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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Assessment Method: Written

Assessment Title:
35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health
conditions Portfolio 1
Date: Student Name:

Cohort: Open Colleges Student ID: E

Attempt1 Module 28
In order to demonstrate competence in units of Implement and monitor care for a person
competency within theHLT54115 Diploma of with mental health conditions
Nursing, a combination of assessment tasks must be
completed to demonstrate an understanding of the This is assessment 5 of 10.
underpinning knowledge and required skills as Deliverables
outlined in the National Training Package.
Carefully read the deliverables set out in
The following written Portfolio assessment must be this assessment before submitting your
completed to form part of the evidence required to work into OpenSpace.
demonstrate the underpinning knowledge for:
To do list:
 HLTENN009 Implement and monitor
care for a person with mental health 1. Complete the assessment coversheet
conditions by adding:
1. Your full name
2. Open Colleges Student ID
Timeframe: 3. Date
4. Your Cohort (eg Feb 19)
This assessment must be completed by Week 81in
your timetable. 2. Affirm that the work submitted is your
work, either by:
Grading: 1. Signing the bottom of the page
Each assessment task will be graded Satisfactory (S) (this can be an electronic
or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A Satisfactory result in signature) or
each assessment task must be attained to receive a 2. Tick the affirmation box and
competent outcome for the unit overall. For type your name.
information regarding reassessment refer to the
Student Handbook. 3. Read the background/overview and
student instructions outlined in this

“I affirm that all work submitted within is my true and 4. Save the assessment using the naming
original work unless otherwise credited”
‘Your Surname_your open colleges
student number_assessment
Student number.doc’.
signature: For example:
If you have typed your name, please tick this box to acknowledge
that by including your name in place of a signature above, it is 5. Save a copy of this assessment for
deemed to be your signature for the purpose of this assessment. your own records and upload your
document in OpenSpace using the
relevant assessment upload link in this

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E


Analyse health information and clinical presentation for 1patient with a

mental health condition- Portfolio 1

Comprehensive mental health assessment forms the foundation of clinical practice. It helps
healthcare professionals to identify care needs and actual and potential risks, to inform care
planning, decision making, treatment and mental health care options. The quality of information
used in developing assessments and care plans directly impacts the safety, health outcomes and
quality of life for people with mental health conditions.

The assessment items relate to the following learning outcomes:

- Identify and address State/Territory mental health legislation requirements
- Respond appropriately to signs of mental illness
- Contribute to care planning and conduct initial clinical observations for a person with a
mental health condition
- Contribute to the recovery of a person with a mental health condition

Instructions to the student

In this assessment, you are required to choose a patient that you have contributed to the care of,
while on placement. This patient must have a diagnosed mental health condition that is not
Delirium, Depression or Dementia. This is an individual assessment only; no group work is

You are required to demonstrate through clinical reasoning, general assessment, objective and
subjective data collection, the care planning and intervention you would undertake as an Enrolled
nurse, for with a patient with a mental health condition.

You must analyse their health information and clinical presentation to determine a mental health
care plan related to their care, in consultation with a registered nurse.

All the information utilised for this assessment must be de-identified and meet Privacy and
Confidentiality guidelines, to ensure that names, reference to places or situations, that could
identify the patient, have been removed from your portfolio.

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

You are required to complete all 6 written questions below. It is important to read each question
carefully. During this assessment, you will be assessed on your knowledge on clinical reasoning, care
planning and mental health interventions.

You are to:

 Answer all questions in your own words.

 Reference your answers using the APA 6th Edition referencing standard.
 Use correct medical terminology and professional language where required.

Deliverables for this assessment

To gain a satisfactory result for this assessment, you will need to upload this document into

Once uploaded, your educator will assess your assessment submission and provide feedback to
you on the written assessment evidence checklist attached to this assessment.

You will be given either a Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory result. If your result is Not Yet
Satisfactory, you will be given a due date for resubmission and feedback indicating what areas
need addressing to gain a satisfactory result.

