Nguyen Ngoc Huyen - Language Teaching Methodology Final Assignment

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Improve Speaking skill of students based on the new textbooks Global Success applying
Communicative Language Teaching method at High schools in Vietnam.

STUDENT: Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền


Academic Year: 2023 – 2024

COURSE NAME: Language Teaching Methodology
LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Mai Hương
STUDENT’S NAME: Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền
STUDENT ID: 23046225
ASSIGNMENT: Final Assignment
DUE DATE: 7th December 2023
The examiner’s comments and marking:

Student’s Signature: Date: 7/12/2023

Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền

TABLE OF CONTENT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

LIST OF FIGURES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

LIST OF TABLES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Title: Improve Speaking skill of students based on the new textbooks Global Success applying
Communicative Language Teaching method at high schools in Vietnam.----------------------------------4

1. Background and rationale---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.1 Background of the study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

1.2 Identification of area of interest-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

1.3 Identification of the problem---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.5 Definition of key terms-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.6 Literature review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

1.7 Key debates and developments in the field--------------------------------------------------------------------------9

1.7.1. Key debates of CLT in ELT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
1.7.2. Developments in the field of CLT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

2. Research Questions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

3. Research Methodology------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
3.1 Research hypotheses------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

3.2 Methods of the study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

3.3 Research design------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

3.4 Research methods---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

3.4.1. Data collection methods-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
 Questionaires-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
 Observation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
3.4.2. Data analysis procedure-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

3.5 Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

4. Plan of work & time schedule---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

5. Presentation of results------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

REFERENCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

APPENDIX------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25


ELT English language teaching

EFL English as a Foreign language

ESL English as a Second language

CLT Communicative Language Teaching

TBLT Task-based Language Teaching


Figure 1: Obstacles of students in Speaking skill lessons.

Figure 2: Obstacles of teachers in teaching Speaking skill.

Figure 3: Percentage of effective CLT methods application.

Figure 4: Percentage of Speaking skill teaching methods .


Table 1 : Report of observations results.

Table 2 : Assumption of difficulties in teaching and learning Speaking skill &

Sollutions/ Methods.

Title: Improve Speaking skill of students based on the new textbooks Global
Success applying Communicative Language Teaching method at high schools in
1. Background and rationale
1.1 Background of the study

English has become useful tool for communication and information sharing in the
modern era when globalization is rapidly spreading worldwide in the 21st century. The
concept of a "flat world" is no longer unfamiliar to many people as globalization intensifies a
day by day. This coincides with the widespread spread of English. Originating from
imperialism and colonization in the past centuries, English has been a powerful tool for
communication, information sharing, and cultural purposes of colonizing countries. In the
present time, English is spreading more widely, meeting the needs of people to understand
knowledge, share scientific and technological information, and participate in human

According to Alex (2019), English has become a global language due to exportation and
importation. As a result, English appears in various forms as plural. This means that English
is not only used in countries where it is the first language but also widely used in developing
and developing countries.

Due to cultural differences when using English in different countries, English is also
experiencing significant development and evolution. Therefore, the goal for language
educators and English teachers today is to research and understand appropriate teaching
methods, especially in communicative language teaching approaches that enable students to
achieve specific communication skills.

Beyond that, in Vietnam, there have been many efforts from educators to improve
teaching methods, particularly communicative language teaching approaches for listening and
speaking skills. However, according to some researchers, teaching in Vietnam still faces
certain challenges. As stated by Van (2018), in the context of integration and globalization,
many teachers in Vietnam are still at a lower level, facing difficulties in communication and
have not had the opportunity to study abroad to improve their skills. Additionally, the lack of
adequate facilities and unfavorable learning environments also contribute significantly to the
fact that teaching and learning English lacks practicality, making it challenging for students
to apply their knowledge in real-life situations.

1.2 Identification of area of interest

In Vietnam, the emphasis in language learning predominantly lies on grammar rather

than communicative practice, as highlighted by Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tien (2018). This results
in students and teachers prioritizing grammar and vocabulary to achieve high scores on
assessments, which often take the form of grammar exercises and vocabulary tests.
Consequently, graduates are proficient in reading, comprehending, and responding to emails
quickly. However, they struggle to communicate effectively with international consumers.
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tien explains that without learning how to communicate, we will be
unable to convey our thoughts and desires to others. Language is a tool that facilitates making
new acquaintances and acquiring diverse information in various languages. Therefore,
language learners must focus on developing their speaking abilities to communicate
effectively and utilize the language efficiently.

