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Subject: Practice of Vegetable, Fruit Processing

and Beverage Production

Lecturer: Đặng Thị Ngọc Dung Class: PVFP410650E_23_1_02FIE


Trần Vũ Khánh Linh 21116016

Nguyễn Hà Anh Quân 21116316

Ninh Giang Thanh 21116320

Trịnh Hoàng Quân 21116317

Phan Thị Thanh Huyền 21116301

Ho Chi Minh City, September 2023













Point: ……………………………..

LESSON 1: CANNED PINEAPPLE ............................................................................. 1
I. Overview: ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Definition: ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Classification: ........................................................................................................... 2
II. Materials .................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Pineapple: ................................................................................................................. 2
2.2. Saccharose: ............................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Water: ....................................................................................................................... 5
III. Method of conducting experiment ........................................................................... 7
3.1. Tools and equipments: ............................................................................................. 7
3.3. Process description................................................................................................. 10
3.4. Product quality assessment criteria: ..................................................................... 14
IV. Results: .................................................................................................................... 15
V. Expand the problem: ............................................................................................... 17
References ..................................................................................................................... 18
LESSON 2: PEANUT MILK PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY ................................ 19
I. Overview: ................................................................................................................... 19
II. Materials: ................................................................................................................. 19
2.1. Peanut: .................................................................................................................... 19
2.2. Water: ..................................................................................................................... 23
2.3. Sugar: ..................................................................................................................... 24
2.4. Milk: ....................................................................................................................... 25
III. Method of conducting experiment:........................................................................ 25
3.1. Equipment: ............................................................................................................. 25
3.2. Processing technology: ........................................................................................... 27
3.3. Technological process explanation: ....................................................................... 28
IV. Results: .................................................................................................................... 30
V. Expand the problems: .............................................................................................. 32
References ..................................................................................................................... 33
LESSON 3: PINEAPPLE NECTAR ............................................................................ 34
I. Overview: ................................................................................................................... 34
II. Materials: ................................................................................................................. 35
2.1. Pineapple: ............................................................................................................... 35
2.2. Sugar: ..................................................................................................................... 37
2.3. Water ...................................................................................................................... 37
III. Method of conducting experiment ......................................................................... 39
3.1. Tools and equipments ............................................................................................ 39
3.2. Processing technology ........................................................................................... 40
3.3. Technological process explanation: ....................................................................... 41
IV. Results: .................................................................................................................... 43
V. Expand the problems: .............................................................................................. 46
References ..................................................................................................................... 47
LESSON 4: APPLE JAM ............................................................................................. 48
I. Overview .................................................................................................................... 48
1. Definition: ................................................................................................................ 48
2. Classification: .......................................................................................................... 48
II. Materials: ................................................................................................................. 49
2.1. Apple ....................................................................................................................... 49
2.2. Pectin ...................................................................................................................... 51
2.3. Sugar: ..................................................................................................................... 52
III. Method of conducting experiment:........................................................................ 53
3.1. Tools and equipments ............................................................................................ 53
3.2. Processing technology ............................................................................................ 54
3.3. Technological process explanation: ....................................................................... 54
3.4. Product quality assessment criteria ...................................................................... 57
IV. Results: .................................................................................................................... 57
V. Expand the problems: .............................................................................................. 59
References ..................................................................................................................... 61
LESSON 5: DRIED PINEAPPLE ............................................................................... 62
I. Overview: ................................................................................................................... 62
II. Materials: ................................................................................................................. 62
2.1. Pineapple: ............................................................................................................... 62
2.2. Saccharose .............................................................................................................. 64
III. Method of conductinng experiment: ..................................................................... 64
3.1. Tools and equipments ............................................................................................ 64
3.2. Processing technology ............................................................................................ 66
IV. Results: .................................................................................................................... 70
V. Expand the problem................................................................................................. 76
References ..................................................................................................................... 78
LESSON 6: MANGO “RIM” ....................................................................................... 79
I. Overview: ................................................................................................................... 79
II. Materials: ................................................................................................................. 79
2.1. Mango: .................................................................................................................... 79
2.2. Sugar: ..................................................................................................................... 81
III. Method of conducting experiment:........................................................................ 82
3.1 Equipment ............................................................................................................... 82
3.2. Processing technology ............................................................................................ 82
3.3. Technological process explanation: ...................................................................... 83
3.4. Product quality assessment criteria ...................................................................... 85
IV. Results ..................................................................................................................... 86
V. Expand the problem................................................................................................. 89
References ..................................................................................................................... 91
Lesson 1: Canned pineapple
Fig 1.1 Pineapple can ........................................................................................................ 2
Fig 1.2 Pineapples............................................................................................................. 3
Fig 1.3 Saccharose ............................................................................................................ 5
Fig 1.4 Metal packaging ................................................................................................... 8
Fig 1.5 Block diagram of canned pineapple production process ........................................ 9
Fig 1.6 Slicing and coring ............................................................................................... 11
Fig 1.7 Pineapples are placed in the can and poured with syrup ...................................... 12
Fig 1.8 De-aeration ......................................................................................................... 13
Fig 1.9 Cooling and Storage............................................................................................ 14
Fig 1.10 Canned pineapple juice after 1 week ................................................................. 16

Lesson 2: Peanut milk

Fig 2.1 Block diagram of peanut milk production process ............................................... 30
Fig 2.2 Sterilization ........................................................................................................ 32
Fig 2.3 Products after 1 week ......................................................................................... 66

Lesson 3: Pineapple nectar

Fig 3.1 Block diagram of pineapple nectar production process........................................ 43
Fig 3.2 Sterilization ........................................................................................................ 45
Fig 3.5 Products after 1 week .......................................................................................... 47

Lesson 4: Apple jam

Fig 4.1 Apple jam product .............................................................................................. 50
Fig 4.2 Apples ................................................................................................................ 51
Fig 4.3 Block diagram of apple jam production process .................................................. 56
Fig 4.4 Mixing ............................................................................................................... 58
Fig 4.5 Final products ..................................................................................................... 60

Lesson 5: Dried pineapple

Fig 5.1 Pineapple ............................................................................................................ 64

Fig 5.2 Block diagram of dried pineapple production process ......................................... 68
Fig 5.3 The chart of weight changes of 4 pineapple samples every hour at 600C ............. 73
Fig 5.4 Sample 1 ............................................................................................................. 76
Fig 5.5 Sample 2 ............................................................................................................. 76
Fig 5.6 Sample 3 ............................................................................................................. 77
Fig 5.7 Sample 4 ............................................................................................................. 77

Lesson 6: Mứt rim

Fig 6.1 Mứt rim .............................................................................................................. 80

Fig 6.2 Mango ................................................................................................................ 81
Fig 6.3 Block diagram of mango "rim" production process ............................................. 83
Fig 6.4 Sample 1 ............................................................................................................. 86
Fig 6.5 Sample 2 ............................................................................................................. 87
Fig 6.6 Sample 3 ............................................................................................................. 87
Fig 6.7 Sample 4 ............................................................................................................. 88
Lesson 1: Cannned pineapple
Table 1.1. Nutritional ingredients in 100g of pineapple ..................................................... 3
Table 1.2 Water standards................................................................................................. 5
Table 1.3 Equipments ....................................................................................................... 6
Table 1.4 Mixing formula ............................................................................................... 16
Table 1.5 Sensory evaluation .......................................................................................... 18

Lesson 2: Peanut milk

Table 2.1 Chemical composition of peanuts .................................................................... 22
Table 2.2 Amino acids in peanuts ................................................................................... 22
Table 2.3 Physical criteria............................................................................................... 25
Table 2.4 Water standards............................................................................................... 25
Table 2.5 Sensory indicators of sugar ............................................................................. 26
Table 2.6 Physicochemical indicators of sugar ................................................................ 27
Table 2.7 Equipments ..................................................................................................... 27
Table 2.8 Ingredients mixing formula ........................................................................... 280
Table 2.9 Final results................................................................................................... 302
Table 2.10 Sensory evaluation ...................................................................................... 313

Lesson 3: Pineapple nectar

Table 3.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of pineapple .................................................... 38
Table 3.2 Sensory indicators of sugar ............................................................................. 39
Table 3.3 Physicochemical indicators of sugar ................................................................ 40
Table 3.4 Water standards............................................................................................... 40
Table 3.5 Equipments ..................................................................................................... 41
Table 3.6 Product sensory criteria ................................................................................... 46
Table 3.7 Final results..................................................................................................... 46
Table 3.8 Sensory evaluation .......................................................................................... 47

Lesson 4: Apple jam

Table 4.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of apple (USDA, 2020)................................... 53

Table 4.2 Sensory indicators of sugar ............................................................................. 54
Table 4.3 Physicochemical indicators of sugar ................................................................ 55
Table 4.4 Equipments ..................................................................................................... 55
Table 4.5 Final results..................................................................................................... 59
Table 4.6 Sensory evaluation .......................................................................................... 60

Lesson 5: Dried pineapple

Table 5.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of pineapple .................................................... 65

Table 5.2 Equipments ..................................................................................................... 66
Table 5.3 Survey samples ............................................................................................... 72
Table 5.4 Weight changes of pineapple every hour at 600C............................................. 72
Table 5.5 Color measurement ......................................................................................... 74

Lesson 6: Mứt rim

Table 6.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of mango ........................................................ 81

Table 6.2 Equipments ..................................................................................................... 83
Table 6.3 Mixing formula ............................................................................................... 88
Table 6.4 Changes in weight of samples ......................................................................... 88
Table 6.5 Product results................................................................................................. 88

I. Overview:
1.1. Definition:

Sugar juice boxes are boxes processed from whole fruits or cut into small pieces and
have been processed (shelled, cut off seeds, squeezed, etc.) and put into the cans. At the
same time, pour the solution of sugar juice and citric acid, then transplant the lid and bars.
Due to the fast processing process, the raw material does not undergo much heat treatment,
so the product retains the raw materials' taste, natural color, and characteristic properties.
Sugar is introduced into the product in the form of sugar juice, whose main purpose is to
add flavor and nutritional value to the container.
Conserved pineapple is a product that is made from fresh, suitable ripeness, or
frozen. During the processing, the pineapple is peeled, removed from the core, and sealed
into a box with water or fluid, supplemented with nutrient-worthy sweeteners or suitable

Fig 1.1 Pineapple can

1.2. Classification:
- Based on the sugar content, it is divided into four categories:

o Polar diluted sugar juice: drying of sugar from 10 to 14%

o Dilution of sugar juice: drying of sugar from 14 to 18%
o Dry sugar juice: drying of sugar from 18 to 22%
o Extremely dense sugar juice: drying of sugar to 22% or more
- Based on the ingredients, we can distinguish two types of products:
o Processed from raw material. The fruits are shaped in different ways, such as whole
fruit, slices, spears, chunks, etc. Products from one type of fruit are usually high-end
products using high sugar content syrup.
o Processed from a variety of materials. It's usually cubic. This is also known as a
cocktail, or fruit salad, which has a lower sugar content.