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Implement and monitor care for a person with a mental health condition-
Portfolio 1
Record of
Performance criteria

Introduce your chosen patient and their presentation to the health care facility. Please include aspects of stigma, d

Alvin, a terminally ill patient with end-stage pulmonary fibrosis, was admitted to the
hospital with pneumonia. Alvin's doctor, a lung disease specialist at a prominent
university medical institution, gave him 100% oxygen as well as potent antibiotics and
steroids, but his health swiftly deteriorated. When given the option of intubation and
mechanical ventilation vs palliative care, Alvin elected to forego life support and spend
his last days at home with his family. His family was given a morphine prescription with
minimal guidance on how to properly utilize it; when they attempted to fill the
prescription, multiple pharmacies refused. Despite the hospital's orders to send home
oxygen, Alvin's family discovered that the oxygen provided was insufficient for his
The emergency medical personnel who brought Alvin home only had one option: return
him to the hospital. The family refused to fulfill his desires, despite their best efforts.
Alvin was in discomfort and struggled for breath five hours after leaving the hospital.
Because it being a Saturday evening, hospice employees were not on duty, so Alvin's
family had to hire a private-duty nurse to assist them in caring for him in his final hours.
After he died, a hospice nurse arrived, apologized, and informed his family on how to
properly dispose of the leftover bottle of morphine.
Alvin's case demonstrates the critical importance of all members of the care team—
family members, clinicians, and other health care providers—collaborating to overcome
system complexity and poorly aligned incentives in order to provide patient-centered
care, as well as the ways in which the health care system falls short on this critical

Stigma is frequently caused by a lack of knowledge or fear. Both of these criteria are
influenced by inaccurate or misleading media portrayals of mental illness
(schizophrenia). A review of stigma research reveals that, while the general public
recognizes the medical or hereditary origins of a mental health issue and the necessity
for treatment, many individuals still have a negative perception of persons suffering
from mental illness.

Researchers have identified many forms of stigma:

The unfavorable or discriminating views that people hold about mental illness are

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

referred to as public stigma.

Self-stigma refers to the unfavorable sentiments that persons with mental illnesses hold
regarding their own situation, particularly internalized shame.
Institutional stigma is more structural, incorporating government and private-sector
practices that purposefully or accidentally limit possibilities for persons with mental
illnesses. Lower financing for mental illness research, for example, or less mental
health services in comparison to other types of health care.
Stigma impacts not just those with mental illnesses but also the loved ones who
Support them, which often includes family members.
Stigma around mental illness is particularly prevalent in some different racial and
cultural communities, and it can be a significant barrier to persons from such cultures
obtaining mental health care. Seeking professional care for mental illness, for example,
may go against to traditional norms of strong family, emotional control, and avoiding
shame in various Asian cultures. Distrust of the mental healthcare system can be a
barrier to obtaining assistance for various populations, particularly the African American
community. (For additional information on mental health in diverse populations, see
Diverse Populations.)
Stigma and Discrimination Have Negative Effects

Stigma and prejudice can exacerbate symptoms and lower the probability of receiving
therapy. A recent broad assessment of literature discovered that self-stigma had a
detrimental impact on rehabilitation in patients with serious mental conditions. Among
the consequences are:
 decreased hope
 reduced self-esteem
 heightened psychological symptoms
 social relationship problems
 lower probability of completing therapy
 more challenges at work
A 2017 research including over 200 people with mental illnesses over a two-year
period discovered that more self-stigma was connected with worse recovery from
mental illness after one and two years.
According to a Lancet editorial, the effects of stigma are ubiquitous, impacting political
excitement, philanthropic fundraising and availability, support for local services, and
underfunding of mental health research in comparison to other health disorders.
Other negative consequences of stigma include:

Reluctance to seek aid or therapy, as well as a lower likelihood of sticking with


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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

Lack of understanding from family, friends, workplace, or others

Fewer chances for job, school, or social activities, as well as difficulty obtaining
Bullying, physical aggression, or harassment are all forms of harassment.
Health insurance that does not fully cover the treatment of your mental illness
The notion that you will never succeed at specific tasks or that you will never be able to
change your circumstances.

Include the pathophysiology for the patients' disorder/condition, identifying social, psychological, cognitive and p

Student to add answer here

Pathophysiology of the patient's illness or ailment (schizophrenia)):
Pathophysiology (from the Greek words pathos, which means "suffering," physis, which
means "nature, origin," and logos, which means "the study of") is the study of aberrant
alterations in physiological functions that are the causes, consequences, or
concomitants of disease processes.
It is the study of psychiatric illnesses' origins, components, course, and effects. These
are distinguished by anomaly and malfunction.
Various elements that affect/influence patients' mental health:
1) Societal factors: It is not always simple to make sense of the links between social
variables and individual mental health. Education, economic stability, social connection,
neighborhood and community context, built infrastructure, and access to healthcare are
all factors that influence a person's well-being.
2) Psychosocial components comprised social resources (social integration and
emotional support), psychological resources (perceived control, self-esteem, feeling of
coherence, and trust), and psychological risk factors (cynicism, vital exhaustion,

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

hopelessness, and depressiveness).

