimum 2.0m) with a gradient of between 1:36 and 1:40 falling towards the
It is constructed of asphalt.
There is no footpath on a shared surface.

Pipe Sizes
The pipes should always be designed to meet the demands of the foul and storm drainage system. The minimum
size of pipe used for main drainage is 150mm dia.
The following are only rules of thumb.

foul system
1 For a 150 mm dia pipe the maximum gradient will be 1:6. The minimum gradient will be 1:60 for the first
8 houses and 1:100 there after. A 150mm dia pipe should be capable of serving 100 dwellings.

Storm system
1 For a 150 mm dia pipe the maximum gradient will be 1:6. The minimum gradient will be 1:130.
The system should be designed after this because the area of the roads and footpaths can change from site
to site after this.
After 10 dwellings you normally would be using a 225 mm pipe.

Combined Systems
1 Should always be designed.

The minimum cover to the top of the pipe is 750mm with concrete surround and 1200 without concrete surround
on public areas.

Manholes should be used at the following points
1 At the start and end of a sewer run
2 Where there is a change of direction of the run on plan.
3 Where there is a change in gradient
4 Where there is a change in pipe size
5 Where it connects into another run

Manhole position

1 Manholes should be placed in the road. They may be placed in a public area that is open and is accessible
to plant
2 Maximum spacing for manholes with a sewer pipes 150mm dia is 60m, for 225mm dia it is 90m.

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