II. Materials
2.1. Pineapple:
Pineapple has the scientific name Ananas comosus, and belongs to the Bromeliaceae
family. A tropical fruit originating from Paraguay and southern Brazil and today widely
grown in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

The commonly called pineapple fruit is actually the axis of the flower and the
succulent bracts gathered together, and the fruit is actually the "pineapple eyes". Pineapple
is eaten fresh or canned in the form of rings, pieces, juice or mixed fruit juice fit. There are
two types of pineapple, pineapple with thorns and without thorns.
Pineapple is suitable for warm climates, the average temperature is 22 - 27℃. If it
is too hot or too cold, the tree will grow slowly and produce sour fruit.

Fig 1.2 Pineapples

Table 1.1. Nutritional ingredients in 100g of pineapple

Ingredients Contents

Energy 52 calories

Dietary fiber 1.40g

Carbohydrate 13.7g

Protein 0.54g

Iron 0.54mg

Magnesium 12mg

Calcium 16mg

Potassium 150mg

Phosphorus 11mg

Zinc 0.10mg

Vitamin A 130 IU

Vitamin B1 0.079mg

Vitamin B2 0.031mg

Vitamin B3 0.489mg

Vitamin B6 0.110mg

Vitamin C 24mg

2.2. Saccharose:
Saccharose is used to cook the pouring liquid. Many different forms of saccharose
can be used depending on technological requirements or product cost.

Usually, the type of sugar used to cook the pour is refined sugar (Refine extra RE or
Refine sugar RS) or rock sugar. The requirement of the type of sugar used must create a
colorless or light yellow solution, without strange odors or affecting the natural flavor.

Saccharose is a type of disaccharide with molecular formula C12H22O11 in the form
of colorless, odorless transparent crystals, easily soluble in water, sweet taste, no strange
taste. Because of these properties and because it is so popular, Saccharose is more
commonly used than other sugars.

Saccharose used is usually RE sugar or rock sugar with the following standards:

o Humidity < 0.25 %

o Sulfate ash < 0.14 %
o Sugar content > 99%

Fig 1.3 Saccharose

2.3. Water:
Water needs to meet standards for beverage products.

Table 1.2 Water standards

Maximum allowable limit

No. Name of criteria Unit

1 Color TCU 15 15

No strange No strange
2 Flavor -
flavor flavor

3 Turbidity NTU 5 5

4 Residual Chlorine mg/l 0.3 - 0.5 -

5 pH - 6 - 8.5 6 - 8.5

6 Amoni content mg/l 3 3

7 Total Iron content mg/l 0.5 0.5

8 Pemanganat index mg/l 4 4

9 Hardness mg/l 350 -

10 Chloride content mg/l 300 -

11 Fluoride content mg/l 1.5 -

12 Total Asen content mg/l 0.01 0.05

13 Total Coliform bacteria/100ml 50 150

14 Heat resistant Coliform or E.Coli bacteria/100ml 0 20

Circular: 05/2009/TT – BYT date 17/6/2009.

III. Method of conducting experiment
3.1. Tools and equipments:
Table 1.3 Equipments

N.O Tools & equipment Amount

1 Pot 2

2 Knife 2

3 Chopping board 2

4 Basket 3

5 Analytical balance 1

6 Sterilization equipment 2

7 Seaming machine 1

8 Induction hob 4

9 Metal packaging 4

Metal packaging

After going through the processing stages, the raw materials will be put into metal
packaging. After sterilization, the product can be preserved for a long time under normal

Characteristics of metal packaging: Hard, light, good heat transfer, good tensile
strength, light isolation, but poor chemical resistance, easily corroded, metal can
contaminate food. Suitable for sterilization process in product packaging.

Before use, the packaging needs to be re-qualified and cleaned of stains and
microorganisms in the packaging and then quickly transferred to the place where the
product is poured. Packaging that is often dusty during transportation and storage will be
cleaned by soaking in a water tank and then flushed with hot water jets or hot steam spray.
You can use a dilute alkaline solution or soda to remove impurities such as sand, dust, and
mineral oil that remain on the box during processing and transportation. Then dried.

Fig 1.4 Metal packaging

3.2. Processing technology:

Fig 1.5 Block diagram of canned pineapple production process

3.3. Process description
 Classifying and selecting:
Purpose: Choose suitable materials that meet requirements. Prepare ingredients for
the following steps.

How to make: Choose ingredients that are not damaged, have the right ripeness,
and choose fruits of uniform size for easy packing.

Changes in the process: Ingredients have uniform size and appropriate ripeness.

 Washing:

Purpose: To eliminate mechanical impurities such as soil, sand, dust and reduce the
amount of microorganisms on the outside of the raw material. Washing also serves to
remove some toxic chemicals used in agricultural techniques such as pesticides.

How to make: Soak and rinse under running water 2-3 times to remove dirt or
pesticides on the ingredients.

Changes in the process: The ingredients are clean and reduce the amount of
microorganisms on the surface of the fruit.

 Slicing and coring:

Purpose: Shape the product, and prepare for the box packing process.

How to make: Pineapple is cut into even slices with a thickness of 11 - 15 mm. The
pineapple is placed on a cutting board and cored using a specialized tool with a core
diameter of about 1.3 cm.

Changes in the process: Raw materials change shape and size. The secretions
secreted on the surface of pineapple rings create an environment for microorganisms to
grow, so raw materials need to be quickly transferred to the next process after cutting to
avoid product damage.

Fig 1.6 Slicing and coring

 Blanching:

Purpose: The ingredients are dipped in hot water to kill part of the microorganisms,
inactivate enzymes, and suspend biochemical processes in the ingredients, helping to
stabilize the color. Limit the appearance of unsuitable color and odor for the product.
Temperature also breaks the bonds on the cell envelope, increasing permeability.

Changes in the process: Physical change: material volume increases. Biochemical

changes: microorganisms are destroyed, and enzymes are inactivated. Physicochemical
changes: plant tissue softens, cells swell, air escapes from the cells, and the permeability of
the cell membrane increases. (Nguyen et al., 2008).

 Putting in can and pouring syrup:

Purpose: Complete the product.

How to make: Pineapples are boxed and measured to facilitate the process of pouring
the liquid at the appropriate ratio. Avoid packing the box too full or too little. The
pineapples should be placed in such a way that the syrup when poured in can cover the

The cooked syrup contains sugar and citric acid. Before cooking syrup, you need to
calculate the amount of ingredients in advance, and in particular, you need to subtract the
amount of water that evaporates during the cooking process of syrup.

Sugar and water are put in a pot and then heated on the stove until the sugar is
completely dissolved, then citric acid is added. Continue heating and cooking until the
syrup solution reaches the desired Brix level.
After cooking, the syrup is measured and poured into the box with the appropriate
ratio compared to the pineapple. Sugar water when pouring needs to have a temperature of
80 - 85oC. The syrup should not be filled to the top of the box, but only about 5 - 10 mm
from the top of the box.

Changes in the process:

o Physical change: material volume increases, the osmosis process occurs, water from
the raw material flows out into the pouring fluid. Solutes in the pouring solution seep
back into the ingredients.
o Sensory changes: The sweetness of the ingredients increases.
o Microbial changes: Microorganisms are also inhibited from living activities due to
osmotic pressure created from sugar solution.

Fig 1.7 Pineapples are placed in the can and poured with syrup

 De-aeration:

Purpose: To remove all the air in the box before sealing the lid because this amount
of gas will cause the box to bulge and leak during pasteurization. Limits oxidation reactions
and the growth of aerobic microorganisms during product preservation.

How to make: Pineapple cans are De-aerated at a temperature of 80oC until the foam
on the surface disappears, and then the lid is put on to prepare for the pasteurization process.

The water in the pot when venting should not exceed the height of the box. After
steaming, canned products need to be put on lids immediately.

Changes in the process: The gas in the intercellular space and in the packaging is
completely removed, and the material's volume is slightly reduced.
Fig 1.8 De-aeration
 Pasteurization:

Purpose: Pasteurization is the process of using heat to kill microorganisms. Enzyme

activity is also suspended after pasteurization. High temperatures also help promote the
absorption process, or combine to "ripen" the product.

How to make: The pasteurization process includes three stages: heating, heat
retention, and cooling. If not cooled quickly, the temperature range of 50 - 60oC is the
appropriate temperature range for microorganisms that have not been destroyed after
pasteurization to recover.

On the other hand, vegetables and fruits are ingredients that will change significantly
in structure and taste. Therefore, it is necessary to cool the product quickly after the heat
retention stage.

Changes in the process: Due to the influence of temperature, the cell membrane
structure changes, so there will be a redistribution of the mass ratio of the flesh part and the
water part in the product.