3) Cognitive aspects:
Cognitive variables are personal attributes that influence performance and learning.
These variables influence performance, causing it to improve or deteriorate. These
elements include cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and reasoning.
Abuse, trauma, or neglect as a child
Loneliness or social isolation
Being subjected to prejudice and stigma, especially racism
Poverty or social disadvantage.
Bereavement (losing someone close to you) (losing someone close to you)
Stress that is severe or long-term.
Having a long-term physical health problem
4) Physical aspects:

Some physical factors include.,

Birth trauma, brain damage, or substance misuse can all have an immediate impact on
brain chemistry and lead to mental illness.
Poor physical health can have a negative impact on self-esteem and people's capacity
to achieve their goals, leading to sadness or even despair.
Chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes may increase your risk
of developing or having a mental health disorder.
It is natural to feel depressed or disheartened after suffering a heart attack, being
diagnosed with cancer, or attempting to manage a chronic disease such as pain.

. Provide information on the following aspects of care:
1. Patient health history including current and past medical history
2. Current living situation and support structure
3. Patient and/or carers' perspective on their current mental health care.
4. Current medication management plan including pharmacodynamics
and pharmacokinetics

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria
5. Current mental health management plan
6. Initial Admission Assessments (Mental health risk assessment,
observations, holistic assessment) conducted during the patients'
Student to add answer here
The patient is a 38-year-old female with an anxiety and depression
history(schizophrenia). She has been taking anxiety medicine for the last year, but her
depression has worsened. She has been having trouble sleeping and has been
depressed. She had been thinking of hurting herself. She has a history of alcoholism
but has been sober for a year. She and her spouse have three children. She is an
Her spouse and three children reside with her. She is an educator. She suffers from
anxiety and sadness. She has been taking anxiety medicine for the last year, but her
depression has worsened. She has been having trouble sleeping and has been
depressed. She had been thinking of hurting herself. She has a history of alcoholism
but has been sober for a year.

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

Include a holistic mental health care plan with rationales for the care required.
1. Demonstrate 4 nursing interventions in the planning of care for the person
with a mental health condition.
2. Identify 3 non- pharmacological support strategies to demonstrate how you
established a Therapeutic relationship with your patient/carer/family, whist in
your care. Provide strategies to manage and deescalate potential/actual
problem behaviours with your patient
3. Identify strategies to ensure your patient maintains optimal physical health,
researching the following: maintaining oral health issues, side effects of
medications, poor nutrition and reduced motivation for self-care.

Student to add answer here

1. The nursing interventions in the planning of care for the individual with a mental
health illness (schizophrenia) are as follows: a. Engagement and management of
therapeutic partnership.
a. Biopsychosocial evaluation.
b. Cognitive behavior treatment (CBT).
c. Dialectical behavior treatment (DBT).
d. Relapse prevention and psychoeducation

2. Non-pharmacological pain management options include physical therapy, invasive

procedures, psychological treatments, and psychotherapy, which work in tandem with
pharmaceutical pain management.

3 The health of the body and the wellness of the mind are inextricably linked. There is
more evidence that persons who suffer from mental illness have poor dental health.

Anxiety and panic attacks, depression, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive

disorder, self-harm, schizophrenia, and psychosis are some of the most frequent
mental diseases that can have a significant influence on a person's dental health.
Some of the most pressing challenges for persons suffering from mental illness are as
 Neglect: According to research, people suffering from mental problems tend to
postpone dental treatment so much that their oral hygiene suffers as a result.
Gum disease and tooth decay might develop from this.

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

 Eating disorders: The acidity in vomit causes teeth deterioration in those who
suffer from illnesses such as Bulimia. Low calcium levels are also frequent,
which may have an impact on tooth health.
 Brushing techniques: Those suffering from bipolar illness or other related
conditions may brush away the enamel on the surface of their teeth if they
brush too vigorously.
 Medication: The medications they are taking may have undesirable oral
symptoms, particularly dry mouth, due to decreased salvia flow.
 Caregivers must be aware of the relationship between dental health and mental
 People suffering from mental illnesses should understand the importance of
excellent oral health and be driven to maintain good dental habits.

