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STUDENT: Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền


Academic Year: 2023 – 2024

COURSE NAME: Language Teaching Methodology
LECTURER: PhD. Hoang Van Tue
STUDENT’S NAME: Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền
STUDENT ID: 23046225
ASSIGNMENT: Final Assignment
DUE DATE: 19/1/2024
The examiner’s comments and marking:

Student’s Signature: Date: 19/1/2024

Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
I. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
II. Literature review--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1. Conceptualisation of key terms : ICT in teaching English------------------------------4
2. Duolingo – ICT tool for teaching and learning English----------------------------------5
3. Procedure description of Duolingo application in education---------------------------5
III. Methodology------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1. Participants-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2. Instruments-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
3. Data collection procedures------------------------------------------------------------------------9
4. Analyses----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
IV. Results-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
V. Discussion and conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------13
 Analysis of Duolingo’s benefits and drawbacks----------------------------------------13
 Suggestion for further application----------------------------------------------------------14
References:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15


I. Introduction
Alongside the advancement of information technology and the practical benefits it brings
to the field of education, English language teaching and learning applications have been
developed to meet the increasing demands of language learners worldwide. These applications
have experienced significant growth over the past decade, especially during the COVID-19
pandemic, further solidifying their role in the education sector as a whole and language
education in particular.
This paper aims to explore aspects of education, specifically the teaching and learning of
English, influenced by the Duolingo application. Additionally, the research team seeks to
highlight the advantages and challenges posed by this application in the teaching and learning
process, not only for English but also for other languages integrated into the platform.
Furthermore, the research team aims to identify solutions that educators and learners can utilize
to effectively incorporate this application into education.
Duolingo is widely recognized as a multifunctional platform primarily designed to
facilitate flexible language learning during leisure time on smart devices such as laptops,
smartphones, and tablets. Moreover, the platform offers a system of language assessments and
certificates recognized in many parts of the world. The specific research conducted by the
author's team regarding this application can be categorized into three dimensions:
1. The application of Duolingo in teaching and learning for students within the Vietnamese
education system and those seeking to learn a second language in Vietnam.
2. The benefits and challenges encountered during the use of the application in Vietnam.
3. Suggestions for improving the implementation of Duolingo in teaching and learning
English in Vietnam

II. Literature review

1. Conceptualisation of key terms : ICT in teaching English
Stepping into the era of the "flat world," the integration of information technology into all
aspects of life, especially in the field of education, is no longer unfamiliar to many. It can be
said that the benefits brought by information technology are extensive and capable of changing
the lives of all humanity. Education is no exception to this trend. Alongside the powerful
explosion of information technology, humans are constantly seeking new ways to teach and
acquire knowledge. As a result, these two areas have become closely intertwined, with
information technology becoming a powerful tool to make learning the English language more
accessible. According to Chapelle (2003) the application of ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) in teaching, assessing, analyzing, and applying a second language
has increasingly gained strength over the last 30 years. The term "educational technology"
emerged with the meaning of applying information technology to education as well as all types
of tools, techniques, and procedures that combine both technological and pedagogical aspects to
enhance learning for students and teaching for teachers (Huang et al., n.d.)
Technology has also made learning and teaching English increasingly popular and
widespread.The development of technology has gradually accustomed people to smart devices
such as smartphones, tablets, and wireless internet transmission devices. Simultaneously, the
emergence of "applications" aims to enhance the human spiritual life. When individuals
purchase a new phone, these "applications" are often the first things the majority download. The
world becomes even more "flattened" as people use these tools to connect with each other daily,
hourly. This is further affirmed by (Chen & Li, 2010), stating that students and teachers can use
applications to connect with each other anytime, anywhere. Similarly, teaching and learning
through virtual spaces are no exception to this trend.The trend of using applications for
information exchange and learning becomes increasingly widespread and pervasive as humanity
witnesses the global phenomenon known as Covid-19. This is a period witnessing a
transformative shift in the field of information technology for humanity. During this time, many
industries have shown the necessity of "digital transformation," altering outdated operational
methods and moving closer towards globalization. The utilization of information technology
applications in education not only addresses the issue of distance but also brings innovation to
traditional teaching methods in the language sector, especially English – one of the most
prevalent languages worldwide.