High temperatures also denature proteins, inactivate enzymes, and suspend all
biochemical reactions in raw materials.

 Cooling and storage:

Purpose: Check product quality.

How to make: After pasteurization, the product is cooled and then insulated for a
week to check product quality. If the product does not meet the requirements for tightness
or the pasteurization regime is not met, microorganisms will develop, causing fermentation,
foaming, or bulging in the box.

Fig 1.9 Cooling and Storage

3.4. Product quality assessment criteria:

a. Sensory criteria:
o Color: natural color of the product.
o Flavor: characteristic, natural flavor of the product, no strange taste.
o Condition: the product is moderately soft, not mushy.
o Pouring fluid: must be clear and free of foreign objects.
o Acid content: self-determined or according to customer requirements.
o Heavy metals: according to regulations of the Ministry of Health.

b. Microbiological indicators:
o Products must be processed hygienically according to current regulations.
o The product must not contain prohibited substances.
o The product must be free from microorganisms that can grow under normal storage

o The product must not contain any substances originating from microorganisms in
doses that may be harmful to human health.

IV. Results:
Formula used for calculations:

Σm × ΣC = m1 × C1 + m2 × C2

Σm: Total mass (g)

m1: The amount of pineapple (g)

m2: The amount of sugar syrup (g)

ΣC: Expected ˚Brix of product

C1: ˚Brix of pineapple

C2: ˚Brix of syrup

Table 1.4 Mixing formula

Sample 1 2 3 4

Fruit:Syrup ratio 11:9 11:9 11:9 11:9

m1 (g) 88 88 88 88

C1 12 12 12 12

m2 (g) 72 72 72 72

m sugar (g) 8.64 6 4.18 1.58

m water (g) 63.36 66 67.82 70.42

C2 12 8.33 5.8 2.2

Σm (g) 160 160 160 160

ΣC 12 10.35 9.21 7.59

ΣC (after 1 week) 11.5 9.5 9 7

Fig 1.10 Canned pineapple juice after 1 week

Table 1.5 Sensory evaluation

Sample 1 2 3 4

Texture Crunchy A bit soft Soft Soft

Color Dark yellow Yellow Yellow Light yellow

Taste A bit sweet Bland Bland Sour


- Due to the difference in concentration gradient between pineapple and sugar syrup,
it is clear that there is a slight decrease in ˚Brix after one week in cool condition because of
syrup internalizing.
- After conducting several sensory evaluation tests, despite its color being a little bit
off compared to counterparts, sample 1 with the highest experimental sugar amount (8.64g)
has been confirmed to have the most pleasant taste (a bit sweet, a bit sour) without any
spoilage or physical damage.
- Pineapple seems to be a suitable fruit to make canned fruit with syrup since its
structure is not broken easily and the mouthfeel of the final products is almost identical to
the original fruit.

V. Expand the problem:

- Potential Health Risks of Bisphenol A (BPA) in Canned Foods: It's important to note
that some canned foods, such as pineapple, are coated with epoxy resin that contains BPA
(bisphenol A), a synthetic compound that has raised concerns about its potential health risks
when consumed. BPA can seep into the pineapple from the can lining, particularly if the
product is subjected to high temperatures or lengthy storage periods.
- Throughout the canning process, pineapples undergo exposure to high temperatures
that can lead to notable alterations in the fruit's texture. Consequently, the pineapple pieces
may become tender or even mushy, which could disappoint those who prefer the fresh,
crisp, and juicy texture of pineapple. This transformation in texture can also impact the
fruit's overall appeal and mouthfeel. To preserve the desired crunchy texture, pineapples
are harvested before they reach full ripeness and treated with CaCl2.
- The products may have a salty taste due to CaCl2 which has not been washed

1. Nguyễn Công Khẩn; Hà Thị Anh Đào. (2007). Bảng thành phần thực phẩm
Việt Nam, Bộ Y tế Viện Dinh dưỡng. Trang 222.
2. Nguyễn Văn Tiếp và cộng sự. (2000). Kỹ thuật sản xuất đồ hộp, rau quả. NXB
Thanh Niên.
3. A.Y. Tamime & R.K. Robinson. (2016). In A Complete Course in Canning
and Related Processes (Fourteenth Edition).
4. Joy, P.P. (2010). Benefits and uses of pineapple. Pineapple Research Station,
Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India.
5. Seymour, Graham B; Taylor, Jane E.; Tucker, Gregory A, (1993).
Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening. Pineapple and papaya. 291 – 323.
6. Sun, Guang – Ming. (2016). Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars.
Nutritional Composition of Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr). 609 – 637.


I. Overview:
Nut milk, also known as plant milk, is made from grains and nuts. Originated from
Spain. A product that provides the human body with nutrients such as fatty acid content
from "milk" and protein content from "seeds". At the same time, it solves some health
problems, such as vegetarian diets, lactose intolerance, and allergies. Currently this product
is commonly used in Europe and other countries: the most popular are soy milk, rice milk,
almond milk and coconut milk.
Peanut milk is a non-dairy beverage made from peanuts and water. Recipe variations
include salt, sweeteners, and grains. It does not contain any lactose and is therefore suitable
for people with lactose intolerance. Similar to the production of almond milk, soy milk and
rice milk, the peanuts are crushed, ground, double, heated, and then filtered through a fine
filter: the resulting liquid is considered “milk”.

II. Materials:

2.1. Peanut:
Peanuts are a type of food plant that belongs to the bean family, scientifically known
as Arachis hypogaea. The leaves of this plant are arranged opposite to each other and are
pinnately compound with four leaflets. The leaflets are 1-7 cm long and 1-3 cm wide. The
flowers are yellow with red veins and have a typical pea shape. The flower stalks are 2-4
cm long. After pollination, the fruit develops into a bean that is 3-7 cm long and contains
1-4 seeds. The fruit, also known as tubers, are often hidden in the ground for growth. It is
a herbaceous plant with two types of stems: upright and creeping. The compound leaves
produce bisexual flowers that are yellow or white in color. The fruit is a seed with a woody
shell, containing 1 to 4 seeds. The seeds are covered with a silk shell and are rich in oil and

Table 2.1 Chemical composition of peanuts

Components Range (%) Average (%)

Moisture 3.9 - 13.2 5.0

Protein 21.0 - 36.4 28.5

Lipid 35.8 - 54.2 47.5

Cellulose 1.2 - 4.3 2.8

Ash 1.8 - 3.1 2.9

Reducing sugar 0.1 - 0.3 0.2

Disaccharide 1.9 - 5.2 4.5

Starch 1.0 - 5.3 4.0

Pentosan 2.2 - 2.7 2.5

Source: Carroll l. Hoffpaurir, 1953

Protein content ranges from 22 – 30% of calories, which makes peanuts a rich source
of plant protein.

Table 2.2 Amino acids in peanuts

Amino acid Content (mg/g protein)

Alanine 33.8 ፥ 3.09

Arginine 132.90 ፥ 12.16

Aspartic acid 107.95 ፥ 9.52

Cysteine 15.12 ፥ 1.39

Glutamic acid 188.35 ፥ 17.23

Glycine 51.85 ፥ 4.74

Histidine 20.47 ፥ 1.88

Isoleucine 28.88 ፥ 2.65

Leucine 56.43 ፥ 5.02

Lysine 32.03 ፥ 2.93

Methionine 12.01 ፥ 1.10

Phenylalanine 45.61 ፥ 4.17

Proline 48.89 ፥ 4.47

Serine 48.56 ፥ 4.44

Threonine 25.66 ፥ 2.35

Tryptophan 11.95 ፥ 1.09

Tyrosine 35.11 ፥ 3.21

Valine 34.78 ፥ 3.18

Source: Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, (1997), p.45

Peanuts contain a lot of fat and are classified as oil seeds. Fat content ranges from
44 – 56% and is mainly mono- and polyunsaturated fats, most of which are oleic acid (40
– 60%) and linoleic acid.
The monosaccharide content in peanuts is about 5%, of which D - glucose accounts
for 2.9% and D - fructose accounts for 2.1%. Meanwhile, the oligosaccharide content is
only about 3.3%, including 0.9% sucrose, 1% raffinose, 0.8% stachyose, and 0.3%
verbascose (E.W. Lusas, 1979). Meanwhile, polysaccharides in peanuts mainly include
starch powder, glucan, galactoaraban, hemicellulose, and cellulose.
The cellulose content in peanuts is about 3%. High cellulose content in bean flour
after defatting will reduce the nutritional value of beans and cause negative effects in
subsequent processing. Because cellulose is mainly bound to the peanut shell, removing the
shell is a necessary step.
Vitamins and minerals:
The following vitamins and minerals are especially high in peanuts: Biotin, copper,
niacin (also known as vitamin B3, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, vitamin E, thiamin
(vitamin B1), phosphorus, magnesium... In addition, in peanuts, antioxidants such as p-
coumaric acid, resveratrol, and isoflavones, ... are also found.
Health benefits of peanuts:
Good for cardiovascular:
Many studies have shown that peanuts have the ability to reduce the risk of heart
disease. One thing that is clear is that peanuts contain a number of heart-healthy nutrients.
These include magnesium, niacin, copper, oleic acid and many other antioxidants like
Reduce cholesterol, prevent aging:
Peanut oil contains a significant amount of phytosterols, the most common type
being beta-sitosterol. Phytosterol has the effect of reducing cholesterol absorption from the
digestive tract, thereby reducing cholesterol levels circulating in the blood.
Prevent cancer:
In addition to the ability to reduce cholesterol absorption, beta-sitosterol found in
peanut oil also protects the body against cancer by inhibiting tumor growth.

Table 2.3 Physical criteria

Criteria Content

Moisture 5-10%

Cleanliness >97%

Germination 80-90%

Aflatoxin <20 ppb

2.2. Water:
Water is one of the indispensable ingredients in peanut milk production. Water
requirements must meet standards.

