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Republic of the Philippines

University Of Southeastern Philippines

College of Education
Obrero, Davao City

FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment


August 10, 2016

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

By becoming a premier university in the ASEAN Region, the USEP shall be a center of excellence and
development, responsive and adaptive to fast-changing environments. USEP shall be known as the leading
university in the country that fosters innovation and applies knowledge to create value towards social, economic,
and technological developments.


USeP shall produce world-class graduates and relevant research and extension through quality education and
sustainable resource management.

Particularly, USEP is committed to:

 Provide quality education for students to grow in knowledge, promote their well-rounded development, and
make them globally competitive in the world of work;
 Engage in high impact research, not only for knowledge’s sake, but also for its practical benefits to society;
 Promote entrepreneurship and industry collaboration.


To achieve its mission, the University aims to:

 produce globally competitive and morally upright graduates.
 develop a strong RDE culture with competent human resource and responsive and relevant researches that
are adapted and utilized for development.
 produce an effective and efficient generation, allocation, and utilization of resources within the academe.


Leadership Skills

Creates and inspires positive changes in the organization; exercises responsibility with integrity and
accountability in the practice of one’s profession or vocation.

Critical and Analytical Thinking Skills

Demonstrates creativity, innovativeness, and intellectual curiosity in optimizing available resources to develop
new knowledge, methods, processes, systems, and value-added technologies.

Service Oriented

Demonstrates concern for others, practices professional ethics, honesty, and exemplifies socio-cultural,
environmental concern, and sustainability.

Lifelong Learning

Demonstrates enthusiasm and passion for continuous personal and professional development.

Professional Competence

Demonstrates proficiency and flexibility in the area of specialization and in conveying information in accordance
with global standards.

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

IGA-PEO-GO Mapping
Institutional Graduate Attributes Program Educational GO Graduate Outcomes
Objectives CODE
Leadership Critical Service Lifelong Professional
Skills and Oriented Learning Competence

PEO1 Model quality instruction

GO1 that conforms to the national
Expert elementary and international standards.
schools classroom Practice professionalism at
managers who equip GO2
all times.
their students with the Develop and implement an
X X necessary knowledge, instructional plan that
skills, attitudes and actively engages students in
values to be the learning and teaching
competitive in the GO3
processes underpinned by
glocal market. the principles of inclusive
education and humanistic
PEO2 Integrate a wide range of
Proficient elementary learning and teaching
schools instructional GO4 process skills to provide
leaders who exemplify meaningful learning
utmost capability in the experiences.
pursuit of pedagogical, Actively engages in
X X X instructional and professional developments to
technological advance professionalism and
excellence, as well as in practices.
the use of available
resources to achieve
higher learning
PEO 3 Conduct research activities
Responsive to find effective ways of
researchers who GO6 delivering learning and
teaching practices for
engage in a range elementary students.
of research Investigate educational
activities to issues and concerns and
improve introduce appropriate
professional measures.
practices and
student learning
performance in
elementary schools.
PEO4 Actively involve
Responsible community stakeholders to analyze and
builders who mobilize respond to community needs
X the assistance of the GO8 to effectively support student
internal and external learning.
stakeholders to support
learning and teaching.
PEO 5 Produce contextualized and
Innovative instructional relevant instructional
material materials for elementary
developers/technology - students in accordance with
based projects the national and global
developers who design standards.
and utilize context –
based learning

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

Performance Indicators


G.O.6 Conduct research activities to find P.I.3 Write a scholarly paper for research output
effective ways of delivering learning and dissemination
teaching practices for elementary
G.O. 8 Actively involve stakeholders to analyze P.I.1 Use the community as a learning resource.
and respond to community needs to P.I.2 Write and disseminate properly well-written
effectively support student learning. reports (progress reports, assessment,
official communications, among others).


Course Code: FS 1
Course Title: The Learner’s Development and School Environment
Pre-requisite: ___________________________________
Credit: 1 unit
Level: 2nd Year
Semester/Year: 1st Semester, 2016
Version number: 1 s, 2016

Course Description:

This course will introduce student observers to the learner’s behavior in the different phases of development,
school environment and the school community. It offers them opportunities and prospects for career development
as they observe the school structure, the classrooms, the school facilities, the teachers, the parents, and the
students. This observation course provides them avenues to enhance their communication skills as they
exchange ideas with their buddy, with the cooperating teachers, with pupils, and with parents. This observation
includes the way teachers interact with each other, with students, with parents, and other stakeholders

Workload of Students:

Includes 18 hours of visits to assigned cooperating school.

Faculty Information:


Email: /
Contact Number: 0917 911 5646 / 0909 073 0010
Office: CTET-BEED / Culture and Sports Office
Consultation Hours: ______________________________

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment


On the completion of the course, student is expected to be able to do the following:

Course Outcomes Graduate Outcomes Aligned to

CO1 Compilation of FS 1 Portfolio GO6
CO2 Familiarize with the structure of the cooperating school as spelled out in the GO8
organizational chart
CO3 Adapt with the different facilities and amenities found in the cooperating GO8
schools that promote child friendly school system; policies, guidelines, rules
and regulations set by the school.