As the new English curriculum for secondary schools is introduced, there have been
notable changes in the teaching methods for the English language subject at secondary
schools, particularly in relation to speaking and listening skills. In line with the objectives
outlined in Decision 2080/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister: Approving the amendment and
supplementation of the Teaching and Learning Plan for Foreign Languages in the National
Education System - Vietnam in the period 2017-2025. While efforts are being made to
innovate and enhance English teaching methods, it is apparent that teaching and learning all
skills, particularly speaking, remains a significant challenge for both teachers and students. In
contrast to traditional methods of grammar and vocabulary instruction, this approach focuses
on developing communicative competence through the use of English languages. The new
English textbooks, Global Success, have been officially implemented in the Vietnamese
education system since the 2021-2022 academic year, resulting in significant changes in both
teaching methods and content presentation. Despite these advancements, both teachers and
students encounter difficulties that cannot be avoided during the learning process of this

1.3 Identification of the problem

According to the studies of Van (2018), newly published textbooks are heavy on content
but lack effective teaching methods for different levels of education. This issue was caused
by the fact that most previous textbooks primarily focused on examination preparation, as
mentioned by Bui and Duong (2018), Denham (1992), and Duong (2014). This has resulted
in numerous shortcomings in teaching and learning communicative skills, such as speaking.
In the new curriculum. The new textbook, Global Success, which follows a task-based
teaching approach and has high practicality, presents a challenge for students. The short time
allocated for each lesson makes it challenging for teachers to convey the content of speaking
exercises and necessary skills to understand, and answer effectively. Furthermore, teachers
from the previous generation may encounter difficulties in adapting to the latest teaching
approaches. Students also face difficulties in learning speaking skills, including difficulties in
understanding speaking questions, lack of knowledge in vocabulary, grammar, critical
thinking to answer and express their ideas through speaking questions, insufficient learning
environments, mispronunciation of words, heavy curriculum, lack of practice time and
opportunities for speaking and communication skills. A thorough and systematic analysis of
the challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill will provide a solution to help both
students and teachers overcome these obstacles and enhance English learning at high schools
in Vietnam in particular and the Vietnamese education system in general.

1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Study

This research aims to identify the challenges encountered during the teaching and
learning of the speaking skill in accordance with the newly introduced English language
textbooks for high schools in Vietnam. Based on the findings, practical solutions and methods
will be proposed to address these challenges for both teachers and students in the purpose of
improving communicative language teaching for teachers and students in teaching and
learning at schools. The study focuses on enhancing speaking skill for Vietnamese high
school students, which is their ability to understand and communicate in English. Conducting
a separate study on this level of education will provide the most relevant and practical
solutions for educators and learners aged 16-18.
Furthermore, this study will contribute valuable insights into the teaching profession in
Vietnam. It is particularly beneficial for English teachers at high schools in Vietnam as it
provides specific teaching methods and solutions to address the challenges they face during
the teaching and learning process. The students will also benefit from this study as it will help
them identify the root causes of their learning difficulties and provide effective solutions to
overcome them.

1.5 Definition of key terms

 Speaking skills:

Numerous specialists have previously presented definitions of speaking abilities.

Speaking capability is viewed as an interactive process that allows individuals to
communicate information orally to listeners in a way that they can comprehend. As a result,
speaking proficiency is crucial for learning a language. Moreover, speaking is the process of
generating and exchanging meaning in various scenarios through verbal and non-verbal
symbols, according to Chaney and Burk (1998, p. 13). Sanggam Siahaan (2008, p. 95)
contends that speaking is a productive skill since we produce information or messages
through speech to enhance efficient interaction. Speaking is more difficult to learn than
comprehending the language used, according to Chainstand in Hamzah (2011). With all of
these definitions, it is clear that speaking is a means of communication that can be utilized to
convey information, emotions, and ideas clearly. Speaking is a critical component of
communication because speaking was once considered one of the more challenging abilities
to teach, resulting in previous ESL/EFL pedagogies focusing on skills other than speaking.
The less students practice their speaking abilities, the less they comprehend them (Leong &
Ahmadi, 2017). Furthermore, according to Zhang (2009), self-consciousness, nervousness,
low motivation, lack of desire, poor involvement, lack of cohesiveness, and poor verbal

communication are all difficulties that make speaking challenging for EFL students. These
difficulties arise from direct service usage or excessive generalization, causing learners to be
inequitably transformed from their original language. Language is a communication tool; we
communicate with others through speech to express our thoughts and learn about others'
opinions. Communication cannot occur without speech. As a result, the significance of
speaking skills for language learners of any language is significant, stated by Mrs Ishrat
Aamer Qureshi (2015). Speaking is a spoken language taught during the globalization period;
speaking is a crucial language ability since communication is so important in the information
age, according to Zuliati (2013). Students can communicate with students from our country
or other nations by learning English and sharing ideas and viewpoints. English is being used
more frequently nowadays. Learning English enables students to communicate with
individuals from all around the world since it is regarded as an international language.