2. Duolingo – ICT tool for teaching and learning English

For these reasons, besides applications aimed at connecting and exchanging information,
applications designed for teaching and learning have emerged to serve the purposes of educators
and language learners. Common globally used applications include: Memrise, Practice Speaking
English, Speakingpal, Drops, and Duolingo. Each application has its own advantages and
disadvantages. However, this study will focus specifically on Duolingo and its impact on
English language learners as a second language. It is a widely used application with distinct
features originating from the ideas of its founders.
Duolingo is a relatively new app launched in 2009 by co-founders Luis Von Anh and
Severin Hacker with the initial goal of turning idle time of learners into productive language
learning sessions. Users can conveniently learn a language of their choice available on the app
using their smartphones, primarily for communication purposes. During the prolonged period of
remote learning, Duolingo has brought several educational advantages, particularly in the area
of English language learning for its users. Alongside Duolingo, readers can learn various
English language concepts in just one application, including vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation, and more. Duolingo also enhances self-learning skills in students and improves
their proficiency in English as a habit. In addition, the app's user-friendliness makes learning
more convenient and leads to measurable results after a certain period of use. The research will
focus on the following issues:
1. The progress made by students in English language proficiency after using the application for
a specific period of time based on four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing
in English.
2. The impact of Duolingo on students' self-learning habits.
3. The improvement in English language grades at school due to the use of the application over

3. Procedure description of Duolingo application in education

 Account Setup
Students and teachers need to set up accounts on the Duolingo app, using existing platform
accounts such as Gmail or Facebook. Users can input personal information directly without the
need for additional confirmation steps beyond the platform.

 Language Selection
Duolingo offers 40 language options, allowing users to choose based on personal
preferences. Additionally, users can customize their learning experience by studying multiple
languages simultaneously.

 Curriculum
For English and several other languages, Duolingo follows a comprehension-based
teaching approach aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), an
international standard for language proficiency (Jiang et al., 2021).
 Teaching with Duolingo
Teachers can create their classes using Duolingo for Schools. They can import class
information from Google Classroom and invite students to join the class. Teachers can manage
students, set up class details, assign homework, and track student progress through the Duolingo
When setting up a class, teachers can provide specific details such as start and end dates,
class name, language of instruction, etc. Teachers can also assign specific lessons and modules
to help students practice various language skills. Duolingo covers all four language skills:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as sentence construction and grammar.

Student progress is monitored by teachers through the platform's dashboard, enabling
timely identification of students' difficulties and providing prompt support. The platform
motivates students to practice regularly with short, engaging sessions that feel more like playing
games, encouraging consistent learning.

Additionally, teachers can use Duolingo as an interactive tool, sending messages, asking
questions, and providing specific instructions through the platform.
Finally, Duolingo provides feedback on student performance throughout the course and
awards students for their progress, creating positive motivation for continuous learning.
Teachers also receive practical insights to adjust their courses.
In summary, by implementing Duolingo in teaching and learning following the outlined
steps, teachers can effectively integrate the app, creating a positive, interactive, and engaging
learning experience for students.

III. Methodology
1. Participants
The research was conducted by the group based on information gathered from various
sources, including a survey conducted with 35 colleagues in the Master's program in Theory and
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the University of Languages and
International Studies - Hanoi National University. After conducting a literature review, the
research group practically used the Duolingo app and introduced the Duolingo application
procedure in the form of PowerPoint slides to the 35 colleagues in the classroom. They
encouraged them to experience the app in real-time before evaluating it through a survey.
2. Instruments
The quantitative survey questionnaire consists of 13 questions designed to collect
information based on the opinions of teachers using the Duolingo app in their teaching and
learning practices, as well as to understand the application in the context of Vietnam.
3. Data collection procedures
The survey questions were sent to the 35 teachers through the Google Form platform
during an ICT tools class. After exploring and experiencing the app, teachers provided their
feedback based on their own experiences. Teachers could also contribute opinions to enhance
the effective use of ICT tools in teaching, especially with the Duolingo app. Teachers responded
to 8 closed-ended questions and 5 open-ended questions regarding the benefits and
disadvantages of Duolingo in the process of teaching and learning English, as well as
suggestions for increasing effectiveness when applying the app in teaching practices.The
responses will be synthesized and calculated as percentages of the total number of survey
participants for each question. With this data, the authoring team can rely on these figures to
provide specific and validated analyses, addressing the issues raised earlier in the most concrete
and accurate manner.
4. Analyses
The survey results were gathered online, providing a convenient and efficient method for
data collection. The initial analysis of these results was conducted using Google Form, a tool
that offers straightforward and user-friendly data analysis capabilities. This initial analysis
involved a descriptive examination of the data, which served to summarize the main features of
the survey responses in a quantitative manner. This descriptive analysis provided an overview of
the data, offering insights into patterns and trends within the survey responses. The results of
this analysis, along with any significant findings, are presented in the following section. This
presentation of results aims to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the survey
findings, offering valuable insights into the subject of the survey.

IV. Results

Based on the survey results, the majority of respondents had at least a year of experience
in their respective fields. Interestingly, a significant portion of responders (20% or more)
indicated they had worked for more than five years, indicating that these were seasoned
professionals. More than half of the participants actively participate in elementary and
secondary school as part of their current occupations, which positively impacts young people's
education. However, a very small proportion of responders work as home tutors or in
kindergartens. We have a broad and diverse collection of data to deal with in our inquiry
because of the vast range of backgrounds and experiences had.