CO4 Conduct a an interview to two learners (1 boy and 1 Girl) GO8


As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student has to do and submit the following:

Learning Evidences Description and other Details Course Outcomes it represents

LO1 FS1 Portfolio

It contains: reflective journals, project and professional portfolio CO1
LO2 Chart of the school organization and identify
personnel/ key positions of the structural set-up of You are expected to come up with a classroom layout and a fully accomplished
organizational structure and seating arrangement of learners.
the cooperating school.

LO3 Identify facilities of school and describe the status

and conditions on the policies, rules and
You are expected to come up with a list of school facilities with regards to status and
regulations set by the school. conditions on the policies, rules and regulations set by the school.

LO4 Profile of Learners (1 Boy /1 Girl)

You observe learners action in relation to the school environment. CO4

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment


Learning Evidence/Output to Assess: LO1: Portfolio

Area to Assess Beyond Expectation Expected Acceptable

5 3 1
1. Components include cover page (with name, All components are Some of the preliminary Many of the components
title of unit, dates taught) table of contents, included and clearly components are missing. are missing.
reference, list of appendices. marked.
2. Organization follows the instructions for the Organization follows the Organization slightly Organization does not
portfolio. instructions for the follows the instructions for follow the instructions for
portfolio correctly and the portfolio. the portfolio.
3. Word processed; grammatically and Words processed, edited Words processed with few Words processed but with
mechanically correct and obviously proofread. grammatical and many grammatical and
mechanical errors. mechanical errors.
4. Neatness and creativity Presentation Presentation slightly Presentation is neither
demonstrates neatness demonstrates neatness neat nor creative.
and creativity in all areas and creativity to some
and pages of the portfolio extent.
5. Completeness of contents Contents are all Some contents are Most of the contents are
completely filed and missing and are missing and/or
submitted. disarranged. disarranged.
6. Promptness (Working Days) Student portfolio is Student portfolio Student portfolio
submitted on time. submitted no more than submitted a week or more
one day after the deadline. after the deadline of
Total Score:
Rated by:

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

Learning Evidence/Output to Assess: LO2 and LO3:Produce a classroom lay-out, seat plan, etc. (Assessment No.1page 20)

5 4 3 (Satisfactory) 2 1
(Outstanding) (Unacceptable)

Diagram is Diagram is Diagram is accurate according Diagram lacks accuracy No diagram presented
accurate, scaled accurate, clearly to layout
and enhanced labeled and
and the
and the and the and the
and the explanation is clear and
explanation supported by references (e.g. explanation barely explanation is missing
explanation critiques the DepEd) supports the diagram or incomplete
contains classroom layout
suggestions for
alternatives in
the classroom
(alternatives are
( Adopt: School Facilities Checklist p.34 of ELC as Assessment Item 1B)

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

Learning Evidence/Output to Assess: LO4:Produce a reflective journals( Assessment No.2page 21)

5 (Outstanding) 4 3 (Satisfactory) 2 1 (Unacceptable)

Reflections The journal Observations and The journal has all No journal presented
indicate an contains examples reflections are clearly and visits recorded.
ability to of the ability to logically recorded. The However, the Or
evaluate synthesize journal provides comments observations and
observations information on specific observations reflections are The journal does not
and provide gathered during and indicates thinking superficial. include observations and
comments about school and about the teaching reflections for every
environments classroom profession. classroom visit.
that enhance observations. The
learning. These student can relate
are supported by this to being a
examples of teacher.
and experiences
in school.

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:

Assessment Activity Description and other Details Course Outcomes it represents

AA1 Attendance/Pre-Orientation The pre-service teacher will be checked and completed the numbers of hours required. CO1


The final grade in this course will be composed of the following items and their weights in the final grade computation:

Grade Source (Score or Rubric Grade) Percentage of Final Grade
AA1 Rubrics 50%
AA2 Rubrics(25/25) 30%
AA3 Rubrics(25/25)
AA4 Rubrics(25/25)
LO1.1 Attendance(6/6-No.of Visits) 20%
Total 100%

Passing Grade _________

Passing Grade conditions: ____________________________________________

Note: Passing Grade and computation of Grade could be numeric (0-100) or decimal (1.0, 1.25, 1.50, etc.). The choice is with the teacher handling the course. If the course will be working of combination of numeric or decimal
grades then an equivalence table should be provided in the syllabus. There are courses who has a passing grade condition, examples include (a) no grade of 0.0 in any assessment (b) a minimum of a grade of 2.5 is needed to
pass (c) no project – automatic fail in the course.