 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, first proposed in the late
1960s, emphasizes the importance of effective communication outside of the classroom in
mastering a language. Pei-long (2011) argues that in language learning, communicative
competency should take precedence over knowledge of sentence structure. CLT is widely
regarded as an effective strategy for enhancing learners' communication skills due to its focus
on communicative competency. Previously, languages were taught using the direct approach,
which involved teaching the target language in the target language, and the grammar-
translation method, which involved teaching the target language in the students' native
tongue. CLT addresses this issue by making communicative competency the primary goal of
language teaching and developing procedures for teaching the four language skills that
recognize the interdependence of language and communication, according to Richard and
Rogers. The researcher defines CLT as a method designed to help English language learners
use the target language in casual conversation, which can improve their knowledge and
competency, particularly in speaking ability. The aim of CLT, as stated by Dianne Larsen and
Freeman, is to help students communicate in the target language. CLT has several successful
components that aid students in developing their speaking abilities, including using a variety
of methods and materials such as real materials, language games, image strip stories, and

 Task-based language teaching (TBLT)

Task-based language teaching, as explained by Nunan (2003), is an educational method
that centers around teaching and practicing language abilities by carrying out genuine,
practical tasks. These tasks are intended to be relevant and meaningful to learners'
requirements and interests, and they require the utilization of all four language abilities
(listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in a communicative context. The tasks are
generally open-ended, allowing for various solutions, which encourages learners to take
ownership of their learning and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The ultimate goal of task-based language teaching is to help learners acquire the language
they need to communicate effectively in real-life situations.
1.6 Literature review
Harris (1974) identified five components of speaking proficiency. The first aspect is
comprehension, which refers to the speaker's understanding of what they are communicating
to the listener to avoid misunderstandings and make it easier for the listener to comprehend.
Learning a second language is more challenging because it is not immediately apparent. It
requires open verbal and nonverbal communication, artificial tools, or the intuition of a
teacher or researcher to comprehend. The procedures are complex and risky, but participants
must fully understand the nature of the study project (Cohen et al., 2005).

The second component is grammar, which is crucial for arranging sentences correctly
based on context. Grammar refers to the set of rules that enable us to group words into larger
units in our language (Greenbaum & Nelson, 2002). All well-formed or grammatical
utterances in a language can be produced using a set of rules or principles (Purpura, 2004).
Grammar also relates to the basic rules and structure of the language, such as clear and
appropriate sentence structure and the correct use of word forms (Batko, 2004).

Vocabulary is crucial for learning a second language, but with a large vocabulary, we
may not be able to use learned structures and functions for clear communication. Lack of
language is a barrier because it prevents us from communicating or expressing ourselves
clearly. Speaking vocabulary is frequently prevalent (Turk, 2003). It means that the
vocabulary used in spoken language or speaking must be very common and used in everyday
conversation to be understood. Learning words, their meanings, spelling, and pronunciation is
an essential part of learning a language. Teachers who teach vocabulary must be cautious to
impart not just the meaning but also the spelling and pronunciation. Students who are
learning to speak also pay attention to pronunciation. Students can generate their words
clearly when they speak by pronouncing them correctly according to Kline (2001).

Pronunciation refers to the ability to say words accurately and effectively in a particular
language so that their meaning is clear (Gilbert, 2008). Knowing a set of sounds or a few
isolated words well does not mean you can pronounce English words correctly. Instead, it
comes down to learning and using the special English technique for making one's views clear
(Fraser, 2001). Pronunciation includes gestures, body language, eye contact, segmental
articulation, rhythm, intonation, and phrasing in addition to all other aspects of speech that
contribute to an easily intelligible flow of speech (Fraser, 2001).

Fluency is the final component of speaking proficiency. Fluency refers to the capacity
for correct and fluid speech without interruption. Speaking at a somewhat quick pace with

few pauses is an indication of fluency (Pollard, 2008). The instructor should provide students
with unhindered access to speak as they please if the teacher wants to evaluate a student's
fluency during teaching and learning. The goal is to help students speak correctly and
naturally because too much correction obstructs the flow of conversation (Pollard, 2008).

1.7 Key debates and developments in the field

1.7.1. Key debates of CLT in ELT
 The Role of Authentic Materials in CLT
Authentic materials refer to real-life texts, such as news articles, advertisements, and
social media posts, that students can use to practice their English speaking skills. Some
educators argue that using authentic materials is essential for developing students'
communicative competence because it exposes them to the language in context and helps
them learn how to use English in real-life situations. Others, however, contend that using
simplified materials or graded readers is more effective because it allows students to focus on
grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation without being overwhelmed by complex texts.