Table 2.4 Water standards

No. Name of criteria Unit Maximum allowable limit


1 Color TCU 15 15

2 Flavor - No strange No strange

flavor flavor

3 Turbidity NTU 5 5

4 Residual Chlorine mg/l 0.3 - 0.5 -

5 pH - 6 - 8.5 6 - 8.5

6 Amoni content mg/l 3 3

7 Total Iron content mg/l 0.5 0.5

8 Pemanganat index mg/l 4 4

9 Hardness mg/l 350 -

10 Chloride content mg/l 300 -

11 Fluoride content mg/l 1.5 -

12 Total Asen content mg/l 0.01 0.05

13 Total Coliform bacteria/100ml 50 150

14 Heat resistant Coliform or bacteria/100ml 0 20


Circular: 05/2009/TT – BYT date 17/6/2009.

2.3. Sugar:
Sugar is added to the product to increase the sweetness of the product and the
nutritional value of the product.

Table 2.5 Sensory indications of sugar

Criteria Sugar

Appearance Sugar crystals are relatively uniform, dry, and non-clumping.

Flavor Sweet taste, no strange smell.

Color All crystals are white and iridescent. When mixed in distilled water, the
sugar solution is clear.

Table 2.6 Physicochemical indicators of sugar

Criteria Sugar

Sucrose content (%) >99%

Moisture (%) <0.05

Reducing sugar content (%) <0.05

Ash content (%) <0.03

2.4. Milk:
The milk used in the experiment is Vinamilk unsweetened 220ml.

III. Method of conducting experiment:

3.1. Equipment:
Table 2.7 Equipment

N.O Equipment Amount

1 Homogenizer 1

2 Presser 1

3 Analytical balance 1

4 Pot 2

5 Glass bottle 4

6 Chopstick 2

7 Spoon 2

8 Plastic cup 2

9 Basket 4

10 Tray 3

3.2. Processing technology:

Fig 2.1 Block diagram of peanut milk production process

3.3. Technological process explanation:
Table 2.8 Ingredients mixing formula

Materials Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

Peanuts (g) 28.7 55 36.7 50.8

Milk (g) 47.8 55 0 0

Water (g) 143.5 110 183.3 169.2

Sugar (g) 20 20 20 20

 Measuring ingredients:
Raw materials are weighed and quantified according to Table 2.7 before being put
into the process to ensure there is no interruption during the process.
 Washing:
Removes impurities contained in soybeans or on the surface of soybean husks such
as rocks, soil, dust, grass seeds, metals, and at the same time removes some microorganisms
on it.
 Roasting and peeling:
Roast peanuts at low temperature to make the shelling process easier. Peeling helps
reduce the bitterness of the product.
 Crushing:
Reduce particle size.
 Filtering:
Remove insoluble substances from the extract after crushing. Helps better heat
transfer in the following stages. Improve product sensory value.
 Heating:
Improve taste. Destroy microorganisms. Inactivate trypsin enzyme
inhibitors. Cooking temperature: 90 – 95oC, cooking time 15 mins.

 Mixing:
Adding sugar and (milk) helps increase the sensory and nutritional value of the
 Homogenization:
The homogenization process has the effect of dividing large fatty globules into
smaller-sized particles and evenly distributing them in the solution. The process makes the
solution homogeneous, has no layering phenomenon, and the sterilization process is more
favorable. Besides, the homogenization process helps to improve the sensory value of the
product (color, taste, and state). In the homogenization process, there is no significant
change in chemistry or biochemistry...
 De-aeration:
Air removal helps increase the sensory value of milk, and the product no longer
 Sterilization:
Destroy all microorganisms in milk. Remove unpleasant odor-causing compounds
that are left in the milk. Increase product shelf life. Help stabilize product quality.

Figure 2.2 Sterilization

IV. Results:

Table 2.9 Final results

Sample 1 2 3 4

Peanut:Mike:Water ratio 3:5:15 5:5:10 2:0:10 3:0:10

mpeanut (g) 28.7 55 36.7 55.8

m (g)
milk 47.8 55 0 0

mwater (g) 143.5 110 183.3 169.2

msugar (g) 20 20 20 20

Total volume (mL) 220 220 220 220

Figure 2.3 Products after 1 week
Table 2.10 Sensory evaluation

Sample 1 2 3 4

State Layers Homogenous, Layers Homogenous, thick

separating thick separating

Color Dark white Dark white Dark white Dark white

Taste Sweet, less rich, Sweet, rich, better A bit sweet, A bit sweet,
dominant milk peanut taste, lots dominant dominant peanut
taste, less of residues peanut taste, taste, lots of
residues less residues residues

- Without the help of chemicals and additives, the formation of a fat layer is inevitable
and we can expect a rather quick downgrade in the quality of products. However, the taste

is kept as refreshing as possible and the mouthfeel is not as thick as other products with
additives adulteration.
- If the volume of the dispersion phase accounts only a small fraction of the emulsion,
homogenization will be conducted easily, the acquired emulsion will have high stability
and vice versa. Moreover, the particles of dispersion phase tend to form together when the
temperature decreases to create layers.
- Surprisingly, with only peanuts, sample 3 provides the most pleasant taste and also
highest profit due to the absence of milk. This can also be consumed by lactose-intolerant
individuals which leads to a wider market.
- To increase nutritional values of the products, milk adulteration may also be
included in the process since milk provides lots of beneficial substances (vitamins, proteins,
minerals...). However, this may cause more time and energy for homogenization, cooked
taste may be produced during the process.

V. Expand the problems:

- Peanut milk or groundnut milk is a drink made from natural peanuts, providing rich
protein, heart-healthy fats, fibers, vitamins and essential minerals.
Peanut milk can be mixed with some other milk to develop a new product with high
nutritional value.
- Peanuts contain some toxins such as: trypsin enzymes and lipoxygenase enzymes.
Soaking or cooking may create some of these antitoxins (inhibiting lipoxygenase that
catalyzes rancid hydroperoxide generation) that are undesirable in peanut milk, killing or
inhibiting microorganisms in milk, at the same time decomposing toxic substances
(aflatoxin if mixed with raw materials) to eliminate the pungent smell of beans.
- Aside from, peanut milk also helps reduce cholesterol, provides a large amount of E
vitamins, magnesium, B6 vitamins and heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats.
- However, peanuts are also an allergenic food, so be careful when using products
containing peanuts.

1. Dược sĩ Nguyễn Hoàng Bảo Duy. (2022). Peanuts: Nutritional composition and
health benefits.
2. Lê Văn Việt Mẫn. (2011). Công Nghệ chế biến thực phẩm. NXB Đại Học Quốc
gia. P. 952.
3. Nguyễn Công Khẩn, Hà Thị Anh Đào. (2007). Bảng thành phần thực phẩm Việt
Nam, Bộ Y tế Viện Dinh dưỡng. p.7.
4. Đặng Thị Ngọc Dung, Practice of Fruit – Vegetable processing & Beverage
production, p.6,7,8.


I. Overview:
Fruit juice appeared in ancient times, when the harvest became abundant and the use of all
fruits was not complete, leading to the fruit quickly spoiling and wasting quite a lot. Since then,
people have known how to prepare it. turn them into many different forms that can be preserved.
With the development of society, science and technology, people gradually know how to squeeze
juice and use preservation methods to keep the fresh taste and original inherent nutritional value of
fruits. (Goldsun Akdemir Evren Dilek et al., 2014).
Nectar is a form of fruit juice containing both juice and fruit pulp produced from fruit puree,
mixed with sugar syrup in a certain ratio and other additives. To enhance the flavor and maintain the
natural color of the product, add citric acid or ascorbic acid. Raw materials used to process nectar
need to have a high content of dry matter, sugars, organic acids, tannins, aromatic substances,
colorants, fruit juices with attractive colors and flavors. (Nguyen Van Tiep et al.).

 Classification:
Based on natural level:
Natural fruit juice: made from one type of fruit, without added sugar, essential oils,
colorants, etc. Natural fruit juice is used to drink directly or to prepare soft drinks and
liqueurs. To enhance the flavor of fruit juice, people sometimes ferment part or all of the
sugar in natural fruit juice with alcohol.
Mixed fruit juice: prepared by mixing many different types of fruit juice, the amount
of added fruit juice does not exceed 35% of the main fruit juice.
Fruit juice mixed with sugar: to increase the taste, some fruit juices such as lemon,
orange, and tangerine are often mixed with sugar.
Concentrated fruit juice: processed by condensing natural fruit juice by heating
method (evaporation) or freezing method (ice separation). Concentrated fruit juice has the
advantage of reducing packaging, storage, and transportation costs and being less
susceptible to spoilage by microorganisms.
Based on preservation methods:
Pasteurized juice: packed in sealed packages, pasteurized by heating before or after
Frozen fruit juice: store at 0 - 2°C.
Air-charged fruit juice: charge CO to inhibit microbial activity and increase

Sulfited fruit juice: preserved with SO , used as semi-products.

Alcoholized fruit juice: mixed with alcohol to inhibit the activity of microorganisms
and then stored in pasteurized packaging.
Based on the product clarity:
Fruit juice without fruit pulp: is the cell juice separated from fruit tissue mainly by
pressing, then settling and filtering. Depending on the level of clarity needed, people filter
it coarsely (cloudy juice) or carefully (clear juice).
Fruit juice with fruit pulp: is the grated juice mixed with finely ground tissues and
mixed with sugar water. (Lê Mỹ Hồng, 2005)
Fruit juice without pulp has an attractive appearance and is less susceptible to
changes during storage than juice with pulp. Fruits rich in carotene such as apricots,
tangerines or fruit pulp.

