HA - Head Checklist

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ASSESSING THE HEAD (skull & face)

1. Inspect the skull for size, shape, and symmetry.

Normal Findings:

 Rounded (normocephalic and symmetric, with frontal, parietal, and occipital

 Smooth skull contour


 lack of symmetry
 increased skull size with more prominent nose and forehead
 longer mandible (may indicate excessive growth hormone or increased bone

2. Inspect the facial features (ex: symmetry of structure and of the distribution
of hair).

Normal Findings:

 symmetric or slightly asymmetric facial features

 palpebral fissures equal in size
 symmetric nasolabial folds


 increased facial hair

 low hair line
 thinning of eyebrows
 asymmetric features
 exophthalmos
 myxedema facies
 moon face

3. Inspect the eyes for edema or hollowness.

Normal Findings:

 no edema


 periorbital edema
 sunken eyes
4. Note symmetry of facial movements.
 ask client to smile, elevate eyebrows, frown, close eyes tightly, puff cheeks, and
show teeth

Normal Findings:

 symmetric facial movements


 asymmetric facial movements

 drooping of lower eyelid and mouth
 involuntary facial movements (tics or tremors)

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