Studies have shown that using authentic materials can improve students' speaking skills
by providing them with opportunities to practice using English in real-life situations (Chen &
Chen, 2015). For example, a study by Liang and Liu (2018) found that using authentic
materials in speaking activities led to significant improvements in students' fluency, accuracy,
and pronunciation compared to using simplified materials or grammar exercises.

 The Role of Technology in CLT

Technology has revolutionized the way we teach and learn English, providing new
opportunities for students to practice their speaking skills through interactive games, virtual
reality simulations, and online platforms such as Zoom and Skype. Some educators argue that
technology is essential for developing students' communicative competence because it allows
them to practice speaking English in a variety of contexts and with native speakers from
around the world. Others, however, contend that relying too heavily on technology can lead
to a lack of face-to-face interaction between students and teachers and hinder the
development of interpersonal skills necessary for effective communication in real life

 The Importance of Error Correction in CLT

Error correction is a vital component of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as it
enables students to learn from their errors and enhance their speaking abilities. Some
educators assert that correcting mistakes immediately is crucial because it helps students
avoid repeating errors and learn from them. However, others contend that correcting errors
excessively can be discouraging for students and impede their confidence in communicating
in English.

1.7.2. Developments in the field of CLT
 The Use of Multimodal Resources in CLT
In addition to authentic materials, the use of multimodal resources, such as videos,
images, and infographics, can also enhance students' speaking skills. Multimodal resources
provide students with visual and auditory cues that help them understand complex concepts
and improve their ability to communicate effectively in English. For example, a video on
climate change can help students learn new vocabulary related to environmental issues and
practice speaking about the topic in class discussions.

 The Use of Peer Feedback in CLT

Peer feedback is a powerful tool for improving students' speaking skills because it allows
them to receive constructive criticism from their peers and learn from each other's mistakes.
Peer feedback can also foster a sense of community and collaboration among students and
help them develop interpersonal skills necessary for effective communication in real life
situations. For example, students can practice giving and receiving feedback on speeches or
presentations in class discussions or group activities.

2. Research Questions

To complete the objectives of the research that were mentioned below , a qualitative
research would be employed, aiming at answering three research questions :

1. How successful is the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in aiding

students to improve their speaking abilities during utilizing the new Global Success

2. What sentiments do students hold regarding the incorporation of CLT by their teachers in
speaking lessons based on the new textbook?

3. What advancements are observed in students' speaking skills as a result of implementing


3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research hypotheses

 Teaching Speaking Using CLT

To enhance students' speaking abilities, the teacher can utilize a specific teaching
technique that incorporates linguistic input, ordered output, and communicative output. This
approach, known as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), promotes the "Students-
Centered Classroom" as its primary method. In this type of classroom, the teacher acts as a
facilitator and creates a comfortable learning environment. This technique is in contrast to the
traditional teacher-centered learning paradigm. CLT provides teachers with a wide range of
strategies for helping students become more fluent in English through communicative
student-student activities and continuous exposure to the language. Students communicate
through both formal and informal activities, including games, role-playing, and problem-
solving exercises. According to Thomson (1996), CLT was developed for meaningful
communication both inside and outside the classroom because the activities are authentic and
applied to real-life situations. Most linguists and ESL teachers agree today that learning a
second language involves interacting with others. Teachers can utilize various CLT activities,
such as:

1. Discussion
2. Role play
3. Presentation
4. Interview
5. Information Gap Technique
6. Group Work
7. Gaming Activity
8. Dialogue

 Task-based language teaching in teaching speaking

In this investigation, the author anticipates that identifying the challenges inherent in
teaching speaking lessons during secondary school classes utilizing the latest Global Success
textbooks will enable teachers and students to address these issues at their source, ultimately
enhancing their proficiency in listening comprehension. Additionally, integrating learning and
teaching techniques in accordance with the tenets of task-based language teaching is expected
to foster heightened levels of motivation and engagement among both educators and learners.

3.2 Methods of the study

There is a combination of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. To be specific,

firstly, the researcher will use quantitative method to collect data of the questionnaires for
students and English teachers and the observations of English lessons at a public school in

Then, by using the quantitative statistics, qualitative method is obtained to illustrate

the data into the meaning of the questionnaires and observations in terms of content validity.

