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The characters will be like 3 lil boys that are English that are like extremely
close togethers (as friends), and they just want to like do everything together.
They are also attached to their town which is like one of the 50 best towns in
England, so yeah, they don’t want to leave to some random town way up in
cold, cold Scotland. They are also like extremely adventurous and don't like
sitting round their house all day and play video games or whatever. BTW they
also do well in their school which is a god damn private school so congrats or
whatever. Oh, that's the other reason why they don't want to even move.
They are like not religious or superstitious, so they don’t believe in omens.
They are not scared of gore but like still shudders at the sight of it.
So the main antagonist is like an enigmatic entity based on the Mind Flayer
from ST (stranger things) but instead of some zesty eastern Europeans dude
catching a fragment of it, the entity is already broken from the start but this lil
guy can increase his powers by a fourfold or whatever when he consumed a
dead man’s energy (poor man) and this dude is like Hitler because he wants to
do some world domination and want a big army but now made from possessed
people that can still think properly, but will be much more dangerous than
demons themselves.
So, the story is going to be set in the British isle (not Ireland because honestly
who cares about it). It is going to be set Scotland because:
1. The crime rates over there are kind of high over there so my story kind
of fits
2. The ancient religion is nice with cool gods, events and stuff so yeah
Mr. Cop: Head of the dep., really dedicated to his job. Is strict when at work
but has a soft side also. He also accepts all kind of

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