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By: Leo Tolstoy

 Name: Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy/ Leo Tolstoy
 Birth Date : September 9,1828
 Death Date: November 20,1910
 Place of Birth : Tula Province , Russia
 In the 1860s, he wrote his first great novel (war and peace)
 In 1873- anna Karenina
 1880s-1890s- the death of Ivan Llyich (god sees the truth
but waits)

 autobiographics story called ‘childhood’
 Cossacks (unfinished work)


Think about a time when you have suffered because of the
actions of another person. How did you respond? While many
would seek vengeance or feel sorry for themselves, in Leo N.
Tolstoy's 'God Sees the Truth, But Waits,' Ivan Dmitrich
Aksionov, the protagonist, puts his trust in God to see him
through his trials. Let's take a closer look at this story.
Aksionov's troubles begin when he travels to the Nizhny Fair
despite his wife's warning that she had a bad dream and didn't
think he should go. Along the way, he encountered an
acquaintance. The two of them spent the evening together and
then booked adjoining rooms in an inn. The next morning,
Aksionov woke up early to complete his travels. About 25 miles
down the road, Aksionov is apprehended by soldiers who accuse
him of murdering his acquaintance based on having been seen
with the man the night before his murder and because they
found his early morning departure suspicious. When the soldiers
search Aksionov's belongings, they find a bloody knife.
Character witnesses from his home town claim that Aksionov is
a good man but that he used to drink. Even his wife begins to
doubt Aksionov's innocence. He is sentenced to be ''flogged with
a knot'' and then imprisoned in Siberia for 26 years.
A man from Aksionov's home town is also sent to Siberia,
and Aksionov begins to suspect that Makar Semyonich is the
one who killed his acquaintance and is filled with anger. Later,
Aksionov stumbles upon Semyonich as he attempts to dig a hole
to escape. Semyonich threatens to kill Aksionov if he tells
anyone. When a guard discovers the dig, Aksionov is questioned
but responds that it is not his place to tell. Aksionov's integrity
convicts Semyonich who begs for forgiveness and confesses. By
the time Aksionov is released, he no longer wishes to go home
to his family, but is ready to be with the Lord. Aksionov dies in
Ivan Aksionov- a young merchant who accused for killing a
merchant whom he knew.
Aksionov’s Wife (Vanya) - a caring wife who had a dream about
her husband. She also believed. that her husband did the crime

Makar Semyonich- he is the true murderer who admitted that he

is the one who did the crime and not Aksionov.
Supporting characters:
The Merchant- victim
Town Vladimir is the place where the family of Aksionov
lives. Aksionov lived as a convict in Siberia.

Ivan Aksionov was a young merchant who lived in
Vladmir. He Hs a wife named Vanya, he decided to sell
their goods to earn money. So during, summer he decided
to travel.
Rising Action
When Ivan met a merchant and drunk tea together and alter,
want to the same rooms as he decided to check in a inn.

Ivan founds out that, the merchant he met the night before
has been found murdered, officials accused him of killing
him since there’s knife with blood stains in his bag.
Falling Action
Ivan suspects Makar, one of the new prisoners of killing the
merchant. Later he found out that Makar is planning to
break, though he did not tell the authorities.
Makar realized his mistake, he confessed of killing the
merchant and putting the knife inside Ivan Aksionov’s bag,
and he asked him for forgiveness. Ivan was order to go
back, but he was already dead.
Man vs. man
is the type of conflict in this story because Aksionov was
accused for killing a merchant tho he didn’t do it. In fact, Makar
did the crime and planted the murder weapon in Aksionov’s
luggage. It can also be a Man vs. Self because Aksionov
changed a lot with his attitude and perception in life.
Man vs. himself
Aksionov changed a lot with his attitude and perception in life.
Man vs. Faith
Man vs. Society
Third Person point of view
The point of view of the story is the third person cause the story
is about he/she which pertains to the characters of the story.

 Serious
 Serious because it narrates the merchant’s life who spent
his entire life in prison.
 Sad
 Pity
 Hopeful


 Keep the Faith

 Forgiveness
 In this story, forgiveness plays a significant role. The main
character, Aksionov, has to endure a challenging situation.
He has every right to hold onto his bitterness and hatred
towards Makar. He is the man responsible for his wrongful
 However, Aksionov makes the courageous decision to
forgive. It is a transformative act that redeems both him and
Makar. His forgiveness is the height of grace—a kind deed
that brings peace to both the giver and receiver. His
forgiveness is the epitome of grace, a soulful action.

 Know that not all person in prison are bad or did something
wrong. Some are innocent or just wrong.

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