3.3 Research design

This study will be conducting research in three high school classes at a public school in
Hanoi, each with 30-40 students. These classes represent different grade levels from grade 10
to grade 12, who are currently utilizing the latest Global Success textbooks in their English
lessons. The students in question are between the ages of 16 and 18. Due to the change in
textbooks, these students are experiencing some confusion. Furthermore, public schools in
Vietnam encounter difficulties in teaching English, as students often feel overwhelmed when
learning listening and speaking skills in general. This study intends to include English
teachers at the school as well. I will also implement some data collection methods to gather
data from the English department at the school, specifically from the teachers who are
currently teaching the new Global Success textbooks. This will provide a comprehensive
perspective on the challenges in teaching speaking skills and CLT approaches in secondary
school English classes at public schools.

3.4 Research methods

3.4.1. Data collection methods
 Questionaires
Two questionnaires, consisting of both closed-ended and open-ended questions, will be
administered to both teachers and students to inquire about the challenges they typically
encounter during English speaking lessons. The first questionnaire is designed for English
teachers at the high school level and includes eight closed-ended questions and two open-
ended questions. These questions ask teachers to report the difficulties they face while
teaching speaking skills in the new textbook, during lesson planning, and in the classroom, as
well as the common challenges they observe among their students during teaching. The
second questionnaire, for students, also contains eight closed-ended questions and two open-
ended questions, which inquire about the challenges they experience while learning speaking
skills in the new textbook and the activities they find beneficial for improving their speaking
and communication abilities.

 Observation
The obsevation will be conducted by designing a detailed lesson plan for a 45-minute
English speaking lesson for each grade level during at least one semester of the school year.
The lesson plans also include CLT approaches when teaching speaking skill. This observation
will evaluate some key aspects of CLT effects on students, the challenges and obstacles
observed both the teacher and students during the speaking lesson based on the new
textbooks, the progress made by the students as they complete tasks from the new textbook
applying learned CLT approaches and CLT techniques’ effects on students by the reseacher.
By synthesizing this information, the reseacher can identify the underlying causes of these
challenges and composed appropriate CLT approaches for teachers to teach English speaking

3.4.2. Data analysis procedure
During the data analysis stage of this study, both descriptive and statistical methods
were employed. The descriptive analysis involved the observation data, which were analyzed
to identify the challenges faced by teachers and students while learning English speaking
skills in the classroom. This analysis also included gathering opinions from both parties
regarding potential solutions for the issues encountered during the learning process.
Subsequently, the scores obtained from the questionnaires will be utilized to determine the
level of improvement in the students' speaking skills and to calculate the percentage of
students facing specific problems as outlined in the study.

3.5 Discussion
During the design and implementation phase of research, the researcher have identified
two essential factors that should be considered before conducting questionnaires and
observations as follows:

 Questionnaires:
Each questionnaire for teachers and students consists of 10 questions, with five closed-
ended questions and five open-ended questions. The questions focus on gathering information
about the application of CLT in English teaching. Based on the responses, the researcher will
have a broader understanding of the actual implementation of CLT in English teaching in
general and speaking skills in particular. Conducting questionnaires saves time and resources
compared to other research methods as they do not require any specialized equipment or
software. Students and teachers can respond anonymously, which may encourage them to
share their true opinions and feelings without fear of judgment or repercussions. This method
provides a wealth of data for statistical analysis and allows for practical, evidence-based
solutions to the issues related to CLT implementation in English teaching at schools.

However, this method also has limitations. The opinions expressed by teachers and
students are subjective, and they do not necessarily accurately reflect the views of a large
number of teachers and students in Vietnam. The questions are also limited to a certain
number of teachers and students, which may result in discrepancies between the results and
the actual situation in schools.

 Observations:
Similar to questionnaires, observations have their own advantages: they provide
detailed, nuanced insights into students' and teachers' behaviors, interactions, and attitudes
that may not be captured by questionnaires alone. They also allow researchers to understand
students' experiences in their natural contexts, providing a more holistic understanding of
their perspectives and needs. Moreover, this method does not require active participation or
responses from students, which may reduce social desirability effects and allow for more

naturalistic data collection. Real-time analysis is also possible, facilitating immediate
interventions or feedback based on emerging patterns and trends.

However, this method has some drawbacks as well: it requires a significant amount of
time and resources to conduct effectively, which may limit the scope and scale of the study.
The presence of observers may alter students' behaviors or attitudes, leading to artificial or
inflated results that do not accurately reflect their typical experiences. Additionally, the
presence of observers may alter students' behaviors or attitudes, leading to artificial or
inflated results that do not accurately reflect their typical experiences. As a result, there may
be some discrepancy in evaluating observations. Like questionnaires, since this method is
conducted at a specific school with a limited number of students and teachers, the results
cannot be generalized to the entire field being discussed. Other studies should also be
considered to provide more accurate results with fewer errors compared to other schools or
larger scales.