II. Materials:

2.1. Pineapple:
Pineapple has the scientific name Ananas comosus, and belongs to the Bromeliaceae
family. A tropical fruit originating from Paraguay and southern Brazil and today widely
grown in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.
The commonly called pineapple fruit is actually the axis of the flower and the
succulent bracts gathered together, and the fruit is actually the "pineapple eyes". Pineapple
is eaten fresh or canned in the form of rings, pieces, juice, or mixed fruit juice. fit. There
are two types of pineapple, pineapple with thorns and without thorns.
Pineapple is suitable for warm climates, and the average temperature is 22 - 27℃.
If it is too hot or too cold, the tree will grow slowly and produce sour fruit.

Table 3.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of pine apple

Ingredients Contents

Energy 52 calories

Dietary fiber 1.40g

Carbohydrate 13.7g

Protein 0.54g

Iron 0.54mg

Magnesium 12mg

Calcium 16mg

Potassium 150mg

Phosphorus 11mg

Zinc 0.10mg

Vitamin A 130 IU

Vitamin B1 0.079mg

Vitamin B2 0.031mg

Vitamin B3 0.489mg

Vitamin B6 0.110mg

Vitamin C 24mg

2.2. Sugar:
Sugar is added to the product to increase the sweetness of the product and the
nutritional value of the product.

Table 3.2 Sensory indicators of sugar

Criteria Sugar

Appearance Sugar crystals are relatively uniform, dry, and non-clumping.

Flavor Sweet taste, no strange smell.

Color All crystals are white and iridescent. When mixed in distilled water, the
sugar solution is clear.

Table 3.3 Physicochemical indicators of sugar

Criteria Sugar

Sucrose content (%) >99%

Moisture (%) <0.05

Reducing sugar content (%) <0.05

Ash content (%) <0.03

2.3. Water
Water plays an important role in the process of cooking sugar water, acting as a
solvent to dissolve sugar.

Table 3.4 Water standards

No. Name of criteria Unit Maximum allowable limit


1 Color TCU 15 15

2 Flavor - No strange No strange

flavor flavor

3 Turbidity NTU 5 5

4 Residual Chlorine mg/l 0.3 - 0.5 -

5 pH - 6 - 8.5 6 - 8.5

6 Amoni content mg/l 3 3

7 Total Iron content mg/l 0.5 0.5

8 Pemanganat index mg/l 4 4

9 Hardness mg/l 350 -

10 Chloride content mg/l 300 -

11 Fluoride content mg/l 1.5 -

12 Total Asen content mg/l 0.01 0.05

13 Total Coliform bacteria/100ml 50 150

14 Heat resistant Coliform or bacteria/100ml 0 20


Circular: 05/2009/TT – BYT date 17/6/2009.

III. Method of conducting experiment

3.1. Tools and equipments

Table 3.5 Equipments

N.O Material Amount

1 Knife 2

2 Chopping board 2

3 Homogenizer 1

4 Presser 1

5 Analytical balance 1

6 Pot 2

7 Glass bottle 4

8 Chopstick 2 couple

9 Spoon and ladle 4

10 Plastic cup 2

11 Basket 4

12 Tray 3

3.2. Processing technology

Fig 3.3 Block diagram of pineapple nectar production process

3.3. Technological process explanation:
 Selecting and classifying:
The ingredients used to make pineapples are chosen carefully, ensuring that only
fresh and slightly ripe ones are selected. Any raw pineapple ingredients that do not meet
the quality standards, such as those that are decayed, rotten, or have inappropriate colors,
are removed. This ensures the uniformity of the raw materials, making it convenient and
efficient to control the subsequent processing steps.
 Peeling:
During the raw material processing, certain steps such as peeling and cutting the
eyes and core are necessary. These steps help in removing the skin and inedible parts of the
ingredients, ultimately improving the quality of the product, especially in terms of
appearance. However, this process also results in a loss of the raw material quantity.
Therefore, while peeling and cutting the eyes, one needs to be careful not to cut too deeply
and cause excessive material loss.
 Washing:
Wash away dirt and secretions stuck to the surface of the fruit. The ingredients are
clean and help reduce the amount of microorganisms on the surface of the pineapple.
 Blanching:
Blanching is a process that helps to prepare raw materials for nectar production. It
helps to break down bonds, making the material softer and easier to scrub. Additionally, it
reduces the loss of microorganisms on the raw materials, which helps to prolong the
preservation time of the end product. However, blanching will inactivate the enzyme group
that protects the natural color of the ingredients. To blanch the pineapple, let it soak for
about 2 minutes, then remove it from the water to drain and cool.
 Grinding:
Grinding will sand down the fruit flesh, break down the cell shell, and support and
increase the efficiency of the scrubbing and pressing process.
 Mixing:

Mixing the ingredients together creates flavor and sensory value for the product.
 Homogenization:
Preserve and tear the ingredients into small pieces to make the product uniform.
Homogenization will continue to reduce the size of the fruit flesh, increase the ability to
disperse and suspend, and reduce the phenomenon of layer separation during storage.
 Filling and De-aeration:
Filling helps perfect the product, dividing the product into individual bottles. Air
removal helps remove all the air in the box before sealing, this amount of gas will cause the
box to bulge and leak during pasteurization. Gas removal will limit oxidation reactions and
the growth of aerobic microorganisms during storage. Helps the product completely isolate
from the outside environment, avoiding reinfection.
 Sealing:
Makes the bottle safe from the effects of the surrounding environment and
mechanical impact. Limits the growth of aerobic microorganisms that exist in the box after
pasteurization. Prevents oxidation reaction of air oxygen with food inside.
 Pasteurization:
Destroying the majority of microorganisms that cause disease to humans, harms the
product in the juice.

Fig 3.4 Pasteurization
Table 3.6 Product sensory criteria

Criteria Nectar products on the market

Color Typical yellow color of pineapple.

Flavor Sweet and sour taste in harmony, has a characteristic aroma.

Texture Consistency, turbidity, moderate smoothness, high uniformity.

IV. Results:

Σm × ΣC = m × C + m × C
1 1 2 2

Σm: Total mass (g)

m : The amount of pineapple (g)

m : The amount of sugar syrup (g)


ΣC: Expected ˚Brix of product

C : ˚Brix of pineapple

C : ˚Brix of syrup

Table 3.7 Final results

Sample 1 2 3 4

Fruit:Syrup ratio 2:9 4:7 6:5 8:3

m (g)
1 40 80 120 160

C 1 14 14 14 14

m (g)
2 180 140 100 60

C 2 22.5 25 29.4 39.67

m sugar (g) 40.6 35 29.4 23.8

Σm (g) 220 220 220 220

ΣC 21 21 21 21

Fig 3.5 Products after 1 week
Table 3.8 Sensory evaluation

Sample 1 2 3 4

State Homogenous Homogenous Homogenous, thick Homogenous,


Color Light yellow Yellow Dark yellow Dark yellow

Taste Sweet Sweet, a bit Sour, a bit sweet, Sour, acrid, lots
sour acrid, lots of residues of residues


- Overall, all the samples are homogenous and have a unique yellowish color of
pineapple. Without the help of xanthan gum or CMC, the samples are not as viscous,
causing increased favorance since customers tend to prefer low viscosity products.
- Due to the fact that pineapple contains little or no pectin, the sensory properties are
not affected much.
- Sample 2 provides the most pleasant taste (sweet, a bit sour) with not too much
pineapple flesh contained, unlike sample 3 and sample 4 which results in an acrid taste.

V. Expand the problems:

After storage, the products are divided into 2 layers, puree and water. So, these
products have to be added CMC to increase the thickness and stability of the product, keep
puree and water mix well together, and make sure of the sensory.

1. Lê Mỹ Hồng (2005). Bài giảng Công nghệ chế biến thực phẩm, trang 83 – 92,
Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
2. Lê Văn Việt Mẫn, Lại Quốc Đạt, Nguyễn Thị Hiền, Tôn Nữ Minh Nguyệt, Trần
Thị Thu Trà (2011). Công nghệ chế biến thực phẩm, trang 610 – 621, NXB Đại
Học Quốc Gia TP. HCM.
3. Nguyễn Công Khẩn; Hà Thị Anh Đào, (2007), Bảng thành phần thực phẩm Việt
Nam, Bộ Y tế Viện Dinh dưỡng, trang 87.


I. Overview
1. Definition:
Jam is a product made from fresh fruit or from semi-processed fruit (fruit puree, fruit
juice, sulfited fruit) cooked with sugar to 60-65% dryness, with the addition of pectin or
agar to create freezing gel. The outstanding jam product is the characteristic sweetness and
aroma of the fruit. In addition to the relatively large sugar content of the fruit, a large
amount of pure sugar is also added. (Đặng, 2020).
Apple jam is a curd made from apple puree, sugar, acid, pectin and has medium
moisture. The mixture is concentrated until a total dry matter content of about 65–70% is
2. Classification:
o Jelly jam: Jam made from transparent fruit juice. If the fruit juice is sulfited, before
cooking the jam, SO2 must be reduced by heating so that the SO2 content in the
product does not exceed 0.025%. Depending on the viscosity of the juice and the
freezing degree of the product, pectin is mixed or not added.
o Jam: Jelly made from fruit puree, can be used alone or mixed with many types of
fruit, fresh fruit puree or semi-prepared fruit puree can be used.
o Marmalade jam: Marmalade made from fruit (fresh, sulfited or frozen) whole or cut
into pieces, cooked with sugar, with or without added food acid and pectin.

Fig 4.1 Apple jam product

II. Materials:

2.1. Apple
Apple, (Malus domestica), domesticated tree and fruit of the rose family (Rosaceae),
one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. Apples are predominantly grown for sale as
fresh fruit, though apples are also used commercially for vinegar, juice, jelly, applesauce,
and apple butter and are canned as pie stock. A significant portion of the global crop also
is used for cider, wine, and brandy. Fresh apples are eaten raw or cooked. There are a variety
of ways in which cooked apples are used; frequently, they are used as a pastry filling, apple
pie being perhaps the archetypal American dessert. Especially in Europe, fried apples
characteristically accompany certain dishes of sausage or pork. Apples provide vitamins A
and C, are high in carbohydrates, and are an excellent source of dietary fiber.