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment


In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, learners will go through this learning plan

Course Teaching-Learning Required

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Weeks Topics Assessment Activities Learning Output
Outcome Activities (TLA) Reading
 FS1 Course
Description/Content Orientation done with the FS FS 1 Properly oriented
Prepare program of supervisor. Manual
Orient the PSTs on FS 1 Activities 1  Grading System activities Set-up schedule of activities
 FS1 Requirements

Tour around the campus FS 1 Two paragraph description of

Manual the following:
Orientation Familiarity of school structure Schools’ VMGO
Create a two paragraph description on school
structure/ organizational chart.
2 Proper/Familiarization/ Campus Campus Tour and organization Historical Background of the
Tour ( Cooperating School) school
Rules and Regulation
Observation of learners. FS 1 CO2
Classroom Observe and enumerate the Manual Checklists
Classroom Observation of school/classroom facilities Checklist of Classroom
Produce reflective journal 3 Observation/school
Learners and School Facilities facilities and structures conditions. Facilities(page 9)
Checklist on Child-Friendly
Design on the classroom FS 1 CO3
set-up. Manual Classroom lay-out
Classroom Class List
Class Observation of Learners Observation on Seat Plan
Produce a reflective journal 4 Checklist on Classroom
and School Facilities structure/school Facilities(page12)
facilities Task 1 on Learner’s
Profile( page 6)
Task 2 on CTs Profile
Observe learners Interview with the learners. FS 1 CO4
Produce a reflective journal 5 Observation on Learners action in relation to the Manual Chart 5 on Checklist on
school environment Communication Skills

Note: In order to formulate intended learning outcomes, you can use a reference learning taxonomy like Bloom’s taxonomy in order to see the Low-Order Thinking Skills verbs that needs to be activated before reaching the High-
Order Thinking Skills verbs. For example, if the course outcome uses the verb DESIGN, then intended learning outcomes should include verbs starting from IDENTIFY/RECALL  UNDERSTAND  SYNTHESIZE 
ANALYZE  DESIGN. Do not forget that the rubric criteria and descriptors should serve as a guide in determining essential content or topics and its arrangement in the learning plan.

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment


Acero, Victoria et al. (2000). Principles & Strategies of Teaching. Rex Book Store.

Atienza, Sonia et al. (2000). Student Teaching Handbook. Rex Book Store.

Barry, Kevin ans Len King. (1998). Beginning Teaching and Beyond. Social Sciences Press.

Bullock, Ann Adams and Parmalee P. Hawk. (2001). Developing a Teaching Portfolio. Merill Prentice Hall. Ohio.

Colin, Marsh. (2004). Becoming A Teacher. Pearson Prentice Hall. Australia.

Corpuz, Brenda and Gloria G. Salandanan. (2003) Principles and Strategies of Teaching... Lorimar Publishing Co. Inc.

Corpuz, Brenda et al. (1997). Manual for OBSERVATION, Participation and Community Immersion. Katha Publishing co. Inc.

Logus, Modesta Grey . Student Teaching Manual. National Book Store.

Pohl, M. (2000). Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn. Hawker Brownlow Education.

Singh, Amarjit. (2004). Classroom Management: A Reflective Perspective. Kanishka Publishers Distributors, India.

Smith, Susan G. et al. (2003). teaching Challenges and Dilemmas. Nelson Smith. Australia Pty. Limited.


Child Friendly School Handbook by UNICEF

Joint DepEd-CHED Guidelines on Deployment of Student teachers. 2004.

Mentoring the Student Teacher. 2002. DepEd. Region X.

Professional Application and Reflections 2 (PAR 2). University of South Australia.


COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment

Pre-service teachers are invited guests in the cooperating schools and should therefore note the following expectations:

1. During the deployment period, pre-service teachers are expected to arrive at the cooperating school at a time that is expected of other staff at the site, e.g. before flag ceremony. Likewise,
departure times must be consistent with what is expected of other staff. Attendance should be reflected in the monitoring sheet or attendance logbook.
2. During the deployment period, absence is only allowable for valid reasons (e.g. illness) or compassionate reasons. Pre-service teachers who are absent must notify the cooperating teacher by
8:00 in the morning or 1:00 in the afternoon of absence and must also notify their TEI supervisor and cooperating teacher.
3. Appropriate professional behavior requires pre-service teachers to display a cooperative attitude, be responsible, follow appropriate dress codes, be punctual, respect confidentiality of
information, ask questions, return borrowed resources promptly and in good condition, show initiative and generally be prepared to learn.
4. A Pre-service teacher should manifest mastery of the medium of instruction. S/He has knowledge of effective verbal, non-verbal and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry,
collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom.
5. A student must complete all the entries in his/her reflective journal.
6. A student must maintain a Pre-service Teacher’s Portfolio. The portfolio is a comprehensive and a well-organized reflective journals (Journal Entries 1-4), projects ( Classroom Diagram and
Organizational Chart) and professional portfolio (class list, seat plan, checklist of Child-Friendly School) record of contextual information of learners. (Ref.Practice Teaching Manual page 8(-1-

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

JENNY ABASTO __________________________________ NANCY B. GONZALES JOCELYN A. MATILDO

Faculty Head, ICA Program Head/Chair Dean

COURSE SYLLABUS in FS 1: The Learner’s Development and School Environment


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