4. Plan of work & time schedule

The data will be analyzed within the steps as follows:

 Conduct the questionaires

1) Questionaire for students
A questionaire will be read out to the students, and their answers will be recorded. The
researchers will then analyze and present the results in the form of bar charts to illustrate the
percentage of students who encountered the issues mentioned.
1. How often do you practice speaking English in your current English class based on your
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely
e) Never
2. Which of the following speaking activities do you enjoy the most in your English class?
(Select all that apply)
a) Discussions
b) Role plays
c) Presentations
d) Interviews
e) Information gap technique
f) Group work
g) Gaming activities
h) Dialogues
i) Other (please specify): ___________________________
3. How confident are you in speaking English with your peers in class?
a) Very confident
b) Somewhat confident
c) Neutral (neither confident nor unconfident)
d) Somewhat unconfident
e) Very unconfident
4. Which of the following speaking skills do you find most challenging to improve? (Select all
that apply)
a) Pronunciation
b) Intonation
c) Vocabulary acquisition
d) Grammar usage
e) Fluency in speaking continuously for an extended period of time
f) Confidence in speaking in front of others
g) Other (please specify): ___________________________
5. Do you and your classmates encounter difficulties when learning to speak in English?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Unsure
6. Please describe a specific speaking activity from the new textbook that you found
challenging. What made it difficult for you, and how could your English teacher make it more
7. Can you share an example of one of these types of exercises above that you found
particularly beneficial for improving your English speaking skills? How did it help you, and
do you have any suggestions for how your English teacher could incorporate more of these
activities into your lessons?
1. Discussion
2. Role play
3. Presentation
4. Interview
5. Information Gap Technique
6. Group Work
7. Gaming Activity
8. Dialogue
8. Are there any aspects of English grammar or vocabulary that you find particularly difficult
to learn through speaking exercises? Please provide examples and explain why it is
challenging for you.
9. How can your English teacher make speaking activities more engaging and interactive for
students like you based on your textbook? Please suggest some ideas.
10. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions about how your English teacher could
better support your learning of English speaking skills based on your textbook and other
activities ? Please share any insights or ideas you have.
After analyzing the stactics, the data will be shown in the assumption diagram

Figure 1: Obstacles of students in Speaking skill lessons

Difficulties of students in Speaking skill lessons

Lacks of knowledge Inappropriate study methods Lacks of confidence Inappropriate curriculums

Subjective reasons Objectives reasons Others

2) Questionaire for teachers

A questionaire will be conducted among the teachers, and their answers will be
recorded. The researchers will then analyze and present the results in the form a chart to

illustrate the porpotion of the problems that teachers are facing when teaching Speaking skill
based on CLT approaches and following the new textbooks.
1. How often do you incorporate CLT approaches into your English lessons based on the new
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely
e) Never
2. Which of the following speaking activities have you found most effective for helping
students improve their English speaking skills based on the new textbook? (Select all that
a) Discussions
b) Role plays
c) Presentations
d) Interviews
e) Information gap technique
f) Group work
g) Gaming activities
h) Dialogues
i) Other (please specify): ___________________________
3. How confident are your students in speaking English with their peers in class based on the
new textbook?
a) Very confident
b) Somewhat confident
c) Neutral (neither confident nor unconfident)
d) Somewhat unconfident
e) Very unconfident
4. Which of the following speaking skills do you find most challenging for your students to
improve based on the new textbook? (Select all that apply)
a) Pronunciation
b) Intonation
c) Vocabulary acquisition
d) Grammar usage
e) Fluency in speaking continuously for an extended period of time
f) Confidence in speaking in front of others
g) Other (please specify): ___________________________
5. How often do you provide opportunities for your students to practice speaking English
with native speakers outside of class based on the new textbook?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely
e) Never
f) Not applicable (my school does not have this resource available to us at this time).
6. Can you describe a specific speaking activity from the new textbook that has been
particularly effective for helping your students improve their English speaking skills? Please
provide details about the activity and how it benefited your students.
7. Can you explain a particular aspect of English grammar or vocabulary that you find
difficult for your students to learn through speaking exercises based on the new textbook?
Please provide examples and explain why it is challenging for your students.
8. How can you make speaking activities more engaging and interactive for your students
based on the new textbook? Please suggest some ideas.
9. Are there any resources or materials that you find particularly helpful for teaching English
speaking skills based on the new textbook and CLT approaches? Please share any insights or
ideas you have.
10. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions about how you could better support your
students' learning of English speaking skills based on the new textbook and CLT
approaches? Please share any insights or ideas you have.
The data will be shown in the assumption diagram below:

Figure 2: Obstacles of teachers in teaching Speaking skill

Diffulties of teachers in Speaking skill teaching and applying
CLT approaches

Curriculum design - activities

Inappropriate methods

Lacks of facilities

Lacks of knowledges

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Students Teachers Others

 Conduct the observations

A lesson evaluation will be conducted and provided to English teachers during listening
skills lessons in each grade level. The teachers and researchers will alternate conducting the
lesson evaluations in three grade levels. Data on challenges during a 45-minute speaking
skills lesson based on the new textbook Global Success will be compiled and presented in the
assumption table below.