The majority of research participants stated they had never used Duolingo for educational
purposes. This suggests that a knowledge or appreciation of this platform's full potential might
not exist in an educational context. On the other hand, almost half of the participants indicated
using Duolingo for personal language study. This implies that you are aware of the learning
elements of the platform, which might be utilized to educate given the right guidance and
resources. These results emphasize the need for more study and training on how to successfully
use online tools like Duolingo into teaching methods.

The survey participants enumerated a few key Duolingo features and benefits in order of
importance. Top on the list is the platform's gamified learning approach, which makes learning a
language engaging and pleasurable. The next is a helpful progress monitoring system that lets
users monitor their learning progress and achievements. The large number of languages that
Duolingo provided satisfied a wide spectrum of linguistic interests, which was another
significant benefit. Finally, the role of forceful notification was praised for its significance in
creating enduring learning habits, albeit being rather obtrusive for some.
It's interesting to see that those who haven't used Duolingo yet seem to be persuaded by its
advantages. When informed of the platform's advantages, nearly 70% of the respondents stated
they would be excited to test this software. This suggests that Duolingo usage may increase in
the near future, especially if the app's benefits are clearly stated and shown.
While AI-based language learning platform Duolingo offers a host of benefits, users may
encounter several challenges. One common issue is the dependency on a stable internet
connection. As Duolingo is an online platform, any disruptions in connectivity can hinder the
learning process. Another challenge is the lack of knowledge personalization. While Duolingo’s
AI does adapt to a user’s performance, it may not fully cater to individual learning styles or
specific knowledge gaps. Additionally, some users have reported an overemphasis on translation
exercises. While translation is a key aspect of language learning, an over-reliance on this method
may not adequately develop other language skills such as conversation or comprehension.
Lastly, the potential for cheating is a concern. As with any online platform, users may find ways
to bypass the learning process, such as using translation tools, which can ultimately undermine
their language acquisition progress. Despite these challenges, Duolingo remains a popular tool
for language learning, and continuous improvements are being made to address these issues.

V. Discussion and conclusion

 Analysis of Duolingo’s benefits and drawbacks

Based on the feedback from teachers, the following can be summarized and
supplemented regarding the benefits and drawbacks of Duolingo:

1. Benefits:

Duolingo offers a rich and enjoyable learning experience with a user-friendly interface,
guided lessons, and easy exercise completion. The platform incorporates gamification,
providing a game-like feel with points and rewards. Its convenience across various devices
makes it unique, allowing users to practice language skills anytime, anywhere. With 40 free
languages, Duolingo contributes to global language education accessibility. Users can track their
progress for proactive learning, and regular updates ensure access to new materials. The
platform also fosters a sense of community, enabling learners to discuss language topics, share
experiences, and participate in discussions. Overall, Duolingo's positive aspects make it a
versatile and widely accessible language learning platform.

2. Drawbacks:

Duolingo has drawbacks including an excessive focus on translation exercises, limited

opportunities for speaking practice, overly simplified content, inconsistent quality across
languages, a lack of cultural context, limited personalization, a heavy reliance on writing skills,
and it may not serve as a comprehensive standalone language solution. In conclusion, while
Duolingo is valuable for beginners and casual learners, a more comprehensive language learning
approach, involving a mix of tools, real-life practice, and language immersion, is recommended
for achieving mastery.

 Suggestion for further application

The survey results indicated that respondents would recommend Duolingo to other users.
This recommendation not only speaks to the positive experiences of the current users but also
has the potential to foster a community of users. As more people join Duolingo on the
recommendation of existing users, a vibrant and engaged community can be formed. This
community can extend beyond local networks to join global communities, fostering cooperation
and shared learning experiences on a worldwide scale.

Users are encouraged to fully utilize the free version of Duolingo, which offers a
comprehensive suite of language learning tools. If possible, upgrading to the paid version can
unlock additional features and enhance the learning experience. However, the free version itself
is robust and can provide a solid foundation for language learning.

Open communication with the developer’s team is also encouraged. Users should feel
free to email the team to request changes or suggest improvements. This open line of
communication allows Duolingo to continually evolve and improve, ensuring it remains a
valuable tool for language learners. In summary, the respondents’ willingness to recommend
Duolingo, the potential for community building, and the encouragement of user feedback all
contribute to Duolingo’s effectiveness as a language learning platform.

Chapelle, C. A. (2003). English Language Learning and Technology: Lectures On Applied Linguistics in the Age
of Information and Communication Technology.
Chen, C.-M., & Li, Y.-L. (2010). Personalized context-aware ubiquitous learning system for
supporting effective English vocabulary learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 18(4),
Huang, R., Spector, J. M., & Yang, J. (n.d.). Lecture Notes in Educational Technology Educational
Technology A Primer for the 21st Century.
Jiang, X., Rollinson, J., Plonsky, L., Gustafson, E., & Pajak, B. (2021). Evaluating the reading and
listening outcomes of beginning‐level Duolingo courses. Foreign Language Annals, 54(4), 974–


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