Fig 4.2 Apples
Table 11 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of apple (USDA, 2020)

Name Amount Unit

Water 84.7 g

Energy 62 kcal

Carbohydrates 14.8 g

Fiber 2 g

Protein 0.19 g

Lipids 0.21 g

Potassium 95 mg

Folate <6 𝜇g

2.2. Pectin
Pectin is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found in various fruits, primarily in the
peels and cores. It plays a crucial role in the food industry and home cooking, primarily as
a gelling agent in the production of jams, jellies, and preserves. Here's some key
information about pectin:
Natural Source: Pectin is abundant in many fruits, including apples, citrus fruits
(oranges, lemons, and grapefruits), plums, and blackberries. The highest concentration of
pectin is typically found in underripe fruits.
Chemical Structure: Pectin is a complex polysaccharide made up of chains of
galacturonic acid molecules linked together. These chains form a gel-like structure when
combined with water and sugar.
Gelling Agent: Pectin is most well-known for its ability to gel liquids when heated
with sugar and acid. This property makes it essential in the preparation of fruit preserves,
jams, and jellies, as it helps these products thicken and set.
Low Methoxyl Pectin: There are two main types of pectin used in the food industry:
high methoxyl pectin and low methoxyl pectin. Low methoxyl pectin (LMP) is used in
products that require calcium for gelling, such as certain types of jams.
High Methoxyl Pectin: High methoxyl pectin (HMP) gels with sugar and acid alone,
without the need for added calcium. It is used in products like traditional fruit jams and
Commercial Production: Pectin is commercially extracted from citrus peels and
apple pomace (the pulpy residue left after juicing). The extracted pectin is processed and
dried into a powder or sold as a liquid for various culinary and industrial applications.
Pharmaceutical and Industrial Uses: Pectin has applications in the pharmaceutical
and cosmetic industries as a gelling agent, thickener, and stabilizer.
Vegan and Vegetarian Alternatives: Pectin is a common ingredient in vegan and
vegetarian diets as it allows for the creation of gelatin-like textures without using animal-
derived gelatin.

Pectin is a versatile and valuable substance in both food production and health
promotion, with a wide range of applications beyond just gelling fruits. Its natural origin
and health benefits make it an important ingredient in many aspects of modern food
technology and nutrition.
2.3. Sugar:
Sugar is added to the product to increase the sweetness of the product and the
nutritional value of the product.

Table 12 Sensory indicators of sugar

Criteria Sugar

Appearance Sugar crystals are relatively uniform, dry, and non-clumping.

Flavor Sweet taste, no strange smell.

Color All crystals are white and iridescent. When mixed in distilled water, the
sugar solution is clear.

Table 13 Physicochemical indicators of sugar

Criteria Sugar

Sucrose content (%) >99%

Moisture (%) <0.05

Reducing sugar content (%) <0.05

Ash content (%) <0.03

III. Method of conducting experiment:

3.1. Tools and equipments

Table 14 Equipments

3.2. Processing technology

Fig 4.2 Block diagram of apple jam production process

3.3. Technological process explanation:
 Selecting


o Prepare material for the following steps.
o Select the ingredients are suitable with the standard
Remove the damaged apple, spoilage, avoid the affection of the final product’s sensory.
Variation: Having the same ripen
 Preliminary treatment
Prepare material for the following steps.
Procedure: Remove the unnecessary thing for the jam (seeds, skin, core…)
 Blanching
o Prevent darkening, ensure the sensory of the final product.

o High temperatures inactivate some phenols that cause darkening. This operation is
done to inactivate enzymes, eliminate air inside the fruit tissues, remove off-flavors
and aromas, fix fruit color and soften the tissues for further pulping.

Put materials in the boiling water for 60s – 90s then drain them.
o The microorganism has been reduced in the materials.
o Have brighter color
 Blend
Purpose: Blend helps cut, crunch the apple, destroy the cell envelope.
o The size decreases, the cell is torn, cytosol and intracellular enzymes are released,
and biology reacts easily.
o Apple is pure, smooth and uniform. Good conditions for biological reaction and
microorganism activation are increasing.
 Mixing
o Create unique flavor and increase deliciousness, mix well the mixture of apple pure
and sugar.
o Adjust the chemical composition of the product.
Procedure: Apple pure is mixed well with sugar appropriate proportions to balance
the taste.

Fig 4.2 Mixing

 Concentrate:
o Antibacterial and Preservative: Heating can also have antibacterial effects
and help prolong the shelf life of the product, preventing the growth of
bacteria and other microorganisms.
o Concentration increases the solute in the product.

o Apple pure mixture has been concentrated in the hot pan with 60 C until the Brix

mark to 70 Bx.

o Then immediately add pectin solution that has been soaked for 24h into the mixture.
o Pure’s volume decreased, and dryness increased due to the evaporation of water.
o The semi-product’s color may be darkened.
o The biology reactions are completely suspended.
 Cooling
Purpose: Form the gel structure for the product
Procedure: Pour the mixture into the jar, cool completely at room temperature.
Then storage in the fridge for a week.
Variation: Gel formed based on linkage between polysaccharides chains.

3.4. Product quality assessment criteria

Physic: The products have to form gel, test by turning the jar 90 , if the mixture is

stable and doesn't drip or leak, then it is satisfactory.

Sensory properties:
o Color: typical clear brown yellow color of apple.
o Taste: sweet taste, a bit sour, and the unique aroma of apple, not contain aroma of
o Structure: uniform

IV. Results:

Table 15 Final results

Sample 1 2 3 4

m (g)
apple 150 150 150 150

C apple 12 12 12 12

m sugar (g) 75 75 75 75

Pectin (%) 0.07 0.2 0.3 0.4

Dried pectin (g) 0.15 0.45 0.75 1.05

Pectin solution (g) 3 9 15 21

ΣC 65 65 65 65

(Pectin solution = Dried pectin x 20)

Fig 4.4 Final products

Table 16 Sensory evaluation

Sample 1 2 3 4

State Hard gel, slightly Hard gel, thick, Hard gel, thick, Very hard gel,
thick, smooth, smooth, does smooth, does very thick,
smooth, does not

does not fall when not fall when not fall when fall when angle at
angle at 90 o angle at 90 o angle at 90 o 90o

Clear brown Clear brown Clear brown Clear brown

yellow yellow yellow yellow

A bit sour, A bit sour,

Taste A bit sour, sweet A bit sour, sweet
sweet sweet

- There is no difference in color between samples, the color is a little bit off due to
concentration steps. Although concentrating for quite a long time, the samples do not have
a cooked taste, which is a positive sign.
- Since the examined factor is the amount of added pectin, samples are judged based
on the texture. While sample 2 and sample 3 are almost identical in terms of texture and
spread, sample 1 is the softest due to the lack of polymer chains of D-polygalacturonic
which are linked together through 1,4 - glucoside bonds. On the other hand, sample 4 has
the hardest gel formation compared to counterparts. As a result, sample 2 is chosen.

V. Expand the problems:

Some points need to be considered when making jam:

 Sugar content
In products, sugar content has a very important role. Due to the usage of pectin as
an additive, HMP (high methoxyl pectin) with pectin has DM > 50%. These pectins form
a gel-like structure when the pH is in 2.5-3.5, and if solute is present, typically sucrose with
concentrations greater than 55% of total weight. Therefore, the sugar amount needs to be
over 50%, or the jam structure may not be as desired.
 Materials
Materials selection is also important because factors such as material properties,
acidity of the fruits can affect the structure and flavor of the jam.

 pH
In order for HMP to gel, the pH must be in 2.5-3.5 and this can be achieved by using
acid modifiers such as citric acid.
 Pectin
The amount of pectin added must be carefully considered and calculated. If using
too little pectin, the gel will become loose. If pectin is added too much, the jam structure
will be hardened.
 Other factors:
Concentration time, concentration level, whether the pectin has been soaked
properly or not, Stiring technique and temperature adjustment also has a great impact on
the final product quality.
Jam products have been widely distributed on the market for a long time. In order to
achieve the best structure on industry scale, careful and strict control is required at each
stage to ensure the product is uniform in taste, feel and texture. Beside, on an industry scale,
additives such as gelling agent, acid regulator may be used to create products with the best
quality for the consumers. Choosing ingredients and coming up with suitable recipes is also
something to keep in mind.

1. Medically reviewed by Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN (Ice) — By SaVanna
Shoemaker, MS, RDN, LD on November 22, 2019
2. Đặng Thị Ngọc Dung. (2019). Giáo trình Công nghệ chế biến Rau quả và nước
giải khát.
3. Lê Văn Việt Mẫn và cộng sự. (2011). Công nghệ chế biến thực phẩm. Nhà
Xuất bản Đại Học Quốc Gia.
4. Nguyễn Công Khẩn; Hà Thị Anh Đào. (2007). Bảng thành phần thực phẩm
Việt Nam, Bộ Y tế Viện Dinh dưỡng. Trang 210.


I. Overview:
Dried pineapple is a popular tropical fruit snack made by removing moisture from
fresh pineapple slices or chunks. This preserves the sweet and tangy flavor while extending
its shelf life. The process of drying pineapple involves a few steps, including peeling,
slicing, and dehydrating the fruit. The result is a delicious and convenient snack with
concentrated pineapple taste and chewy, slightly leathery texture. You can enjoy dried
pineapple on its own as a healthy snack, add it to trail mixes, use it in baking, or incorporate
it into various culinary dishes to impart a burst of tropical flavor. Dried pineapple is an
adaptable and delightful snack that keeps the essence of fresh pineapple while offering the
convenience of long-term storage. Its sweet flavor and chewy texture make it a favorite
among consumers. Moreover, its versatility in both snacking and culinary applications
makes it a valuable addition to the world of dried fruits.