Table 1 : Report of observations results

Week Students Teacher

Class Test results Improved aspects Affective CLT approaches/

(>6 points) other methods

1 10A 40% - Pronunciation. - Discussions.

- Intonation. - Role plays.
- Vocabulary acquisition. - Presentations.

11B 80% - Grammar usage. - Answer texbook’s questions.

12C 35% - Fluency in speaking - Interviews.

continuously for an
extended period of time. - Information gap technique.
- Confidence in speaking - Group work.
in front of others.

11B 20% - Pronunciation. - Gaming activities.

- Intonation. - Dialogues.
- Technical relating methods
(Zoom interview,AI speaking

2 12A


The data will be shown in the assumption diagram below:

Figure 3: Percentage of effective CLT methods application.

Effective CLT approaches

Discussion Role play Presentation

Interview Information Gap Technique Group work
Gaming activity Dialogue

Figure 4: Percentage of Speaking skill teaching methods .

Effective methods in improving Speaking skill

Extra lesson to improve weaknesses Change in ways of CLT applying

Increase practicing time for students Improve students' confidence
Encourage peer correcting among students Re-design activities/exercises

 Analyze the stactics and identify the problems & solutions

After implementing the two data collection methods mentioned earlier, the data will be
analyzed and summarized to identify the solutions for all difficulties as the ilustration table

Table 2 : Assumption of difficulties in teaching and learning Speaking skill &

Sollutions/ Methods

Dificulties of teachers in Solutions for Dificulties of students Solutions for

CLT and speaking skill problems/ in learning listening problems/affective
teaching (Percentage / total affective (Percentage / total methods
amount of teachers) methods amount of students)

1. Lacks of knowledge of 1. Improve 1. Lacks of knowledge 1. Actively

students (12%) teaching of students (40%) participate in
- Vocabulary. methods. - Vocabulary speaking practice
- Pronunciation. - Pronunciation activities during
- Intonation. 2. Teach extra - Intonation classroom/Speaking
- Techniques in speaking lessons to - Techniques in lesson sessions
and answering questions. improve the speaking and
- Grammar. weakness of answering questions 2. Independently
- Others. the students. - Grammar identify weaknesses
2. Teaching methods (30%) - Others and proactively ask
- Lacks of practicing time. 3.Change the questions to the
- Not interesting teaching ways in 2. Studying methods teacher and

methods. applying CLT (57%) classmates
- Difficult exercises, aproaches - Lacks of time for
activities design. practicing. 3. Attend additional
4. Find other - Lacks of analyzing knowledge classes
3. Applying CLT suitable questions and answers
approaches (28%) substitute - Others 4. Proactively ask
- Incorporated tools/methods for help and
amongstudents and 3. Lacks of confidence support from the
teachers. 5. Re-design (70%) teachers
- Inappropriate CLT appropriate
approaches: activities/ 4. Inappropriate 5. Improve
+ Discussions. excercises curriculum (13%) confidence by
+ Role plays. - Heavy/ difficults dedicating more
+ Presentations question/ exercises time to self-study
+ Interviews - Boring activities and practicing with
+ Information gap technique classmates
+ Group work 5. Inappropriate
+ Gaming activities activities in Speaking 6. Complete all
+ Dialogues class : (22%) assigned practice
4. Lacks of teaching do not know what to
facilities (40%) do, boring, etc. 7. Others

5. Inappropriate 6. Others (9%)

curriculum/textbook design

6. Others (9%)

5. Presentation of results
The outcome of the research will be described and interpreted in the research report
form to share with the colleagues at the school. If given the opportunity, the researchers
would also like to share the research findings on education forums.


