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cosmo” Let there be light BD Thai Cosmo Limited Ref: BDTCL/1V-PO-AMPC-Lighting Rigging, Cutan and Stge Light-15.0224 Te, The Project Director ARTEK:IGNIVA-CELLTRON JV, Howse #468, Road 6, Avenuet6, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaks- 1216. Subject: Extra Work Bill for AMPC Project Design Updates. Dear Sit, | trast this etter finds you well. We are ting 1 update you on the recent developments regarding the Army “Multipurpose Complex (AMPC) projec. The design forthe Stage Rigging, Curtain System, and Lighting has undergone several phases, with he latest update being implemented on December 11,2023. Following this update, we have diligently worked to incorporate the ctanges in Light Batten, Walkway, Cable ‘Tray, Power Cables, and DMX Cable as oullined in he revised design. In aordance with these modiiatons, wwe ae submitng tn extra work quotation to reflec the associated costs. The breakdown ofthe aditiona expenses is provided below: Lighting Rigging System & Curtain System: 412.000 Taka {Light Bar (160 foot) Cable Tray (160 fe!) Walk Way (150 Running fee) Service! Power Cable: 120,000 Take DMX Cable: 125,000 Taka Lighting Hook Safety Rope: 48,000 Taka “The total amount, excluding adjustments s 701,000 Taka, Details regarding the adjustments are provided below. as below: fF aa . : Extra SINo| Description Extra Amount | | | 1 | tight Bara Cabletray — | 120Mewr | 17OMeter sonar | i j | 2 | walk Way nerease Sage Leng) soner | tsaoon" 3 |senkelPovercaespo | 200 vase | $00 Maer |? |otigasedsy 1000 Meter | 120,000 Page 1of2 BTA TOWER (31d Foor), 29 Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Road # 17, Banani C/A, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh Phone: 188-02-962167'-72, Fax: +188-02-0821573, E-mall: nfo bdthaicosmo@ gmail com, Web: bd Factory: Kaulipara, Kalamput, Ohamrai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, cosmo™ Let there be light BD Thai Cosmo Limited | Its crusial to note that these costs have been incurred due tothe implementation of the new design. We want to assure you that out team is filly committed to delivering high-quality work in line with the updated Specifications, and we are working diligently to ensre the suocesful completion ofthe AMPC project ‘We apprevste your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Ifyou have any questions or require Further larifcation regaeding the extra work quotation o the ongoing projet please donot hesitate 1 eath out (04s. ‘We value our partnership with ARTEK-IGNIVA-CELLTRON JV and are commited to the suesessil and timely completion ofthe AMPC project. “Thank you for your continued trust in our capabilites, and we look forward to your feedback. Sincerely, Youn en ai Managing Director BBD Thai Cosmo Lid Page 2 of 2 BTA TOWER (3rd Floor), 29 Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Road # 17, Banani C/A, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh Phone : +88-02-9821571-72, Fax +88-02-9821573, E-mail: nfo.bdthaicosmo@, Web: bd Factory: Kawlipara, Kalampur, Dhamrai, Dhaka, Bangladosh.

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