II. Materials:

2.1. Pineapple:

Fig 11 Pineapple

Pineapple, scientifically known as Ananas comosus, is a tropical fruit. Pineapple is
native to Paraguay and southern Brazil. The commonly called pineapple fruit is actually the
axis of the flower and the succulent bracts gathered together, and the fruit is actually the
"pineapple eyes". Pineapple is eaten fresh or canned in the form of rings, pieces, juice or
mixed fruit juice. fit. There are two types of pineapple, pineapple with thorns and without

Table 5.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of pinapple

Ingredients Contents

Energy 52 calories

Dietary fiber 1.40g

Carbohydrate 13.7g

Protein 0.54g

Iron 0.54mg

Magnesium 12mg

Calcium 16mg

Potassium 150mg

Phosphorus 11mg

Zinc 0.10mg

Vitamin A 130 IU

Vitamin B1 0.079mg

Vitamin B2 0.031mg

Vitamin B3 0.489mg

Vitamin B6 0.110mg

Vitamin C 24mg

Pineapple has a high content of organic acids (malic acid and citric acid). Pineapple
is a rich source of manganese as well as having quite high levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin
B1. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which can decompose protein. Therefore,
pineapple is used in the preparation of some dishes such as stir-fried seafood to help the
meat soften quickly and create a unique flavor. In Thailand, people use sour pineapple
instead of tamarind, lemon or tom yum to create a sour taste for tom yum, as well as
Vietnamese people use pineapple to cook soup like pineapple soup with fish.
2.2. Saccharose
Sugar as a sweetener, this is a traditional sweetener and is obtained from sugar cane
and sugar beets, usually used in crystalline form and has high purity. Sucrose is one
disaccharide with formula C H O , Molecular weight: 342.30g. Composed of two simple
12 22 11

sugars, α – D glucose and β – D fructose. Saccharose during the process of cooking syrup
at temperatures of 85 - 900C will invert glucose and fructose, increasing sweetness and high
product recovery efficiency (Lê Văn Việt Mẫn, 2011).

III. Method of conductinng experiment:

3.1. Tools and equipments
Table 5.2 Equipment

N.O Tools & equipments Quantity

1 Pot 2

2 Knife 2

3 Chopping board 2

4 Basket 3

5 Analytical balance with odd numbers 1

6 Refractometer 2

7 Ladle & spoon 1

8 Plastic can 4

9 Tray 4

3.2. Processing technology

Fig 12 Block diagram of dried pineapple production process

3.3. Technological process explanation:

 Classifying and selecting


o Choose suitable materials that meet requirements.

o Prepare ingredients for the following steps.

How to make

o Choose ingredients that are not damaged, have the right ripeness, and choose fruits
of uniform size for easy packing.

Changes in the process: Ingredients are evenly cooked.

 Washing


o To eliminate mechanical impurities such as soil, sand, dust and reduce the amount
of microorganisms on the outside of the raw material. Washing also serves to remove
some toxic chemicals used in agricultural techniques such as pesticides.

How to make

o Soak and rinse under running water 2-3 times to remove dirt or pesticides on the

Changes in the process

o The ingredients are clean and reduce the amount of microorganisms on the surface
of the fruit.

 Slicing

o Shape the product, prepare for the packing process.

How to make

o Pineapple is cut into even slices with a thickness of 11 - 15 mm.

o The pineapple is placed on a cutting board and cored using a specialized tool with a
core diameter of about 1.5 cm.

Changes in the process

o Raw materials change size and reduce volume.

 Blanching


o The ingredients are dipped in hot water to kill part of the microorganisms,
inactivate enzymes and suspend biochemical processes in the ingredients,
helping to stabilize the color.

o Limit the appearance of unsuitable color and odor for the product.

o Temperature also breaks the bonds on the cell envelope, increasing permeability.

Changes in the process

o Physical change: material volume increases.

o Biochemical changes: microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes are inactivated.

o Physicochemical changes: plant tissue softens, cells swell, air escapes from the cells,
the permeability of the cell membrane increases.

 Soaking with 0.2% CaCl2 solution

Purpose: Create hardness and brittleness for the product.

Changes: Increases hardness, brittleness and preserves product color.

 Sugaring:

Purpose: Create flavor for ingredients before drying.

How to make

o Sugaring with the ratio 1:2 (Sugar:Fruit).

o After the ingredients are prepared, it is necessary to weigh the ingredients and all the
ingredients to be marinated. The marinating process takes place within 16 hours.
The longer the ingredients soak, the tastier they will be. However, if marinated for
too long without ensuring quality, microorganisms may invade and affect the

Changes in the process

o The sugar will seep into the pineapple. The coloring substances in the pineapple will

go out of the solution, then the coloring substances will also seep into the flesh layer,
changing the color.

 Drying


o Reducing the water content in the product helps inhibit microbial activity and
increase storage time.

How to make

o Pineapple is placed in a drying oven at a temperature of 60oC or 70oC and dried until
the product is dry and pliable, then stops.

Changes in the process

o Physics: moisture diffusion process due to moisture difference, material properties

changes such as shape, size, density.

o Chemistry: liquid phase transition occurs, water content in the product decreases.

o Biochemistry: enzyme reactions take place vigorously.

3.4. Product quality assessment criteria:

 Color: typical orange color of pineapple, with color uniformity

 Taste: sweet taste, mild pineapple aroma, no burnt smell.
 Structure: The samples are thin, crispy, uniform in size, soft, flexible, bite-free, and not
dry or hard.

IV. Results:

Table 5.3 Survery samples

Sample 1 Standard sample
Sample 2 Before standard sample 1h
Sample 3 After standard sample 1h
Sample 4 After standard sample 2h

Table 5.4 Weight changes of pineapple every hour at 600C

Time (h) Weight (g) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

0 m0 36.50 35.85 28.10 34.44

1 m1 33.50 32.50 24.00 29.80

2 m2 30.50 29.75 21.60 27.00

3 m3 27.63 27.20 19.63 24.40

4 m4 25.42 24.95 18.19 22.42

5 m5 23.48 21.90 17.13 21.27

6 m6 21.68 20.95 16.89 19.70

7 m7 19.82 19.30 16.28 18.11

8 m8 18.39 18.25 15.83 15.81

9 m9 17.15 - 15.66 15.30

10 m10 16.60 - 14.80 14.84

11 m11 - - 12.45 13.60

12 m12 - - - 13.15

Calculate percent moisture:

𝑚𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 16.6
o % moisture of sample 1 = × 100% = × 100% = 45.48%
𝑚0 36.5
𝑚𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 18.25
o % moisture of sample 2 = × 100% = × 100% = 50.91%
𝑚0 35.85
𝑚𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 12.45
o % moisture of sample 3 = × 100% = × 100% = 44.33%
𝑚0 28.1
𝑚𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 13.15
o % moisture of sample 4 = × 100% = × 100% = 38.18%
𝑚0 34.44

Fig 13 The chart of the weight changes of 4 pineapple samples every hour at 600C
Table 5.5 Color measurement

Time (h) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

L 82 85 84 84

0 a -10 -10 -12 -10

b 65 66 65 62

L 89 88 87 87

1 a -13 -10 -9 -10

b 62 56 50 58

L 88 85 86 88

a -12 -11 -11 -11

b 61 56 57 57

3 L 78 84 82 79

a -7 -7 -7 -7

b 57 48 41 53

L 85 84 86 78

4 a -10 -12 -6 -8

b 53 69 49 59

L 85 88 88 75

5 a -10 -10 -9 -8

b 59 64 42 52

L 79 88 85 79

6 a -10 -12 -9 -10

b 68 68 60 65

L 85 87 83 81

7 a -12 -13 -10 -10

b 70 72 56 58

L 75 90 92 90

8 a -9 -12 -11 -9

b 61 55 52 49

L 86 62 72 86
a -7 -3 -2 -8

b 63 62 68 54

L 79 74 79

10 a -4 - -2 -4

b 68 68 63

L 77 63

11 a - - -2 7

b 62 62

L 74

12 a - - - 1

b 62

Fig 5.4 Sample 1

Fig 5.5 Sample 2

Fig 5.6 Sample 3

Fig 5.7 Sample 4
- Due to high percentage of sugar, the samples took relatively long period of time to
reach standard dryness since one of the properties of sugar is that it can absorb water.
- The samples had dark yellowish color and a unique taste of pineapple. However, the
sweetness was enhanced drastically since the chosen original fruit was already pretty sweet
(Thai pineapple). Also, acrid aftertaste could also be detected. This may be the result of
soaking in CaCl2.

V. Expand the problem

Convection drying method is used in the process, using a hot air flow created from
outside and brought into the drying chamber in contact with the surface of the drying
material at atmospheric pressure to get rid of moisture in the product. Beside the convection
drying method, natural drying can also be considered such as the process of drying materials
outdoors (materials are dried by sunlight and wind), without using any equipment. This is
a method often used especially at home.
Large-scale dry food production is often involved with convection dryers. This
drying method avoids quality losses in terms of color, taste and texture, while rehydration
is often poor. Shell hardening (formation of a hard outer shell) and shrinkage are the main

problems. The quality of dehydrated foods depends on changes that occurred during
processing and storage. Some of the changes are related to physical structure modification.
These changes affect texture, rehydration and appearance. Other changes are due to
chemical reactions, but these changes are also influenced by physical structure, mostly by
influencing the diffusion of the reactants and of reaction products.