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Học sinh khối lớp :


1. Con luyện tập theo các bài tập trong sách giáo khoa bài Speaking skills (luyện kĩ
năng nói nói) với tần suất như thế nào?
a) Một lần mỗi ngày
b) Một lần mỗi tuần
c) Một lần mỗi tháng
d) Rất ít
e) Không
2. Những hoạt động nói Tiếng Anh trong lớp hiện tại theo sách giáo khoa con thích
nhất là? (Có thể chọn nhiều đáp án)
a) Thảo luận
b) Đóng vai
c) Thuyết trình 1 chủ đề
d) Thực hiện phỏng vấn với bạn bè
e) Tìm kiếm thông tin
f) Làm bài tập nhóm
g) Hoạt động chơi trò chuyện
h) Chơi các trò chơi để luyện kĩ năng nói Tiếng anh
i) Khác (xin vui lòng chỉ rõ): ___________________________
3. Con có cảm thấy tự tin khi nói Tiếng Anh với bạn trong lớp không?
a) Rất tự tin
b) Hơi tự tin
c) Lúc có lúc không
d) Không tự tin
e) Rất ngại nói với bạn bằng Tiếng Anh
4. Những phần trong kỹ năng nói Tiếng Anh mà con thấy khó khăn nhất là? (Chọn tất
cả đáp án đúng với bản thân)
a) Cách phát âm
b) Ngữ điệu lên xuống của câu, nhấn nhá
c) Nắm được từ vựng mới
d) Sử dụng các cấu trúc câu
e) Nói và nghĩ bằng Tiếng Anh một cách trôi chảy
f) Tự tin chia sẻ suy nghĩ, ý kiến cá nhân
g. Khác (xin vui lòng chỉ rõ): ___________________________

5. Con thấy các bạn trong lớp có cùng gặp các vấn đề trong việc nói tiếng anh như con
không ?
a) Có
b) Không
c) Không rõ
6. Con có thể chia sẻ một hoạt động nói Tiếng Anh trong sách giáo khoa mà con thấy
khó nhất được không? Con muốn thầy cô giúp đỡ con thế nào để cải thiện vấn đề
này ?
7. Con có thể chia sẻ một hoạt động trong danh sách dưới đây mà con thấy rất hữu
ích cho việc cải thiện khả năng nói Tiếng Anh của mình không? Con có muốn thầy cô
tăng thời gian và các hoạt động như thế này không ?
a) Thảo luận
b) Đóng vai

c) Thuyết trình 1 chủ đề
d) Thực hiện phỏng vấn với bạn bè
e) Tìm kiếm thông tin
f) Làm bài tập nhóm
g) Hoạt động chơi trò chuyện
h) Chơi các trò chơi để luyện kĩ năng nói Tiếng anh
8. Nếu có, con có thể chia sẻ các từ vựng hoặc cấu trúc ngữ mà con thấy khó khăn khi
học trong giờ học nói không? Lý do con thấy khó khăn khi học những từ vựng, cấu
trúc này là gì?
9. Giáo viên có thể làm gì để khiến hoạt động nói trở nên hơi hơi dễ dàng hơn cho học
sinh? Con có muốn thầy cô tăng thời gian luyện nói hoặc bài tập nói không?
10. Con có một vài gợi ý cho thầy cô để giúp con cải thiện những điểm yếu của con
hoặc bổ sung thêm hoạt động nào không ?



1. How often do you incorporate CLT approaches into your English lessons based on
the new textbook?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely
e) Never
2. Which of the following speaking activities have you found most effective for helping
students improve their English speaking skills based on the new textbook? (Select all
that apply)
a) Discussions

b) Role plays
c) Presentations
d) Interviews
e) Information gap technique
f) Group work
g) Gaming activities
h) Dialogues
i) Other (please specify): ___________________________
3. How confident are your students in speaking English with their peers in class based
on the new textbook?
a) Very confident
b) Somewhat confident
c) Neutral (neither confident nor unconfident)
d) Somewhat unconfident
e) Very unconfident
4. Which of the following speaking skills do you find most challenging for your
students to improve based on the new textbook? (Select all that apply)
a) Pronunciation
b) Intonation
c) Vocabulary acquisition
d) Grammar usage
e) Fluency in speaking continuously for an extended period of time
f) Confidence in speaking in front of others
g) Other (please specify): ___________________________
5. How often do you provide opportunities for your students to practice speaking
English with native speakers outside of class based on the new textbook?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely

e) Never
f) Not applicable (my school does not have this resource available to us at this time).
6. Can you describe a specific speaking activity from the new textbook that has been
particularly effective for helping your students improve their English speaking skills?
Please provide details about the activity and how it benefited your students.
7. Can you explain a particular aspect of English grammar or vocabulary that you
find difficult for your students to learn through speaking exercises based on the new
textbook? Please provide examples and explain why it is challenging for your
8. How can you make speaking activities more engaging and interactive for your
students based on the new textbook? Please suggest some ideas.
9. Are there any resources or materials that you find particularly helpful for teaching
English speaking skills based on the new textbook and CLT approaches? Please share
any insights or ideas you have.
10. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions about how you could better
support your students' learning of English speaking skills based on the new textbook
and CLT approaches? Please share any insights or ideas you have.


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