Discuss how the care provided was:

1. Consistent with the values and philosophies of Mental Health Care
2. Supported the rights of the mental health consumer including
Confidentiality and Privacy

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

3. Supported the carers perspectives on Mental Health Care

4. Consistent with the Mental Health Act 2016
5. Evidence-based nursing practice that reflects recovery-orientated care

Student to add answer here

1. Consistent with the values and philosophies of Mental Health Care
The treatment given was in line with the principles and ideals of mental health care.
The treatment supported the consumer's rights, particularly their right to privacy
and secrecy. The care backed up the caregivers' views on mental health treatment.
The treatment according to the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided
based on evidence and reflected recovery-oriented care.
The treatment given adhered to the principles of mental health care. The idea that
everyone has a right to high-quality mental health care, regardless of their
background or circumstances, is one of these beliefs. The care given also
complemented the mental health care principles, which place a strong emphasis on
rehabilitation, wellbeing, and social inclusion. The treatment supported the
consumer's rights, particularly their right to privacy and secrecy. The care was
provided in a manner that was compliant with the Mental Health Act of 2016, and
the carers were given the chance to express their thoughts on mental health care.
This law safeguards the rights of those who suffer from mental illness and makes
sure that they are treated in a compassionate and secure setting.
The treatment was evidence-based and took into account the most recent findings
in recovery-oriented care. This kind of care is predicated on the idea that those who
suffer from mental illness are capable of healing and should be helped to lead
fruitful and meaningful lives.

2. Supported the rights of the mental health consumer including Confidentiality

and Privacy
The mental health care team's treatment was in line with the principles and values of
mental health care. The group backed the rights of those who use mental health
services, especially their right to privacy and confidentiality. The team agreed with
the carers' viewpoints on mental health treatment. The treatment given according to
the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided using evidence-based
techniques and was recovery-oriented.
The mental health care team's treatment was in line with the principles and values of
mental health care. The group backed the rights of those who use mental health
services, especially their right to privacy and confidentiality. The team agreed with
the carers' viewpoints on mental health treatment. The treatment given according to
the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided using evidence-based
techniques and was recovery-oriented.

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35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions Por

Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

The mental health care team's treatment was in line with the principles and values
of mental health care. The group backed the rights of those who use mental health
services, especially their right to privacy and confidentiality. The team agreed with
the carers' viewpoints on mental health treatment. The treatment given according to
the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided using evidence-based
techniques and was recovery-oriented.
3. Supported the carers perspectives on Mental Health Care
The treatment given was in line with the principles and ideals of mental health care.
The treatment supported the consumer's rights, particularly their right to privacy
and secrecy. The care backed up the caregivers' views on mental health treatment.
The treatment according to the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided
based on evidence and reflected recovery-oriented care.
The treatment given was consistent with the values of the mental health care
system, which place a strong emphasis on the value of privacy and secrecy. The
chance was given to the caregivers to share their opinions on mental health
treatment. Additionally, the treatment adhered to the 2016 Mental Health Act. The
care given was supported by evidence and reflected a recovery-oriented care
4. Consistent with the Mental Health Act 2016
The treatment given was in line with the principles and ideals of mental health care.
The treatment supported the consumer's rights, particularly their right to privacy
and secrecy. The care backed up the caregivers' views on mental health treatment.
The treatment according to the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided
based on evidence and reflected recovery-oriented care.
The treatment given adhered to the principles of mental health care. The treatment
supported the consumer's rights, particularly their right to privacy and secrecy. The
care backed up the caregivers' views on mental health treatment. The treatment
according to the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care was provided based on
evidence and reflected recovery-oriented care.
Australia's system for providing mental health care is outlined in the Mental Health Act
of 2016. The Act outlines the obligations of mental health service providers and
supports the rights of mental health consumers and caretakers. The Act also
includes a system for safeguarding the privacy of personal data relating to mental
The mental health service's treatment was in line with its guiding principles and
philosophy. The treatment supported the consumer's rights, particularly their right to
privacy and secrecy. The care backed up the caregivers' views on mental health
treatment. The treatment according to the 2016 Mental Health Act. Nursing care
was provided based on evidence and reflected recovery-oriented care.
5. Evidence-based nursing practice that reflects recovery-orientated care

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Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

Evidence-based nursing practices that emphasize recovery-oriented care were used to
deliver the care. This indicates that the care supported the consumer's path to recovery
and was founded on reliable research and evidence. Additionally, the care was
provided in a way that protected the consumer's privacy and rights while being
sensitive to their unique requirements.
Throughout the care process, the viewpoints of the caregivers were also supported.
This is significant since caregivers frequently play a crucial role in the consumer's
mental health. Their advice and assistance may be quite helpful in aiding the
consumer's recovery. Additionally, the treatment was in accordance with the 2016
Mental Health Act. This indicates that the service was provided in a manner that
protected the rights of the mental health consumer and was both secure and efficient.