1. Lê Văn Việt Mẫn, Lại Quốc Đạt, Nguyễn Thị Hiền, Tôn Nữ Minh Nguyệt,
Trần Thị Thu Trà. (2011). Công nghệ chế biến thực phẩm. NXB Đại học Quốc
gia TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Trang 1019.
2. Nguyễn Công Khẩn; Hà Thị Anh Đào. (2007). Bảng thành phần thực phẩm
Việt Nam. Bộ Y tế Viện Dinh dưỡng. Trang 225.
3. Cohen, J.S. and Yang, T.C.S. (1995). Progress in Food Dehydration' in Trends
Food Sci. Technol. 6, 20-25
4. J.M.P.Q. Delgado, Antonio Gilson Barbosa De Lima. (2015). Drying and
Energy Technologies. Springer International Publishing. 231
5. P. Kendall and J. Sofos, Food and Nutrition Series, Drying Fruits, Fact Sheet
No. 9.309, Colorado State University extonsion
6. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2015).


I. Overview:
“Rim” jam is a product produced from fresh fruit soaked in sugar and dried to 80% dryness.
Sugar is added to jam not only to increase sweetness but also to preserve the products.
Microbial cells are in a state of protoplasmic contraction so they stop functioning. Therefore,
pasteurization is usually not required. Some types of jam with lower dry matter content need
to be pasteurized for a short time, mainly to kill yeast and mold, while bacteria do not grow in
fruit jam, which is a highly acidic environment.

Fig 6.1 Mứt rim

II. Materials:
2.1. Mango:
Mango (Mangifera indica) is a tropical fruit renowned for its succulent and sweet
flesh, making it a favorite among fruit enthusiasts worldwide. Originating in South Asia,
particularly India and Myanmar, mangoes have gained global prominence, with major
producing countries including India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and Mexico. Mangoes

come in a plethora of varieties, each offering a unique blend of flavors, textures, and colors.
The fruit's appearance typically features an oval or oblong shape, a thin, resilient skin that
can range from green to various shades of yellow, red, or orange, and juicy, vibrant orange
or yellow flesh that can be slightly fibrous near the central seed.
Known as the "king of fruits," mangoes are celebrated for their tropical taste, which
encompasses sweet notes with hints of citrus, peach, and pineapple. Beyond their delightful
flavor, mangoes offer a bounty of nutritional benefits, being rich in vitamins such as C and
A (in the form of beta-carotene), along with potassium and dietary fiber. They are a versatile
ingredient in the culinary world, finding their way into everything from fresh fruit salads to
smoothies, salsas, chutneys, and even desserts like ice cream. Mangoes are celebrated not
just for their taste but also for their cultural significance, often associated with festivals and
traditions in many regions.

Fig 6.2 Mango

Table 6.1 Nutritional ingredients in 100g of mango (USDA Mango and papaya, 2020)

Name Amount Unit

Water 83.46 g

Energy 60 kcal

Carbohydrates 14.98 g

Fiber 1.6 g

Protein 0.82 g

Lipids 0.38 g

Potassium 168 mg

Vitamin C 36.4 mg

Vitamin A 54 𝜇g

Carotene, beta 640 𝜇g

Folate 43 𝜇g

2.2. Sugar:
Sucrose is employed in the preparation of the liquid mixture. Sucrose is a
disaccharide with the formula C H O , composed of two monosaccharides: ⍺–D-glucose
12 22 11

and β–D-fructose. Various variations of sucrose may be utilized, contingent upon the
specific technological demands or cost considerations associated with the product.
Typically, refined sugar (either Extra RE or RS refined sugar) or rock sugar is utilized for
concocting the liquid mixture. The choice of sugar variety must ensure the creation of a
clear or pale yellow solution, devoid of any unusual odors, and without altering the natural

III. Method of conducting experiment:
3.1 Equipment
Table 6.2 Equipments

3.2. Processing technology

Fig 6.3 Block diagram of mango “rim” production process
3.3. Technological process explanation:
 Selecting

The process of selecting and classifying helps to remove damaged and bruised fruits,
avoiding affecting the sensory quality of the product.
Choose raw or green mango which contains less sugar on it to reduce the ability in
crystallization on the surface.
 Washing
The mangoes need to be washed 2 times to clean. Remove the dust, leaves, and the
 Peeling & Slicing
Avoid differences in clearness and drying time between slices.
Peel the skin then slice the mangoes into the same size of slice.
 Blanching

High temperatures inactivate some phenols that cause darkening. This operation is
done to inactivate enzymes, eliminate air inside the fruit tissues, remove off-flavors and
aromas, fix fruit color and soften the tissues for further pulping.


Blanch slices of mangoes into boiling water for 60s - 90s.


The color of mango is stable, even more bright, and a bit clear.

The microorganism that existed on the surface of mango is reduced.

 Soaking with CaCl 2

Purpose: increase the hardness of mango, and prevent the cruishing phenomenon
after blanching. This step keeps the stabilization of material and its color.

Procedure: 0.2% CaCl is prepared then soak the mango for 6h. Then rinse and wash

mango several times under water tap to remove residual CaCl to prevent the salty taste in

the product. And drain.

 Heating
Create unique flavor and increase deliciousness: Heating is an important part of the
rim process. Heating helps create a special and unique flavor for the mango rim. Spices and
other ingredients added to it can be absorbed into mangoes. This process helps the product
become tastier and more attractive when enjoyed.
Antibacterial and Preservative: Heating can also have antibacterial effects and help prolong
the shelf life of the product, preventing the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.
Heat the material with the syrup at low temperature (60 degree celsius) until it
becomes clear because of the osmosis of the syrup.
The material become clear
The loss of water and the rise of the sweet.
 Drying
Purpose: Reducing the water content in the product helps inhibit microbial activity
and increase storage time.
Procedure: Mango after heating is placed in a drying oven at a temperature of 60 C o

or 70 C and dried until the product is dry and reaches a certain plasticity.

Physics: moisture diffusion process due to moisture difference, material properties
changes such as shape, size, density.
Chemistry: liquid phase transition occurs, water content in the product decreases.

3.4. Product quality assessment criteria

Color: typical clear orange yellow color of mango.

Taste: sweet taste, a bit sour, and the unique aroma of mango.

Structure: The samples are thin, plasticity, uniform in size, soft, flexible, and not dry or

IV. Results

Fig 6.4 Sample 1

Fig 6.5 Sample 2

Fig 6.6 Sample 3

Fig 6.7 Sample 4
Table 6.3 Mixing formula

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

Sugar:material ratio 1:2 3:5 1:1 2:1

Weight (g) 50:100 60:100 100:100 200:100

Table 6.4 Changes in weight of samples

Weight (g) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

m before 7.6 11.85 8.45 9.91

m after 5.8 10.75 6.7 8.51

Table 6.5 Product results

Table 8.5: Product results
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

Clear, slightly Clear, slightly Clear, dark Clear, dark
dark yellow dark yellow yellow yellow

Sour, slightly Sour, slightly Sweet, slightly

Flavor Sweet and sour
sweet sweet sour

Remain the same Remain the same Remain the same

Remain the
as the original as the original as the original
same as the
Structure shape, clear, soft shape, clear, soft shape, clear, soft
original shape,
texture, dry texture, dry, texture, dry,
soft texture, dry
surface sticky sticky

No No No No
crystallization crystallization crystallization crystallization
for 1 week
- Color: Differences in colors depend on factors such as: the amount of sugar added,
the amount of time taken for heating, heating temperature, drying time, drying temperature.
At high temperature, sugar will participate in caramelization, which results in a darker
color. Higher temperature, longer heating time and larger amounts of sugar can also lead to
a darker color.
- Structure: The original shape remains unchanged after heating and drying due to
the soaking of CaCl before processing helps maintain the brittleness of the product.

- Sugar crystallization: No crystallization was recorded during the preserving stage.

Sugar crystallization can occur due to the amount of sugar added. When the temperature
drops, sugar solubility will also decrease, which will ultimately lead to crystallization. This
can be avoided by reducing the amount of sugar, using reducing sugar and sucrose mixture
to increase the solubility, controlling the heating time of the mango.

V. Expand the problem

On the market today, it is not difficult to find “mứt rim” products sold directly or
can be ordered online such as gooseberry jam, kumquat jam, and tamarind jam. This is a
very popular product line during the year-end Tet holidays. Products on the market are also
processed according to strictly pre-calculated processes, overcoming common errors when
processing on a small scale and spontaneously such as unwanted color, unsatisfactory
texture, and reprocessing re-creating the sugar. In addition, they are also carefully packaged
to attract more consumers.

Mango “rim” is a novel processing method, creating an accessible dish for those
who love snacking but are too busy. Simple form of separating water from fresh food but
retaining moisture at a fragrant level. At the same time, it increases their shelf life because
they can be preserved for much longer.
Mango “rim” helps provide necessary vitamins for the body. Meets needs promptly
due to the convenience of compact packaging. Mango “rim” possesses a number of
beneficial nutrients, including vitamin A, calcium, and iron that supplement the body. As
well as having a minimal amount of vitamin C - much less than fresh mango but still
providing the necessary amount for the body.

1. Đặng Thị Ngọc Dung. (2020). Giáo trình Công nghệ chế biến nước giải khát & rau
quả. Trường Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật TP. HCM.
2. Prohens, Jaime Nuez, Fernando. (2008). Vegetables II. Carrot. Chapter 8. 327 – 357
3. Nguyễn Công Khẩn; Hà Thị Anh Đào. (2007). Bảng thành phần thực phẩm Việt
Nam, Bộ Y tế Viện Dinh dưỡng. Trang 89.

1/ Trần Vũ Khánh Linh 21116016
2/ Phan Thị Thanh Huyền 21116301
3/ Ninh Giang Thanh 21116320
4/ Nguyễn Hà Anh Quân 21116316
5/ Trịnh Hoàng Quân 21116317

Content Implementer Percentage of duty

Lesson 1 Thanh Huyền 100%
Lesson 2 Khánh Linh 100%
Lesson 3 Giang Thanh 100%
Lesson 4 Anh Quân 100%
Lesson 5 Anh Quân 100%
Lesson 6 Hoàng Quân 100%
Data synthesis Khánh Linh 100%


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