Q6 Discuss and. reflect on your interactions, related to your patient, with the Multi- S NYS
Disciplinary Team and your contributions as an Enrolled Nurse in
Collaborative Practice

Student to add answer here


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Student Name: Student ID: E

Record of
Performance criteria

Method for answering the query:

Patient care is directed or coordinated by an enrolled nurse. The MDT must be

informed of each patient's treatment strategy. She claims that in order to give patients
the best care possible, open communication and collaboration with MDT are
necessary. The MDT's communication about each patient's treatment plan is facilitated
by the enrolled nurse. This entails debating changes to the care plan and making sure
everyone is aware of their responsibilities. You communicate modifications to the
treatment plan with the patient on behalf of the MDT.
Detailed justification

The multidisciplinary team's specialists and I must communicate frequently as part of

my job as an enrolled nurse (MDT). This could be a reference to giving patients direct
care or to the process of organizing and managing care for several patients. My
observations suggest that for the MDT as a whole to provide patients with the greatest
care possible, there must be continuous, open communication.
It is part of my responsibility to make sure that the multidisciplinary team (MDT) is
aware of the treatment strategy developed for each individual patient. One of the
aspects of my job that I value the most is this one. This involves informing all team
members of any modifications or updates to the care plan and ensuring that they are
aware of their responsibilities for carrying it out. This also entails announcing any
adjustments or updates to the care plan. To ensure that the care plan is implemented
properly and that everyone in the team is aware of their different tasks, the team
members must have excellent communication with one another.
Another crucial aspect of my job duties is serving as a liaison between the patient and
the MDT. This entails communicating any worries or inquiries the patient may have and
keeping them updated on any changes to their care plan. Additionally, it's crucial to
make sure the patient is informed of the roles played by each MDT member and feels
comfortable conversing with any of them.
My observations suggest that for the MDT as a whole to provide patients with the
greatest care possible, there must be continuous, open communication. To ensure that
the care plan is implemented properly and that everyone in the team is aware of their
different tasks, the team members must have excellent communication with one
another. Furthermore, serving as a point of contact between the patient and the MDT
guarantees that the patient is informed of any changes to their care plan and is aware
of each team member's responsibilities. This can be done by ensuring that the patient
is aware of the functions performed by each MDT member.
Coordination of communication among the members of the multidisciplinary team
(MDT) regarding the treatment plan for each individual patient is a crucial component of
the job of the enrolled nurse. This involves informing all team members of any
modifications or updates to the care plan and ensuring that they are aware of their
responsibilities for carrying it out. This also entails announcing any adjustments or
updates to the care plan. To give the patient the best care possible, the team's
members must effectively communicate with one another.

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Student Name: Student ID: E

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Performance criteria

Leedham-Green, K. E., Knight, A., & Iedema, R. (2019). Intra-and interprofessional
practices through fresh eyes: a qualitative analysis of medical students' early workplace
experiences. BMC medical education, 19(1), 1-9.
Barnard, R., Jones, J., & Cruice, M. (2022). When interactions are interruptions: An
ethnographic study of information-sharing by speech and language therapists and
nurses on stroke units. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(14), 3590-3600.

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Student Name: Student ID: E

Written Evidence Checklist

The written assessmentevidence checklist is a record of your assessment activityoutcome. Your
educator will record your progress, provide feedback and comments in this checklist and will
provide a copy (in Open Space) once your submission has been marked.

You have two attempts to complete the assessment. If you need to re-attempt the assessment
task your educator will give you clear and direct feedback with revised submission dates if

Not Yet
Attempt of Satisfactory

I declare that the student has completed the written assessment

and has achieved all criteria for
35841/05 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions- Portfolio 1

All the student’s work is original and sourced and referenced
where appropriate.

Educators comments

If work submitted by student was found ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ advise what action that is required is:
Resubmission required Date for resubmission

Educator Name: Date

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© YourLife Health &Learning Inc, 2020. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or
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